usana Benítez S
University of Chile
Revista Chilena De Cirugia | 2013
Pedro Cuevas T; María Elsa Calderón G; Cristian Erazo C; Susana Benítez S; Patricio Andrades C; Sergio Sepúlveda P; José Ignacio Vergara; Felipe Soto V; Alma Cruz; Stefan Danilla E
Validation of the Spanish version of the breast Q reduction and mastopexy module xxxx Background: The Breast Q Reduction and Mastopexy Module evaluate breast related quality of life from the perspective of the patients. Body self-image, social performance, sexuality and physical symptoms are assessed. Aim: To translate the Breast Q Reduction and Mastopexy Module to Spanish and validate the translated version to be used in Chile. Material and Methods: The linguistic validation guidelines of the MAPI/TRUST Research institute were used and the survey was applied to six patients aged 29 ± 6 years with 14 ± 2 years of studies. The internal stability of the test was assessed using Cronbach alpha. Results: The mean body mass index of the patients was 25 ± 1 kg/m 2 . The internal stability of the scale was 97%. The scores of the test in the preoperative period ranged from 74 to 125 points. Conclusions: The Breast Q Re-
Revista Chilena De Cirugia | 2014
Stefan Danilla E; Pedro Cuevas T; Elsa Calderón G; José Ignacio Vergara O; Felipe Soto V; Cristian Erazo C; Susana Benítez S; Patricio Andrades C; Rolando Schulz R; Sergio Sepúlveda P; Marco Ríos V; Alma Cruz S; Sofía Serra R; Paula Silva R
Criterion validity of a questionnaire to assess quality of life associated to the appearance of breasts in women Background: The Breast QoL Reduction and Mastopexy Module assesses quality of life associated to breast appearance from the point of view of the patient. Its Spanish version was recently validated in Chile. Aim: To assess the criterion validity of the instrument applying it in different populations of women and in the pre and post-operative periods. Material and Methods: The questionnaire was applied to six women subjected to reduction mammoplasty in the pre and post-operative period. It was also applied to 20 women hospitalized for other causes and 20 female medical students. Results: There were significant differences between operated women and their non-operated counterparts in the domains body self-image, social performance and physical symptoms. No differences in sexuality were found. However this last question was answered only by four operated patients, since two declared not to have sex life. Conclusions: The questionnaire is useful to assess quality of life associated to the appearance of breasts.
Revista Chilena De Cirugia | 2013
Sergio Sepúlveda P; Vicente De Carolis F.; Patricio Andrades C; Susana Benítez S; Stefan Danilla E; Cristian Erazo C; Luis Bahamonde M; Carlos Sciaraffia M.; Patricio Palavicino R; María Elsa Calderón G
Microvascular free tissue transfer Background: Microvascular free tissue transfer has gained world-wide acceptance as a means of reconstructive plastic surgery. Since1979, the authors have introduced this microsurgical procedure in our country and a total of 317 free flaps have been carried out during a period of 33 years. Aim: To present the consecutive free flaps performed at Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile and Hospital Mutual de Seguridad between 1979-2011. Patients and Methods: Retrospective analysis of 293 patients underwent 317 microsur- gical flaps. Results: 293 patients. Median age 43 years old (range 12-81). The lower limb has been the most common site (181 cases), followed by head and neck, upper limb and trunk. The most frequently used flap was the gracilis flap. A survival rate of 95% has been achieved. Follow-up range from 6 months to 9 years. Conclusion: This pioneering series in Chile using microsurgical flaps, shows a satisfactory solution in an one-stage procedure. The authors believe that free flap would be part of the armamentarium of modern plastic surgeons, frequently as a first choice.
