
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B | 2009

The evolution of irradiance detection: melanopsin and the non-visual opsins

Stuart N. Peirson; Stephanie Halford; Russell G. Foster

Circadian rhythms are endogenous 24 h cycles that persist in the absence of external time cues. These rhythms provide an internal representation of day length and optimize physiology and behaviour to the varying demands of the solar cycle. These clocks require daily adjustment to local time and the primary time cue (zeitgeber) used by most vertebrates is the daily change in the amount of environmental light (irradiance) at dawn and dusk, a process termed photoentrainment. Attempts to understand the photoreceptor mechanisms mediating non-image-forming responses to light, such as photoentrainment, have resulted in the discovery of a remarkable array of different photoreceptors and photopigment families, all of which appear to use a basic opsin/vitamin A-based photopigment biochemistry. In non-mammalian vertebrates, specialized photoreceptors are located within the pineal complex, deep brain and dermal melanophores. There is also strong evidence in fish and amphibians for the direct photic regulation of circadian clocks in multiple tissues. By contrast, mammals possess only ocular photoreceptors. However, in addition to the image-forming rods and cones of the retina, there exists a third photoreceptor system based on a subset of melanopsin-expressing photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (pRGCs). In this review, we discuss the range of vertebrate photoreceptors and their opsin photopigments, describe the melanopsin/pRGC system in some detail and then finally consider the molecular evolution and sensory ecology of these non-image-forming photoreceptor systems.

Current Biology | 2009

VA opsin-based photoreceptors in the hypothalamus of birds.

Stephanie Halford; Susana S. Pires; Michael Turton; Lei Zheng; Irene González-Menéndez; Wayne L. Davies; Stuart N. Peirson; José M. García-Fernández; Mark W. Hankins; Russell G. Foster

Studies in the 1930s demonstrated that birds possess photoreceptors that are located within the hypothalamus and regulate photoperiodic responses to day length. Most recently, photoperiod has been shown to alter the activity of the pars tuberalis to release thyrotrophin, which ultimately drives a reproductive response. Despite these significant findings, the cellular and molecular identity of the hypothalamic photoreceptors has remained a mystery. Action spectra implicated an opsin-based photopigment system, but further identification based on rod- or cone-opsin probes failed, suggesting the utilization of a novel opsin. The vertebrate ancient (VA) opsin photopigments were isolated in 1997 but were thought to have a restricted taxonomic distribution, confined to the agnatha and teleost fish. Here, we report the isolation of VA opsin from chicken and show that the two isoforms spliced from this gene (cVAL and cVA) are capable of forming functional photopigments. Further, we show that VA opsin is expressed within a population of hypothalamic neurons with extensive projections to the median eminence. These results provide the most complete cellular and molecular description of a deep brain photoreceptor in any vertebrate and strongly implicate VA opsin in mediating the avian photoperiodic response.

The Journal of Neuroscience | 2009

Differential Expression of Two Distinct Functional Isoforms of Melanopsin (Opn4) in the Mammalian Retina

Susana S. Pires; Steven Hughes; Michael Turton; Zare Melyan; Stuart N. Peirson; Lei Zheng; Maria Kosmaoglou; James Bellingham; Michael E. Cheetham; Robert J. Lucas; Russell G. Foster; Mark W. Hankins; Stephanie Halford

Melanopsin is the photopigment that confers photosensitivity to a subset of retinal ganglion cells (pRGCs) that regulate many non-image-forming tasks such as the detection of light for circadian entrainment. Recent studies have begun to subdivide the pRGCs on the basis of morphology and function, but the origin of these differences is not yet fully understood. Here we report the identification of two isoforms of melanopsin from the mouse Opn4 locus, a previously described long isoform (Opn4L) and a novel short isoform (Opn4S) that more closely resembles the sequence and structure of rat and human melanopsins. Both isoforms, Opn4L and Opn4S, are expressed in the ganglion cell layer of the retina, traffic to the plasma membrane and form a functional photopigment in vitro. Quantitative PCR revealed that Opn4S is 40 times more abundant than Opn4L. The two variants encode predicted proteins of 521 and 466 aa and only differ in the length of their C-terminal tails. Antibodies raised to isoform-specific epitopes identified two discrete populations of melanopsin-expressing RGCs, those that coexpress Opn4L and Opn4S and those that express Opn4L only. Recent evidence suggests that pRGCs show a range of anatomical subtypes, which may reflect the functional diversity reported for mouse Opn4-mediated light responses. The distinct isoforms of Opn4 described in this study provide a potential molecular basis for generating this diversity, and it seems likely that their differential expression plays a role in generating the variety of pRGC light responses found in the mammalian retina.

