Stephan Rahm
German Aerospace Center
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2004
Friedrich Köpp; Stephan Rahm; Igor N. Smalikho
Abstract The 2-μm pulsed Doppler lidar, already successfully used for wind and turbulence measurements, has been modified for long-range wake-vortex characterization. In particular, a four-stage data processing algorithm has been developed to achieve precise profiles of tangential velocities from which the vortex parameters such as trajectories, core separation, tilt angle, and circulation can be derived. The main advantage of the pulsed lidar is its long-range capability of more than 1 km. This allows for observations over long periods from the moment of wake generation to a progressed state of vortex decay. With the field experiment at Tarbes airfield the potential of the 2-μm pulsed Doppler lidar for full-scale wake-vortex characterization has been demonstrated. Two examples showing the parameters of wake vortices generated by large transport aircraft (LTA)-type aircraft will be presented.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2010
Yvonne Käsler; Stephan Rahm; Rudolf Simmet; Martin Kühn
Long-range Doppler wind light detection and ranging (lidar) measurements at a wind turbine were carried out for the first time. The turbine was of the type Areva M5000 and is located at a site near the coastline in Bremerhaven, in the northern part of Germany. This wind turbine is the prototype for the German offshore test site ‘‘alpha ventus’’ and has a rated power of 5 MW. Information about the ambient wind field before and after this multimegawatt wind turbine was obtained. In this paper the measurement technique is discussed and the results of measurements in the diurnal layer and in the stable nocturnal boundary layer are shown. The main focus of this work is to determine the reduction of the wind speed at certain distances downstream from the rotor. 1. Measurement technique Lidar is a remote sensing technique that transmits al aser beam into the atmosphere and the backscattered light is detected. The pulsed Doppler wind lidar, which was used for the measurements in Bremerhaven, Germany, takes advantage of the fact that the center frequency of the received laser pulses is shifted compared to the outgoing pulses because of the Doppler effect, which occurs from backscattering on moving particles. This shift in frequency provides information about the line-of-sight (LOS) component (component in beam direction) of the wind vector. The Doppler lidar of the
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2005
Igor N. Smalikho; Friedrich Köpp; Stephan Rahm
Abstract Two methods for the estimation of the turbulence energy dissipation rate (TEDR) from data measured by a 2-μm coherent Doppler lidar are described in this paper. Based on data measured at the Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrenees International Airport in summer 2003, height profiles of TEDR have been retrieved. The results of TEDR estimation both from the Doppler spectrum width and from the velocity structure function are compared. Moreover, the experiment has been treated by numerical simulation and the theoretical results have been used for verification of the described methods.
Monthly Weather Review | 2005
Martin Weissmann; Frank J. Braun; Leonhard Gantner; Georg J. Mayr; Stephan Rahm; Oliver Reitebuch
On summer days radiative heating of the Alps produces rising air above the mountains and a resulting inflow of air from the foreland. This leads to a horizontal transport of air from the foreland to the Alps, and a vertical transport from the boundary layer into the free troposphere above the mountains. The structure and the transports of this mountain–plain circulation in southern Germany (“Alpine pumping”) were investigated using an airborne 2-m scanning Doppler lidar, a wind-temperature radar, dropsondes, rawinsondes, and numerical models. The measurements were part of the Vertical Transport and Orography (VERTIKATOR) campaign in summer 2002. Comparisons of dropsonde and lidar data proved that the lidar is capable of measuring the wind direction and wind speed of this weak flow toward the Alps (1–4 ms 1 ). The flow was up to 1500 m deep, and it extended 80 km into the Alpine foreland. Lidar data are volume measurements (horizontal resolution 5 km, vertical resolution 100 m). Therefore, they are ideal for the investigation of the flow structure and the comparison to numerical models. Even the vertical velocities measured by the lidar agreed with the mass budget calculations in terms of both sign and magnitude. The numerical simulations with the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University–NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5) (mesh size 2 and 6 km) and the Local Model (LM) of the German Weather Service (mesh size 2.8 and 7 km) reproduced the general flow structure and the mass fluxes toward the Alps within 86%–144% of the observations.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2005
Martin Weissmann; Reinhold Busen; Andreas Dörnbrack; Stephan Rahm; Oliver Reitebuch
Abstract This study investigates the possibilities and limitations of airborne Doppler lidar for adaptive observations over the Atlantic Ocean. For the first time, a scanning 2-μm Doppler lidar was applied for targeted measurements during the Atlantic “The Observing System Research and Predictability Experiment” (THORPEX) Regional Campaign (A-TReC) in November and December 2003. The DLR lidar system was operated for 28.5 flight hours, and measured 1612 vertical profiles of wind direction and wind speed with a horizontal and vertical resolution of 5–10 km and 100 m, respectively. On average, there were 25 reliable wind values on every profile, which cover 2500 m in the vertical (about one-third of the mean vertical extent of the profiles). A statistical comparison of 33 dropsondes and collocated lidar winds profiles allowed individual estimates of the standard deviation to be assigned to every wind value and to determine threshold values for an objective quality control of the data. The standard deviation ...
