Summer Sheremata
Florida Atlantic University
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2010
Summer Sheremata; Katherine Bettencourt; David C. Somers
Visual short-term memory (VSTM) briefly maintains a limited sampling from the visual world. Activity in the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) tightly correlates with the number of items stored in VSTM. This activity may occur in or near to multiple distinct visuotopically mapped cortical areas that have been identified in IPS. To understand the topographic and spatial properties of VSTM, we investigated VSTM activity in visuotopic IPS regions using functional magnetic resonance imaging. VSTM drove areas IPS0–2, but largely spared IPS3–4. Under visual stimulation, these areas in both hemispheres code the contralateral visual hemifield. In contrast to the hemispheric symmetry observed with visual stimulation, an asymmetry emerged during VSTM with increasing memory load. The left hemisphere exhibited load-dependent activity only for contralateral memory items; right hemisphere activity reflected VSTM load regardless of visual-field location. Our findings demonstrate that VSTM induces a switch in spatial representation in right hemisphere IPS from contralateral to full-field coding. The load dependence of right hemisphere effects argues that memory-dependent and/or attention-dependent processes drive this change in spatial processing. This offers a novel means for investigating spatial-processing impairments in hemispatial neglect.
Biological Psychiatry | 2004
Yue Chen; Deborah L. Levy; Summer Sheremata; Philip S. Holzman
BACKGROUND Visual motion processing is compromised in schizophrenia, as shown in deficient velocity discrimination. Processing of motion signals comprises progressive stages along the geniculate-striate-extrastriate-cortex pathway. Based on neurophysiologic and brain lesion studies, a velocity discrimination deficit can implicate early-stage motion processing if it is contrast-dependent or late-stage motion processing if it is contrast-independent. METHODS To determine which stage underlies the deficient velocity discrimination in schizophrenia, we examined the effects of visual contrast on velocity discrimination. We measured velocity discrimination thresholds in schizophrenia patients (n = 34) and normal control subjects (n = 17) at both low and high contrasts, using each subjects contrast detection threshold to equate contrast levels. RESULTS Schizophrenia patients showed poor velocity discrimination that improved little with high contrast, whereas normal control subjects showed enhanced velocity discrimination with increased contrast. CONCLUSIONS The finding that the velocity discrimination deficit in schizophrenia is independent of contrast modulation implicates the later, rather than the earlier, stages of motion processing, which is mediated in the extrastriate cortex.
Cerebral Cortex | 2014
Lingqiang Kong; Samantha W. Michalka; Maya L. Rosen; Summer Sheremata; Jascha D. Swisher; Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham; David C. Somers
Auditory spatial attention serves important functions in auditory source separation and selection. Although auditory spatial attention mechanisms have been generally investigated, the neural substrates encoding spatial information acted on by attention have not been identified in the human neocortex. We performed functional magnetic resonance imaging experiments to identify cortical regions that support auditory spatial attention and to test 2 hypotheses regarding the coding of auditory spatial attention: 1) auditory spatial attention might recruit the visuospatial maps of the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) to create multimodal spatial attention maps; 2) auditory spatial information might be encoded without explicit cortical maps. We mapped visuotopic IPS regions in individual subjects and measured auditory spatial attention effects within these regions of interest. Contrary to the multimodal map hypothesis, we observed that auditory spatial attentional modulations spared the visuotopic maps of IPS; the parietal regions activated by auditory attention lacked map structure. However, multivoxel pattern analysis revealed that the superior temporal gyrus and the supramarginal gyrus contained significant information about the direction of spatial attention. These findings support the hypothesis that auditory spatial information is coded without a cortical map representation. Our findings suggest that audiospatial and visuospatial attention utilize distinctly different spatial coding schemes.
