
European Journal of Endocrinology | 2008

Consensus statement of the European Group on Graves' orbitopathy (EUGOGO) on management of GO

Luigi Bartalena; Lelio Baldeschi; A. J. Dickinson; Anja Eckstein; Pat Kendall-Taylor; Claudio Marcocci; Maarten P. Mourits; Petros Perros; Kostas G. Boboridis; Antonella Boschi; Nicola Currò; Chantal Daumerie; George J. Kahaly; Gerasimos E. Krassas; Carol M. Lane; John H. Lazarus; Michele Marinò; Marco Nardi; Christopher Neoh; Jacques Orgiazzi; Simon Pearce; Aldo Pinchera; Susanne Pitz; Mario Salvi; Paolo Sivelli; Matthias Stahl; Georg von Arx; Wilmar M. Wiersinga

Summary of consensus a. All patients with GO should (Fig. 1):Be referred to specialist centers;Be encouraged to quit smoking;Receive prompt treatment in order to restore andmaintain euthyroidism.b. Patients with sight-threatening GO should be treatedwith i.v. GCs as the first-line treatment; if the responseis poor after 1–2 weeks, they should be submitted tourgent surgical decompression.c. The treatment of choice for moderate-to-severe GO isi.v. GCs (with or without OR) if the orbitopathy isactive;surgery(orbitaldecompression,squintsurgery,and/or eyelid surgery in this order) should beconsidered if the orbitopathy is inactive.d. In patients with mild GO, local measures and anexpectant strategy are sufficient in most cases, buttreatment may be justified if QoL is affectedsignificantly. In memoriam This document is dedicated to the memory of MarkPrummel (1956–2005), one of the founders ofEUGOGO, who greatly contributed to expanding ourunderstanding of clinical and therapeutic aspects of GO.

Thyroid | 2008

Consensus statement of the European group on Graves' orbitopathy (EUGOGO) on management of Graves' orbitopathy.

Luigi Bartalena; Lelio Baldeschi; A. J. Dickinson; Anja Eckstein; Pat Kendall-Taylor; Claudio Marcocci; Maarten P. Mourits; Petros Perros; Kostas G. Boboridis; Antonella Boschi; Nicola Currò; Chantal Daumerie; George J. Kahaly; Gerasimos E. Krassas; Carol M. Lane; John H. Lazarus; Michele Marinò; Marco Nardi; Christopher Neoh; Jacques Orgiazzi; Simon Pearce; Aldo Pinchera; Susanne Pitz; Mario Salvi; Paolo Sivelli; Matthias Stahl; Georg von Arx; Wilmar M. Wiersinga

Luigi Bartalena, Lelio Baldeschi, Alison J. Dickinson, Anja Eckstein, Pat Kendall-Taylor, Claudio Marcocci, Maarten P. Mourits, Petros Perros, Kostas Boboridis, Antonella Boschi, Nicola Curro, Chantal Daumerie, George J. Kahaly, Gerasimos Krassas, Carol M. Lane, John H. Lazarus, Michele Marino, Marco Nardi, Christopher Neoh, Jacques Orgiazzi, Simon Pearce, Aldo Pinchera, Susanne Pitz, Mario Salvi, Paolo Sivelli, Matthias Stahl, Georg von Arx, and Wilmar M. Wiersinga

British Journal of Ophthalmology | 2007

Clinical Features of Dysthyroid Optic Neuropathy: A European Group on Graves Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) Survey

David McKeag; Carol M. Lane; John H. Lazarus; Lelio Baldeschi; Kostas G. Boboridis; A. Jane Dickinson; A Iain Hullo; George J. Kahaly; Gerry Krassas; Claudio Marcocci; Michele Marinò; Maarten P. Mourits; Marco Nardi; Christopher Neoh; Jacques Orgiazzi; Petros Perros; Aldo Pinchera; Susanne Pitz; Mark F. Prummel; Maria Sole Sartini; Wilmar M. Wiersinga

Background: This study was performed to determine clinical features of dysthyroid optic neuropathy (DON) across Europe. Methods: Forty seven patients with DON presented to seven European centres during one year. Local protocols for thyroid status, ophthalmic examination and further investigation were used. Each eye was classified as having definite, equivocal, or no DON. Results: Graves’ hyperthyroidism occurred in the majority; 20% had received radioiodine. Of 94 eyes, 55 had definite and 17 equivocal DON. Median Clinical Activity Score was 4/7 but 25% scored 3 or less, indicating severe inflammation was not essential. Best corrected visual acuity was 6/9 (Snellen) or worse in 75% of DON eyes. Colour vision was reduced in 33 eyes, of which all but one had DON. Half of the DON eyes had normal optic disc appearance. In DON eyes proptosis was > 21 mm (significant) in 66% and visual fields abnormal in 71%. Orbital imaging showed apical muscle crowding in 88% of DON patients. Optic nerve stretch and fat prolapse were infrequently reported. Conclusion: Patients with DON may not have severe proptosis and orbital inflammation. Optic disc swelling, impaired colour vision and radiological evidence of apical optic nerve compression are the most useful clinical features in this series.

