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Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture | 2014


Anandeya Satrio Sambodo; Sudadi Sudadi; Sumarno Sumarno

This research to determine the effect of azolla-based organic fertilizers, rock phosphate, and rice husk ash, and the best combination treatment to peanut yield on Alfisols. The experiment was conducted in April-November 2013 at the paddy fields of farmers in Sukosari village, Jumantono, Karanganyar District and in Laboratory of Soil Chemistry and Fertility and Soil Biology and Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture UNS for soil chemical and biological properties respectively. This experimental design used was Randomized Block Completely Design (RCBD) with 5 treatments and each repeated 5 times. Statistical analysis of the data using the F test at 5% level of confidence followed by DMRT if any signicant influence. The variabels observed were soil organic matter content, soil pH, total number of soil bacteria, plant height, number of root nodules, and seed weight. The results showed that there was significant differences among the treatments. The treatment of P 1 (5 tons/ha azolla compost, 100 kg/ha phosphate rock and 75 kg/ha rice husk ash) provide the highest of soil organic matter content (4.31%) while P 2 (5 tons/ha azolla compost, 50 kg/ha phosphate rock and 37.5 kg/ha rice husk ash) provide the highest dry seed yield (1011.09 kg/ha) which was 11.06 % higher than control treatment (910.38 kg/ha).

Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture | 2014


Canggih Jati Nusantara; Sumarno Sumarno; Widyatmani Sih Dewi; Sudadi Sudadi

Produksi padi di Indonesia masih belum mampu menutupi kebutuhan nasional. Rendahnya produktivitas ini salah satunya disebabkan oleh penurunan tingkat kesuburan tanah. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kandungan fosfat didalam tanah adalah dengan memberikan pupuk fosfat alam dan juga inokulum azolla. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dosis yang tepat dari inokulum azolla dan fosfat alam untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan fosfat dan meningkatkan hasil tanaman padi pada tanah alfisol. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode RAL faktorial dengan dua faktor pembanding perlakuan pupuk kandang dan pupuk N,P,K. Analisis data hasil pengamatan menggunakan analisis ragam pada taraf 5% dan apabila terdapat pengaruh beda nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT taraf 5% untuk membandingkan antar perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlakuan pemberian inokulum azolla dan fosfat alam dapat meningkatkan ketersediaan fosfat pada tanah alfisol dan mampu meningkatkan hasil padi. Pada parameter P tersedia hasil tertinggi menunjukan pada perlakuan azolla 2,5 ton/ha tanpa fosfat alam dan azolla 5 ton/ha fosfat alam 350 kg/ha yaitu 10,81 ppm. Selain itu pemberian inokulum azolla dan fosfat alam memberikan peningkatan terhadap kadar KTK, bahan organik, N total dalam tanah dan pH tanah.

Sains Tanah: Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology | 2013

Macam dan Dosis Pupuk Organik terhadap Hasil dan Kadar Antosianin Kelopak Bunga Rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa)

Sumarno Sumarno

Title: Kinds and doses of organic fertilizers on the yield and anthocyanin content of Roselle calyx ( Hibiscus sabdariffa ). A Roselle petal has fresh taste and attractive red color. In addition to containing high vitamin C which also contains the pigment anthocyanin, can be processed into several products that have high economic value. Drug efficacy from Rosella interest include lowering high blood pressure, lower levels of fat and cholesterol, blood circulation, stop cough and facilitate defecation. Increasing crop productivity can be done by providing additional nutrients through the selection of appropriate types of fertilizer, effective and efficient. Vermicompost and fermented organic fertilizer, besides containing the elements necessary macro plants also contains elements such as micro-and growth hormone auxin, cytokinin and gibberellins. The research aims to find out kind of organic fertilizer and the correct dosage to improve results rosella flower petals with high anthocyanin content. Research was done in Jumantono Village, Karanganyar. Is a field trial, RAKL nested with treatment: Various Organic Fertilizers: Bokhasi, Casting, and compost. Dose of fertilizer each: 3; 6; 9 tons / ha. Conclusion, vermi fertilizer to increase growth and yield of Roselle calyx higher compared with fermented manure and compost, vermi fertilizer 9 t / ha is able to provide the highest dry weight of petals compared with the dose and under control. While fertilizer fermented 6 t / ha have been able to increase yields and high dose up to 9 t / ha increase in the result does not mean; dose of compost and fermented which gives a high anthocyanin content is 9 t / ha, while the dose of fertilizer Vermicompost 6 t / ha have been able to provide a high anthocyanin content and increased the dose to 9 t / ha increment is not significant. Keywords: anthocyanin, Hibiscus sabdariffa, organic fertilizer, Vermicompost

