Stephan Zielke
Aarhus University
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Featured researches published by Stephan Zielke.
European Journal of Marketing | 2010
Stephan Zielke
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse how five price image dimensions influence shopping intentions for different store formats.Design/methodology/approach – In total, 306 espondents evaluated three stores from a list of 18 retailers on a multiple‐item scale, resulting in 918 price‐image measurements. Based on these data, a covariance structure analysis in Mplus analyses the direct and indirect impact of five price image dimensions on shopping intentions. A multiple group analysis identifies differences in the effects between store formats.Findings – The impact of image dimensions differs substantially between store formats. For discount stores, value for money is by far the most important image dimension. For supermarkets, price level and value are equally important, but price perceptibility and price processibility are also relevant. For organic food stores, value is most important, followed by price processibility and evaluation certainty. For the weekly market, price perceptibility plays a...
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management | 2012
Anne Wiese; Julian Kellner; Britta Lietke; Waldemar Toporowski; Stephan Zielke
Purpose – This paper aims to analyse past and current sustainability considerations and developments in scientific research and practice with a focus on the role of retailers in supply chains.Design/methodology/approach – A summative content analysis is used to identify major research areas and industrial branches in the sustainability literature relevant to retail supply chains, and sustainability considerations in retail practice.Findings – Sustainability‐related issues have been discussed for many years and the term sustainability has received increased attention in research since the mid‐1990s. In retail research, there seems to be a time lag of more than ten years in using the term sustainability compared to other fields in research and industry. However, some of these other research fields and industries have an impact on retail supply chains. At the same time, it seems that sustainability has received more attention in retail management practice compared to research applications.Research limitation...
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management | 2015
Anne Wiese; Stephan Zielke; Waldemar Toporowski
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of consumer shopping travel behaviour with a focus on its environmental effects. In particular, the paper aims to contribute a deeper understanding of the drivers of consumer travel behaviour and their interrelations. Design/methodology/approach – Based on a literature review, relevant influencing factors of shopping travel behaviour are identified and a theoretical model is deducted. Qualitative interviews were conducted to analyse the model, with interviewees chosen from five life cycles and three residential areas. Findings – The influencing factors of shopping travel behaviour differ among life cycles. There are two main aspects hindering environmentally friendly behaviour: the perceived necessity of mobility during the various life cycles (by which parents are particularly affected) and the negative evaluation of public transport in terms of flexibility and comfort. The life cycles are linked with a shopper typology, characterizing shopper...
European Journal of Marketing | 2014
Ralf Wierich; Stephan Zielke
Purpose – The aim of this paper is to investigate how different design elements of retailer coupons increase the attitudinal loyalty towards retailers. Design/methodology/approach – Three design elements are manipulated in a 2x2x2 experimental design. Data is analysed using structural equation modeling. Findings – The results demonstrate that addressing customers personally and face value have a positive impact on attitudinal loyalty. Surprisingly, the positive effect of personalization is stronger than that of typical variations in face value. In contrast, a high minimum purchase amount restriction has a negative total effect on loyalty and neutralizes the positive effects generated by personalization. The results illustrate further that personalization influences loyalty via self-reference and enjoyment independently of any cognitive evaluation of the coupon, while face value and the minimum purchase amount require at least some cognitive processing to have a loyalty impact. Research limitations/implica...
Archive | 2009
Stephan Zielke; Waldemar Toporowski
This paper presents a study on the impact of exterior architecture on price image and behavioural intention to shop in grocery stores. The study compares three supermarkets from the same grocery chain that are identical in terms of their price positioning and customer structure, but different in their exterior architecture. The central question is how these stores differ in price level perception, perceived value for money, ease of price evaluation, and shopping intention. The results do not support retailer concerns that an exclusive and appealing architecture has negative effects on price level perception and ease of price evaluation. However, clear positive effects on value perception and shopping intention are found.
Marketing ZFP | 2001
Stephan Zielke
Aus dem Bereich des Category Managements kommt häufig die Forderung, Sortimente entsprechend den Wünschen und Kriterien der Verbraucher zu gliedern. Selten wird dabei jedoch auf die Frage eingegangen, mit Hilfe welcher Methoden kundengerechte Sortimente zu bilden sind. An dieser Fragestellung knüpft der vorliegende Beitrag an, indem auf einer verhaltenswissenschaftlichen Basis verschiedene Gliederungsmethoden aufgezeigt, diskutiert und beispielhaft angewendet werden. Insbesondere wird dabei auf solche Verfahren eingegangen, bei denen Sortimentsgliederungen aus kognitiven Strukturen abgeleitet werden, um die Orientierung der Kunden am Point of Sale zu verbessern.
