Sven Hendrix
University of Hasselt
Featured researches published by Sven Hendrix.
European Journal of Neuroscience | 2006
Greta Gölz; Lars Uhlmann; Doreen Lüdecke; Nora Markgraf; Robert Nitsch; Sven Hendrix
Inflammation is part of the physiological wound healing response following mechanical lesioning of the peripheral nervous system. However, cytokine effects on axonal regeneration are still poorly understood. Because cytokines influence the expression of neurotrophins and their receptors, which play a major role in axonal outgrowth after lesioning, we investigated the hypothesis that cytokines influence specifically neurotrophin‐dependent axon elongation. Therefore, we have characterized neurotrophin‐dependent neurite outgrowth of murine dorsal root ganglia (DRG) in vitro and investigated the influence of pro‐ and anti‐inflammatory cytokines on these outgrowth patterns. Embryonic day 13 (E13) DRG were cultured in Matrigel for 2 days and axonal morphology, density and elongation were determined using an image analysis system. Nerve growth factor (NGF), neurotrophin‐3 (NT‐3) and ‐4 (NT‐4) were applied alone (50 ng/mL), in double or in triple combinations. NT‐3, NT‐4 and NT‐3 + NT‐4 combined induced a moderate increase in axonal outgrowth (P < 0.001) compared with controls, while NGF and all combinations including NGF induced an even more pronounced increase in axonal outgrowth (P < 0.001). After characterizing these outgrowth patterns, interleukin (IL)‐1β, IL‐4, IL‐6, interferon‐γ (IFNγ) and tumour necrosis factor‐α (TNFα) (50 or 500 ng/mL) were added to the different neurotrophin combinations. Low doses of TNFα and IL‐6 influenced neurite extension induced by endogenous neurotrophins. IL‐4 increased NT‐4‐induced outgrowth. IL‐6 stimulated NT‐3 + NT‐4‐induced outgrowth. IFNγ stimulated neurite extension in the presence of NT‐3 + NT‐4 and NT‐3 + NGF. TNFα inhibited NT‐3‐, NT‐3 + NGF‐, NT‐4 + NGF‐ and NT‐3 + NT‐4 + NGF‐induced outgrowth. These data suggest that inflammation following nerve injury modulates re‐innervation via a cytokine/neurotrophin axis.
Journal of Cell Science | 2010
Francesco Boato; Sven Hendrix; Stefanie C. Huelsenbeck; Fred Hofmann; Gisela Große; Susann Djalali; Lars Klimaschewski; Maria Auer; Ingo Just; Gudrun Ahnert-Hilger; Markus Höltje
Functional recovery and regeneration of corticospinal tract (CST) fibers following spinal cord injury by compression or dorsal hemisection in mice was monitored after application of the enzyme-deficient Clostridium botulinum C3-protein-derived 29-amino-acid fragment C3bot154-182. This peptide significantly improved locomotor restoration in both injury models as assessed by the open-field Basso Mouse Scale for locomotion test and Rotarod treadmill experiments. These data were supported by tracing studies showing an enhanced regenerative growth of CST fibers in treated animals as visualized by anterograde tracing. Additionally, C3bot154-182 stimulated regenerative growth of raphespinal fibers and improved serotonergic input to lumbar α-motoneurons. These in vivo data were confirmed by in vitro data, showing an enhanced axon outgrowth of α-motoneurons and hippocampal neurons cultivated on normal or growth-inhibitory substrates after application of C3bot154-182. The observed effects were probably caused by a non-enzymatic downregulation of active RhoA by the C3 peptide as indicated by pull-down experiments. By contrast, C3bot154-182 did not induce neurite outgrowth in primary cultures of dorsal root ganglion cells. In conclusion, C3bot154-182 represents a novel, promising tool to foster axonal protection and/or repair, as well as functional recovery after traumatic CNS injury.
