Suk-Hyun Yun
Chonbuk National University
Journal of Microbiology | 2014
Jyotiranjan Bal; Suk-Hyun Yun; Ha-Yeon Song; Soo-Hwan Yeo; Jae Hyun Kim; Jung-Mi Kim; Dae-Hyuk Kim
The growing popularity of traditional Korean alcoholic beverages has led to a demand for quality enhancement of the traditional starter culture nuruk, which consists primarily of wheat. Therefore, this study focused on mycoflora characterization and the temporal variations in traditional wheat-based nuruks fermented at two representative traditional temperature conditions for 30 days. Nuruk A was fermented at a constant temperature of 36°C for 30 days and nuruk B was fermented at a high initial temperature of 45°C for 10 days followed by 35°C for 20 days. The average mycoflora load in the two different nuruk conditions did not vary significantly between the 0 and 30 day cultures, and a maximum load of 8.39 log CFU/g was observed for nuruk A on culture day 3 and 7.87 log CFU/g for nuruk B on culture day 30. Within two samples, pH was negatively correlated with temporal changes in mycoflora load. The pH of nuruk A was significantly lower than that of nuruk B at all of the time points evaluated. Culture-dependent characterization led to the identification of 55 fungal isolates belonging to 9 genera and 15 species, with the most prominent genera comprising Lichtheimia, Penicillium, Trametes, Aspergillus, Rhizomucor, and Mucor. A total of 25 yeast isolates were characterized belonging to 6 genera and 7 species, the most prominent among which were Rhodotorula, Pichia, Debaryomyces, Saccharomycopsis, and Torulospora. Mycofloral community dynamics analysis revealed that both samples A and B varied considerably with respect to the fungal communities over a span of 30 days.
British Journal of Dermatology | 2018
J.M. Bae; Sungkoo Lee; T.H. Kim; S.D. Yeom; Shin Jh; Wonhwa Lee; Mu Hyoung Lee; Ai-Young Lee; Ki-Ho Kim; Kim Mb; Chong-Won Park; S.H. Lee; D.H. Kim; H.J. Lee; Duck-Hyung Lee; Chong Won Choi; Young-Gun Kim; Hyun-Woo Kang; S. Haw; Young Bok Lee; S. J. Yun; Suk-Hyun Yun; S.P. Hong; Youngwon Lee; Kim Hj; Gwang-Seong Choi
Little is known about factors affecting the quality of life (QoL) of patients with vitiligo, and previous studies have shown conflicting results.
Plant Pathology Journal | 2013
Jung-Mi Kim; Suk-Hyun Yun; Seung-Moon Park; Han-Gyu Ko; Dae-Hyuk Kim
dsRNA was found in malformed cultures of Lentinula edodes strain FMRI0339, one of the three most popular sawdust cultivated commercial strains of shiitake, and was also found in healthy-looking fruiting bodies and actively growing mycelia. Cloning of the partial genome of the dsRNA revealed the presence of the RdRp sequence of a novel L. edodes mycovirus (LeV), and sequence comparison of the cloned amplicon showed identical sequences sequence to known RNA-dependent RNA polymerase genes of LeV found in strain HKA. The meiotic stability of dsRNA was examined by measuring the ratio of the presence of dsRNA among sexual monokaryotic progeny. More than 40% of the monokaryotic progeny still contained the dsRNA, indicating the persistence of dsRNA during sexual reproduction. Comparing the mycelia growth of monokaryotic progeny suggested that there appeared to be a tendency toward a lower frequency of virus incidence in actively growing progeny.
Molecular Plant-microbe Interactions | 2016
Jung-Mi Kim; Joong-Gi Lee; Suk-Hyun Yun; Kum-Kang So; Yo-Han Ko; Young Ho Kim; Seung-Moon Park; Dae-Hyuk Kim
CpBck1, an ortholog of the cell-wall integrity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was cloned and characterized from the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica. The CpBck1-null mutant displayed cell wall integrity-related phenotypic changes such as abnormal cell morphology and wall formation and hypersensitivity to cell wall-disrupting agents. In addition, the mutant showed severely retarded growth without any sign of normal development, such as hyphal differentiation, conidiation, or pigmentation. As the culture proceeded, the mutant colony showed sporadic sectorization. Once sectored, the sectored phenotype of robust mycelial growth without differentiation was stably inherited. Compared with the wild type, both the parental CpBck1-null mutant and the sectored progeny exhibited marked impaired virulence. The present study revealed that a mutation in a signaling pathway component related to cell-wall integrity resulted in sporadic sectorization and these sectored phenotypes were stably inherited, suggesting that this signal transduction pathway is implicated in adaptive genetic changes for sectorization.
