Steven M. Colman
University of Minnesota
Scientific Reports | 2012
Zhisheng An; Steven M. Colman; Weijian Zhou; Xiaoqiang Li; Eric Brown; A. J. Timothy Jull; Yanjun Cai; Yongsong Huang; Xuefeng Lu; Hong Chang; Yougui Song; Youbin Sun; Hai Xu; Weiguo Liu; Zhangdong Jin; Xiaodong Liu; Peng Cheng; Yu Liu; Li Ai; Xiangzhong Li; Xiuju Liu; Libin Yan; Zhengguo Shi; Xulong Wang; Feng Wu; Xiaoke Qiang; Jibao Dong; Fengyan Lu; Xinwen Xu
Two atmospheric circulation systems, the mid-latitude Westerlies and the Asian summer monsoon (ASM), play key roles in northern-hemisphere climatic changes. However, the variability of the Westerlies in Asia and their relationship to the ASM remain unclear. Here, we present the longest and highest-resolution drill core from Lake Qinghai on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau (TP), which uniquely records the variability of both the Westerlies and the ASM since 32 ka, reflecting the interplay of these two systems. These records document the anti-phase relationship of the Westerlies and the ASM for both glacial-interglacial and glacial millennial timescales. During the last glaciation, the influence of the Westerlies dominated; prominent dust-rich intervals, correlated with Heinrich events, reflect intensified Westerlies linked to northern high-latitude climate. During the Holocene, the dominant ASM circulation, punctuated by weak events, indicates linkages of the ASM to orbital forcing, North Atlantic abrupt events, and perhaps solar activity changes.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2012
Peter U. Clark; Jeremy D. Shakun; Paul A. Baker; Patrick J. Bartlein; Simon Brewer; Edward J. Brook; Anders E. Carlson; Hai Cheng; Darrell S. Kaufman; Zhengyu Liu; Thomas M. Marchitto; Alan C. Mix; Carrie Morrill; Bette L. Otto-Bliesner; Katharina Pahnke; J. M. Russell; Cathy Whitlock; Jess F. Adkins; Jessica L. Blois; Jorie Clark; Steven M. Colman; William B. Curry; Ben P. Flower; Feng He; Thomas C. Johnson; Jean Lynch-Stieglitz; Vera Markgraf; Jerry F. McManus; Jerry X. Mitrovica; Patricio I. Moreno
Deciphering the evolution of global climate from the end of the Last Glacial Maximum approximately 19 ka to the early Holocene 11 ka presents an outstanding opportunity for understanding the transient response of Earth’s climate system to external and internal forcings. During this interval of global warming, the decay of ice sheets caused global mean sea level to rise by approximately 80 m; terrestrial and marine ecosystems experienced large disturbances and range shifts; perturbations to the carbon cycle resulted in a net release of the greenhouse gases CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere; and changes in atmosphere and ocean circulation affected the global distribution and fluxes of water and heat. Here we summarize a major effort by the paleoclimate research community to characterize these changes through the development of well-dated, high-resolution records of the deep and intermediate ocean as well as surface climate. Our synthesis indicates that the superposition of two modes explains much of the variability in regional and global climate during the last deglaciation, with a strong association between the first mode and variations in greenhouse gases, and between the second mode and variations in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation.
