Steven J. Eppell
Case Western Reserve University
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Featured researches published by Steven J. Eppell.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface | 2006
Steven J. Eppell; B.N Smith; H. Kahn; Roberto Ballarini
The mechanical response of a biological material to applied forces reflects deformation mechanisms occurring within a hierarchical architecture extending over several distinct length scales. Characterizing and in turn predicting the behaviour of such a material requires an understanding of the mechanical properties of the substructures within the hierarchy, the interaction between the substructures, and the relative influence of each substructure on the overall behaviour. While significant progress has been made in mechanical testing of micrometre to millimetre sized biological specimens, quantitative reproducible experimental techniques for making mechanical measurements on specimens with characteristic dimensions in the smaller range of 10–1000 nm are lacking. Filling this void in experimentation is a necessary step towards the development of realistic multiscale computational models useful to predict and mitigate the risk of bone fracture, design improved synthetic replacements for bones, tendons and ligaments, and engineer bioinspired efficient and environmentally friendly structures. Here, we describe a microelectromechanical systems device for directly measuring the tensile strength, stiffness and fatigue behaviour of nanoscale fibres. We used the device to obtain the first stress–strain curve of an isolated collagen fibril producing the modulus and some fatigue properties of this soft nanofibril.
Biophysical Journal | 2008
Zhilei L. Shen; Mohammad Reza Dodge; H. Kahn; Roberto Ballarini; Steven J. Eppell
Collagen, a molecule consisting of three braided protein helices, is the primary building block of many biological tissues including bone, tendon, cartilage, and skin. Staggered arrays of collagen molecules form fibrils, which arrange into higher-ordered structures such as fibers and fascicles. Because collagen plays a crucial role in determining the mechanical properties of these tissues, significant theoretical research is directed toward developing models of the stiffness, strength, and toughness of collagen molecules and fibrils. Experimental data to guide the development of these models, however, are sparse and limited to small strain response. Using a microelectromechanical systems platform to test partially hydrated collagen fibrils under uniaxial tension, we obtained quantitative, reproducible mechanical measurements of the stress-strain curve of type I collagen fibrils, with diameters ranging from 150-470 nm. The fibrils showed a small strain (epsilon < 0.09) modulus of 0.86 +/- 0.45 GPa. Fibrils tested to strains as high as 100% demonstrated strain softening (sigma(yield) = 0.22 +/- 0.14 GPa; epsilon(yield) = 0.21 +/- 0.13) and strain hardening, time-dependent recoverable residual strain, dehydration-induced embrittlement, and susceptibility to cyclic fatigue. The results suggest that the stress-strain behavior of collagen fibrils is dictated by global characteristic dimensions as well as internal structure.
Journal of Orthopaedic Research | 2001
Steven J. Eppell; Weidong Tong; J. Lawrence Katz; Liisa T. Kuhn; Melvin J. Glimcher
The inorganic phase of bone is comprised primarily of very small mineralites. The size and shape of these mineralites play fundamental roles in maintaining ionic homeostasis and in the biomechanical function of bone. Using atomic force microscopy, we have obtained direct three‐dimensional visual evidence of the size and shape of native protein‐free mineralites isolated from mature bovine bone. Approximately 98% of the mineralites are less than 2 nm thick displaying a plate‐like habit. Distributions of both thickness and width show single peaks. The distribution of lengths may be multimodal with distinct peaks separated by ∼6 nm. Application of our results is expected to be of use in the design of novel orthopaedic biomaterials. In addition, they provide more accurate inputs to molecular‐scale models aimed at predicting the physiological and mechanical behavior of bone.