Sains Tanah: Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology | 2013

Pengaruh Dosis Kompos Azolla dan Kalium Organik terhadap Ketersediaan Kalium dan Hasil Kacang Tanah pada Alfisol

Lutfy Ismoyo; Sumarno Sumarno; Sudadi Sudadi

Title : The Effect of Azolla Compost and Organic Pottasium Fertilizer Dosages on Pottasium Availability and Yield of Peanut on Alfisol. Production of groundnut can not meet the national demand right now. One of the reason is the degradation in soil fertility, such as potassium deficiency and low of soil organic matter content. Plants that has potassium-deficiency can not utilize water and nutrients from the soil efficiently. In organic farming system, soil exchangeable-potassium and organic matter content can be increase by the application of plant ash as organic potassium and azolla compost. The research conducted to determine the proper dose of azolla compost and organic potassium to increase exchangeable-potassium and yield of groundnut on Alfisol soil at Jumantono, Karanganyar District, Central Java, Indonesia. The experiment was arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with single treatment factor of azolla compost and organic pottasium combination (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8) as well as manure and NPK fertilizer treatments. The Variables using in this experiment are K exchanged, CEC, Organic Matter, Total N, pH, plant height, fresh weight and dry stover, fresh weight, dry and number of pods, weight and number of seeds. Data were analyzed by F test and DMRT at 5% level. The land use media as much as 5 kg per polybag with 3 number plants per poybag, and in the second week we used to thinning the plants. Everyday we also doing watering and weeding. The observation were made every week until phase of generatif The results showed the application of azolla compost and organic potassium can increase exchangeable-potassium and yield of groundnut in Alfisol soil. The highest exchangeable-pottasium (0.53me%) taken from the treatment of P7. Moreover the application of azolla compost and organic potassium increased CEC, soil organic matter content, total-N soil as well as shoot fresh and dry weight of peanut.

Sains Tanah: Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology | 2013

Kajian Pengelolaan Lahan Berdasarkan Tingkat Bahaya Erosi dan Pola Konservasi Tanah dan Air di Desa Ngadipiro Kecamatan Nguntoronadi, Kabupaten Wonogiri

Sumarno Sumarno; Joko Winarno; Irawan Prastomo

Title : Land Management Study Based on The Degree of Erosion Hazard and Water and Soil Conservation Pattern in Ngadipiro, Nguntoronadi, Wonogiri. This research is aimed to identify the land management which has been done in Ngadipiro in order to overcome the erosion problem, to know and to analyze the class of erosion hazard, to get a soil and water conservation technique alternative which are appropriate to the this surrounding. This research is phenomenological qualitative descriptive research where the variable approach is done by field survey. The field unit map is got by pilling up on one another the map of the field use, soil depth and the declivity of the slope. The sample is taken by purposive sampling technique. Data and information about field management is got by analyzing directly to the field and by interviewing the informant key. Data analysis of the erosion prediction erosion hazard degree is done by using the formula of USLE. The result of the research shows that the erosion danger degree can be classified in to 5 class, they are: very light (SPL 4), light (SPL 3), medium (SPL 5), heavy (SPL 2, 6, 8, and 10), very heavy (SPL 1, 7, 9, 11, and 12), erosion that happenes in the field research (190,08 ton/ha/year/land units) has already been dangerous for the soil productivity preservation because it is already in the limit which is allowed (16,05 ton/ha/year/land units). The recommended soil and water conservations are: a) mechanical water and soil conservation: making the construction bench terrace in SPL 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12, making rorak in SPL 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, and 12, b) vegetative soil and water conservation technique: application agroforestry system by path planting in SPL 6, 7, 10, and 12, the use of soil covering plant in every SPL, for most in SPL 11, c) fertilizing as means to improve ingredients organic matter of land in every SPL. Keywords: Erosion hazard degree, land management, soil and water conservation

Sains Tanah: Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology | 2013

The Effect of Azolla Inoculum Dosage and Organic Potassium Fertilizer on Potassium Availability and Rice Yield in Alfisol

Ransa Gustrada Syarif; Hery Widijanto; Sumarno Sumarno

This research conducted to determine the proper dose of azolla inoculum and organic potassium to increase the availability of potassium and increase yield of paddy rice,and to determine the best dose combination instead K availability. The research was conducted in May 2012 until November 2012 at Jumantono dryland research centre, Karanganyar regency and Chemical and Soil Fertility laboratory Agriculture Faculty UNS Solo. The research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) using P as the treatment combination of Azolla inoculum and organic pottasium. For comparison is the treatment of manure and NPK fertilizer. The Variabel for this research are pottasium exchanged, CEC, organic matter, total N in the soil, dry weight of grain harvested and milled, and weight of 100 seeds. Data were analyzed by F test and DMRT at 5% level. The results showed that the combination dose of Azolla inoculum and organic potassium can increase the availability of potassium and rice yields on Alfisol soil. The research showed P8 (Combination of azolla inoculums 5 ton/ha and organic potassium 100 kg/ha) as the highest treatment.