Revista Chilena De Cirugia | 2014
Stefan Danilla E; Marco Ríos V; Pedro Cuevas T; María Elsa Calderón G; Carlos Domínguez C; Cristina Di Silvestre P; Paula Silva R; Sofía Serra D; Patricio Andrades C; Cristian Erazo C; Susana Benítez S; Rolando Shulz R; Jason Wasiak; Sergio Sepúlveda P
Development of a new patient-reported outcome measure for rhinoplasty suergery: the Nose-QoL Background: Instruments that assess the results of plastic surgery from patient’s perspective allow a multidimensional evaluation of surgical results. Aim: To develop a new instrument to assess the functional and esthetic results of rhinoplasty from the point of view of the patient. Material and Methods: A conceptual framework about important results for nasal image was developed using information from in depth interviews to patients, focal groups with experts and interviews to esthetic surgeons and patients subjected to rhinoplasty. Results: Four patients and four plastic surgeons were interviewed. The three sub scales identified for the con ceptual framework were quality of life, postoperative disability and pain and surgeon’s objective evaluation scale. Five domains for quality of life were identified including nose size and form, self-image and esteem, third party perceptions and social relationships, nasal function and segmental nasal analysis. Conclusions: After completion of the psychometric assessment, the Nose-QoL instrument will become a valuable instrument to measure the impact and effectiveness of rhinoplasty from the patient’s perspective.
Revista Chilena De Cirugia | 2014
Patricio Andrades C; María Elsa Calderón G; Stefan Danilla E; Cristian Erazo C; Susana Benítez S; Sergio Sepúlveda P
Coupler ® venous mechanic microanastomosis. An important technological contribution to microvascular surgery
Revista Chilena De Cirugia | 2013
Pedro Cuevas T; Cristian Erazo C; Susana Benítez S; Patricio Andrades C; Sergio Sepúlveda P; José Ignacio Vergara O; Felipe Soto V; Alma Cruz; Stefan Danilla E
Validation of the spanish version of the Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation Background: The Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation is a questionnaire that assesses, form the point of view of the patient, the functional and cosmetic outcome of rhinoplasty. It has six items for esthetic and functional domains, using Likert type questions with five alternatives. The scale ranges from 6 that is the worst outcome to 30, the best. Aim: To translate and validate the Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation, to be used in Chile. Material and Methods: The linguistic validation guidelines of the MAPI/TRUST Research Institute were used. The instrument was translated from English to Spanish, counter translated and applied to a pilot sample of five patients. The internal stability was assessed using Cronbach alpha. Results: The five female patients in whom the questionnaire was applied were aged 22 ± 4 years, had 15 ± 2 years of studies and their body mass index was 23 ± 4 kg/m 2 . Cronbach alpha was 84%. The scale changed from 10 points in the preoperative period to 17 points in the postoperative period. Conclusions: The Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation is a valid and reliable questionnaire to evaluate the results of rhinoplasty
Revista Chilena De Cirugia | 2011
Patricio Andrades C; María Elsa Calderón G; Stefan Danilla E; Susana Benítez S; Cristian Erazo C; Sergio A. Sepúlveda
El colgajo radial, es un colgajo fasciocutaneo tipo II segun Mathes y Nahai, de gran versatilidad gracias a su irrigacion principal por la arteria radial y a sus pediculos menores, ofrece una amplia variedad de alternativas frente a la reconstruccion no solo de defectos proximales o distales del brazo, sino que tambien es posible utilizarlo como colgajo libre en defectos de cabeza y cuello, porcion posterior del tronco, extremidad inferior y reconstruccion de esofago y pene. Permite incorporar hueso, tendones, nervio y musculo para reparacion de lesiones complejas, pudiendose utilizar con flujo directo o flujo retrogrado. En el presente articulo, mostramos la experiencia adquirida por el equipo de Cirugia Plastica y Reconstructiva del Hospital Clinico de la Universidad de Chile en la utilizacion del colgajo radial, como alternativa de cobertura frente a diversos tipos de defectos. En nuestros resultados, el 100% de los pacientes evoluciono favorablemente, sin perdidas parciales ni totales del colgajo; solo algunos debieron recibir injertos dermo-epidermicos (IDE) complementarios en un segundo tiempo, sin ningun otro procedimiento quirurgico posterior al alta.