British Journal of Ophthalmology | 2002

Stereotactic fractionated irradiation of optic nerve sheath meningioma: a new treatment alternative

Susanne Pitz; Gerd Becker; Ulrich Schiefer; Helmut Wilhelm; Branislav Jeremic; Michael Bamberg; Zrenner E

Background: Primary optic nerve sheath meningioma (ONSM) is a rare but almost invariably blinding tumour when its natural history is observed in a “wait and see” strategy. Surgery has hitherto only been advocated in case of progressive disease involving intracranial structures, as it leads to iatrogenic blindness in the overwhelming majority of cases. Therefore, treatment options bearing lesser risk of functional deterioration are highly desirable, both in cases of intracranial involvement as well as during earlier phases of the disease which are currently generally left untreated. The authors report the outcome of the largest series of patients to date treated by stereotactic fractionated irradiation as a new treatment approach in ONSM at all stages. Methods: 15 patients (16 nerves) underwent stereotactic fractionated conformal irradiation with a total dose of 54 Gy, using standard fractionation. Main outcome parameters included visual acuity and visual field, as well as three dimensional remission as documented by imaging. Results: Tumour control was confirmed in all 15 patients undergoing stereotactic fractionated conformal irradiation (mean follow up 37 (range 12–71) months). No patient developed functional deterioration during or after treatment. Moreover, visual acuity improved by more than two lines in one patient and the visual field improved in six cases. Visual outcome in the other patients remained unchanged. There were no significant side effects of radiation therapy. Conclusion: These data provide convincing evidence that stereotactic fractionated conformal irradiation is an effective treatment option for primary ONSM with minimal treatment related morbidity. It should therefore be considered as therapeutic option both in early stage ONSM where surgery cannot be justified as well as in later stages, where surgery is so far considered the first line approach.

Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases | 2011

Mucopolysaccharidosis type II: European recommendations for the diagnosis and multidisciplinary management of a rare disease

Maurizio Scarpa; Zsuzsanna Almássy; Michael Beck; Olaf A. Bodamer; Iain Bruce; Linda De Meirleir; Nathalie Guffon; Encarna Guillén-Navarro; Pauline Hensman; Simon A. Jones; Wolfgang Kamin; Christoph Kampmann; Christina Lampe; Christine Lavery; Elisa Leão Teles; Bianca Link; Allan M. Lund; Gunilla Malm; Susanne Pitz; Michael P. Rothera; Catherine Stewart; Anna Tylki-Szymańska; Ans T. van der Ploeg; Robert Walker; Jiri Zeman; James E. Wraith

Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) is a rare, life-limiting, X-linked recessive disease characterised by deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme iduronate-2-sulfatase. Consequent accumulation of glycosaminoglycans leads to pathological changes in multiple body systems. Age at onset, signs and symptoms, and disease progression are heterogeneous, and patients may present with many different manifestations to a wide range of specialists. Expertise in diagnosing and managing MPS II varies widely between countries, and substantial delays between disease onset and diagnosis can occur. In recent years, disease-specific treatments such as enzyme replacement therapy and stem cell transplantation have helped to address the underlying enzyme deficiency in patients with MPS II. However, the multisystem nature of this disorder and the irreversibility of some manifestations mean that most patients require substantial medical support from many different specialists, even if they are receiving treatment. This article presents an overview of how to recognise, diagnose, and care for patients with MPS II. Particular focus is given to the multidisciplinary nature of patient management, which requires input from paediatricians, specialist nurses, otorhinolaryngologists, orthopaedic surgeons, ophthalmologists, cardiologists, pneumologists, anaesthesiologists, neurologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychologists, social workers, homecare companies and patient societies.Take-home messageExpertise in recognising and treating patients with MPS II varies widely between countries. This article presents pan-European recommendations for the diagnosis and management of this life-limiting disease.

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A | 2004

Congenital nephrosis, mesangial sclerosis, and distinct eye abnormalities with microcoria: an autosomal recessive syndrome.

Martin Zenker; Tim Tralau; Thomas Lennert; Susanne Pitz; Karlheinz Mark; Henry Madlon; Jörg J. Dötsch; André Reis; Horst Müntefering; Luitgard M. Neumann

We observed the occurrence of congenital nephrotic syndrome (CNS) and distinct ocular anomalies in two unrelated families. Eleven children from both families presented with a similar course of renal disease starting with nephrotic syndrome and renal failure prenatally or immediately after birth that resulted in death before the age of 2 months. Kidney histopathology showed diffuse mesangial sclerosis (DMS). Clinically obvious eye abnormalities were recognized in six of the eight patients in whom sufficient clinical data were available. Ocular anomalies included enlarged or large appearing corneae in some cases suggesting buphthalmos, and extremely narrow, nonreactive pupils (microcoria). Pathological examination of the eyes of two aborted fetuses revealed a more complex ocular maldevelopment including posterior lenticonus as well as anomalies of cornea and retina. On the basis of these observations and other cases in the literature, we delineate a previously unrecognized distinct entity characterized by congenital nephrotic syndrome, DMS, and eye abnormalities with microcoria as the leading clinical feature. Pedigrees of affected families with parental consanguinity support autosomal recessive inheritance. We propose that this syndrome should be designated microcoria‐congenital nephrosis syndrome or Pierson syndrome. Possible overlap with Galloway–Mowat syndrome and relations to other oculo‐renal syndromes are discussed.

