Susan O. Griffin
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Journal of Dental Research | 2008
Susan O. Griffin; E. Oong; William Kohn; Brani Vidakovic; Barbara F. Gooch; James D. Bader; Jan E Clarkson; Margherita Fontana; D. M. Meyer; R. G. Rozier; Jane A. Weintraub; Domenick T. Zero
A barrier to providing sealants is concern about inadvertently sealing over caries. This meta-analysis examined the effectiveness of sealants in preventing caries progression. We searched electronic databases for comparative studies examining caries progression in sealed permanent teeth. We used a random-effects model to estimate percentage reduction in the probability of caries progression in sealed vs. unsealed carious teeth. Six studies, including 4 randomized-controlled trials (RCT) judged to be of fair quality, were included in the analysis (384 persons, 840 teeth, and 1090 surfaces). The median annual percentage of non-cavitated lesions progressing was 2.6% for sealed and 12.6% for unsealed carious teeth. The summary prevented fraction for RCT was 71.3% (95%CI: 52.8%–82.5, no heterogeneity) up to 5 years after placement. Despite variation among studies in design and conduct, sensitivity analysis found the effect to be consistent in size and direction. Sealing non-cavitated caries in permanent teeth is effective in reducing caries progression.
Journal of Dental Research | 2007
Susan O. Griffin; E. Regnier; Paul M. Griffin; V. Huntley
To date, no systematic reviews have found fluoride to be effective in preventing dental caries in adults. The objective of this meta-analysis was to examine the effectiveness of self- and professionally applied fluoride and water fluoridation among adults. We used a random-effects model to estimate the effect size of fluoride (absolute difference in annual caries increment or relative risk ratio) for all adults aged 20+ years and for adults aged 40+ years. Twenty studies were included in the final body of evidence. Among studies published after/during 1980, any fluoride (self- and professionally applied or water fluoridation) annually averted 0.29 (95%CI: 0.16–0.42) carious coronal and 0.22 (95%CI: 0.08–0.37) carious root surfaces. The prevented fraction for water fluoridation was 27% (95%CI: 19%–34%). These findings suggest that fluoride prevents caries among adults of all ages.
Journal of Dental Research | 2004
Susan O. Griffin; Paul M. Griffin; Julie L. Swann; N. Zlobin
Although older adults are keeping their teeth longer, no national data are available on new caries in this age group. To characterize the extent of caries among older adults, we systematically reviewed studies on root caries incidence, increment, attack rate, and annual total (root + coronal) caries increment. We used a random-effects model to estimate annual summary measures and their 95% confidence intervals (CI) and tested for heterogeneity. For the 9 studies reporting root caries incidence, the summary measure equaled 23.7% (CI = 17.1–30.2%). For the 9 studies reporting root caries increment, the summary measure was 0.47 surfaces (CI = 0.34–0.61). For the 7 studies reporting total caries increment, the summary measure equaled 1.31 surfaces (95% CI = 1.01–1.61 surfaces). Because of heterogeneity, summary measures should be interpreted with caution. This research suggests, however, that older adults experience high rates of new caries and could benefit from caries-prevention programs.