Journal of Aircraft | 2005
Friedrich Köpp; Stephan Rahm; Igor N. Smalikho; Agnès Dolfi; Jean-Pierre Cariou; Michael Harris; Robert I. Young
Field trials carried out at Tarbes airfield in the summer of 2002 offered the unique opportunity to compare the results of simultaneous wake-vortex measurements by the 2-µm pulsed Doppler lidar from DLR, German Aerospace Research Center, and the 10-µm continuous wave (cw) Doppler lidars from ONERA and QinetiQ. The discrepancies in vortex core position obtained from the data of the pulsed lidar and the cw lidars are 9 m for the vertical and 13 m for the horizontal co-ordinates. The accuracies of the vortex circulation measurements with the DLR and ONERA lidars are almost the same and equal 13 m 2 /s. This accuracy and the long-range capability of the pulsed lidar allows precise measurements over long periods from the moment of wake generation to a progressed state of vortex decay. Moreover, the influence of different atmospheric turbulence conditions and aircraft configurations on the wake-vortex circulation can be analyzed. This has been demonstrated out of ground effect under conditions of weak to moderate levels of turbulence.
Journal of Aircraft | 2007
Stephan Rahm; Igor N. Smalikho; Friedrich Köpp
This paper presents a new method of wake-vortex characterization by using the 2-μm coherent Doppler lidar in airborne configuration. After modification of the scanning and data acquisition tools, the lidar system has been integrated in the DLR research aircraft Falcon 20. For wake-vortex generation a second DLR aircraft, the Advanced Technologies Testing Aircraft System equipped with a smoke generator on the portside wing, was used. Different scanning modes and flight strategies have been investigated and tested during three tryout flights. Results of vortex trajectories and circulation strengths, measured in the upper part of and above the atmospheric boundary layer, are presented. Based on the results of the tryout flights, the potential of this method for characterization of wake vortices from large transport aircraft equipped with smoke generators is estimated.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2010
Andreas Schäfler; Andreas Dörnbrack; Christoph Kiemle; Stephan Rahm; Martin Wirth
AbstractThe first collocated measurements during THORPEX (The Observing System Research and Predictability Experiment) regional campaign in Europe in 2007 were performed by a novel four-wavelength differential absorption lidar and a scanning 2-μm Doppler wind lidar on board the research aircraft Falcon of the Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR). One mission that was characterized by exceptionally high data coverage (47% for the specific humidity q and 63% for the horizontal wind speed υh) was selected to calculate the advective transport of atmospheric moisture qυh along a 1600-km section in the warm sector of an extratropical cyclone. The observations are compared with special 1-hourly model data calculated by the ECMWF integrated forecast system. Along the cross section, the model underestimates the wind speed on average by −2.8% (−0.6 m s−1) and overestimates the moisture at dry layers and in the boundary layer, which results in a wet bias of 17.1% (0.2 g kg−1). Nevertheless, the ECMWF mode...
Journal of Aircraft | 2008
Stephan Rahm; Igor N. Smalikho
An experiment for airborne Doppler lidar measurement of wake vortices generated by a large transport aircraft in the free atmosphere has been successfully carried out. In this paper, the description of the experiment, data processing procedure, and measurement results are given. It was shown that the use of smoke generators placed on large transport aircraft wings allows some high-quality wake vortex measurements with 2 μm coherent Doppler lidar installed in a second aircraft.
AIAA Journal | 2003
Friedrich Köpp; Igor N. Smalikho; Stephan Rahm; Agnès Dolfi; Jean-Pierre Cariou; Michael Harris; Robert I. Young; Kevin Weekes; Neil Gordon
Three continuous-wave lidar systems have been deployed to measure simultaneously the aire ow associated with wake vortices generated by a medium-size full-scale test aircraft. The lidar systems were positioned to permit investigation of fundamental aspects of vortex behavior. Two lidars were located 27 m apart, along a line parallel to the glide slope. This allowed a consistency check via comparison of the two sets of results and gave an indication of axial variations in vortex location and character. The third lidar was positioned 80 m away along a line perpendicular to the glide slope. This permitted accurate location of the vortex cores by triangulation methods via a tracking algorithm based on an extended Kalman e lter, typically to an accuracy of better than § §4.0 m. The mean value of core separation for a vortex age of 2 s agrees to within 5% of that predicted for this aircraft using the approximation of elliptically distributed lift. Calculation of vortex circulation requires accurate information on vortex range in conjunction with tangent velocity proe les: The trajectories thus determined are an essential input, and, hence, this method will reduce the uncertainty in the values of circulation in comparison to studies involving only a single lidar.