Quaternary Research | 1981
Steven M. Colman
The scarcity of documented numerical relations between rock weathering and time has led to a common assumption that rates of weathering are linear. This assumption has been strengthened by studies that have calculated long-term average rates. However, little theoretical or empirical evidence exists to support linear rates for most chemical-weathering processes, with the exception of congruent dissolution processes. The few previous studies of rock-weathering rates that contain quantitative documentation of the relation between chemical weathering and time suggest that the rates of most weathering processes decrease with time. Recent studies of weathering rinds on basaltic and andesitic stones in glacial deposits in the western United States also clearly demonstrate that rock-weathering processes slow with time. Some weathering processes appear to conform to exponential functions of time, such as the square-root time function for hydration of volcanic glass, which conforms to the theoretical predictions of diffusion kinetics. However, weathering of mineralogically heterogeneous rocks involves complex physical and chemical processes that generally can be expressed only empirically, commonly by way of logarithmic time functions. Incongruent dissolution and other weathering processes produce residues, which are commonly used as measures of weathering. These residues appear to slow movement of water to unaltered material and impede chemical transport away from it. If weathering residues impede weathering processes then rates of weathering and rates of residue production are inversely proportional to some function of the residue thickness. This results in simple mathematical analogs for weathering that imply nonlinear time functions. The rate of weathering becomes constant only when an equilibrium thickness of the residue is reached. Because weathering residues are relatively stable chemically, and because physical removal of residues below the ground surface is slight, many weathering features require considerable time to reach constant rates of change. For weathering rinds on volcanic stones in the western United States, this time is at least 0.5 my.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1994
J.A. Peck; John W. King; Steven M. Colman; Vadim A. Kravchinsky
Rock-magnetic measurements of sediment cores from the Academician Ridge region of Lake Baikal, Siberia show variations related to Late Quaternary climate change. Based upon the well-dated last glacial-interglacial transition, variations in magnetic concentration and mineralogy are related to glacial-interglacial cycles using a conceptual model. Interglacial intervals are characterized by low magnetic concentrations and a composition that is dominated by low coercivity minerals. Glacial intervals are characterized by high magnetic concentrations and increased amounts of high coercivity minerals. The variation in magnetic concentration is consistent with dilution by diatom opal during the more productive interglacial periods. We also infer an increased contribution of eolian sediment during the colder, windier, and more arid glacial conditions when extensive loess deposits were formed throughout Europe and Asia. Eolian transport is inferred to deliver increased amounts of high coercivity minerals as staining on eolian grains during the glacial intervals. Variations in magnetic concentration and mineralogy of Lake Baikal sediment correlate to the SPECMAP marine oxygen-isotope record. The high degree of correlation between Baikal magnetic concentration/mineralogy and the SPECMAP oxygen-isotope record indicates that Lake Baikal sediment preserves a history of climate change in central Asia for the last 250 ka. This correlation provides a method of estimating the age of sediment beyond the range of the radiocarbon method. Future work must include providing better age control and additional climate proxy data, thereby strengthening the correlation of continental and marine climate records.
Quaternary Science Reviews | 1996
Steven M. Colman; Glenn A. Jones; Meyer Rubin; John W. King; J.A. Peck; William H. Orem
Abstract A suite of 146 new accelerator-mass spectrometer (AMS) radiocarbon ages provides the first reliable chronology for late Quaternary sediments in Lake Baikal. In this large, highly oligotrophic lake, biogenic and authigenic carbonate are absent, and plant macrofossils are extremely rare. Total organic carbon is therefore the primary material available for dating. Several problems are associated with the TOC ages. One is the mixture of carbon sources in TOC, not all of which are syndepositional in age. This problem manifests itself in apparent ages for the sediment surface that are greater than zero. However, because most of the organic carbon in Lake Baikal sediments is algal (autochthonous) in origin, this effect is limited to about 1000±500 years, which can be corrected, at least for young deposits. The other major problem with dating Lake Baikal sediments is the very low carbon contents of glacial-age deposits, which makes them extremely susceptible to contamination with modern carbon. This problem can be minimized by careful sampling and handling procedures. The ages show almost an order of magnitude difference in sediment-accumulation rates among different sedimentary environments in Lake Baikal, from about 0.04 mm/year on isolated banks such as Academician Ridge, to nearly 0.3 mm/year in the turbidite depositional areas beneath the deep basin floors, such as the Central Basin. The new AMS ages clearly indicate that the dramatic increase in diatom productivity in the lake, as evidenced by increases in biogenic silica and organic carbon, began about 13 ka, in contrast to previous estimates of 7 ka for the age of this transition. Holocene net sedimentation rates may be less than, equal to, or greater than those in the late Pleistocene, depending on the site. This variability reflects the balance between variable terrigenous sedimentation and increased biogenic sedimentation during interglaciations. The ages reported here, and the temporal and spatial variation in sedimentation rates that they imply, provide opportunities for paleoenvironmental reconstructions at different time scales and resolutions.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 1986
Kenneth L. Pierce; Steven M. Colman
Terrace scarps can serve as a nearly ideal natural laboratory for the study of the evolution of slopes. This paper examines the effects of scarp size (height) and orientation (microclimate) by keeping constant variables such as age, lithology, and regional climate. If a scarp degrades as a closed system, and downslope movement is directly proportional to surface gradient , the evolution of the scarp is modeled by the diffusion equation. For a group of scarps of same age and known starting angle, the diffusion-equation model predicts the relation between maximum scarp angle (𝛉) and scarp height ( h ). Late Pleistocene terrace scarps now as steep as 33.25°, as well as measured angles of repose for sand and gravel, require a starting angle as steep as 33.5°. For latest Pleistocene Idaho and Utah scarps, as h increases, 𝛉 is gentler (more degraded) than modeled by the diffusion equation with a constant rate coefficient. The degradation-rate coefficient ( c ) increases tenfold with scarp height; it should not change with scarp height if downslope movement is solely determined by surface gradient (to the first power). Soil wash appears to be responsible for this departure from the diffusion-equation model, for transport rate by soil wash is a function of scarp size (height). South-facing scarps are less vegetated and more degraded than north-facing scarps. For scarps 2 m high, the degradation rate ( c *) on S-facing scarps is 2 times that on N-facing scarps; for 10-m scarps, it is 5 times. The observed dependence of the rate coefficient c * on scarp height can be removed by normalizing c * to values for west-facing scarps of the same height. The residual c * values calculated by this method correlate well with differences in incident solar radiation resulting from the different scarp orientations and maximum gradients. This correlation demonstrates the importance of orientation on slope processes and their rates through the differences in freeze-thaw cycles, soil moisture, and vegetative cover. Scarp morphology may be used to estimate age, if one accounts for the effects of climate and for scarp height, orientation, and lithology. For example, using the dated Bonneville shoreline scarps for calibration and comparing only scarps of equal height, we estimate the Drum Mountains fault scarps to be 9,000 yr old. This age is about twice that produced by previous diffusion-equation calculations that have not accounted for the height as we have here, but it is the same as independent geologic estimates of their age.
Journal of Paleolimnology | 1994
J. Platt Bradbury; Ye. V. Bezrukova; G. P. Chernyaeva; Steven M. Colman; G. Khursevich; John W. King; Ye. V. Likoshway
The biostratigraphy of fossil diatoms contributes important chronologic, paleolimnologic, and paleoclimatic information from Lake Baikal in southeastern Siberia. Diatoms are the dominant and best preserved microfossils in the sediments, and distinctive assemblages and species provide inter-core correlations throughout the basin at millennial to centennial scales, in both high and low sedimentation-rate environments. Distributions of unique species, once dated by radiocarbon, allow diatoms to be used as dating tools for the Holocene history of the lake.Diatom, pollen, and organic geochemical records from site 305, at the foot of the Selenga Delta, provide a history of paleolimnologic and paleoclimatic changes from the late glacial (15 ka) through the Holocene. Before 14 ka diatoms were very rare, probably because excessive turbidity from glacial meltwater entering the lake impeded productivity. Between 14 and 12 ka, lake productivity increased, perhaps as strong winds promoted deep mixing and nutrient regeneration. Pollen evidence suggests a cold shrub — steppe landscape dominated the central Baikal depression at this time. As summer insolation increased, conifers replaced steppe taxa, but diatom productivity declined between 11 and 9 ka perhaps as a result of increased summer turbidity resulting from violent storm runoff entering the lake via short, steep drainages. After 8 ka, drier, but more continental climates prevailed, and the modern diatom flora of Lake Baikal came to prominence.On Academician Ridge, a site of slow sedimentation rates, Holocene diatom assemblages at the top of 10-m cores reappear at deeper levels suggesting that such cores record at least two previous interglacial (or interstadial?) periods. Nevertheless, distinctive species that developed prior to the last glacial period indicate that the dynamics of nutrient cycling in Baikal and the responsible regional climatic environments were not entirely analogous to Holocene conditions. During glacial periods, the deep basin sediments of Lake Baikal are dominated by rapidly deposited clastics entering from large rivers with possibly glaciated headwaters. On the sublacustrine Academician Ridge (depth = 300 m), however, detailed analysis of the diatom biostratigraphy indicates that diastems (hiatuses of minor duration) and (or) highly variable rates of accumulation complicate paleolimnologic and paleoclimatic reconstructions from these records.
Geology | 2000
Thomas M. Cronin; Debra A. Willard; Alexander W. Karlsen; Scott E. Ishman; S. Verardo; John P. McGeehin; R. Kerhin; Charles W. Holmes; Steven M. Colman; A. Zimmerman
Salinity oscillations caused by multidecadal climatic variability had major impacts on the Chesapeake Bay estuarine ecosystem during the past 1000 yr. Microfossils from sediments dated by radiometry ( 14 C, 137 Cs, 210 Pb) and pollen stratigraphy indicate that salinity in mesohaline regions oscillated 10‐15 ppt during periods of extreme drought (low fresh-water discharge) and wet climate (high discharge). During the past 500 yr, 14 wet-dry cycles occurred, including sixteenth and early seventeenth century megadroughts that exceeded twentieth century droughts in their severity. These droughts correspond to extremely dry climate also recorded in North American tree-ring records and by early colonists. Wet periods occurred every ~60‐70 yr, began abruptly, lasted <20 yr, and had mean annual rainfall ~25%‐30% and fresh-water discharge ~40%‐50% greater than during droughts. A shift toward wetter regional climate occurred in the early nineteenth century, lowering salinity and compounding the effects of agricultural land clearance on bay ecosystems.
Quaternary Research | 1987
Steven M. Colman; Kenneth L. Pierce; Peter W. Birkeland
Abstract Classification of Quaternary dating methods should be based on the level of quantitative information and the degree of confidence contained in the age estimates produced by the dating methods. We recommend the use of the terms numerical-age, calibrated-age, relative-age , and correlated-age to describe these levels. We also classify dating methods by type into sideral, isotopic, radiogenic, chemical and biological, geomorphic, and correlation methods. The use of “absolute” is inappropriate for most dating methods, and should be replaced by “numerical.” The use of “date” should be minimized in favor of “age” or “age estimate.” We recommend use of the abbreviations ka and Ma for most ages; calender dates can be used where appropriate and yr B.P. can be used for radiocarbon ages.
Science | 2010
Shi-Yong Yu; Steven M. Colman; Thomas V. Lowell; Glenn A. Milne; Timothy G. Fisher; Andy Breckenridge; Matthew Boyd; James T. Teller
Down the Drain A pervasive cooling event affected much of the Northern Hemisphere approximately 9300 years ago. This event was accompanied by changes in ocean circulation in the North Atlantic, forced presumably by a large injection of fresh water produced by melting of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, but the source, magnitude, and routing of the meltwater remain unknown. Yu et al. (p. 1262, published online 29 April) present evidence that the trigger for this cooling episode was an outburst flood from Lake Superior. Reconstructing lake-level changes in the Superior basin suggests that a rapid fall of lake level of about 45 meters occurred 9300 years ago, possibly due to the sudden failure of a drift dam. Rapid drainage through the North Bay–Ottawa River–St. Lawrence River valleys into the North Atlantic should have been sufficient to disturb ocean circulation in line with the geologic record. The trigger for the dramatic North Atlantic cooling event 9300 years ago was an outburst flood from Lake Superior. Paleoclimate proxy records reveal a pervasive cooling event with a Northern Hemispheric extent ~9300 years ago. Coeval changes in the oceanic circulation of the North Atlantic imply freshwater forcing. However, the source, magnitude, and routing of meltwater have remained unknown. Located in central North America, Lake Superior is a key site for regulating the outflow of glacial meltwater to the oceans. Here, we show evidence for an ~45-meter rapid lake-level fall in this basin, centered on 9300 calibrated years before the present, due to the failure of a glacial drift dam on the southeast corner of the lake. We ascribe the widespread climate anomaly ~9300 years ago to this freshwater outburst delivered to the North Atlantic Ocean through the Lake Huron–North Bay–Ottawa River–St. Lawrence River valleys.