Virus Research | 2015
Jung-Mi Kim; Ha-Yeon Song; Hyo-Jin Choi; Suk-Hyun Yun; Kum-Kang So; Han-Kyu Ko; Dae-Hyuk Kim
This study attempted to cure the edible mushroom Lentinula edodes strain FMRI0339 of the L. edodes mycovirus (LeV) in order to obtain an isogenic virus-free fungal strain as well as a virus-infected strain for comparison. Mycelial fragmentation, followed by being spread on a plate with serial dilutions resulted in a virus-free colony. Viral absence was confirmed with gel electrophoresis after dsRNA-specific virus purification, Northern blot analysis, and PCR using reverse transcriptase (RT-PCR). Once cured, all of fungal cultures remained virus-free over the next two years. Interestingly, the viral titer of LeV varied depending on the culture condition. The titer from the plate culture showed at least a 20-fold higher concentration than that grown in the liquid culture. However, the reduced virus titer in the liquid culture was recovered by transferring the mycelia to a plate containing the same medium. In addition, oxygen-depleted culture conditions resulted in a significant decrease of viral concentration, but not to the extent seen in the submerged liquid culture. Although no discernable phenotypic changes in colony morphology were observed, virus-cured strains showed significantly higher growth rates and mycelial mass than virus-infected strains. These results indicate that LeV infection has a deleterious effect on mycelial growth.
Archives of Virology | 2017
Song Hee Lee; Suk-Hyun Yun; Jeesun Chun; Dae-Hyuk Kim
Molecular characterization of the most common dsRNA element from Trichoderma atroviride indicated that it comprised 8,566 bp and encoded two large open reading frames (ORF1 and 2). The two ORFs were found to overlap by 46 bp with a typical (−1) slippery heptanucelotide sequence. The deduced protein sequences of ORF1 and ORF2 showed significant similarities to those of known mycoviral structural proteins and RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that this dsRNA is a member of a distinct species related to a group of unclassified mycoviruses; therefore, it was named Trichoderma atroviride mycovirus 1 (TaMV1).
Journal of Microbiology | 2015
Jyotiranjan Bal; Suk-Hyun Yun; Myoung-Suk Choi; Soo-Hwan Yeo; Jung-Mi Kim; Dae-Hyuk Kim
The emerging global importance of Korea’s alcoholic beverages emphasizes the need for quality enhancement of nuruk, a traditional Korean cereal starter that is used extensively in traditional brewing. Apart from fungi and yeasts, bacteria known to be ubiquitously present are also a part of the nuruk ecosystem and are known to influence fermentation activity by influencing fermentation favorable factors. In the current study, bacterial diversity and temporal variations in the traditional wheat-based nuruk, fermented at two representative temperature conditions for 30 days, along with two commercial wheat-based nuruk samples for comparison analysis were evaluated using libraries of PCR amplicons and 454 pyrosequencing targeting of the hypervariable regions V1 to V3 of the 16S rRNA gene. A total of 90,836 16S reads were analyzed and assigned to a total of 314, 321, and 141 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) for nuruk A, B, and C, respectively. Diversity parameters clearly indicated nuruk B to be more diverse in terms of bacterial composition than nuruk A. Taxonomic assignments indicated that nuruk A was dominated by phylum Cyanobacteria, whereas nuruk B was dominated by phylum Actinobacteria. For both nuruk A and B, members of the phylum Firmicutes mostly converged into the family Bacillaceae; these microorganisms might be present in negligible numbers at the beginning but became significant as the fermentation progressed. The commercial samples were predominated by phylum Firmicutes, which is composed of Lactobacillaceae and Leoconostocaceae. The findings of this study provide new insights into understanding the changes in bacterial community structure during traditional nuruk starter production.