Biology Letters | 2012

Vertebrate ancient opsin photopigment spectra and the avian photoperiodic response

Wayne I. L. Davies; Michael Turton; Stuart N. Peirson; Brian K. Follett; Stephanie Halford; José M. García-Fernández; Peter J. Sharp; Mark W. Hankins; Russell G. Foster

In mammals, photoreception is restricted to cones, rods and a subset of retinal ganglion cells. By contrast, non-mammalian vertebrates possess many extraocular photoreceptors but in many cases the role of these photoreceptors and their underlying photopigments is unknown. In birds, deep brain photoreceptors have been shown to sense photic changes in daylength (photoperiod) and mediate seasonal reproduction. Nonetheless, the specific identity of the opsin photopigment ‘sensor’ involved has remained elusive. Previously, we showed that vertebrate ancient (VA) opsin is expressed in avian hypothalamic neurons and forms a photosensitive molecule. However, a direct functional link between VA opsin and the regulation of seasonal biology was absent. Here, we report the in vivo and in vitro absorption spectra (λmax = ∼490 nm) for chicken VA photopigments. Furthermore, the spectral sensitivity of these photopigments match the peak absorbance of the avian photoperiodic response (λmax = 492 nm) and permits maximum photon capture within the restricted light environment of the hypothalamus. Such a correspondence argues strongly that VA opsin plays a key role in regulating seasonal reproduction in birds.

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences | 2007

Isolation and characterization of melanopsin (Opn4) from the Australian marsupial Sminthopsis crassicaudata (fat-tailed dunnart)

Susana S. Pires; Julia Shand; James Bellingham; Catherine A. Arrese; Michael Turton; Stuart N. Peirson; Russell G. Foster; Stephanie Halford

Melanopsin confers photosensitivity to a subset of retinal ganglion cells and is responsible for many non-image-forming tasks, like the detection of light for circadian entrainment. Recently, two melanopsin genes, Opn4m and Opn4x, were described in non-mammalian vertebrates. However, only one form, Opn4m, has been described in the mammals, although studies to date have been limited to the placentals and have not included the marsupials. We report here the isolation and characterization of an Opn4 gene from an Australian marsupial, the fat-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata), and present evidence which suggests that the Opn4x gene was lost before the placental/marsupial split. In situ hybridization shows that the expression of Opn4 in the dunnart eye is restricted to a subset of ganglion cells, a pattern previously reported for rodents and primates. These Opn4-positive cells are randomly distributed across the dunnart retina. We also undertook a comparative analysis with the South American marsupial, the grey short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica), and two placental mammals, mouse and human. This approach reveals that the two marsupials show a higher sequence identity than that seen between rodents and primates, despite separating at approximately the same point in time, some 65–85 Myr ago.

Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology | 2015

The hypothalamic photoreceptors regulating seasonal reproduction in birds: a prime role for VA opsin.

José M. García-Fernández; Rafael Cernuda-Cernuda; Wayne I. L. Davies; Jessica Rodgers; Michael Turton; Stuart N. Peirson; Brian K. Follett; Stephanie Halford; Steven Hughes; Mark W. Hankins; Russell G. Foster

Extraretinal photoreceptors located within the medio-basal hypothalamus regulate the photoperiodic control of seasonal reproduction in birds. An action spectrum for this response describes an opsin photopigment with a λmax of ∼ 492 nm. Beyond this however, the specific identity of the photopigment remains unresolved. Several candidates have emerged including rod-opsin; melanopsin (OPN4); neuropsin (OPN5); and vertebrate ancient (VA) opsin. These contenders are evaluated against key criteria used routinely in photobiology to link orphan photopigments to specific biological responses. To date, only VA opsin can easily satisfy all criteria and we propose that this photopigment represents the prime candidate for encoding daylength and driving seasonal breeding in birds. We also show that VA opsin is co-expressed with both gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and arginine-vasotocin (AVT) neurons. These new data suggest that GnRH and AVT neurosecretory pathways are endogenously photosensitive and that our current understanding of how these systems are regulated will require substantial revision.

PLOS ONE | 2012

Differential expression of melanopsin isoforms Opn4L and Opn4S during postnatal development of the mouse retina.

Steven Hughes; Laura Welsh; Christiana Katti; Irene González-Menéndez; Michael Turton; Stephanie Halford; Sumathi Sekaran; Stuart N. Peirson; Mark W. Hankins; Russell G. Foster

Photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (pRGCs) respond to light from birth and represent the earliest known light detection system to develop in the mouse retina. A number of morphologically and functionally distinct subtypes of pRGCs have been described in the adult retina, and have been linked to different physiological roles. We have previously identified two distinct isoforms of mouse melanopsin, Opn4L and Opn4S, which are generated by alternate splicing of the Opn4 locus. These isoforms are differentially expressed in pRGC subtypes of the adult mouse retina, with both Opn4L and Opn4S detected in M1 type pRGCs, and only Opn4L detected in M2 type pRGCs. Here we investigate the developmental expression of Opn4L and Opn4S and show a differential profile of expression during postnatal development. Opn4S mRNA is detected at relatively constant levels throughout postnatal development, with levels of Opn4S protein showing a marked increase between P0 and P3, and then increasing progressively over time until adult levels are reached by P10. By contrast, levels of Opn4L mRNA and protein are low at birth and show a marked increase at P14 and P30 compared to earlier time points. We suggest that these differing profiles of expression are associated with the functional maturation of M1 and M2 subtypes of pRGCs. Based upon our data, Opn4S expressing M1 type pRGCs mature first and are the dominant pRGC subtype in the neonate retina, whereas increased expression of Opn4L and the maturation of M2 type pRGCs occurs later, between P10 and P14, at a similar time to the maturation of rod and cone photoreceptors. We suggest that the distinct functions associated with these cell types will develop at different times during postnatal development.