Schizophrenia Research | 2006
Yue Chen; Deborah L. Levy; Summer Sheremata; Philip S. Holzman
BACKGROUND Since Kraepelins early distinction between bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, it has been assumed that these disorders represent two different pathophysiological processes, although they share many clinical symptoms. Previous studies showed that velocity discrimination, a sensitive psychophysiological measure of the visual motion system, is deficient in schizophrenia. Here we examined whether the motion processing impairment found in schizophrenia also occurs in bipolar disorder. METHODS We compared 16 bipolar patients, 25 schizophrenic patients, and 25 normal controls on a velocity discrimination task. We measured the psychophysical threshold for velocity discrimination and contrast detection (as a control task) in all subjects. RESULTS Bipolar patients showed normal velocity discrimination thresholds at intermediate velocities, the range in which velocity cues dominate velocity discrimination, and at low velocities. Schizophrenic patients, however, showed elevated velocity discrimination thresholds at intermediate and low velocities. At higher velocities, both bipolar and schizophrenic patients showed elevated thresholds. All subjects showed normal contrast detection thresholds. CONCLUSIONS Normal velocity discrimination in the intermediate range of velocity indicates unimpaired motion processing in bipolar disorder. The abnormal velocity discrimination of both schizophrenic and bipolar patients at higher velocities may reflect impaired temporal processing rather than impaired motion processing per se. These results suggest that the pathophysiological processes of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia diverge at the stage of visual motion processing, a sensory component mediated primarily in the extrastriate cortex.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2015
Summer Sheremata; Michael A. Silver
Posterior parietal cortex contains several areas defined by topographically organized maps of the contralateral visual field. However, recent studies suggest that ipsilateral stimuli can elicit larger responses in the right than left hemisphere within these areas, depending on task demands. Here we determined the effects of spatial attention on the set of visual field locations (the population receptive field [pRF]) that evoked a response for each voxel in human topographic parietal cortex. A two-dimensional Gaussian was used to model the pRF in each voxel, and we measured the effects of attention on not only the center (preferred visual field location) but also the size (visual field extent) of the pRF. In both hemispheres, larger pRFs were associated with attending to the mapping stimulus compared with attending to a central fixation point. In the left hemisphere, attending to the stimulus also resulted in more peripheral preferred locations of contralateral representations, compared with attending fixation. These effects of attention on both pRF size and preferred location preserved contralateral representations in the left hemisphere. In contrast, attentional modulation of pRF size but not preferred location significantly increased representation of the ipsilateral (right) visual hemifield in right parietal cortex. Thus, attention effects in topographic parietal cortex exhibit hemispheric asymmetries similar to those seen in hemispatial neglect. Our findings suggest potential mechanisms underlying the behavioral deficits associated with this disorder.
Frontiers in Psychology | 2013
Jong H. Yoon; Summer Sheremata; Ariel Rokem; Michael A. Silver
Cognitive and information processing deficits are core features and important sources of disability in schizophrenia. Our understanding of the neural substrates of these deficits remains incomplete, in large part because the complexity of impairments in schizophrenia makes the identification of specific deficits very challenging. Vision science presents unique opportunities in this regard: many years of basic research have led to detailed characterization of relationships between structure and function in the early visual system and have produced sophisticated methods to quantify visual perception and characterize its neural substrates. We present a selective review of research that illustrates the opportunities for discovery provided by visual studies in schizophrenia. We highlight work that has been particularly effective in applying vision science methods to identify specific neural abnormalities underlying information processing deficits in schizophrenia. In addition, we describe studies that have utilized psychophysical experimental designs that mitigate generalized deficit confounds, thereby revealing specific visual impairments in schizophrenia. These studies contribute to accumulating evidence that early visual cortex is a useful experimental system for the study of local cortical circuit abnormalities in schizophrenia. The high degree of similarity across neocortical areas of neuronal subtypes and their patterns of connectivity suggests that insights obtained from the study of early visual cortex may be applicable to other brain regions. We conclude with a discussion of future studies that combine vision science and neuroimaging methods. These studies have the potential to address pressing questions in schizophrenia, including the dissociation of local circuit deficits vs. impairments in feedback modulation by cognitive processes such as spatial attention and working memory, and the relative contributions of glutamatergic and GABAergic deficits.
