Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira
State University of Campinas
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Featured researches published by Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira.
SciELO | 2007
Maria Lúcia Ribeiro; Carolina Lourencetti; Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira; Mary Rosa Rodrigues de Marchi
A discussion about groundwater contamination is presented in this work. Contamination by agricultural activity, more specifically by pesticides is emphasized. Indirect and direct estimates could be used to predict pesticide behavior in soil, and consequently, to evaluate the potential of groundwater contamination. These results could be applied to advise about the possibility of groundwater contamination by pesticides, and to provide subsidies for making decisions more quickly and efficiently.
PALAIOS | 2009
Fresia Ricardi-Branco; Fabio Cardinale Branco; Ricardo José Francischetti Garcia; Rafael Souza de Faria; Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira; Rodrigo de Souza Portugal; Luiz Carlos Ruiz Pessenda; Paulo Ricardo Brum Pereira
Abstract Examination of the mechanisms involved in the construction of present-day vegetative deposits along coastal waterways has made it possible to establish depositional patterns that can be compared with those found in similar environments in geologic time. These patterns include not only the composition and transport of the debris but also an estimation of the time involved in its deposition. Six sites with active deposits of plant macrodebris in the coastal basin of the Itanhaém River, São Paulo State, Brazil, were used in the study. In the central portion of the basin, the interior coastal plain is covered with restinga forest (dense, wet tropical forest of low altitudes), while the lower portion consists of mangrove swamps. The coast reflects anthropogenic intervention, and only a few scattered remnants of precolonization dune vegetation remain. The results after three years of study suggest that the accumulation of plant macrodebris in the middle and lower portions of the basin is parautochthonous, since only the leaves of genera typical of the restinga forest and mangrove swamp, respectively, were found. Along the coast the accumulations involved a mixture of parautochthonous and allochthonous elements. On the levee of the Branco River and within the mangrove swamp, deposition was slow, and many of the elements decayed quickly; such accumulations show little potential for preservation and eventual fossilization. A different site, however, reveals the rapid deposition of thick layers of plant debris, presumably associated with storms, and these accumulations are preserved for long periods, constituting good candidates for possible fossilization.
Journal of Environmental Management | 2017
Miriam Gonçalves Miguel; Rodrigo Paiva Barreto; Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira
The Ore Treatment Unit (UTM-Caldas), in the city of Caldas, Minas Gerais, Brazil, nowadays in decommissioning stage, was the first uranium extraction mine in Brazil. Several negative environmental impacts in the area have occurred, because of mining, treatment and beneficiation processes. Waste rock pile 4 (WRP-4) generates acid mine drainage (AMD), which is discharged in the Nestor Figueiredo retention pond (NFP). However, leakage of acid water by the NFP dam foundation has been constantly observed. Therefore, this research aimed to investigate a typical tropical soil, in order to use it as mineral liner for the NFP to minimize the leakage of acid water through the dam foundation and to retain predominant chemical species. Geotechnical, chemical and mineralogical tests were performed to characterize the soil and a column test was carried out using the acid mine drainage as contaminant, which contained aluminum (Al), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe) and fluoride (F-). The soil presented micro aggregation, acid pH, and low values of organic matter content and cation exchange capacity, which are characteristics of highly weathered soils. Diffusion was the predominant transport mechanism in the column test. Effluent solutions with pH less than 6.0 indicated the formation of insoluble Al-F complexes in the soil and desorption of iron and manganese at concentrations above those allowed by the Brazilian legislation. At pH greater than 6.0, the desorption of iron and manganese and release of aluminum and fluoride in the free form occurred, with concentrations also higher than the allowed by the Brazilian legislation.
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management | 2016
Miriam Gonçalves Miguel; Jorge Luiz da Paixão Filho; Julio César Beltrame Benatti; Mariane Alves de Godoy Leme; Bruno César Mortatti; Giuliano Gabrielli; Marcelo Leite Conde Elaiuy; Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira; Egle Novaes Teixeira
The increasing consumption in emerging countries like Brazil has caused the increased generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) and hence the demand for environmentally friendly and relatively inexpensive disposal of the waste, such as sanitary landfills. In this research, it is presented the gravimetric composition of MSW disposed in a large-scale experimental cell, built on a sanitary landfill, Campinas, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. For such, it was adopted the hypothesis that the characteristics of MSW vary with the income level of the population and the type of activity that generates it (domestic or commercial). Twenty-two tests were performed for gravimetric characterisation. Statistical analyses considering the results of this characterisation showed that the adopted hypothesis was correct. The MSW composition was preponderant by organic matter (52.7%), paper (17.5%) and plastic (13.0%). The methodology used was considered feasible to achieve the proposed objective of the characterisation.
Archive | 2013
Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira; Melina Mara de Souza; Fresia Ricardi-Branco; Paulo Ricardo Brum Pereira; Fabio Cardinale Branco; Renato Zázera Francioso
Park Hermogenes de Freitas Leitao Filho is located in Campinas (SP), limited by the Cidade Universitaria I and Cidade Universitaria II neighbourhoods and the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), in the Barao Geraldo district, whose population was estimated in 2011 to be around 60,000 inhabitants [1]. The park has an estimated area of 123,901.06 m2 and of this total, 80,111.17 m2 corresponds to the surface of a pond formed by the damming of two streams: one passes through the campus of UNICAMP, draining an area of 325.813 m2. In recent decades, effluent from the University has been released into the pond. In 2004, this release was captured by the sewage system of the municipal sanitation company. Currently, the pond receives urban drainage water from the Cidade Universitaria II neighbourhood and a Centro Medico Hospital, on the right bank, and the university campus and the Cidade Universitaria II neighbourhood on the left bank.
Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ | 2018
G. Klinke Neto; Anna Hoffmann Oliveira; Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira
O presente trabalho ira analisar a fisiografia de uma sub-bacia as margens do rio Mogi Guacu-SP bem como sua geomorfologia e de seu entorno. Para o mapeamento geomorfologico, aplicou-se a metodologia descrita por Ross (1992) utilizando dados de sensoriamento remoto e tambem observacoes de campo. O detalhamento das vertentes favorece o entendimento mais apurado da dinâmica de fluxo superficial e, consequentemente, dos processos de deposicao de sedimentos e recarga de agua subterrânea. A sub-bacia avaliada apresentou relevo suave ondulado o que e desfavoravel ao transporte de sedimentos, porem, o solo arenoso da area e naturalmente propenso a desagregacao. Os resultados encontrados indicam a dinâmica geomorfica atuando atraves de formas agradacionais e denudacionais, favorecendo a erosao nas colinas e a deposicao nas planicies.
Águas Subterrâneas | 2017
Joaquim Ernesto Bernardes Ayer; Danilo Trovó Garófalo; Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira
This article deals with the mapping of hydrogeological favorability in fractured aquifers, in the so called Circuito das Aguas Paulista. Remote sensing and geospatial analysis techniques were used to create and combine geological, physiographic, structural, land cover, and favorability maps. These data were manipulated in geographic information systems, aiming the mapping of hydrogeological favorability, using Fuzzy logic. The favorability mapping was shown according to the specific capacity values and to the distribution pattern of the wells. In addition, the trend surface generated from the specific capacity data was in accordance with the favorability map, corroborating the accuracy of the applied method, showing a high hydrogeological favorability in the Aguas de Lindoia and Lindoia municipalities.
In | 2015
Fresia Ricardi-Branco; Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira; Melina Mara de Souza; Francisco Santiago; Paulo Ricardo Brum Pereira; Fabio Cardinale Branco; Victor Ribeiro; Karen Molina
Environmental features of the Mogi-Guacu River fluvial plain located in the northeast portion of the Sao Paulo State, Brazil as characterized by the dynamics of subaquatic environment, the current pollen rain and climatic analysis of leaf morphologies in selected meander bends. As the area forms a transition between the Cerrado (Wood Savanna) and Mata Atlântica (Atlantic Forest), located in the Ecological Station of Mogi-Guacu (EEcMG), in the municipality of Mogi-Guacu, district of Martinho Prado Jr. (between 22° 10′S and 22° 18′S and 47° 08′W and 47° 11′W), the present environmental study involves helped improving the knowledge about the origin and evolution of the Cerrado and Mata Atlântica, and the dynamics of the Quaternary plains that sustain this river ecosystem.
Periódico Eletrônico Fórum Ambiental da Alta Paulista | 2011
Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira; Alberto Yoshinaga; Paulo Ricardo Brum Pereira
O presente estudo buscou reunir definicoes encontradas em bibliografias especificas bem como as resolucoes de âmbito nacional sobre nascentes, com a intencao de ampliar o debate sobre este tema tao importante na gestao dos recursos hidricos e ambiental. O trabalho consistiu em um levantamento de diversas fontes de divulgacao do conhecimento tanto em forma de livros academicos quanto de enderecos eletronicos e glossarios internacionais de renome no meio cientifico. Apoiados neste resgate de literatura buscaram-se definir alguns conceitos basicos, podendo considerar que as nascentes sao surgencias que possuem vazao suficiente para originar curso ou acumulo de agua. O estudo deve detalhar os diferentes modos de ocorrencia das nascentes, quanto a forma, vazao, origem, bem como estabelecer algumas diretrizes em relacao a sua caracterizacao e estudo de seu comportamento dinâmico. Destaca-se a importância da preservacao da mata ciliar estipulada por lei bem como no controle da dinâmica das transformacoes no uso e ocupacao do solo das areas a montante.
Archive | 2011
Fresia Ricardi Branco; Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira; Fabio Cardinale Branco; Paulo Ricardo Brum Pereira
The following chapter presents some considerations regard to the interrelation between the bioclastic accumulations (plants and animals) in a coastal estuarine environment, and the influence of sub surface water in its preservation in the geological record. To it, the plants and zoo debris accumulations and the aquifers in the Itanhaem River basin, south coast of Sao Paulo State, Brazil were studied and characterized. The estuary Itanhaem River is located on the southern coast of Sao Paulo State as part of Santos Peruibe Quaternary Coastal Plain. It has characteristic of tropical environments, mainly by the exuberance of the Atlantic Rain Forest (Brazilian biome characterized by its high biodiversity which grows associated with the Brazilian coastal portion), largely in primary conditions of conservation, by the Forest of Restinga or dense ombrophyle forest of low altitudes (forest characterized by a high biodiversity that develops in sandy soils of the coastal regions of Brazil) also mostly in primary conditions for conservation and by the Mangrove, which is considered one of the most well protected area of the state. The Coast of Sao Paulo has two climatic determiners that influence the dynamic of atmospheric water: (1) the line of the Tropic of Capricorn crosses the region, and (2) the presence of the Serra do Mar with altitudes (maximum of about 1000 meters) very close to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, and covered by dense tropical vegetation, the Atlantic Forest. Thus, polar air masses and tropical, have interactivity with elements of the relief. The altitudes near the coast, the moisture of ocean evaporation, the evapotranspiration, the slope orientation are the factors responsible to make this region as one of the most humid in Brazil. The characterization of climate dynamics is based on information from weather stations used in the regional analysis presented in Table 1. The weather stations of Sao Paulo city was taken as a reference to the availability of climate information for long period to high altitudes. The station of the Research Center of the Itanhaem river (CPeRio), despite the short period of observation, is a complete station, situated in the Itanhaem river basin and was considered as a local reference.