British Journal of Ophthalmology | 2009

Outcome of orbital decompression for disfiguring proptosis in patients with Graves' orbitopathy using various surgical procedures

Mp Mourits; Heico M. Bijl; Maria Antonietta Altea; Lelio Baldeschi; Kostas G. Boboridis; Nicola Currò; A. J. Dickinson; Anja Eckstein; M. Freidel; C. Guastella; George J. Kahaly; Rachel Kalmann; Gerasimos E. Krassas; Carol M. Lane; Jürg Lareida; Claudio Marcocci; Michele Marinò; Marco Nardi; Ch Mohr; Christopher Neoh; Aldo Pinchera; Jacques Orgiazzi; Susanne Pitz; Peerooz Saeed; Mario Salvi; S. Sellari-Franceschini; Matthias Stahl; G. von Arx; W. M. Wiersinga

Aim: To compare the outcome of various surgical approaches of orbital decompression in patients with Graves’ orbitopathy (GO) receiving surgery for disfiguring proptosis. Method: Data forms and questionnaires from consecutive, euthyroid patients with inactive GO who had undergone orbital decompression for disfiguring proptosis in 11 European centres were analysed. Results: Eighteen different (combinations of) approaches were used, the swinging eyelid approach being the most popular followed by the coronal and transconjunctival approaches. The average proptosis reduction for all decompressions was 5.0 (SD 2.1) mm. After three-wall decompression the proptosis reduction was significantly greater than after two-wall decompression. Additional fat removal resulted in greater proptosis reduction. Complications were rare, the most frequent being worsening of motility, occurring more frequently after coronal decompression. The average change in quality of life (QOL) in the appearance arm of the GO-QOL questionnaire was 20.5 (SD 24.8) points. Conclusions: In Europe, a wide range of surgical approaches is used to reduce disfiguring proptosis in patients with GO. The extent of proptosis reduction depends on the number of walls removed and whether or not fat is removed. Serious complications are infrequent. Worsening of ocular motility is still a major complication, but was rare in this series after the swinging eyelid approach.

International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics | 2002

Stereotactic fractionated radiotherapy in patients with optic nerve sheath meningioma.

Gerd Becker; Branislav Jeremic; Susanne Pitz; Markus Buchgeister; Helmut Wilhelm; Ulrich Schiefer; Frank Paulsen; Eberhart Zrenner; Michael Bamberg

PURPOSE To evaluate the effectiveness of stereotactic fractionated radiotherapy (SFRT) in the treatment of optic nerve sheath meningioma (ONSM). METHODS AND MARERIALS: Between 1994 and 2000, a total of 39 patients with either primary (n = 15) or secondary (n = 24) ONSM were treated with SFRT and received a median total tumor dose of 54 Gy using 1.8 Gy/fraction. RESULTS The radiographic response to SFRT was documented in all patients as stable disease (no change) except for 1 patient with a partial response. After a median follow-up of 35.5 months, all patients with ONSM were alive without recurrence. The visual fields and visual acuity were improved in 6 of 15 and 1 of 16 examined eyes in patients with primary ONSM, respectively, and in 6 of 24 and 7 of 26 examined eyes in patients with secondary ONSM, respectively. Stable visual fields and visual acuity was observed in 8 of 14 and 15 of 16 patients with primary ONSM, respectively, and in 17 of 24 and 19 of 26 patients with secondary ONSM, respectively. Except for reversible alopecia and erythema, no other SFRT-related toxicity was observed. CONCLUSION SFRT represents a very effective and low-toxic treatment modality for ONSM. Despite a median follow-up of 3 years, this series of primary ONSM holds promise for future studies. It adds substantial evidence that SFRT may definitely become a standard treatment approach in selected cases of ONSM.

Cancer | 2007

Primary optic nerve sheath meningioma

Branislav Jeremic; Susanne Pitz

Radiotherapy (RT) has occasionally been practiced in the treatment of optic nerve sheath meningioma (ONSM). Recently, stereotactic fractionated RT (SFRT) has been introduced as a tool with better precision for RT delivery. A comprehensive review was undertaken to provide more insight into this matter.

British Journal of Ophthalmology | 2002

Corneal tattooing: an alternative treatment for disfiguring corneal scars.

Susanne Pitz; R Jahn; L Frisch; A Duis; Norbert Pfeiffer

Background: The performance and results of corneal tattooing are described in a case series of 11 patients suffering from a disfiguring corneal scar using a technique similar to conventional dermatography. Methods: Drawing ink in different shades was applied into the anterior corneal stroma by punctures performed with a conventional spatula needle. Results: Up to 4 years after surgery all patients still had satisfactory staining of the formerly cosmetically disfiguring corneal scar. Conclusion: Tattooing of unsightly corneal scars proved to be an efficient and easy to perform technique, yielding acceptable results during follow up.

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