Neurobiology of Disease | 2013
Pawel Namsolleck; Francesco Boato; Katja Schwengel; Ludovit Paulis; Katherine S. Matho; Nathalie Geurts; Christa Thöne-Reineke; Kristin Lucht; Kerstin Seidel; Anders Hallberg; Björn Dahlöf; Thomas Unger; Sven Hendrix; Ulrike Muscha Steckelings
It is widely accepted that the angiotensin AT2-receptor (AT2R) has neuroprotective features. In the present study we tested pharmacological AT2R-stimulation as a therapeutic approach in a model of spinal cord compression injury (SCI) in mice using the novel non-peptide AT2R-agonist, Compound 21 (C21). Complementary experiments in primary neurons and organotypic cultures served to identify underlying mechanisms. Functional recovery and plasticity of corticospinal tract (CST) fibers following SCI were monitored after application of C21 (0.3mg/kg/dayi.p.) or vehicle for 4 weeks. Organotypic co-culture of GFP-positive entorhinal cortices with hippocampal target tissue served to evaluate the impact of C21 on reinnervation. Neuronal differentiation, apoptosis and expression of neurotrophins were investigated in primary murine astrocytes and neuronal cells. C21 significantly improved functional recovery after SCI compared to controls, and this significantly correlated with the increased number of CST fibers caudal to the lesion site. In vitro, C21 significantly promoted reinnervation in organotypic brain slice co-cultures (+50%) and neurite outgrowth of primary neurons (+25%). C21-induced neurite outgrowth was absent in neurons derived from AT2R-KO mice. In primary neurons, treatment with C21 further induced RNA expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 (+75.7%), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (+53.7%), the neurotrophin receptors TrkA (+57.4%) and TrkB (+67.9%) and a marker for neurite growth, GAP43 (+103%), but not TrkC. Our data suggest that selective AT2R-stimulation improves functional recovery in experimental spinal cord injury through promotion of axonal plasticity and through neuroprotective and anti-apoptotic mechanisms. Thus, AT2R-stimulation may be considered for the development of a novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of spinal cord injury.
European Journal of Neuroscience | 2007
Alina Smorodchenko; Jens Wuerfel; Elena E. Pohl; Johannes Vogt; Eva Tysiak; Robert Glumm; Sven Hendrix; Robert Nitsch; Frauke Zipp; Carmen Infante-Duarte
Invasion of autoreactive T‐cells and alterations of the blood–brain barrier (BBB) represent early pathological manifestations of multiple sclerosis and its animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Non‐CNS‐specific T‐cells are also capable of entering the CNS. However, studies investigating the spatial pattern of BBB alterations as well as the exact localization and neuropathological consequences of transferred non‐CNS‐specific cells have been thus far lacking. Here, we used magnetic resonance imaging and multiphoton microscopy, as well as histochemical and high‐precision unbiased stereological analyses to compare T‐cell transmigration, localization, persistence, relation to BBB disruption and subsequent effects on CNS tissue in a model of T‐cell transfer of ovalbumin (OVA)‐ and proteolipid protein (PLP)‐specific T‐cells. BBB alterations were present in both EAE‐mice and mice transferred with OVA‐specific T‐cells. In the latter case, BBB alterations were less pronounced, but the pattern of initial cell migration into the CNS was similar for both PLP‐ and OVA‐specific cells [mean (SEM), 95 × 103 (7.6 × 103) and 88 × 103 (18 × 103), respectively]. Increased microglial cell density, astrogliosis and demyelination were, however, observed exclusively in the brain of EAE‐mice. While mice transferred with non‐neural‐specific cells showed similar levels of rhodamine‐dextran extravasation in susceptible brain regions, EAE‐mice presented huge BBB disruption in brainstem and moderate leakage in cerebellum. This suggests that antigen specificity and not the absolute number of infiltrating cells determine the magnitude of BBB disruption and glial pathology.
