
Soil Research | 2010

An investigation into the reactions of biochar in soil

Stephen Joseph; Marta Camps-Arbestain; Yun Lin; Paul Munroe; Chee H. Chia; James M. Hook; L. Van Zwieten; Stephen Kimber; Annette Cowie; Bhupinderpal Singh; Johannes Lehmann; N. Foidl; Ronald J. Smernik; James E. Amonette

Interactions between biochar, soil, microbes, and plant roots may occur within a short period of time after application to the soil. The extent, rates, and implications of these interactions, however, are far from understood. This review describes the properties of biochars and suggests possible reactions that may occur after the addition of biochars to soil. These include dissolution-precipitation, adsorption-desorption, acid-base, and redox reactions. Attention is given to reactions occurring within pores, and to interactions with roots, microorganisms, and soil fauna. Examination of biochars (from chicken litter, greenwaste, and paper mill sludges) weathered for 1 and 2 years in an Australian Ferrosol provides evidence for some of the mechanisms described in this review and offers an insight to reactions at a molecular scale. These interactions are biochar- and site-specific. Therefore, suitable experimental trials—combining biochar types and different pedoclimatic conditions—are needed to determine the extent to which these reactions influence the potential of biochar as a soil amendment and tool for carbon sequestration.

Soil Research | 2010

Influence of biochars on flux of N2O and CO2 from Ferrosol

L. Van Zwieten; Stephen Kimber; S. Morris; Adriana Downie; E. Berger; J. Rust; Clemens Scheer

Biochars produced by slow pyrolysis of greenwaste (GW), poultry litter (PL), papermill waste (PS), and biosolids (BS) were shown to reduce N2O emissions from an acidic Ferrosol. Similar reductions were observed for the untreated GW feedstock. Soil was amended with biochar or feedstock giving application rates of 1 and 5%. Following an initial incubation, nitrogen (N) was added at 165 kg/ha as urea. Microcosms were again incubated before being brought to 100% water-filled porosity and held at this water content for a further 47 days. The flooding phase accounted for the majority (<80%) of total N2O emissions. The control soil released 3165 mg N2O-N/m2, or 15.1% of the available N as N2O. Amendment with 1 and 5% GW feedstock significantly reduced emissions to 1470 and 636 mg N2O-N/m2, respectively. This was equivalent to 8.6 and 3.8% of applied N. The GW biochar produced at 350°C was least effective in reducing emissions, resulting in 1625 and 1705 mg N2O-N/m2 for 1 and 5% amendments. Amendment with BS biochar at 5% had the greatest impact, reducing emissions to 518 mg N2O-N/m2, or 2.2% of the applied N over the incubation period. Metabolic activity as measured by CO2 production could not explain the differences in N2O emissions between controls and amendments, nor could NH4+ or NO3– concentrations in biochar-amended soils. A decrease in NH4+ and NO3– following GW feedstock application is likely to have been responsible for reducing N2O emissions from this amendment. Reduction in N2O emissions from the biochar-amended soils was attributed to increased adsorption of NO3–. Small reductions are possible due to improved aeration and porosity leading to lower levels of denitrification and N2O emissions. Alternatively, increased pH was observed, which can drive denitrification through to dinitrogen during soil flooding.

Soil Research | 2010

A glasshouse study on the interaction of low mineral ash biochar with nitrogen in a sandy soil

L. Van Zwieten; Stephen Kimber; Adriana Downie; S. Morris; S. Petty; J. Rust; K. Y. Chan

The effect of a low mineral ash biochar on biomass production and nitrogen (N) uptake into plants was tested with wheat and radish in a Yellow Earth used for commercial vegetable production. The biochar had an acid neutralising capacity <0.5% CaCO3, a total C content of 75%, and a molar H/C ratio of 0.45, indicating stability due to its aromaticity. A pot trial was established under climate-controlled conditions. Five rates of N fertiliser (0, 17, 44, 88, 177kgN/ha) were applied as urea in combination with 5 biochar rates (0, 1.1, 2.2, 4.4, 11% w/w). Analysis of biomass production revealed a significant biocharN fertiliser interaction. In particular, increasing biochar concentrations improved biomass production in both crop species at lower N application rates. The highest biochar application rate resulted in significantly greater accumulation of NO3 - -N in the soil and lower NH4 + -N averaged across the 5N application rates. The biochar also decreased available P, and significantly increased microbial activity measured using the fluorescein diacetate method. Increasing N fertiliser application resulted in greater accumulation of NO3 - -N with no changes to NH4 + -N averaged across the 5 biochar application rates. Nitrogen fertiliser application did not influence microbial activity or biomass C. The trial suggests that in some cropping systems, biochar application will enable reduced N fertiliser input while maintaining productivity.

