
Osiris | 2003

Introduction: Toward an Urban History of Science

Sven Dierig; Jens Lachmund; J. Andrew Mendelsohn

This essay calls for an urban history of science that unites the history of science and urban history. Focusing on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, it emphasizes the active role cities play in shaping both scientific practice and scientific knowledge. Furthermore, the essay argues that cities themselves have to be viewed-at least partially-as mediated by science. Four interconnections of science and the city are discussed: the relationship between scientific expertise and urban politics, sciences role in the cultural representation of the city, the embedment of scientific activity in the social and material infrastructure of the city, and the interaction between science and urban everyday life.

Journal of the History of the Neurosciences | 2000

Urbanization, Place of Experiment And How the Electric Fish Was Caught by Emil Du Bois-Reymond

Sven Dierig

Laboratories, along with the researchers, organisms, instruments, and experiments associated with these places of investigation, are not isolated from the world beyond their physical and institutional boundaries. Both laboratories and the cities in which they are embedded are subject to change, as was most dramatically apparent in their dynamic and far-reaching transformation during the industrial revolution of the nineteenth century. Using the example of Berlin and the institutionalization of experimental physiology by Emil du Bois-Reymond, in this paper I study experimental work on frogs and fish in order to demonstrate how a city and a laboratory cooperate in the production of knowledge. Emil du Bois-Reymonds research on electric fish illustrates how an exotic organism and a laboratory came together in a city and how the research was driven by innovation and development in urban and industrial technology. Ongoing changes in the urban landscape entered du Bois-Reymonds workplace and became part of the material culture of his experimental physiology and his attempts to demonstrate that the electric fish discharge is fundamentally similar to the excitation of nerve and muscle.

Ntm | 1998

„Feinere Messungen in der Mitte einer belebten Stadt”—Berliner Großstadtverkehr und die apparativen Hilfsmittel der Elektrophysiologie, 1845–1910

Sven Dierig

In the history of science, the alterations of laboratorial working conditions during a defined period of time and the processes leading to substitution of one instrument by another are not well reconstructed. With respect to electrophysiology between 1845 and 1910, the present article attempts to call attention to the relationship between the use of instruments in a laboratory, the change in these instruments and the change of local environments in which the laboratory was situated.In the history of science, the alterations of laboratorial working conditions during a defined period of time and the processes leading to substitution of one instrument by another are not well reconstructed. With respect to electrophysiology between 1845 and 1910, the present article attempts to call attention to the relationship between the use of instruments in a laboratory, the change in these instruments and the change of local environments in which the laboratory was situated.

E-neuroforum | 2000

Ablenkung der Magnetnadel durch den Willen

Peter Bartsch; Sven Dierig

Haben Sie schon einmal Ihre Willensstärke in einem elektrophysiologischen Experiment prüfen lassen? Im Kern der oben genannten Ausstellung finden Sie einen historischen Meßplatz, wo Sie dies gelegentlich in einer Vorführung ausprobieren können. Sie müssen nur mit beiden Händen einen gedrechselten Holzstab umfassen, die Zeigefinger jeder Hand in je ein Glasgefaß mit konzentrierter Kochsalzlösung eintauchen und dann das Kunststück fertigbringen, die eine Hand weitgehend entspannt zu halten und mit der anderen Hand den Holzstab mit äußerster Kraft zu umfassen. Ihre Belohnung? Die Magnetnadel des originalen Multiplikators vermutlich aus dem Jahre 1847, er ist über Zinnelektroden und Drähte mit beiden Glasgefaßen verbunden beginnt sich zu bewegen und dies um so stärker, je länger Sie sich dem immer heftiger werdenden Muskelschmerz während der Dauerkontraktion widersetzen. Diesen Versuch hatte nach einer alten Daguerrotypie aus dem Jahre 1849 Emil duBois-Reymond wiederholt einer erstaunten Öffentlichkeit vorgeführt. Der damals 3ljährige und seit 6 Jahren promovierte duBois-Reymond hatte nach dem Abitur im Berliner französichen Gymnasium zunächst Theologie, Geistesund Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik studiert, bevor er 1839 das Medizinstudium aufnahm. Hierbei lernte er Johannes Müller, den damaligen Ordinarius für Anatomie und Physiologie, kennen. Er wurde Müllers Schüler, Gehilfe und Assistent und richtete unter seiner Leitung 1853 das erste Laboratorium für experimentelle Physiologie an der Berliner Universität ein.

Osiris | 2003

Engines for experiment: laboratory revolution and industrial labor in the nineteenth-century city.

Sven Dierig

Archive | 2006

Wissenschaft in der Maschinenstadt - Emil Du Bois-Reymond und seine Laboratorien in Berlin

Sven Dierig

Archive | 2004

Kultur im Experiment

Henning Schmidgen; Peter Geimer; Sven Dierig

Archive | 2003

Science and the city

Sven Dierig; Jens Lachmund; J. Andrew Mendelsohn

Comptes Rendus Biologies | 2006

Science and craftsmanship: the art of experiment and instrument making.

Sven Dierig

Configurations | 2001

Con Sordino for Piano and Brain: Bohemian Neuroscience in a 1900 Cultural Metropolis

Sven Dierig

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