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience | 2012
Anna Kosovicheva; Summer Sheremata; Ariel Rokem; Ayelet N. Landau; Michael A. Silver
Acetylcholine (ACh) reduces the spatial spread of excitatory fMRI responses in early visual cortex and receptive field size of V1 neurons. We investigated the perceptual consequences of these physiological effects of ACh with surround suppression and crowding, two phenomena that involve spatial interactions between visual field locations. Surround suppression refers to the reduction in perceived stimulus contrast by a high-contrast surround stimulus. For grating stimuli, surround suppression is selective for the relative orientations of the center and surround, suggesting that it results from inhibitory interactions in early visual cortex. Crowding refers to impaired identification of a peripheral stimulus in the presence of flankers and is thought to result from excessive integration of visual features. We increased synaptic ACh levels by administering the cholinesterase inhibitor donepezil to healthy human subjects in a placebo-controlled, double-blind design. In Experiment 1, we measured surround suppression of a central grating using a contrast discrimination task with three conditions: (1) surround grating with the same orientation as the center (parallel), (2) surround orthogonal to the center, or (3) no surround. Contrast discrimination thresholds were higher in the parallel than in the orthogonal condition, demonstrating orientation-specific surround suppression (OSSS). Cholinergic enhancement decreased thresholds only in the parallel condition, thereby reducing OSSS. In Experiment 2, subjects performed a crowding task in which they reported the identity of a peripheral letter flanked by letters on either side. We measured the critical spacing between the targets and flanking letters that allowed reliable identification. Cholinergic enhancement with donepezil had no effect on critical spacing. Our findings suggest that ACh reduces spatial interactions in tasks involving segmentation of visual field locations but that these effects may be limited to early visual cortical processing.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science | 2013
David C. Somers; Summer Sheremata
Over 20 distinct cerebral cortical areas contain spatial map representations of the visual field. These retinotopic, or visuotopic, cortical areas occur not only in the occipital lobe but also in the parietal, temporal, and frontal lobes. The cognitive influences of visuospatial attention operate via these cortical maps and can support selection of multiple objects at the same time. In early visual cortical areas, spatial attention enhances responses of selected items and diminishes the responses to distracting items. In higher order cortex, the maps support a spatial indexing role, keeping track of the items to be attended. These maps also support visual short-term memory (VSTM) representations. In each hemisphere, all the known maps respond selectively to stimuli presented within the contralateral visual field. However, a hemispheric asymmetry emerges when the attentional or VSTM demands of a task become significant. In the parietal lobe, the right hemisphere visuotopic maps switch from coding only contralateral visual targets to coding memory and attention targets across the entire visual field. This emergent asymmetry has important implications for understanding hemispatial neglect syndrome, and supports a dynamic network form of the representational model of neglect. WIREs Cogn Sci 2013, 4:327-340. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1230 This article is categorized under: Psychology > Attention Neuroscience > Cognition.
Attention Perception & Psychophysics | 2014
Summer Sheremata; Sarah Shomstein
Visual short-term memory (VSTM) is a capacity-limited system for maintaining visual information across brief durations. Limits in the amount of information held in memory reflect processing constraints in the intraparietal sulcus (IPS), a region of the frontoparietal network also involved in visual attention. During VSTM and visual attention, areas of IPS demonstrate hemispheric asymmetries. Whereas the left hemisphere represents information in only the right hemifield, the right hemisphere represents information across the visual field. In visual attention, hemispheric asymmetries are associated with differences in behavioral performance across the visual field. In order to assess the degree of hemifield asymmetries in VSTM, we measured memory performance across the visual field for both single- and two-feature objects. Consistent with theories of right-hemisphere dominance, there was a memory benefit for single-feature items in the left visual hemifield. However, when the number of features increased, the behavioral bias reversed, demonstrating a benefit for remembering two-feature objects in the right hemifield. On an individual basis, the cost of remembering an additional feature in the hemifields was correlated, suggesting that the shift in hemifield biases reflected a redistribution of resources across the visual field. Furthermore, we demonstrate that these results cannot be explained by differences in perceptual or decision-making load. Our results are consistent with a flexible resource model of VSTM in which attention and/or working memory demands result in representation of items in the right hemifield by both the left and right hemispheres.
Schizophrenia Research | 2004
Summer Sheremata; Yue Chen
Atypical antipsychotics (APDs) antagonize both serotonin and dopamine receptors. This antagonism is, however, often confounded by co-administration of other medications, such as antidepressants, that affect pharmacological activity at these receptors. While it is known that the modulation of dopamine affects cognitive processes such as working memory, the interactions between APDs and antidepressants in behaviors including sensory processes are not clear. In this study, we investigated the effect of combined treatment with antidepressants and atypical antipsychotics on memory-related visual processing in schizophrenia. We employed (1) contrast detection, a task requiring the maintenance of visual signals over a short period of time; and (2) direction discrimination, a task not requiring maintenance of visual signals. On contrast detection, the performance was significantly worse in the patients taking both APDs and antidepressants than in patients taking just APDs. On direction discrimination, however, the performance did not differ between the patients tasking just APD and those taking both APDs and antidepressants. Given that antidepressants interfere with APDs stimulation of D1 receptors via agonism of serotonin receptors, the poor performance on contrast detection suggests that the interaction between these two types of psychotropic drugs selectively disrupts the sensory processes requiring retention of visual information.