Sylvie Nazaret
University of Lyon
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Featured researches published by Sylvie Nazaret.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2001
Lionel Ranjard; Franck Poly; J.-C. Lata; Christophe Mougel; Jean Thioulouse; Sylvie Nazaret
ABSTRACT Automated rRNA intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) was used to characterise bacterial (B-ARISA) and fungal (F-ARISA) communities from different soil types. The 16S-23S intergenic spacer region from the bacterial rRNA operon was amplified from total soil community DNA for B-ARISA. Similarly, the two internal transcribed spacers and the 5.8S rRNA gene (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) from the fungal rRNA operon were amplified from total soil community DNA for F-ARISA. Universal fluorescence-labeled primers were used for the PCRs, and fragments of between 200 and 1,200 bp were resolved on denaturing polyacrylamide gels by use of an automated sequencer with laser detection. Methodological (DNA extraction and PCR amplification) and biological (inter- and intrasite) variations were evaluated by comparing the number and intensity of peaks (bands) between electrophoregrams (profiles) and by multivariate analysis. Our results showed that ARISA is a high-resolution, highly reproducible technique and is a robust method for discriminating between microbial communities. To evaluate the potential biases in community description provided by ARISA, we also examined databases on length distribution of ribosomal intergenic spacers among bacteria (L. Ranjard, E. Brothier, and S. Nazaret, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66:5334–5339, 2000) and fungi.
Research in Microbiology | 2000
Lionel Ranjard; Franck Poly; Sylvie Nazaret
Over the last decade, important advances in molecular biology led to the development of culture-independent approaches to describing bacterial communities. These new strategies, based on the analysis of DNA directly extracted from environmental samples, circumvent the steps of isolation and culturing of bacteria, which are known for their selectivity leading to a non-representative view of the extent of bacterial diversity. This review provides an overview of the potentials and limitations of some molecular approaches currently used in microbial ecology. Examples of applications to the study of indigenous soil microbial community illustrate the feasibility and the power of such approaches.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2001
Franck Poly; Lionel Ranjard; Sylvie Nazaret; François Gourbière; Lucile Jocteur Monrozier
ABSTRACT The similarities and differences in the structures of thenifH gene pools of six different soils (Montrond, LCSA-p, Vernon, Dombes, LCSA-c, and Thysse Kaymor) and five soil fractions extracted from LCSA-c were studied. Bacterial DNA was directly extracted from the soils, and a region of thenifH gene was amplified by PCR and analyzed by restriction. Soils were selected on the basis of differences in soil management, plant cover, and major physicochemical properties. Microenvironments differed on the basis of the sizes of the constituent particles and the organic carbon and clay contents. Restriction profiles were subjected to principal-component analysis. We showed that the composition of the diazotrophic communities varied both on a large scale (among soils) and on a microscale (among microenvironments in LCSA-c soil). Soil management seemed to be the major parameter influencing differences in the nifH gene pool structure among soils by controlling inorganic nitrogen content and its variation. However, physicochemical parameters (texture and total C and N contents) were found to correlate with differences amongnifH gene pools on a microscale. We hypothesize that the observed nifH genetic structures resulted from the adaptation to fluctuating conditions (cultivated soil, forest soil, coarse fractions) or constant conditions (permanent pasture soil, fine fractions). We attempted to identify a specific band within the profile of the clay fraction by cloning and sequencing it and comparing it with the gene databases. Unexpectedly, the nifH sequences of the dominant bacteria were most similar to sequences of unidentified marine eubacteria.
Microbial Ecology | 2000
Lionel Ranjard; Franck Poly; J. Combrisson; Agnès Richaume; François Gourbière; Jean Thioulouse; Sylvie Nazaret
A bstractThe cell density and the genetic structure of bacterial subcommunities (further named pools) present in the various microenvironments of a silt loam soil were investigated. The microenvironments were isolated first using a procedure of soil washes that separated bacteria located outside aggregates (outer part) from those located inside aggregates (inner part). A nondestructive physical fractionation was then applied to the inner part in order to separate bacteria located inside stable aggregates of different size (size fractions, i.e., two macroaggregate fractions, two microaggregate fractions, and the dispersible day fraction). Bacterial densities measured by acridine orange direct counts (AODC) and viable heterotrophic (VH) cell enumerations showed the heterogeneous quantitative distribution of cells in soil. Bacteria were preferentially located in the inner part with 87.6% and 95.4% of the whole AODC and VH bacteria, respectively, and in the microaggregate and dispersible clay fractions of this part with more than 70% and 80% of the whole AODC and VH bacteria, respectively. The rRNA intergenic spacer analysis (RISA) was used to study the genetic structure of the bacterial pools. Different fingerprints and consequently different genetic structures were observed between the unfractionated soil and the microenvironments, and also among the various microenvironments, giving evidence that some populations were specific to a given location in addition to the common populations of all the microenvironments. Cluster and multivariate analysis of RISA profiles showed the weak contribution of the pools located in the macroaggregate fractions to the whole soil community structure, as well as the clear distinction between the pool associated to the macroaggregate fractions and the pools associated to the microaggregate ones. Furthermore, these statistical analyses allowed us to ascertain the influence of the clay and organic matter content of microenvironments on the genetic structure relatedness between pools.
