Syed Ismail
Langley Research Center
Featured researches published by Syed Ismail.
Applied Optics | 1985
Yasuhiro Sasano; Edward V. Browell; Syed Ismail
The Bernoulli solution of the lidar equation with the assumption of a constant extinction/backscattering ratio can lead to errors in the derived aerosol extinction and backscattering profiles. This paper presents a general theoretical analysis of the errors that result from differences between the assumed and actual extinction/backscattering ratio profiles. Examples of the influence of the constant extinction/backscattering ratio assumption on the lidar derived aerosol extinction profile are presented for various laser wavelengths.
Applied Optics | 1985
Edward V. Browell; Syed Ismail; Scott T. Shipley
The differential absorption lidar (DIAL) technique generally assumes that atmospheric optical scattering is the same at the two laser wavelengths used in the DIAL measurement of a gas concentration profile. Errors can arise in this approach when the wavelengths are significantly separated, and there is a range dependence in the aerosol scattering distribution. This paper discusses the errors introduced by large DIAL wavelength separations and spatial inhomogeneity of aerosols in the atmosphere. A Bernoulli solution for determining the relative distribution of aerosol backscattering in the UV region is presented, and scattering ratio boundary values for these solutions are discussed. The results of this approach are used to derive a backscatter correction to the standard DIAL analysis method. It is shown that for the worst cases of severe range dependence in aerosol backscattering, the residual errors in the corrected DIAL O3 measurements were <10 ppbv for DIAL wavelengths at 286 and 300 nm.
Applied Optics | 1989
Syed Ismail; Edward V. Browell
This paper presents an evaluation of the random and systematic error sources associated with differential absorption lidar (DIAL) measurements of tropospheric water vapor (H(2)O) profiles from airborne and spaceborne platforms. The results of this analysis are used in the development and performance evaluation of the Lidar Atmospheric Sensing Experiment (LASE) H(2)O DIAL system presently under development at the NASA Langley Research Center for operation on a high altitude ER-2 (advanced U-2) aircraft. The analysis shows that a <10% H(2)O profile measurement accuracy is possible for the LASE system with a vertical and horizontal resolution of 200 m and 10 km, respectively, at night and 300 m and 20 km during the day. Global measurements of H(2)O profiles from spaceborne DIAL systems can be made to a similar accuracy with a vertical resolution of 500 m and a horizontal resolution of 100 km.
Applied Optics | 2008
Grady J. Koch; Jeffrey Y. Beyon; Fabien Gibert; Bruce W. Barnes; Syed Ismail; Mulugeta Petros; Paul Petzar; Jirong Yu; Edward A. Modlin; Kenneth J. Davis; Upendra N. Singh
A 2 microm wavelength, 90 mJ, 5 Hz pulsed Ho laser is described with wavelength control to precisely tune and lock the wavelength at a desired offset up to 2.9 GHz from the center of a CO(2) absorption line. Once detuned from the line center the laser wavelength is actively locked to keep the wavelength within 1.9 MHz standard deviation about the setpoint. This wavelength control allows optimization of the optical depth for a differential absorption lidar (DIAL) measuring atmospheric CO(2) concentrations. The laser transmitter has been coupled with a coherent heterodyne receiver for measurements of CO(2) concentration using aerosol backscatter; wind and aerosols are also measured with the same lidar and provide useful additional information on atmospheric structure. Range-resolved CO(2) measurements were made with <2.4% standard deviation using 500 m range bins and 6.7 min? (1000 pulse pairs) integration time. Measurement of a horizontal column showed a precision of the CO(2) concentration to <0.7% standard deviation using a 30 min? (4500 pulse pairs) integration time, and comparison with a collocated in situ sensor showed the DIAL to measure the same trend of a diurnal variation and to detect shorter time scale CO(2) perturbations. For vertical column measurements the lidar was setup at the WLEF tall tower site in Wisconsin to provide meteorological profiles and to compare the DIAL measurements with the in situ sensors distributed on the tower up to 396 m height. Assuming the DIAL column measurement extending from 153 m altitude to 1353 m altitude should agree with the tower in situ sensor at 396 m altitude, there was a 7.9 ppm rms difference between the DIAL and the in situ sensor using a 30 min? rolling average on the DIAL measurement.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2013