Acta Neuropathologica | 2013
Sofie Nelissen; Evi Lemmens; Nathalie Geurts; Peter Kramer; Marcus Maurer; Jerome J. A. Hendriks; Sven Hendrix
Mast cells (MCs) are densely granulated perivascular resident cells of hematopoietic origin and well known for their pathogenetic role in allergic and anaphylactic reactions. In addition, they are also involved in processes of innate and adaptive immunity. MCs can be activated in response to a wide range of stimuli, resulting in the release of not only pro-inflammatory, but also anti-inflammatory mediators. The patterns of secreted mediators depend upon the given stimuli and microenvironmental conditions, accordingly MCs have the ability to promote or attenuate inflammatory processes. Their presence in the central nervous system (CNS) has been recognized for more than a century. Since then a participation of MCs in various pathological processes in the CNS has been well documented. They can aggravate CNS damage in models of brain ischemia and hemorrhage, namely through increased blood–brain barrier damage, brain edema and hemorrhage formation and promotion of inflammatory responses to such events. In contrast, recent evidence suggests that MCs may have a protective role following traumatic brain injury by degrading pro-inflammatory cytokines via specific proteases. In neuroinflammatory diseases such as multiple sclerosis, the role of MCs seems to be ambiguous. MCs have been shown to be damaging, neuroprotective, or even dispensable, depending on the experimental protocols used. The role of MCs in the formation and progression of CNS tumors such as gliomas is complex and both positive and negative relationships between MC activity and tumor progression have been reported. In summary, MCs and their secreted mediators modulate inflammatory processes in multiple CNS pathologies and can thereby either contribute to neurological damage or confer neuroprotection. This review intends to give a concise overview of the regulatory roles of MCs in brain disease.
The FASEB Journal | 2009
Markus Höltje; Susann Djalali; Fred Hofmann; Agnieszka Münster-Wandowski; Sven Hendrix; Francesco Boato; Stefanie C. Dreger; Gisela Große; Christian Henneberger; Rosemarie Grantyn; Ingo Just; Gudrun Ahnert-Hilger
Small GTPases of the Rho family play versatile roles in the formation and development of axons and dendrites, effects often studied by the Rho‐inactivating C3 transferase (C3bot) from Clostridium botulinum. Recently, we reported that transferasedeficient C3bot also exerted axonotrophic activity. Using overlapping peptides from the C3bot sequence, we identified a small peptide of 29 amino acids (covering residues 154‐182) from the C‐terminal region of C3bot that promotes both axonal and dendritic growth, as well as branching of hippocampal neurons, at sub‐micromolar concentrations. Several C3bot constructs, including the short peptide, enhanced the number of axonal segments from mid‐ to higher‐order segments. C3bot154‐182 also increased the number of synaptophysin‐expressing terminals, up‐regulated various synaptic proteins, and functionally increased the glutamate uptake. Staining against the vesicular glutamate and GABA transporters further revealed that the effect was attributable to a higher number of glutamatergic and GABAergic inputs on proximal dendrites of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)‐transfected neurons. Using organotypical slice cultures, we also detected trophic effects of C3bot154‐182 on length and density of outgrowing fibers from the entorhinal cortex that were comparable to the effects elicited by full‐length C3bot. In addition, an enhanced reinnervation was observed in a hippocampal‐entorhinal lesion model. In summary, the neurotrophic effect of C3bot is executed by a C‐terminal peptide fragment covering aa 154‐182 of C3; it triggers dendritic and axonal growth and branching as well as increased synaptic connectivity. In contrast to full‐length C3, this C3 peptide selectively acts on neurons but not on glial cells. Holtje, M., Djalali, S., Hofmann, F., Munster‐Wandowski, A., Hendrix, S., Boato, F., Dreger, S. C., Große, G., Henneberger, C., Grantyn, R., Just, I., Ahnert‐Hilger, G. A 29‐amino acid fragment of Clostridium botulinum C3 protein enhances neuronal outgrowth, connectivity, and reinnervation. FASEB J. 23, 1115–1126 (2009)
Pharmacology & Therapeutics | 2014
Dearbhaile Dooley; Pia M. Vidal; Sven Hendrix
The pharmacological support and stimulation of endogenous and transplanted neural stem cells (NSCs) is a major challenge in brain repair. Trauma to the central nervous system (CNS) results in a distinct inflammatory response caused by local and infiltrating immune cells. This makes NSC-supported regeneration difficult due to the presence of inhibitory immune factors which are upregulated around the lesion site. The continual and dual role of the neuroinflammatory response leaves it difficult to decipher upon a single modulatory strategy. Therefore, understanding the influence of cytokines upon regulation of NSC self-renewal, proliferation and differentiation is crucial when designing therapies for CNS repair. There is a plethora of partially conflicting data in vitro and in vivo on the role of cytokines in modulating the stem cell niche and the milieu around NSC transplants. This is mainly due to the pleiotropic role of many factors. In order for cell-based therapy to thrive, treatment must be phase-specific to the injury and also be personalized for each patient, i.e. taking age, sex, neuroimmune and endocrine status as well as other key parameters into consideration. In this review, we will summarize the most relevant information concerning interleukin (IL)-1, IL-4, IL-10, IL-15, IFN-γ, the neuropoietic cytokine family and TNF-α in order to extract promising therapeutic approaches for further research. We will focus on the consequences of neuroinflammation on endogenous brain stem cells and the transplantation environment, the effects of the above cytokines on NSCs, as well as immunopharmacological manipulation of the microenvironment for potential therapeutic use.
