Steffen Lepa
Technical University of Berlin
Featured researches published by Steffen Lepa.
Archive | 2014
Steffen Lepa; Friedrich Krotz; Anne-Kathrin Hoklas
Dem vorliegenden Artikelbeitrag geht es darum, einige der im Schwerpunktprogramm „Mediatisierte Welten“ bislang vertretenen Forschungszugange auf Basis einer Re-Interpretation des Mediendispositiv-Konzepts einander starker konzeptionell anzunahern. Hierzu wird ausgehend von einer Reflexion des mediatisierungsbezogenen Medienbegriffs zunachst die historische Entwicklung der Dispositivforschung nachgezeichnet, um anschliesend deren mogliche Potentiale fur die empirische Analyse mediatisierter sozialer Welten zu skizzieren. Jene liegen unseres Erachtens gegenuber einer rein akteursorientierten Forschungsperspektive vor allem in der Moglichkeit der zusatzlichen Integration situationistischer und diskursanalytischer Aspekte in empirischen Forschungsprojekten der Mediatisierungsforschung. Aus diesen Uberlegungen heraus wird schlieslich ein Vorschlag fur eine Erweiterung des bisherigen konzeptionellen Inventars der Mediatisierungsforschung entwickelt. Dieser besteht im Kern aus einer praxeologischen Lesart des Mediendispositiv-Konzepts, welche eine empirische Beobachtungsfolie fur sozialwissenschaftliche Analysen in mediatisierten sozialen Welten bilden soll. Sie bietet sich insbesondere an fur Forschungsprojekte, denen es darum geht, das komplexe Wechselspiel von Diskursen, Materialitaten und Praxis im alltaglichen Umgang mit Medientechnologien in den Blick zu nehmen.
Archive | 2017
Steffen Lepa; Martin Guljamow
Der Artikel diskutiert das tatigkeitstheoretische Aneignungskonzept als mogliche ‚Scharnierstelle‘ zwischen Mediensozialisationsforschung und Mediatisierungsforschung. Zur Illustration der dadurch starker herausgehobenen Bedeutung praktisch-dinglicher Aneignung fur Sozialisations fragestellungen werden Teilergebnisse einer Interviewstudie zum alltaglichen Musikhoren Jugendlicher und ihrer Sozialisation mit Audiomedien dargestellt. Die Informanten reprasentieren zwei kontrastierende jugendliche Audiomediennutzertypen der deutschen Bevolkerung, welche in einem Mediatisierungsforschungsprojekt vorab statistisch ermittelt wurden. Als Ergebnis der komplementaren qualitativen Analysen zeichnen sich substanzielle Unterschiede bei den der alltaglichen Musikhorpraxis zugrundeliegenden Orientierungen ab, deren inharente Logik und individuelle Genese die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung der beiden Nutzertypen und ihre Implikationen fur jugendliche Entwicklung besser verstehen hilft.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2018
Stefan Weinzierl; Steffen Lepa; David Ackermann
With the Room Acoustical Quality Inventory (RAQI), a measuring instrument for the perceptual space of performance venues for music and speech has been developed. First, a focus group with room acoustical experts determined relevant aspects of room acoustical impression in the form of a comprehensive list of 50 uni- and bipolar items in different categories. Then, n = 190 subjects rated their acoustical impression of 35 binaurally simulated rooms from 2 listening positions, with symphonic orchestra, solo trumpet, and dramatic speech as audio content. Subsequent explorative and confirmative factor analyses of the questionnaire data resulted in three possible solutions with four, six, and nine factors of room acoustical impression. The factor solutions, as well as the related RAQI items, were tested in terms of reliability, validity, and several types of measurement invariance, and were cross-validated by a follow-up experiment with a subsample of 46% of the original participants, which provided re-test reliabilities and stability coefficients for all RAQI constructs. The resulting psychometrically evaluated measurement instrument can be used for room quality assessment, acoustical planning, and the further development of room acoustical parameters in order to predict primary acoustical qualities of venues for music and speech.