Scott A. Braun; Ramesh K. Kakar; Edward J. Zipser; Gerald M. Heymsfield; Cerese Albers; Shannon T. Brown; Stephen L. Durden; Stephen R. Guimond; Jeffery Halverson; Andrew J. Heymsfield; Syed Ismail; Bjorn Lambrigtsen; Timothy L. Miller; Simone Tanelli; Janel Thomas; Jon Zawislak
In August–September 2010, NASA, NOAA, and the National Science Foundation (NSF) conducted separate but closely coordinated hurricane field campaigns, bringing to bear a combined seven aircraft with both new and mature observing technologies. NASAs Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes (GRIP) experiment, the subject of this article, along with NOAAs Intensity Forecasting Experiment (IFEX) and NSFs Pre-Depression Investigation of Cloud-Systems in the Tropics (PREDICT) experiment, obtained unprecedented observations of the formation and intensification of tropical cyclones. The major goal of GRIP was to better understand the physical processes that control hurricane formation and intensity change, specifically the relative roles of environmental and inner-core processes. A key focus of GRIP was the application of new technologies to address this important scientific goal, including the first ever use of the unmanned Global Hawk aircraft for hurricane science operations. NASA and NOAA conducted coord...
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000
J. Redemann; R. P. Turco; K. N. Liou; P. B. Russell; R. W. Bergstrom; Beat Schmid; J. M. Livingston; Peter V. Hobbs; W. S. Hartley; Syed Ismail; Richard A. Ferrare; Edward V. Browell
The largest uncertainty in estimates of the effects of atmospheric aerosols on climate stems from uncertainties in the determination of their microphysical properties, including the aerosol complex index of refraction, which in turn determines their optical properties. A novel technique is used to estimate the aerosol complex index of refraction in distinct vertical layers from a combination of aerosol in situ size distribution and remote sensing measurements during the Tropospheric Aerosol Radiative Forcing Observational Experiment (TARFOX). In particular, aerosol backscatter measurements using the NASA Langley LASE (Lidar Atmospheric Sensing Experiment) instrument and in situ aerosol size distribution data are utilized to derive vertical profiles of the “effective” aerosol complex index of refraction at 815 nm (i.e., the refractive index that would provide the same backscatter signal in a forward calculation on the basis of the measured in situ particle size distributions for homogeneous, spherical aerosols). A sensitivity study shows that this method yields small errors in the retrieved aerosol refractive indices, provided the errors in the lidar-derived aerosol backscatter are less than 30% and random in nature. Absolute errors in the estimated aerosol refractive indices are generally less than 0.04 for the real part and can be as much as 0.042 for the imaginary part in the case of a 30% error in the lidar-derived aerosol backscatter. The measurements of aerosol optical depth from the NASA Ames Airborne Tracking Sunphotometer (AATS-6) are successfully incorporated into the new technique and help constrain the retrieved aerosol refractive indices. An application of the technique to two TARFOX case studies yields the occurrence of vertical layers of distinct aerosol refractive indices. Values of the estimated complex aerosol refractive index range from 1.33 to 1.45 for the real part and 0.001 to 0.008 for the imaginary part. The methodology devised in this study provides, for the first time, a complete set of vertically resolved aerosol size distribution and refractive index data, yielding the vertical distribution of aerosol optical properties required for the determination of aerosol-induced radiative flux changes.
Science | 1993
Edward V. Browell; Carolyn F. Butler; Marta A. Fenn; William B. Grant; Syed Ismail; Mark R. Schoeberl; Owen B. Toon; M. Loewenstein; James R. Podolske
Stratospheric ozone and aerosol distributions were measured across the wintertime Arctic vortex from January to March 1992 with an airborne lidar system as part of the 1992 Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition (AASE II). Aerosols from the Mount Pinatubo eruption were found outside and inside the vortex with distinctly different distributions that clearly identified the dynamics of the vortex. Changes in aerosols inside the vortex indicated advection of air from outside to inside the vortex below 16 kilometers. No polar stratospheric clouds were observed and no evidence was found for frozen volcanic aerosols inside the vortex. Between January and March, ozone depletion was observed inside the vortex from 14 to 20 kilometers with a maximum average loss of about 23 percent near 18 kilometers.