Archive | 2007
Waldemar Toporowski; Stephan Zielke
Analysiert man die Entwicklung der Distributionswissenschaft auf der einen und die der Handelswissenschaft auf der anderen Seite, so stellt man zwar fest, dass es zwischen beiden eine Reihe von Gemeinsamkeiten gibt, dass aber zugleich beide Forschungsbereiche uber langere Zeitraume hinweg getrennte Entwicklungspfade eingeschlagen haben. In den letzten Jahren ist allerdings in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur zu erkennen, dass einer integrierten Sichtweise von Distributionsproblemen auf Industrie- und Handelsebene eine wachsende Bedeutung beigemessen wird. Initiiert durch Entwicklungen in der Praxis ist eine Reihe von Konzepten entstanden, in denen sich eine wirtschaftsstufenubergreifende Sicht der Distribution widerspiegelt. Trotz dieses Wandels ist weiterhin zu beobachten, dass Distributions systeme im Regelfall aus der Perspektive eines gestaltenden Industrieunternehmens analysiert werden. In die Distribution eingeschaltete Institutionen, insbesondere Handelsunternehmungen, werden allzu haufig als Objekte von Distributionsentscheidungen eines Herstellers gesehen. Eine solche Perspektive verkennt, dass sich die Machtverhaltnisse zwischen Industrie und Handel in den letzten Jahrzehnten so stark verschoben haben, dass eine Fuhrungsrolle des Herstellers haufig nicht mehr gegeben ist und somit die in der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung dominierende Perspektive kaum dazu geeignet ist, Distributionsprobleme der Gegenwart zu analysieren. Daraus sind geeignete Konsequenzen abzuleiten.
Marketing Review St. Gallen | 2007
Stephan Zielke
ZusammenfassungDer folgende Beitrag untersucht, welche Faktoren die wahrgenommene Preisfairness von Lebensmitteldiscountern beeinflussen. Auf Basis theoretischer Überlegungen und Befunden einer qualitativen Studie werden verschiedene Bestimmungsfaktoren der Preisfairness im Lebensmittelhandel identifiziert. Am Beispiel von zwei Warengruppen aus dem Frischebereich wird gezeigt, dass alle Bestimmungsfaktoren zumindest in bestimmten Segmenten die wahrgenommene Preisfairness von Discountern beeinflussen, jedoch in unterschiedlicher Stärke.
Marketing ZFP | 2016
Stephan Zielke; Thomas Schielke
Prof. Dr. Stephan Zielke, Walbusch Chair of Multi-ChannelManagement, Schumpeter School of Business and Economics, University of Wuppertal, Gaußstr. 20, 42119 Wuppertal, Germany, Phone: +49/202 439 2438, E-Mail: [email protected]. * Corresponding Author. Dr. Thomas Schielke, Department for Architecture, Building Design and Technology, Darmstadt University of Technology, El-Lissitzky-Straße 1, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany, Email: [email protected]. Effects of Illumination on Store Perception and Shopping Intention: Shedding Light on Conflicting Theories
Marketing ZFP | 2008
Stephan Zielke; Britta Lietke; Waldemar Toporowski; Madlen Boslau
retailer’s employees for their help and cooperation. A preliminary version of this article was presented at the 14 International EAERCD Conference on Research in the Distributive Trades in Saarbrücken, Germany. Stephan Zielke is Assistant Professor, Chair of Retailing, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3, 37073 Göttingen, Germany, Phone: +49 551 39– 4877, Fax: +49 551 39–4446, Email: [email protected]. Britta Lietke is Doctoral Candidate, Chair of Retailing, GeorgAugust-Universität Göttingen, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3, 37073 Göttingen, Germany, Phone: +49 551 39–4149, Fax: +49 551 39–4446, Email: [email protected]. Waldemar Toporowski is Full Professor, Chair of Retailing, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3, 37073 Göttingen, Germany, Phone: +49 551 39– 4447, Fax: +49 551 39–4446, Email: [email protected]. Madlen Boslau is Doctoral Candidate, Chair of Retailing, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3, 37073 Göttingen, Germany, Phone: +49 551 39– 4072, Fax: +49 551 39–4446, Email: [email protected]. Self-Service and Traditional Check-Outs in a Retail Setting An Analysis of Perceptual Differences and Satisfaction Drivers