Progress in Retinal and Eye Research | 2017

Unravelling the genetics of inherited retinal dystrophies: Past, present and future.

Suzanne Broadgate; Jing Yu; Susan M. Downes; Stephanie Halford

&NA; The identification of the genes underlying monogenic diseases has been of interest to clinicians and scientists for many years. Using inherited retinal dystrophies as an example of monogenic disease we describe the history of molecular genetic techniques that have been pivotal in the discovery of disease causing genes. The methods that were developed in the 1970s and 80s are still in use today but have been refined and improved. These techniques enabled the concept of the Human Genome Project to be envisaged and ultimately realised. When the successful conclusion of the project was announced in 2003 many new tools and, as importantly, many collaborations had been developed that facilitated a rapid identification of disease genes. In the post‐human genome project era advances in computing power and the clever use of the properties of DNA replication has allowed the development of next‐generation sequencing technologies. These methods have revolutionised the identification of disease genes because for the first time there is no need to define the position of the gene in the genome. The use of next generation sequencing in a diagnostic setting has allowed many more patients with an inherited retinal dystrophy to obtain a molecular diagnosis for their disease. The identification of novel genes that have a role in the development or maintenance of retinal function is opening up avenues of research which will lead to the development of new pharmacological and gene therapy approaches. Neither of which can be used unless the defective gene and protein is known. The continued development of sequencing technologies also holds great promise for the advent of truly personalised medicine.

Current Biology | 2015

Isoforms of Melanopsin Mediate Different Behavioral Responses to Light

Aarti Jagannath; Steven Hughes; Amr Abdelgany; Carina A. Pothecary; Simona Di Pretoro; Susana S. Pires; Athanasios Vachtsevanos; Violetta Pilorz; Laurence A. Brown; Markus Hossbach; Robert E. MacLaren; Stephanie Halford; Silvia Gatti; Mark W. Hankins; Matthew J.A. Wood; Russell G. Foster; Stuart N. Peirson

Summary Melanopsin (OPN4) is a retinal photopigment that mediates a wide range of non-image-forming (NIF) responses to light [1, 2] including circadian entrainment [3], sleep induction [4], the pupillary light response (PLR) [5], and negative masking of locomotor behavior (the acute suppression of activity in response to light) [6]. How these diverse NIF responses can all be mediated by a single photopigment has remained a mystery. We reasoned that the alternative splicing of melanopsin could provide the basis for functionally distinct photopigments arising from a single gene. The murine melanopsin gene is indeed alternatively spliced, producing two distinct isoforms, a short (OPN4S) and a long (OPN4L) isoform, which differ only in their C terminus tails [7]. Significantly, both isoforms form fully functional photopigments [7]. Here, we show that different isoforms of OPN4 mediate different behavioral responses to light. By using RNAi-mediated silencing of each isoform in vivo, we demonstrated that the short isoform (OPN4S) mediates light-induced pupillary constriction, the long isoform (OPN4L) regulates negative masking, and both isoforms contribute to phase-shifting circadian rhythms of locomotor behavior and light-mediated sleep induction. These findings demonstrate that splice variants of a single receptor gene can regulate strikingly different behaviors.

Archives of Ophthalmology | 2012

Homozygous deletion in CDH3 and hypotrichosis with juvenile macular dystrophy.

Stephanie Halford; Richard Holt; Andrea H. Németh; Susan M. Downes

H ypotrichosis associated with juvenile macular dystrophy (HJMD; OMIM 601553) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by short scalp hair from birth and progressive macular degeneration. Loss of central vision usually occurs between the second and fourth decades of life. Mutations in the P-cadherin gene (CDH3; GenBank NM_001793) were first reported to underlie HJMD by Sprecher et al; splice, missense, and nonsense mutations have since been described. Report of a Case. A 48-year-old man had a 21-year history of deterioration of central vision. The original diagnosis was Stargardt disease. Initial symptoms at age 17 years included photosensitivity, abnormal color vision, and central scotomata. His sister has the same phenotype and the parents were likely to be related. The proband and his sister both gave a history of having very fine, sparse hair that never thickened, with a persistently visible scalp (Figure 1A). Funduscopy in the proband revealed bilateral symmetrical macular degeneration with sparing of the peripheral retina (Figure 1B and C). Visual acuities were 6/760 OD and 6/96 OS. Goldmann visual field testing showed bilateral central scotomata (Figure 1D). Electrophysiology showed extinguished pattern electroretinograms, normal scotopic responses, and significant reduction in amplitudes of both a and b waves in the standard flash electroretinogram and photopic responses. The electro-oculogram light rise was normal in both eyes.

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