American Journal of Public Health | 2012
Susan O. Griffin; Judith A. Jones; Diane Brunson; Paul M. Griffin; William D. Bailey
Dental disease is largely preventable. Many older adults, however, experience poor oral health. National data for older adults show racial/ethnic and income disparities in untreated dental disease and oral health-related quality of life. Persons reporting poor versus good health also report lower oral health-related quality of life. On the basis of these findings, suggested public health priorities include better integrating oral health into medical care, implementing community programs to promote healthy behaviors and improve access to preventive services, developing a comprehensive strategy to address the oral health needs of the homebound and long-term-care residents, and assessing the feasibility of ensuring a safety net that covers preventive and basic restorative services to eliminate pain and infection.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine | 2002
Benedict I. Truman; Barbara F. Gooch; Iddrisu Sulemana; Helen C. Gift; Alice M. Horowitz; C. A. Evans; Susan O. Griffin; Vilma G Carande-Kulis
This report presents the results of systematic reviews of effectiveness, applicability, other positive and negative effects, economic evaluations, and barriers to use of selected population-based interventions intended to prevent or control dental caries, oral and pharyngeal cancers, and sports-related craniofacial injuries. The related systematic reviews are linked by a common conceptual approach. These reviews form the basis of recommendations by the Task Force on Community Preventive Services (the Task Force) about the use of these selected interventions. The Task Force recommendations are presented in this supplement.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine | 2002
Benedict I. Truman; Barbara F. Gooch; Iddrisu Sulemana; Helen C. Gift; Alice M. Horowitz; Caswell A. Evans; Susan O. Griffin; Vilma G Carande-Kulis
This report presents the results of systematic reviews of effectiveness, applicability, other positive and negative effects, economic evaluations, and barriers to use of selected population-based interventions intended to prevent or control dental caries, oral and pharyngeal cancers, and sports-related craniofacial injuries. The related systematic reviews are linked by a common conceptual approach. These reviews form the basis of recommendations by the Task Force on Community Preventive Services (the Task Force) about the use of these selected interventions. The Task Force recommendations are presented in this supplement.
Journal of Productivity Analysis | 2001
Steven T. Hackman; Edward H. Frazelle; Paul M. Griffin; Susan O. Griffin; Dimitra A. Vlasta
We developan input-output model of a warehouse system to assess operationalefficiency. Our model simultaneously accounts for all of thecritical resources (labor, space, storage and handling equipment)and the different workload requirements (broken case, full caseand pallet picking, storage and order accumulation) of a warehouse.We collected extensive data on 57 warehouse and distributionfacilities from a variety of industries, including auto parts,dental and office supplies, electronics, fine papers, hardware,health care, industrial packaging, mail order apparel, officemachines, photographic supplies, and wholesale drugs, and usedthe model to assess and compare their efficiencies. We offer3 conclusions based on a statistical analysis of the operatingefficiencies obtained from several models: Smaller warehouses tend to be more efficient than larger warehouses.Warehouses using lower levels of automation tend to be moreefficient. This association is more pronounced in small firms.Unionization is not negatively associated with efficiencyand in fact may actually contribute to higher efficiency.
Journal of Dental Research | 2005
Susan O. Griffin; Paul M. Griffin; Julie L. Swann; N. Zlobin
To characterize the extent and severity of coronal caries among older US adults and document their need for prevention interventions, we systematically reviewed studies on coronal caries incidence, increment, and attack rate. We abstracted six studies and calculated summary measures using a random-effects model (95% confidence interval [95%CI]). We tested for heterogeneity and identified associated factors by examining the correlation between outcome measures and baseline population risk and study characteristics. We re-calculated summary measures after adjusting outcomes that netted out examiner reversals. Incidence and increment varied significantly by study. Adjusting studies for netting out examiner reversals reduced heterogeneity significantly. Annual attack rate among adjusted North American studies was 1.4 surfaces per 100 surfaces (95%CI = 1.0–1.9), or approximately 1 new carious surface per person per year. These rates are equal to or higher than those in children and indicate a need for caries-prevention services.
Journal of Dental Research | 2002
Susan O. Griffin; Paul M. Griffin; Barbara F. Gooch; Laurie K. Barker
We analyzed the cost-effectiveness of 3 sealant delivery strategies: Seal all (SA), seal children assessed to be at risk by screening (TARGET), and seal none (SN). We assumed a nine-year analytic horizon, a 3% discount rate, and zero screening costs. Estimates for sealant costs (
American Journal of Preventive Medicine | 2002
Barbara F. Gooch; Benedict I. Truman; Susan O. Griffin; William Kohn; Iddrisu Sulemana; Helen C. Gift; Alice M. Horowitz; Caswell A. Evans
27.00) and restoration costs (