Sains Tanah: Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology | 2013

Study on The Potency of Soil Microbes Isolated from Andisols of Dieng, Central Java, as S-Oxidizing Biofertilizer Inoculant

Sudadi Sudadi; Ika Ernawati; Sumarno Sumarno; Widyatmani Sih Dewi; Hery Widijanto

The problem of nutrient deficiences tend to increase, including sulfur deficiency. The use of high purity NPK fertilizers stimulate sulfur deficiency in agricultural land. This problem can be corrected by the use of elemental sulfur accompanied with S-oxidizing biofertilizer. The study aimed to evaluate the potential of sulfur oxidizing microbial isolated from Andisols of Dieng Central Java as S-oxidizing inoculant. Andisols Dieng naturally contains high sulfur that allegedly inhabited many sulfur-oxidizing microbials. The research consisted of two experiments, each arranged in completely randomized design (CRD). Each experiment consist of two factors namely the kind of microbial isolated from Andisols Dieng and incubation time. The first experiment used Czapekdox+elemental sulfur medium, while the second experiment used vermicompost as medium. The observed variables include soluble-S, bacterial density, biomass of fungi and medium pH. One isolate of bacteria (I1)and three isolates of fungi (F1, F2 and F3) taken from Andisol of Dieng showing their ability to oxidize sulfur in Czapek-dok agar medium. They were used as isolates in the experiment. The result of the first experiment showed that the oxidized sulfur increased with the length of incubation time as indicated by the increase of soluble-S, bacterial cell density or fungi biomass in the medium followed by the decrease of pH. The second experiment showed that the population of bacteria or fungi isolates and soluble-S of vermicompost were increased collaterally with incubation time. The fungi isolate of F2 have the highest potency as inoculant of Soxidizing biofertilizer as shown by it ability to survive, grows and oxidize S both in Czapek-dox+elemental sulfur liquid medium as well as in vermicompost medium.

Sains Tanah: Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology | 2013

The Effect of Azolla Compost and Organic Pottasium Fertilizer Dosages on Pottasium Availability and Yield of Peanut on Alfisol

Lutfy Ismoyo; Sumarno Sumarno; Sudadi Sudadi

Production of groundnut can not meet the national demand right now. One of the reason is the degradation in soil fertility, such as potassium deficiency and low of soil organic matter content. Plants that has potassium-deficiency can not utilize water and nutrients from the soil efficiently. In organic farming system, soil exchangeablepotassium and organic matter content can be increase by the application of plant ash as organic potassium and azolla compost. The research conducted to determine the proper dose of azolla compost and organic potassium to increase exchangeable-potassium and yield of groundnut on Alfisol soil at Jumantono, Karanganyar District, Central Java, Indonesia. The experiment was arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with single treatment factor of azolla compost and organic pottasium combination (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8) as well as manure and NPK fertilizer treatments. The Variables using in this experiment are K exchanged, CEC, Organic Matter, Total N, pH, plant height, fresh weight and dry stover, fresh weight, dry and number of pods, weight and number of seeds. Data were analyzed by F test and DMRT at 5% level. The land use media as much as 5 kg per polybag with 3 number plants per poybag, and in the second week we used to thinning the plants. Everyday we also doing watering and weeding. The observation were made every week until phase of generatif The results showed the application of azolla compost and organic potassium can increase exchangeablepotassium and yield of groundnut in Alfisol soil. The highest exchangeable-pottasium (0.53me%) taken from the treatment of P7. Moreover the application of azolla compost and organic potassium increased CEC, soil organic matter content, total-N soil as well as shoot fresh and dry weight of peanut.

Sains Tanah: Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology | 2015

Pengaruh Dosis Inokulum Azolla, Fosfat Alam dan Abu Sekam terhadap Sifat Fisika Tanah dan Hasil Padi pada Alfisols

Vivit Nurcahyani; Sumarno Sumarno; Sudadi Sudadi

Sains Tanah: Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology | 2015

Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Berbasis Azolla, Fosfat Alam dan Abu Sekam terhadap Hasil Padi dan Sifat Kimia Tanah Alfisol

Sudadi Sudadi; Sumarno Sumarno; Wiki Handi


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Sudadi Sudadi

Sebelas Maret University

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Hery Widijanto

Sebelas Maret University

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Joko Winarno

Sebelas Maret University

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Sri Hartati

Sebelas Maret University

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Wiki Handi

Sebelas Maret University

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