Applied Optics | 2013
Jeremy Dobler; F. Wallace Harrison; Edward V. Browell; Bing Lin; Doug McGregor; Susan A. Kooi; Yonghoon Choi; Syed Ismail
The 2007 National Research Council (NRC) Decadal Survey on Earth Science and Applications from Space recommended Active Sensing of CO(2) Emissions over Nights, Days, and Seasons (ASCENDS) as a midterm, Tier II, NASA space mission. ITT Exelis, formerly ITT Corp., and NASA Langley Research Center have been working together since 2004 to develop and demonstrate a prototype laser absorption spectrometer for making high-precision, column CO(2) mixing ratio measurements needed for the ASCENDS mission. This instrument, called the multifunctional fiber laser lidar (MFLL), operates in an intensity-modulated, continuous wave mode in the 1.57 μm CO(2) absorption band. Flight experiments have been conducted with the MFLL on a Lear-25, UC-12, and DC-8 aircraft over a variety of different surfaces and under a wide range of atmospheric conditions. Very high-precision CO(2) column measurements resulting from high signal-to-noise ratio (>1300) column optical depth (OD) measurements for a 10 s (~1 km) averaging interval have been achieved. In situ measurements of atmospheric CO(2) profiles were used to derive the expected CO(2) column values, and when compared to the MFLL measurements over desert and vegetated surfaces, the MFLL measurements were found to agree with the in situ-derived CO(2) columns to within an average of 0.17% or ~0.65 ppmv with a standard deviation of 0.44% or ~1.7 ppmv. Initial results demonstrating ranging capability using a swept modulation technique are also presented.
Archive | 1997
Edward V. Browell; Syed Ismail; William M. Hall; Alvah S. Moore; Susan A. Kooi; Vincent G. Brackett; Marian B. Clayton; J. Barrick; F. J. Schmidlin; N. Scott Higdon; S. Harvey Melfi; David N. Whiteman
An extensive validation experiment was conducted in September 1995 from Wallops Island, Virginia, to evaluate the performance of the Lidar Atmospheric Sensing Experiment (LASE) system for the measurement of water vapor profiles under a wide range of atmospheric and solar background conditions. These measurements were compared with many different in situ and remote measurements in the most extensive water vapor intercomparison ever conducted. The LASE water vapor measurements were found to have an accuracy of better than 6% or 0.01 g/kg, whichever is greater, across the entire troposphere.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2004
Richard A. Ferrare; Edward V. Browell; Syed Ismail; Susan A. Kooi; L. H. Brasseur; V. G. Brackett; Marian B. Clayton; J. D. W. Barrick; G. S. Diskin; J. E. M. Goldsmith; B. M. Lesht; J. R. Podolske; G. W. Sachse; F. J. Schmidlin; David D. Turner; David N. Whiteman; D. C. Tobin; Larry M. Miloshevich; Henry E. Revercomb; Belay Berhane Demoz; P. Di Girolamo
Water vapor profiles from NASAs Lidar Atmospheric Sensing Experiment (LASE) system acquired during the ARM/FIRE Water Vapor Experiment (AFWEX) are used to characterize upper troposphere (UT) water vapor measured by ground-based Raman lidars, radiosondes, and in situ aircraft sensors. Initial comparisons showed the average Vaisala radiosonde measurements to be 5-15% drier than the average LASE, Raman lidar, and DC-8 in situ diode laser hygrometer measurements. They show that corrections to the Raman lidar and Vaisala measurements significantly reduce these differences. Precipitable water vapor (PWV) derived from the LASE water vapor profiles agrees within 3% on average with PWV derived from the ARM ground-based microwave radiometer (MWR). The agreement among the LASE, Raman lidar, and MWR measurements demonstrates how the LASE measurements can be used to characterize both profile and column water vapor measurements and that ARM Raman lidar, when calibrated using the MWR PWV, can provide accurate UT water vapor measurements.