Archive | 2017
Stefan Weinzierl; Steffen Lepa; José María Ariso
Virtual or augmented audio-visual environments can be employed not only for the impartment of knowledge to a wider audience, but also for the generation of knowledge within the historical sciences. In this context, the transformation of numerical models of historical circumstances into an immediate sensual experience may be used both in an exploratory manner as well as for testing specific hypotheses through subjective perceptual analysis. As with any other empirical approach, the new insights provided can be biased on different levels. In order to make virtual realities (VRs) a valuable tool for research, traditional quality criteria for empirical research need to be adapted to the specific setting created by observational fieldwork ‘within’ 3D audio-visual computer simulations. Two major causes for degradation in the credibility of VR-based historical research are related to the relationship between simulation and historical ‘reality’ as well as to the human agents experiencing the simulated environments and the conclusions drawn from their subjective impressions. Hence, our contribution attempts to outline procedures and methods for estimating and comparing the ecological validity of virtual environments as well as the level of intersubjectivity regarding the inferences drawn during and after experiencing them. For this purpose, we suggest to synthesize existing ideas and procedures originating from virtual reality research, media psychology, communication science and ethnology.
Archive | 2017
Anne-Kathrin Hoklas; Steffen Lepa
Der Beitrag setzt sich mit den Potenzialen des Konzepts der ‚Affordanz‘ fur die empirische Mediatisierungsforschung auseinander und stellt jene praktisch an ausgewahlten Fallbeispielen aus dem eigenen SPP-Projekt zur Mediatisierung des alltaglichen Musikhorens in Deutschland dar. Nach einer kurzen Einfuhrung der historischen Ursprunge, theoretischen Grundgedanken und sozialwissenschaftlichen Desiderata der Konzeption James J. Gibsons wird eine Erweiterung um das Habituskonzept Pierre Bourdieus und die Generationentheorie Karl Mannheims vorgeschlagen. Mithilfe dieses praxeologisch gerahmten Affordanzkonzepts lasst sich die Rolle der Materialitat neuer Medienentwicklungen fur den soziokulturellen Wandel empirisch untersuchen, ohne der Idee einer fixierten ‚Medienlogik‘ anheimzufallen. Anhand exemplarischer Interviewanalysen zum Gebrauch mobiler Audiomedien im Alltag wird anschliesend verdeutlicht, inwiefern ein solcher Zugang sozialkonstruktivistische Perspektiven integriert, aber uber diese in produktiver Weise hinausgeht und damit die Mediatisierungsforschung, aber auch angrenzende mit ‚Soziomaterialitat‘ befasste Forschungsfelder befruchten kann.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2017
Steffen Lepa; Stefan Weinzierl
In a two-step procedure, a new psychological measuring instrument has been developed for the acoustical perception of room acoustical environments for speech and music. As a first step, an expert focus group of room acoustical scholars and consultants was formed in order to reach a consensus on a vocabulary as complete as possible to describe room acoustical qualities. In a second step, this inventory was used for the evaluation of 35 different simulated room acoustical environments presented by binaural synthesis to 190 subjects of different age and expert level. Based on the ratings of this room sample, a comprehensive psychometric analysis was performed in order to evaluate the preliminary item battery with respect to reliability, discriminative power, and redundancy. The resulting room acoustical quality inventory, together with the database of room acoustical models as well as their monaural and binaural transfer functions and their perceptual evaluation, can be used as a ground truth for the validat...
Convergence | 2015
Steffen Lepa; Anne-Kathrin Hoklas; Hauke Egermann; Stefan Weinzierl
Within academic music research, ‘musical expertise’ is often employed as a ‘moderator variable’ when conducting empirical studies on music listening. Prevalent conceptualizations typically conceive of it as a bundle of cognitive skills acquired through formal musical education. By implicitly drawing on the paradigm of the Western classical live concert, this ignores that for most people nowadays, the term ‘music’ refers to electro-acoustically generated sound waves rendered by audio or multimedia electronic devices. Hence, our article tries to challenge the traditional musicologist’s view by drawing on empirical findings from three more recent music-related research lines that explicitly include the question of media playback technologies. We conclude by suggesting a revised musical expertise concept that extends from the traditional dimensions and also incorporates expertise gained through ecological perception, material practice and embodied listening experiences in the everyday. Altogether, our contribution shall draw attention to growing convergences between musicology and media and communications research.
Acta Acustica United With Acustica | 2014
Alexander Lindau; Vera Erbes; Steffen Lepa; Hans-Joachim Maempel; Fabian Brinkmann; Stefan Weinzierl
Information, Communication & Society | 2015
Steffen Lepa; Anne-Kathrin Hoklas
The 3rd International Conference on Music & Emotion, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 11-15, 2013 | 2013
Athanasios Lykartsis; Andreas Pysiewicz; Henrik von Coler; Steffen Lepa