Journal of Neuroimmunology | 2007
Sven Hendrix; Eva M.J. Peters
The skin develops probably the densest and most complex innervation of all mammalian organs, consisting of sensory and autonomic nerves loaded with a plethora of neuropeptides and neurotransmitters. Skin innervation, as well as the expression patterns of neurotrophins and their receptors, is subject to dramatic changes during not only morphogenesis but also adult tissue remodeling under physiological or inflammatory conditions. Bilateral neuroimmune interactions are the basis of adaptive responses to tissue remodeling (such as hair cycling), psycho-emotional stress or skin inflammation. Dermatitis and hair loss may be exacerbated by stress-induced neurogenic inflammation. In addition, selected inflammatory skin diseases are associated with increased innervation. Finally, inflammatory cytokines influence the cutaneous expression of neurotrophins, as well as neurotrophin-induced neurite outgrowth following axotomy. Here, we review key studies on bilateral neuroimmune interactions in the skin under both healthy and disease conditions to provide a basis for future research on the role of inflammation in peripheral nerve regeneration.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology | 2011
Eva M.J. Peters; Christiane Liezmann; Katharina Spatz; Maria Daniltchenko; Ricarda Joachim; Andrey Gimenez-Rivera; Sven Hendrix; Vladimir A. Botchkarev; Johanna M. Brandner; Burghard F. Klapp
Neuroimmune dysregulation characterizes atopic disease, but its nature and clinical impact remain ill-defined. Induced by stress, the neurotrophin nerve growth factor (NGF) may worsen cutaneous inflammation. We therefore studied the role of NGF in the cutaneous stress response in a mouse model for atopic dermatitis-like allergic dermatitis (AlD). Combining several methods, we found that stress increased cutaneous but not serum or hypothalamic NGF in telogen mice. Microarray analysis showed increased mRNAs of inflammatory and growth factors associated with NGF in the skin. In stress-worsened AlD, NGF-neutralizing antibodies markedly reduced epidermal thickening together with NGF, neurotrophin receptor (tyrosine kinase A and p75 neurotrophin receptor), and transforming growth factor-β expression by keratinocytes but did not alter transepidermal water loss. Moreover, NGF expression by mast cells was reduced; this corresponded to reduced cutaneous tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) mRNA levels but not to changes in mast cell degranulation or in the T helper type 1 (Th1)/Th2 cytokine balance. Also, eosinophils expressed TNF receptor type 2, and we observed reduced eosinophil infiltration after treatment with NGF-neutralizing antibodies. We thus conclude that NGF acts as a local stress mediator in perceived stress and allergy and that increased NGF message contributes to worsening of cutaneous inflammation mainly by enhancing epidermal hyperplasia, pro-allergic cytokine induction, and allergy-characteristic cellular infiltration.
Experimental Dermatology | 2008
Sven Hendrix; Björn Picker; Christiane Liezmann; Eva Milena Johanna Peters
Abstract: The remodelling of skin innervation is an instructive example of neuronal plasticity in the peripheral nervous system. Cutaneous innervation displays dramatic plasticity during morphogenesis, adult remodelling, skin diseases and after skin nerve lesions. To recognize even subtle changes or abnormalities of cutaneous innervation under different experimental conditions, it is critically important to use a quantitative approach. Here, we introduce a simple, fast and reproducible quantitative method based on immunofluorescence histochemistry for the exact quantification of peripheral nerve fibres. Computer‐generated schematic representations of cutaneous innervation in defined skin compartments are presented with the aim of standardizing reports on gene and protein expression patterns. This guide should become a useful tool when screening new mouse mutants, disease models affecting innervation or mice treated with pharmaceuticals for discrete morphologic abnormalities of skin innervation in a highly reproducible and quantifiable manner. Moreover, this method can be easily transferred to other densely innervated peripheral organs.