
Journal of Adolescent Health | 2012

Developmental trajectories of peer victimization: off-line and online experiences during adolescence

Sindy R. Sumter; Susanne E. Baumgartner; Patti M. Valkenburg; Jochen Peter

PURPOSE This study investigated the development and consequences of off-line and online victimization during adolescence. We examined the number and shapes of off-line and online victimization trajectories, the relationship between trajectories of off-line and online victimization, and their effect on life satisfaction. METHODS A four-wave panel study with 6-month time intervals was conducted among a representative sample of Dutch adolescents aged 12-17 years (N = 1,762). We used group-based modeling to investigate the victimization trajectories. RESULTS Three off-line victimization trajectories could be distinguished. One group followed a trajectory of low to no victimization experiences across adolescence. A second group followed a pathway of moderate and decreasing victimization. A third group followed a pathway of high and decreasing victimization. Two groups in online victimization could be distinguished. One group followed a trajectory of low to no victimization experiences. A second group followed a pathway of moderate victimization that peaked at age 14. Dual-trajectory analyses revealed a substantial overlap between off-line and online victimization trajectories. Finally, victimization and life satisfaction were longitudinally related; moderate and high victimization trajectories resulted in lower levels of life satisfaction during wave 4. CONCLUSIONS The overlap between the off-line and online victimization trajectories and their negative consequences on life satisfaction suggests that prevention of victimization should focus on both types of victimization. The results suggest that peer victimization should not be studied without considering adolescent peer relationships on the Internet.

Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking | 2011

The Role of Health Anxiety in Online Health Information Search

Susanne E. Baumgartner; Tilo Hartmann

This article is one of the first to empirically explore the relationship between health anxiety and online health information search. Two studies investigate how health anxiety influences the use of the Internet for health information and how health anxious individuals respond to online health information. An exploratory survey study with 104 Dutch participants indicates that health anxiety is related to an increase in online health information search. Moreover, results suggest that health anxious individuals experience more negative consequences from online health information search. Findings from an experimental study (n=120) indicate that online health information results in greater worries among health anxious individuals compared to nonhealth anxious individuals only if the information stems from a trustworthy governmental Web site. Information from a less trustworthy online forum does not lead to greater worries among health anxious individuals. In sum, the Internet appears to play a pivotal role in the lives of health anxious individuals.

Computers in Human Behavior | 2014

Does country context matter? Investigating the predictors of teen sexting across Europe

Susanne E. Baumgartner; Sindy R. Sumter; Jochen Peter; Patti M. Valkenburg; Sonia Livingstone

Despite growing research interest in sexting, not much is known about individual and country differences in engaging in sexting. Therefore, the aims of this study were to investigate (a) which individual and country characteristics explain sexting and (b) whether individual predictors vary across countries. On the individual level, we investigated age, gender, sensation seeking, and internet use. On the country level, we investigated traditionalism, gross domestic product, and broadband internet penetration. The sample consisted of 14,946 adolescents (49.7% boys) aged 11-16 from 20 European countries. Data were collected as part of the EU Kids Online project. Participants were interviewed at home. Using multilevel modeling, findings indicate that on the individual level, age, sensation seeking, and frequency of internet use predicted sexting across all countries. Gender differences in sexting varied across countries. Although country characteristics (GDP, broadband internet penetration, traditional values) had no direct effect on adolescent sexting, traditionalism significantly predicted gender differences in sexting. In more traditional countries, gender differences were more pronounced than in less traditional countries, with more boys than girls engaging in sexting. In less traditional countries, gender differences were smaller.

Pediatrics | 2012

Identifying Teens at Risk: Developmental Pathways of Online and Offline Sexual Risk Behavior

Susanne E. Baumgartner; Sindy R. Sumter; Jochen Peter; Patti M. Valkenburg

OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were (1) to investigate the prevalence and development of both online (OnSRB) and offline sexual risk behavior (OffSRB) in adolescence, (2) to establish whether OnSRBs and OffSRBs are related, and (3) to identify risk factors that determine problematic pathways of OnSRB and OffSRB. METHODS: A 4-wave longitudinal study with 1762 Dutch adolescents aged 12 to 18 was conducted (mean age, T1 = 14.52, 49% girls). By using group-based modeling, developmental pathways for OnSRB and OffSRB were identified and the relationship between both behaviors over time was examined. RESULTS: Substantial intraindividual differences in the development of OnSRB and OffSRB were found. The analysis revealed 3 developmental pathways of OnSRB: no risk (70.2%), moderate risk (23.7%), and high risk (6.1%). For OffSRB, we identified a no risk (90.6%) and an increasing pathway (9.4%). OnSRBs and OffSRBs were related and had common predictors (ie, sensation seeking, low educational level, gender). CONCLUSIONS: Only a minority of adolescents shows sustained high OnSRB. This group is likely to consist of low-educated, high-sensation-seeking adolescents who spend more time communicating on the Internet and come from less cohesive families. These same adolescents are also more likely to engage in OffSRB. Preventions should focus on these adolescents.