Mycobiology | 2016
Jyotiranjan Bal; Suk-Hyun Yun; Jeesun Chun; Beom-Tae Kim; Dae-Hyuk Kim
Abstract The most economically important species used in a wide range of fermentation industries throughout Asia belong to Aspergillus section Flavi, which are morphologically and phylogenetically indistinguishable, with a few being toxigenic and therefore a major concern. They are frequently isolated from Korean fermentation starters, such as nuruk and meju. The growing popularity of traditional Korean alcoholic beverages has led to a demand for their quality enhancement, therefore requiring selection of efficient non-toxigenic strains to assist effective fermentation. This study was performed to classify the most efficient strains of Aspergillus section Flavi isolated from various types of traditional wheat nuruk, based on a polyphasic approach involving molecular and biochemical evaluation. A total of 69 strains were isolated based on colony morphology and identified as Aspergillus oryzae/flavus based on internal transcribed spacer and calmodulin gene sequencing. Interestingly, none were toxigenic based on PCR amplification of intergenic regions of the aflatoxin cluster genes norB-cypA and the absence of aflatoxin in the culture supernatants by thin-layer chromatography analysis. Saccharification capability of the isolates, assessed through α-amylase and glucoamylase activities, revealed that two isolates, TNA24 and TNA15, showed the highest levels of activity. Although the degrees of variation in α-amylase and glucoamylase activities among the isolates were higher, there were only slight differences in acid protease activity among the isolates with two, TNA28 and TNA36, showing the highest activities. Furthermore, statistical analyses showed that α-amylase activity was positively correlated with glucoamylase activity (p < 0.001), and therefore screening for either was sufficient to predict the saccharifying capacity of the Aspergillus strain.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology | 2017
Jyotiranjan Bal; Suk-Hyun Yun; Soo-Hwan Yeo; Jung-Mi Kim; Beom-Tae Kim; Dae-Hyuk Kim
The brewing of makgeolli, one of Korea’s most popular alcoholic beverages that is gaining popularity globally, is facilitated by nuruk, a traditional Korean cereal starter. The nuruk microbiome greatly influences the fermentation process as well as the nutritional, hygienic, and aromatic qualities of the product. This study is a continuation of our efforts to examine nuruk biodiversity at a depth previously unattainable. In this study, microfloral dynamics in wheat-based nuruk C, composed of traditional ingredients such as barley, green gram, and wheat and fermented under various internal moisture contents of 20% (C20), 26% (C26), and 30% (C30), was evaluated using 454 pyrosequencing during the 30-day fermentation process. Rarefaction analysis and alpha diversity parameters indicated adequate sampling. C20 showed the greatest fungal richness and diversity, C20 and C26 exhibited similar bacterial richness and diversity, while C30 had low fungal and bacterial richness. Fungal taxonomic assignments revealed that the initial moisture content caused selective enrichment of Aspergillus candidus with a decreasing trend during fermentation, whereas Saccharomycetales sp. exhibited increasing relative abundance with increasing moisture content from day 6 of the fermentation process. Depending on initial moisture level, changes in bacterial communities were also observed in the genera Streptomyces, Bacillus, and Staphylococcus, with decreasing trends whereas Saccharopolyspora exhibited a sigmoidal trend with the highest abundance in C26. These findings demonstrate the possible impact of initial moisture content of nuruk on microfloral richness, diversity, and dynamics; this study is thus a step toward our ultimate goal of enhancing the quality of nuruk.
British Journal of Dermatology | 2017
Jong-Il Park; Suk-Hyun Yun; Han-Uk Kim
DEAR EDITOR, A 6-month-old healthy female infant presented with a linear erythematous vesicular patch on her right heel, corresponding to the band of a heel-length sock (a). After 2 weeks without sock use, the lesion faded to brown hyperpigmentation (b), and it completely resolved during a 3-month follow-up period. Heelor sock-line bands represent a rare skin condition characterized by linear, unilateral or bilateral, circumferential lesions developed in an infant after wearing tight garments. Dermal inflammation or panniculitis related to local pressure and the vulnerability of infantile skin may lead to postinflammatory changes. This benign condition typically resolves within a few months and does not require further treatment. J . PARK S .K . YUN H.U. K IM Department of Dermatology, Chonbuk National University Medical School, 20 Geonji-ro (Geumam-dong), Deokjin-gu, Jeonju 54907, South Korea Research Institute of Clinical Medicine of Chonbuk National University, Biomedical Research Institute of Chonbuk National University Hospital, Jeonju, Korea E-mail: