
Social Science Research Network | 2017

(China's Belt and Road Initiative and Implications for the Korean Economy)

Seung Shin Lee; Hyun-Tai Lee; Sangbaek Hyun; Su Yeob Na; Youngsun Kim; Koun Cho; Yunmi Oh

Korean Abstract: 중국의 신(新)실크로드 구상인 일대일로(一帶一路) 전략은 중국 내륙지역을 중심으로 한 육상 실크로드와 연해지역을 중심으로 한 해상 실크로드로 나뉜다. 육상실크로드 해당 지역 대부분은 기존 동부 연해지역 위주의 대외개방정책에서 소외되었던 중국 중서부 및 동북부 등 내륙지역으로써 향후 대외교류 확대를 위해 주변 인접국가와의 인프라 연결 및 무역원활화 추진에 더욱 역점을 두고 있다. 해상실크로드 선상의 주요 지방정부는 아시아-유럽-아프리카를 잇는 해상 인프라 구축과 해양 협력 강화를 일대일로 전략의 핵심으로 제시하고 있다. 따라서 주요 항구를 거점으로 한 인프라 연결을 중요시하는 각 지방정부들은 해당 지역의 지리적 이점을 활용한 항공, 항만, 도로 건설 등 종합 교통 네트워크 및 물류 통신 정보 네트워크의 구축 등 이와 관련된 구체적 계획을 발표하였다. 한편, 일대일로가 중국의 새로운 대외전략 방향성을 제시하고, 중앙 부처별, 지방정부의 지역별 참여방안 마련을 통해 구체화 작업이 진행되었다는 성과에도 불구하고 앞으로 일대일로 추진에 있어 많은 과제에 직면해있다. 대외적으로 일대일로 연선국가는 대부분 개발도상국이나 빈곤 국가들로 구성되어 있고 정치적 종교적으로도 불안정한 지역이 적지 않다. 또한, 현 단계에서 주요 협력이 인프라 협력 위주로 추진되는 점은 중국 정부의 재정 부담으로 작용할 가능성이 크고, 구매력이 높지 않은 국가들과의 경제 협력은 단기적으로 무역, 투자 확대 효과가 크지 않을 가능성도 있다. 본 보고서에서는 일대일로의 오통 중에 경제협력과 가장 관련이 깊은 인프라, 자금, 무역 부문의 일대일로 진행상황에 대해 중국 연구의 총체적인 평가를 개괄하고, 세부 부문별로 중국과 연선국가간의 일대일로 전략의 진행상황을 분석하였다. English Abstract: One Belt and One Road (B&R, 一带一路), China’s new Silk Road initiative, is largely divided into two parts: the Land Silk Road centered on China’s inland area and the Maritime Silk Road based in China’s coastal area. Most of the Land Silk Road area is located in the Midwest and the Northeast inland area of China, hitherto marginalized by the opening policy emphasizing the eastern coastal area. In order to expand future foreign exchanges, more emphasis has been placed on promoting infrastructure connection and trade facilitation. Local governments on the Maritime Silk Road are presenting the creation of maritime infrastructure connecting Asia-Europe-Africa and the strengthening of marine cooperation as the core of their B&R strategy. Therefore, each local government is emphasizing infrastructure connection centered on major ports and announcing concrete plans related to a comprehensive transportation network including aviation, harbor and road construction and logistics, communication, information networks making use of their geographical advantages. Meanwhile, despite the achievements made by the central and local governments through various regional participation plans, the B&R initiative is faced with several challenges ahead. Among B&R countries, there are many developing and poor countries that are unstable from a political and religious perspective. Also, the fact that major cooperation at the present stage is promoted mainly by infrastructure cooperation is likely to act as a financial burden to the Chinese government, and economic cooperation with countries where buying power is not high is not expected to be significant in the near term. This report scrutinized the Chinese researches assessing the progress of the B&R initiative, and analyzed the cooperation between China and the B&R countries in infrastructure, funding, and trade – issues which are closely related to the area of economic cooperation among the five areas (Wu Tong, 五通) specified within the B&R initiative.

World economy brief | 2014

China's Green Growth Strategy and Implications for Trade between Korea and China

Ik Joon Moon; Jihyun Jung; Su Yeob Na; Hyun Jung Park; Hyo-jin Lee

This report reviewed Chinese green growth policy overall; and also analyzed trade policy, trade disputes, and Korea-China trade. Chinas green growth is that it represents a transition in the mode of economic development. It is also empirically proven that the result of environmental regulation policies provide positive impact on export increases. This paper examines trade disputes related to China’s green growth policy and analysis of environmental products in Korea-China trade.

World economy brief | 2014

China's Long-Term Economic Reform: Perspectives and Implications

Pyeong Seob Yang; Su Yeob Na

China has recognized sustainable economic growth and harmonious social development as long-term national development strategies and has concentrated economic policies on changing the ways of economic development, economic restructuring, improvement of peoples lives. In particular, at the 3rd plenary session of the 18th-term Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CCCPC), held last November 2013, Chinas new leadership expressed that they would carry out extensive economic reforms in the future. This study analyzes the content and forecasts of the directions of Chinas economic reform implementation in the eight categories of money market, marketization, public finance, tax system, prices, state-owned enterprises, labor, hukou system (household registration system), and international economy; presentation of implications for Korea and countermeasures that should be taken.

World economy brief | 2013

An Overview of the China's Two Meetings in 2013 and the Views of the Chinese Economic Policy

Ik Joon Moon; Su Yeob Na; Minkyung Lim

The Two Meetings, by far the most significant political event in China, was held from March 3 through March 17, 2013, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The 2013 Two Meetings sought to publicize the aims and objectives of the new economic policy under the new Xi Jinping administration. It also gave way to deliberations on organizational matters that involve the national chairmanship, the appointments to the State Council, and the overhaul of the government organization.

Policy analyses | 2017

중국의 일대일로 전략 평가와 한국의 대응방안 (China's Belt and Road Initiative and Implications for the Korean Economy)

Seung Shin Lee; Hyun-Tai Lee; Sangbaek Hyun; Su Yeob Na; Youngsun Kim; Koun Cho; Yunmi Oh

Archive | 2016

뉴노멀 시대 중소기업의 대외경쟁력 제고를 위한 정책과제 연구: 한국과 대만을 중심으로 (Policy Challenges for Supporting the Internationalization of SMEs in the New Normal Era: Focusing on Taiwan's Case )

Seung Shin Lee; Hyun-Tai Lee; Su Yeob Na; Koun Cho; Yunmi Oh; Joonkoo Lee

Policy analyses | 2015

중국의 소비 주도형 성장 전략 평가 (Study on China's Consumption Based Growth Strategy)

Chang Kyu Lee; Furong Jin; Philip Pilsoo Choi; Su Yeob Na; Youngsun Kim; Koun Cho; Hyo-jin Lee

Policy analyses | 2014

중국 국유기업의 개혁에 대한 평가 및 시사점 (A Study on State-Owned Enterprises Reform in China)

Ik Joon Moon; Chang Kyu Lee; Pil Soo Choi; Su Yeob Na; Hyo-jin Lee

World economy brief | 2013

R&D of Chinese Firms: Characteristics and Implications

Ik Joon Moon; Su Yeob Na; Jina Yeo; Minsook Park; Jonghak Eun

World economy brief | 2013

China's Urbanization: Consumption, Construction and Risks

Pil Soo Choi; Sanghun Lee; Ik Joon Moon; Su Yeob Na

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