Science of The Total Environment | 2013

Pyrolysing poultry litter reduces N2O and CO2 fluxes

L. Van Zwieten; Stephen Kimber; S. Morris; Bhupinderpal Singh; Peter Grace; Clemens Scheer; J. Rust; Adriana Downie; Annette Cowie

Application of poultry litter (PL) to soil can lead to substantial nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions due to the co-application of labile carbon (C) and nitrogen (N). Slow pyrolysis of PL to produce biochar may mitigate N2O emissions from this source, whilst still providing agronomic benefits. In a corn crop on ferrosol with similarly matched available N inputs of ca. 116 kg N/ha, PL-biochar plus urea emitted significantly less N2O (1.5 kg N2O-N/ha) compared to raw PL at 4.9 kg N2O-N/ha. Urea amendment without the PL-biochar emitted 1.2 kg N2O-N/ha, and the PL-biochar alone emitted only 0.35 kg N2O-N/ha. Both PL and PL-biochar resulted in similar corn yields and total N uptake which was significantly greater than for urea alone. Using stable isotope methodology, the majority (~80%) of N2O emissions were shown to be from non-urea sources. Amendment with raw PL significantly increased C mineralisation and the quantity of permanganate oxidisable organic C. The low molar H/C (0.49) and O/C (0.16) ratios of the PL-biochar suggest its higher stability in soil than raw PL. The PL-biochar also had higher P and K fertiliser value than raw PL. This study suggests that PL-biochar is a valuable soil amendment with the potential to significantly reduce emissions of soil greenhouse gases compared to the raw product. Contrary to other studies, PL-biochar incorporated to 100mm did not reduce N2O emissions from surface applied urea, which suggests that further field evaluation of biochar impacts, and methods of application of both biochar and fertiliser, are needed.

Plant and Soil | 2015

Enhanced biological N2 fixation and yield of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in an acid soil following biochar addition: dissection of causal mechanisms

Lukas Van Zwieten; Terry J. Rose; David Herridge; Stephen Kimber; J. Rust; Annette Cowie; Stephen Morris

Background and aimsAcid soils constrain legume growth and biochars have been shown to address these constraints and enhance biological N2 fixation in glasshouse studies. A dissection of causal mechanisms from multiple crop field studies is lacking.MethodsIn a sub-tropical field study, faba bean (Vicia faba L.) was cultivated in rotation with corn (Zea mays) following amendment of two contrasting biochars, compost and lime in a rhodic ferralsol. Key soil parameters and plant nutrient uptake were investigated alongside stable 15 N isotope methodologies to elucidate the causal mechanisms for enhanced biological N2 fixation and crop productivity.ResultsBiological N2 fixation was associated with plant Mo uptake, which was driven by reductions in soil acidity following lime and papermill (PM) biochar amendment. In contrast, crop yield was associated with plant P and B uptake, and amelioration of soil pH constraints. These were most effectively ameliorated by PM biochar as it addressed both pH constraints and low soil nutrient status.ConclusionsWhile liming resulted in the highest biological N2 fixation, biochars provided greater benefits to faba bean yield by addressing P nutrition and ameliorating Al toxicity.

Chemosphere | 2013

Chemical and structural analysis of enhanced biochars: thermally treated mixtures of biochar, chicken litter, clay and minerals.

Yun Lin; Paul Munroe; Stephen Joseph; Artur Ziolkowski; L. van Zwieten; Stephen Kimber; J. Rust

In this study biochar mixtures comprising a Jarrah-based biochar, chicken litter (CL), clay and other minerals were thermally treated, via torrefaction, at moderate temperatures (180 and 220 °C). The objectives of this treatment were to reduce N losses from CL during processing and to determine the effect of both the type of added clay and the torrefaction temperature on the structural and chemical properties of the final product, termed as an enhanced biochar (EB). Detailed characterisation indicated that the EBs contained high concentrations of plant available nutrients. Both the nutrient content and plant availability were affected by torrefaction temperature. The higher temperature (220 °C) promoted the greater decomposition of organic matter in the CL and dissociated labile carbon from the Jarrah-based biochar, which produced a higher concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). This DOC may assist to solubilise mineral P, and may also react with both clay and minerals to block active sites for P adsorption. This subsequently resulted in higher concentrations of plant available P. Nitrogen loss was minimised, with up to 73% of the initial total N contained in the feedstock remaining in the final EB. However, N availability was affected by both torrefaction temperature and the nature of the clay minerals added.