Revista Chilena De Cirugia | 2016
Stefan Danilla E; Pedro Cuevas T; Marco Ríos V; Rocío Jara C; Omar Chávez M; Estefanía Enríquez Chiang; Rolando Schulz T; Cristian Erazo C; Susana Benítez S; Patricio Andrades C; Sergio Sepúlveda P
effects of breast reduction surgery on the quality life background: The results of breast reduction surgery are usually reported in terms of anthropome tric assessments. However the impact of surgery in quality of life is seldom informed. aim: To assess the effects of breast reduction surgery on the quality of life of patients. material and methods: The “Breast-Q Reduction and Mastopexy Module” was prospectively applied to all women subjected to breast reduction surgery in a University Hospital during one year. results: Twenty women answered the survey in the preoperative period and 20 in the postoperative period. The most commonly cutaneous pattern employed that the inverted T in 10 women, followed by the Wise pattern in six patients. The most commonly used pedicles were superior in 10 patients, followed by superomedial in seven patients. Mean excision weight was 923 g (range 150-2850). Mean Breast Q score improved from 45 to 65%. Satisfaction with breast appearance improved from 31 to 83%, self-esteem from 39 to 80%, sexuality from 50 to 81% and physical symptoms decreased from 48 to 16%. There was a significant association between the magnitude of ex cision and improvement in physical symptoms. conclusions: Quality of life improves notably in women after breast reduction surgery.
Revista Chilena De Cirugia | 2014
Patricio Andrades C; María Elsa Calderón G; Patricio Palaviccino R; Stefan Danilla E; Cristian Erazo C; Susana Benítez S; Sergio Reyes J; Sergio Sepúlveda P
Introduction: Perforator flaps have become a coverage option validated and increasingly used in reconstructive surgery. These flaps require preoperative identification and intraoperative dissection of the perforator vessels. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of Angio CT in the preoperative assessment of perforating vessels and its correlation with intraoperative findings. Material and Methods: We retrospec-tively reviewed all perforator flaps performed at the Division of Plastic Surgery, University of Chile Clinical Hospital between June 2009 and June 2012. All patients were asked for an Angio CT according to the protocol of the University of Gent (Belgium). Data points were used and a specific coordinate system to locate the point at which the perforator vessel fenestrate the deep fascia. The information provided in the Angio CT was compared with surgical findings. Results: A total of 41 patients underwent perforator flap planning during the study period. 40 underwent surgery: 18 women and 22 men, with a mean age of 46.6 ± 5.7 years. Flaps were performed as follows: anterolateral thigh (ALT) = 14, inferior epigastric (DIEP) = 18, superior gluteal (SGAP) = 5, posterior tibial (PTAP) = 4 and thoracodorsal (TDAP) = 2. In all cases the Angio CT identified one or more perforator vessel with a 100% concordance with intraoperative findings. Conclusions: CT Angio is a test with high performance in preoperative characterization of perforator vessels. It is a helpful tool that must be considered whenever planning this type of flaps.Key words: Perforator vessels, flaps, Angio CT, reconstructive surgery.ResumenIntroduccion: Los colgajos de perforantes se han convertido en una opcion de cobertura valida cada vez mas utilizada en cirugia reconstructiva. Se caracterizan porque requieren de la identificacion preoperatoria y diseccion intraoperatoria del vaso perforante. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el Angio TC en el estudio preoperatorio de los vasos perforantes y su correlacion con los hallazgos intraoperatorios. Material
Revista Chilena De Cirugia | 2014
Stefan Danilla E; María Elsa Calderón G; Pedro Cuevas T; Cristian Erazo C; Susana Benítez S; Patricio Andrades C; Sergio Sepúlveda P; Rolando Schultz R; José Ignacio Vergara O; Felipe Soto V; Alma Cruz F; Sofía Serra D; Paula Silva R
Evaluation of the Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation among Chilean participants Background: The Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation (ROE) is an instrument to assess the cosmetic and functional aspects of the nose from the patient’s perspective. Its construct validity in Chilean subjects has been published previously. Aim: To compare the ROE scores in different groups of participants. Material and Methods: The questionnaire was applied to patients waiting for a rhinoplasty, patients hospitalized for other causes and medical students. Results: The overall reliability of the scale was 84.8%. Significant diffe rences between groups in the total scores of four out of six items were observed. Conclusions: The Spanish version of the ROE is adequate to evaluate the satisfaction with nasal appearance and function among Chilean individuals.