15th Applied Aerodynamics Conference | 1997
Osama A. Kandil; Essam F. Sheta; Steven J. Massey
The buffet response of the flexible twintail/delta wing configuration-a multidisciplinary problem is solved using three sets of equations on a multi-block grid structure. The first set is the unsteady, compressible, Reynolds-aver aged NavierStokes equations which are used for obtaining the flow-filed vector and the aerodynamic loads on the twin tails. The second set is the coupled aeroelastic equations which are used for obtaining the bending and torsional deflections of the twin tails. The third set is the grid-displacement equations which are used for updating the grid coordinates due to the tail deflections. The configuration is pitched at wide range of angles of attack; 15° to 40°, and the freestream Mach number and Reynolds number are 0.3 and 1.25 million, respectively. With the twin tails fixed as rigid surfaces, the problem is solved for the initial flow conditions. Next, the problem is solved for the twin tail response for uncoupled bending and torsional vibrations due to the unsteady loads produced by the vortex breakdown flow of the leading-edge vortex cores. The configuration is investigated for two spanwise positions of the twin tails; inboard and outboard locations. The computational results are validated and are in very good agreement with the experimental data of Washburn, et. al.
Flight Simulation and Technologies | 1993
Osama A. Kandil; Hamdy A. Kandil; Steven J. Massey
Computational simulation of the vertical tail buffet problem is accomplished using a delta wing-vertical tail configuration. Flow conditions are selected such that the wing primary-vortex cores experience vortex breakdown and the resulting flow interacts with the vertical tail. This multidisciplinary problem is solved successively using three sets of equations for the fluid flow, aeroelastic deflections and grid displacements. For the fluid dynamics part, the unsteady, compressible, full Navier-Stokes equations are solved accurately in time using an implicit, upwind, flux-difference splitting, finite-volume scheme. For the aeroelastic part, the aeroelastic equation for bending vibrations is solved accurately in time using the Galerkin method and the four-stage Runge-Kutta scheme. The grid for the fluid dynamics computations is updated every few time steps using a third set of interpolation equations. The computational application includes a delta wing of aspect ratio 1 and a rectangular vertical tail of aspect ratio 2, which is placed at 0.5 root-chord length downstream of the wing trailing edge. The wing angle of attack is 35 deg and the flow Mach number and Reynolds number are 0.4 and 10,000, respectively.
14th Applied Aerodynamics Conference | 1996
Osama A. Kandil; Essam F. Sheta; Steven J. Massey
The buffet response of the twin-tail configuration of the F/A-18 aircraft; a multidisciplinary problem, is investigated using three sets of equations on a multi-block grid structure. The first set is the unsteady, compressible, full Navier-Stokes equations. The second set is the coupled aeroelastic equations for bending and torsional twin-tail responses. The third set is the grid-displacement equations which are used to update the grid coordinates due to the tail deflections. The computational model consists of a 76 deg-swept back, sharp edged delta wing of aspect ratio of one and a swept-back F/A-18 twin-tails. The configuration is pitched at 32 deg angle of attack and the freestream Mach number and Reynolds number are 0.2 and 0.75 x 10(exp 6) respectively. The problem is solved for the initial flow conditions with the twin tail kept rigid. Next, the aeroelastic equations of the tails are turned on along with the grid-displacement equations to solve for the uncoupled bending and torsional tails response due to the unsteady loads produced by the vortex breakdown flow of the vortex cores of the delta wing. Two lateral locations of the twin tail are investigated. These locations are called the midspan and inboard locations.
36th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit | 1998
Steven J. Massey; Osama A. Kandil
A computational study of the effect of vortex breakdown location on vertical tail buffeting is conducted. The position of the breakdown is modified by employing an apex flap deflected by an experimentally determined optimal angle. The delayed breakdown flow and buffeting response is then compared to the nominal undeflected case. This multidisciplinary problem is solved sequentially for the fluid flow, the elastic tail deformations and the grid displacements. The fluid flow is simulated by time accurately solving the unsteady, compressible, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations using an implicit, upwind, flux-difference splitting finite volume scheme. The elastic vibrations of the tails are modeled by uncoupled bending and torsion beam equations. These equations are solved accurately in time using the Galerkin method and a five-stage Runge-Kutta-Verner scheme. The grid for the fluid dynamics calculations is continuously deformed using interpolation functions to disperse the displacements smoothly throughout the computational domain. An angle-of-atta ck of 35° is chosen such that the wing primary-vortex cores experience vortex breakdown and the resulting turbulent wake flow impinges on the vertical tails. The dimensions and material properties of the vertical tails are chosen such that the deflections are large enough to insure interaction with the flow, and the natural frequencies are high enough to facilitate a practical computational solution. Results are presented for a baseline uncontrolled buffeting case and a delayed breakdown case in which the apex flap has been deflected 15°. The flap was found to be very effective in delaying the breakdown, increasing the location from 50%c to 94%c, which resulted in a 6% increase in lift coefficient and pitching moment. However, the integrated buffet loads and tip responses were roughly equivalent for the two cases.
Aeronautical Journal | 1996
Osama A. Kandil; Steven J. Massey; Essam F. Sheta
20th Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference | 1995
Osama A. Kandil; Essam F. Sheta; Steven J. Massey
35th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference | 1994
Osama A. Kandil; Steven J. Massey; Hamdy A. Kandil
Archive | 1996
Steven J. Massey; Osama A. Kandil; Essam F. Sheta; C. H. Liu
Archive | 1996
Osama A. Kandil; Steven J. Massey; Essam F. Sheta
Archive | 2011
Domenic J. Maglieri; Percy J. Bobbitt; Steven J. Massey; Kenneth J. Plotkin; Osama A. Kandil; Xudong Zheng