Soil Research | 2014

Opportunities and constraints for biochar technology in Australian agriculture: looking beyond carbon sequestration

Balwant Singh; Lynne M. Macdonald; Rai S. Kookana; Lukas Van Zwieten; Greg Butler; Stephen Joseph; Anthony J. Weatherley; Bhawana Bhatta Kaudal; Andrew Regan; Julie Cattle; Feike A. Dijkstra; M Boersma; Stephen Kimber; Alexander Keith; Maryam Esfandbod

The application of biochar technology for soil amendment is largely based on evidence about soil fertility and crop productivity gains made in the Amazonian Black Earth (terra preta). However, the uncertainty of production gains at realistic application rates of biochars and lack of knowledge about other benefits and other concerns may have resulted in poor uptake of biochar technology in Australia so far. In this review, we identify important opportunities as well as challenges in the adoption of biochar technology for broadacre farming and other sectors in Australia. The paper highlights that for biochar technology to be cost-effective and successful, we need to look beyond carbon sequestration and explore other opportunities to value-add to biochar. Therefore, some emerging and novel applications of biochar are identified. We also suggest some priority research areas that need immediate attention in order to realise the full potential of biochar technology in agriculture and other sectors in Australia.

Science of The Total Environment | 2013

Improving the statistical preparation for measuring soil N2O flux by closed chamber.

S. Morris; Stephen Kimber; Peter Grace; L. Van Zwieten

Nitrous oxide emissions from soil are known to be spatially and temporally volatile. Reliable estimation of emissions over a given time and space depends on measuring with sufficient intensity but deciding on the number of measuring stations and the frequency of observation can be vexing. The question of low frequency manual observations providing comparable results to high frequency automated sampling also arises. Data collected from a replicated field experiment was intensively studied with the intention to give some statistically robust guidance on these issues. The experiment had nitrous oxide soil to air flux monitored within 10 m by 2.5 m plots by automated closed chambers under a 3h average sampling interval and by manual static chambers under a three day average sampling interval over sixty days. Observed trends in flux over time by the static chambers were mostly within the auto chamber bounds of experimental error. Cumulated nitrous oxide emissions as measured by each system were also within error bounds. Under the temporal response pattern in this experiment, no significant loss of information was observed after culling the data to simulate results under various low frequency scenarios. Within the confines of this experiment observations from the manual chambers were not spatially correlated above distances of 1m. Statistical power was therefore found to improve due to increased replicates per treatment or chambers per replicate. Careful after action review of experimental data can deliver savings for future work.

Soil Research | 2017

The nitrification inhibitor DMPP applied to subtropical rice has an inconsistent effect on nitrous oxide emissions

Terry J. Rose; Stephen Morris; Peter Quin; Lee J. Kearney; Stephen Kimber; Lukas Van Zwieten

Although there is growing evidence that the nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) can lower soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in temperate environments, there is little evidence of its efficacy in subtropical or tropical environments where temperatures and rainfall intensities are typically higher. We investigated N2O emissions in field-grown aerobic rice in adjacent fields in the 2013–14 and 2014–15 seasons in a subtropical environment. Crops were topdressed with 80 kg nitrogen (N) ha–1 before rainfall, as either urea, urea + DMPP (at 1.6 kg DMPP t–1 urea: ‘urea-DMPP’) or a blend of 50% urea and 50% urea-DMPP in the 2013–14 season, and urea, urea-DMPP or polymer (3 month)-coated urea (PCU) in the 2014–15 season. DMPP-urea significantly (P < 0.05) lowered soil N2O emissions in the 2013–14 season during the peak flux period after N fertiliser application, but had no effect in 2014–15. The mean cumulative N2O emissions over the entire growing period were 190 g N2O-N ha–1 in 2013–14 and 413 g N2O-N ha–1 in 2014–15, with no significant effect of DMPP or PCU. Our results demonstrate that DMPP can lower N2O emissions in subtropical, aerobic rice during peak flux events following N fertiliser application in some seasons, but inherent variability in climate and soil N2O emissions limited the ability to detect significant differences in cumulative N2O flux over the seasonal assessment. A greater understanding of how environmental and soil factors impact the efficacy of DMPP in the subtropics is needed to formulate appropriate guidelines for its use commercially.

Plant and Soil | 2010

Effects of biochar from slow pyrolysis of papermill waste on agronomic performance and soil fertility

L. Van Zwieten; Stephen Kimber; S. Morris; K. Y. Chan; Adriana Downie; J. Rust; Stephen Joseph; Annette Cowie

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