Calcified Tissue International | 2003
Weidong Tong; Melvin J. Glimcher; J. L. Katz; Liisa T. Kuhn; Steven J. Eppell
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to obtain three-dimensional images of isolated mineralites extracted from young postnatal bovine bone. The mean mineralite size is 9 nm × 6 nm × 2.0 nm, significantly shorter and thicker than the mineralites of mature bovine bone measured by the same technique. Mineralites of the young postnatal bone can be accommodated within the hole zone regions of a quasi-hexagonally packed collagen fibril in the fashion described by Hodge [9] in which laterally adjacent hole zone regions form continuous “channels” across the diameter of a fibril for a distance of at least 10 nm. Deposition of mineralites of the size noted above in this void volume of the fibrils would result in little or no distortion of the collagen molecules or supramolecular structure of the collagen fibril. The new AFM data supporting this claim is consistent with findings obtained by electron microscopy and low-angle x-ray and neutron diffraction that mineralites formed within collagen fibrils during initial stages of calcification occur within the hole zone region. However, the deposition of additional mineralites in the intermolecular spaces between collagen molecules in the overlap region of the fibrils would significantly distort the fibrils since the space available between adjacent molecules is considerably less than even the smallest dimension of the mineralites.
Nature Cell Biology | 2002
Prabar K. Ghosh; Amit Vasanji; Gurunathan Murugesan; Steven J. Eppell; Linda M. Graham; Paul L. Fox
Endothelial cell (EC) movement is an initiating and rate-limiting event in the neogenesis and repair of blood vessels. Here, we explore the hypothesis that microviscosity of the plasma membrane (PM) is a key physiological regulator of cell movement. Aortic ECs treated with membrane-active agents, such as α-tocopherol, cholesterol and lysophospholipids, exhibited a biphasic dependency on membrane microviscosity, in which moderate increases enhanced EC migration, but increases beyond a threshold markedly inhibited migration. Surprisingly, angiogenic growth factors, that is, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), also increased membrane microviscosity, as measured in live cells by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). The localization of Rac to the PM was modified in cells treated with membrane-active agents or growth factors, suggesting a molecular mechanism for how membrane microviscosity influences cell movement. Our data show that angiogenic growth factors, as well as certain lipophilic molecules, regulate cell motility through alterations in membrane properties and the consequent relocalization of critical signalling molecules to membranes.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface | 2010
Yuye Tang; Roberto Ballarini; Markus J. Buehler; Steven J. Eppell
Collagen, an essential building block of connective tissues, possesses useful mechanical properties due to its hierarchical structure. However, little is known about the mechanical properties of collagen fibril, an intermediate structure between the collagen molecule and connective tissue. Here, we report the results of systematic molecular dynamics simulations to probe the mechanical response of initially unflawed finite size collagen fibrils subjected to uniaxial tension. The observed deformation mechanisms, associated with rupture and sliding of tropocollagen molecules, are strongly influenced by fibril length, width and cross-linking density. Fibrils containing more than approximately 10 molecules along their length and across their width behave as representative volume elements and exhibit brittle fracture. Shorter fibrils experience a more graceful ductile-like failure. An analytical model is constructed and the results of the molecular modelling are used to find curve-fitted expressions for yield stress, yield strain and fracture strain as functions of fibril structural parameters. Our results for the first time elucidate the size dependence of mechanical failure properties of collagen fibrils. The associated molecular deformation mechanisms allow the full power of traditional material and structural engineering theory to be applied to our understanding of the normal and pathological mechanical behaviours of collagenous tissues under load.
Developmental Cell | 2004
Amit Vasanji; Prabar K. Ghosh; Linda M. Graham; Steven J. Eppell; Paul L. Fox
Cell movement is characterized by anterior-posterior polarization of multiple cell structures. We show here that the plasma membrane is polarized in moving endothelial cells (EC); in particular, plasma membrane microviscosity (PMM) is increased at the cell leading edge. Our studies indicate that cholesterol has an important role in generation of this microviscosity gradient. In vitro studies using synthetic lipid vesicles show that membrane microviscosity has a substantial and biphasic influence on actin dynamics; a small amount of cholesterol increases actin-mediated vesicle deformation, whereas a large amount completely inhibits deformation. Experiments in migrating ECs confirm the important role of PMM on actin dynamics. Angiogenic growth factor-stimulated cells exhibit substantially increased membrane microviscosity at the cell front but, unexpectedly, show decreased rates of actin polymerization. Our results suggest that increased PMM in lamellipodia may permit more productive actin filament and meshwork formation, resulting in enhanced rates of cell movement.