Journal of Early Adolescence | 2014

The Relationship Between Media Multitasking and Executive Function in Early Adolescents

Susanne E. Baumgartner; Wouter D. Weeda; Lisa L. van der Heijden; Mariëtte Huizinga

The increasing prevalence of media multitasking among adolescents is concerning because it may be negatively related to goal-directed behavior. This study investigated the relationship between media multitasking and executive function in 523 early adolescents (aged 11-15; 48% girls). The three central components of executive functions (i.e., working memory, shifting, and inhibition) were measured using self-reports and standardized performance-based tasks (Digit Span, Eriksen Flankers task, Dots–Triangles task). Findings show that adolescents who media multitask more frequently reported having more problems in the three domains of executive function in their everyday lives. Media multitasking was not related to the performance on the Digit Span and Dots–Triangles task. Adolescents who media multitasked more frequently tended to be better in ignoring irrelevant distractions in the Eriksen Flankers task. Overall, results suggest that media multitasking is negatively related to executive function in everyday life.

association for information science and technology | 2014

Group-based trajectory modeling GBTM of citations in scholarly literature: Dynamic qualities of transient and sticky knowledge claims

Susanne E. Baumgartner; Loet Leydesdorff

Group‐based trajectory modeling (GBTM) is applied to the citation curves of articles in six journals and to all citable items in a single field of science (virology, 24 journals) to distinguish among the developmental trajectories in subpopulations. Can citation patterns of highly‐cited papers be distinguished in an early phase as “fast‐breaking” papers? Can “late bloomers” or “sleeping beauties” be identified? Most interesting, we find differences between “sticky knowledge claims” that continue to be cited more than 10 years after publication and “transient knowledge claims” that show a decay pattern after reaching a peak within a few years. Only papers following the trajectory of a “sticky knowledge claim” can be expected to have a sustained impact. These findings raise questions about indicators of “excellence” that use aggregated citation rates after 2 or 3 years (e.g., impact factors). Because aggregated citation curves can also be composites of the two patterns, fifth‐order polynomials (with four bending points) are needed to capture citation curves precisely. For the journals under study, the most frequently cited groups were furthermore much smaller than 10%. Although GBTM has proved a useful method for investigating differences among citation trajectories, the methodology does not allow us to define a percentage of highly cited papers inductively across different fields and journals. Using multinomial logistic regression, we conclude that predictor variables such as journal names, number of authors, etc., do not affect the stickiness of knowledge claims in terms of citations but only the levels of aggregated citations (which are field‐specific).

Media Psychology | 2012

Affective Priming During the Processing of News Articles

Susanne E. Baumgartner; Werner Wirth

The present study investigates the role of affective priming during the processing of news articles. It is assumed that the valence of the affective response to a news article will influence the processing of subsequent news articles. More specifically, it is hypothesized that participants who read a positive article will recall subsequent positive information better than negative information. Similarly, participants who read a negative article will recall subsequent negative information better. To test this assumption, an experimental study was conducted (N = 87). Findings show that participants who read an initial positive article recalled more positive than negative information from six subsequent news articles. Participants who read an initial negative article recalled more negative information than positive information from subsequent news messages. Findings suggest that affective states induced by a news article influence how subsequent articles are processed and which information is learned.

New Media & Society | 2018

Norms of online expressions of emotion: Comparing Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp:

Sophie F Waterloo; Susanne E. Baumgartner; Jochen Peter; Patti M. Valkenburg

The main aim of this study was to examine the norms of expressing emotions on social media. Specifically, the perceived appropriateness (i.e. injunctive norms) of expressing six discrete emotions (i.e. sadness, anger, disappointment, worry, joy, and pride) was investigated across four different social media platforms. Drawing on data collected in March 2016 among 1201 young Dutch users (15–25 years), we found that positive expressions were generally perceived as more appropriate than negative expressions across all platforms. In line with the objective of the study, some platform differences were found. The expression of negative emotions was rated as most appropriate for WhatsApp, followed by Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. For positive emotion expression, perceived appropriateness was highest for WhatsApp, followed by Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Additionally, some gender differences were found, while age showed little variations. Overall, the results contribute to a more informed understanding of emotion expression online.

Journal of Anxiety Disorders | 2016

The curious case of cyberchondria: A longitudinal study on the reciprocal relationship between health anxiety and online health information seeking.

Fam te Poel; Susanne E. Baumgartner; Tilo Hartmann; Martin Tanis

The current study is the first to longitudinally investigate the reciprocal relationship between online health information seeking and health anxiety, i.e., cyberchondria. Expectations were that health anxious individuals who go online to find health information, experience an increase in health anxiety, which in turn will reinforce online seeking. A 4-wave longitudinal survey study among 5322 respondents aged 16-93 was conducted. Our results showed that individuals who are more health anxious than others, search online for health information more. Moreover, the results provided initial evidence for the expected reciprocal relationship between health anxiety and online health information seeking in respondents with non-clinical levels of health anxiety at the start of the study. However, this reciprocal relationship could not be found in a subsample of clinically health anxious individuals. Although for these individuals online health information seeking did not seem to exacerbate health anxiety levels, it might still serve as a maintaining factor of clinical health anxiety.

Journal of Media Psychology | 2017

Measuring media multitasking: Development of a short measure of media multitasking for adolescents

Susanne E. Baumgartner; Jeroen S. Lemmens; Wouter D. Weeda; Mariëtte Huizinga

Although media multitasking is an increasingly occurring form of media use, there are currently no validated, short instruments to measure media multitasking among adolescents. The aim of the present study, therefore, was to develop a short media multitasking measure for adolescents (MMM-S). Two studies with a total sample of 2,278 adolescents were conducted. The findings of these studies suggest that the MMM-S is a useful, reliable, and valid measure to assess media multitasking among adolescents. The findings indicate that the concurrent validity of the short measure is equal to that of a more extensive measure. Because of its high utility, the MMM-S may provide an alternative for existing extensive measures of media multitasking.

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