Biophysical Journal | 2010
Zhilei Liu Shen; Mohammad Reza Dodge; H. Kahn; Roberto Ballarini; Steven J. Eppell
Mechanical testing of collagenous tissues at different length scales will provide improved understanding of the mechanical behavior of structures such as skin, tendon, and bone, and also guide the development of multiscale mechanical models. Using a microelectromechanical-systems (MEMS) platform, stress-strain response curves up to failure of type I collagen fibril specimens isolated from the dermis of sea cucumbers were obtained in vitro. A majority of the fibril specimens showed brittle fracture. Some displayed linear behavior up to failure, while others displayed some nonlinearity. The fibril specimens showed an elastic modulus of 470 ± 410 MPa, a fracture strength of 230 ± 160 MPa, and a fracture strain of 80% ± 44%. The fibril specimens displayed significantly lower elastic modulus in vitro than previously measured in air. Fracture strength/strain obtained in vitro and in air are both significantly larger than those obtained in vacuo, indicating that the difference arises from the lack of intrafibrillar water molecules produced by vacuum drying. Furthermore, fracture strength/strain of fibril specimens were different from those reported for collagenous tissues of higher hierarchical levels, indicating the importance of obtaining these properties at the fibrillar level for multiscale modeling.
Biophysical Journal | 2008
Inkyung Kang; Dinesh Panneerselvam; Vassilis P. Panoskaltsis; Steven J. Eppell; Roger E. Marchant; Claire M. Doerschuk
Mechanical properties of living cells can be determined using atomic force microscopy (AFM). In this study, a novel analysis was developed to determine the mechanical properties of adherent monolayers of pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells (ECs) using AFM and finite element modeling, which considers both the finite thickness of ECs and their nonlinear elastic properties, as well as the large strain induced by AFM. Comparison of this model with the more traditional Hertzian model, which assumes linear elastic behavior, small strains, and infinite cell thickness, suggests that the new analysis can predict the mechanical response of ECs during AFM indentation better than Hertzs model, especially when using force-displacement data obtained from large indentations (>100 nm). The shear moduli and distensibility of ECs were greater when using small indentations (<100 nm) compared to large indentations (>100 nm). Tumor necrosis factor-alpha induced changes in the mechanical properties of ECs, which included a decrease in the average shear moduli that occurred in all regions of the ECs and an increase in distensibility in the central regions when measured using small indentations. These changes can be modeled as changes in a chain network structure within the ECs.
Biophysical Journal | 1995
Steven J. Eppell; S.R. Simmons; R.M. Albrecht; Roger E. Marchant
High resolution scanning force microscope (SFM) images of fibrinogen-exposed platelet membranes are presented. Using ultrasharp carbon tips, we are able to obtain submolecular scale resolution of membrane surface features. Corroboration of SFM results is achieved using low voltage, high resolution scanning electron microscopy (LVHRSEM) to image the same protein molecule that is seen in the SFM. We obtain accurate height dimensions by SFM complemented by accurate lateral dimensions obtained by LVHRSEM. The use of 14- and 5-nm gold labels to identify specific membrane-bound biomolecules and to provide contrast enhancement with the SFM is explored as a useful adjunct to observation of unlabeled material. It is shown that the labels are useful for locating specific protein molecules on platelet membrane surfaces and for assessing the distribution of these molecules using the SFM. Fourteen nm labels are shown to be visible over the membrane corrugation, whereas 5-nm labels appear difficult to resolve using the present SFM instrumental configuration. When using the 5-nm labels, collateral use of LVHRSEM allows one to examine SFM images at submolecular resolution and associate function with the structures imaged after the SFM experiment is completed.