Ecological Monographs | 2005
A. K. Patra; Luc Abbadie; A. Clays-Josserand; Valérie Degrange; Susan J. Grayston; P. Loiseau; Frédérique Louault; Shahid Mahmood; Sylvie Nazaret; Laurent Philippot; Franck Poly; James I. Prosser; Agnès Richaume; X. Le Roux
Enhancement of soil nitrogen (N) cycling by grazing has been observed in many grassland ecosystems. However, whether grazing affects the activity only of the key microbial functional groups driving soil N dynamics or also affects the size (cell number) and/or composition of these groups remains largely unknown. We studied the enzyme activity, size, and composition of five soil microbial communities (total microbial and total bacterial communities, and three functional groups driving N dynamics: nitrifiers, denitrifiers, and free N2 fixers) in grassland sites experiencing contrasting sheep grazing regimes (one light grazing [LG] site and one intensive grazing [IG] site) at two topographical locations. Enzyme activity was determined by potential carbon mineralization, nitrification, denitrification, and N2 fixation assays. The size of each community (except N2 fixers) was measured by the most-probable-number technique. The composition of the total soil microbial community was characterized by phospholipid f...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2000
Lionel Ranjard; Elisabeth Brothier; Sylvie Nazaret
ABSTRACT Two major emerging bands (a 350-bp band and a 650-bp band) within the RISA (ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis) profile of a soil bacterial community spiked with Hg(II) were selected for further identification of the populations involved in the response of the community to the added metal. The bands were cut out from polyacrylamide gels, cloned, characterized by restriction analysis, and sequenced for phylogenetic affiliation of dominant clones. The sequences were the intergenic spacer between the rrs andrrl genes and the first 130 nucleotides of therrl gene. Comparison of sequences derived from the 350-bp band to The GenBank database permitted us to identify the bacteria as being mostly close relatives to low G+C firmicutes (Clostridium-like genera), while the 650-bp band permitted us to identify the bacteria as being mostly close relatives to β-proteobacteria (Ralstonia-like genera). Oligonucleotide probes specific for the identified dominant bacteria were designed and hybridized with the RISA profiles derived from the control and spiked communities. These studies confirmed the contribution of these populations to the community response to the metal. Hybridization of the RISA profiles from subcommunities (bacterial pools associated with different soil microenvironments) also permitted to characterize the distribution and the dynamics of these populations at a microscale level following mercury spiking.
Journal of Bacteriology | 2002
Lionel Ranjard; Claire Prigent-Combaret; Sylvie Nazaret; Benoit Cournoyer
Escherichia coli cells expressing the tpm gene encoding the bacterial thiopurine methyltransferase (bTPMT) are shown to methylate selenite and (methyl)selenocysteine into dimethylselenide (DMSe) and dimethyldiselenide (DMDSe). E. coli cells expressing tpm from a gene library cosmid clone (harboring a Pseudomonas syringae insert of about 20 kb) also methylated selenate into DMSe and DMDSe. bTPMT is the first methyltransferase shown to be involved in the methylation of these selenium derivatives.
Plant and Soil | 1989
Sylvie Nazaret; Pascal Simonet; Philippe Normand; René Bardin
The nodulation ability of variousFrankia strains isolated from the nodules of Casuarina were tested on two Casuarina species (C. equisetifolia andC. glauca), and onHippophaë rhamnoides. We found that the isolates could be separated into two groups, some of them being unable to reinfect the Casuarina host-plant but infective onH. rhamnoides. Other isolates effectively nodulated the original Casuarina host-plant. The second purpose of this study was to examine the genetic diversity among the Casuarina-isolated strains using well-characterized symbiotic genes as hybridization probes. We found a relationship between nodulation characteristics and hybridization patterns.
Research in Microbiology | 2011
Amélie Deredjian; Céline Colinon; Elisabeth Brothier; Sabine Favre-Bonté; Benoit Cournoyer; Sylvie Nazaret
Phenotypic analyses of antibiotic and metal resistance of a collection of 130 strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from various outdoor (i.e. soil, water, animals) and hospital (environment, patients, individuals with cystic fibrosis) settings were performed. Resistance was scored according to the origin of the strains and their likely exposure to antibiotics and chemicals. Most of the 76 outdoor strains showed a wild-type antibiotic resistance phenotype, i.e. resistance to minocycline and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Sixty percent of hospital strains showed a multiresistance phenotype (from 3 to 16 antibiotics) and confirmed that frequent exposure to antibiotics favored selection and maintenance of antibiotic resistance in P. aeruginosa. Twelve percent of outdoor strains naturally exposed to antiseptics and hydrocarbons showed significant resistance profiles, suggesting that chemical contaminants could contribute to selection of antibiotic resistance. For metal resistance, outdoor strains were more frequently resistant to zinc and cadmium, whereas hospital strains were more frequently resistant to mercury and copper. Differences in metal resistance between the 130 strains investigated were not related to previously characterized processes such as those implicating czcA, involved in cadmium, zinc, and cobalt resistance, or copA and copB, involved in copper resistance. Regulatory or new processes were likely to have contributed to the observed variations. Strains showing strong resistance to antibiotics were the least resistant to metals, and inversely. The lack of significant correlations between antibiotic and metal resistance suggests involvement of distinct processes that are rarely co-selected. The effects of the P. aeruginosa collection size and multi-factorial selective pressure on data sets are discussed.
European Journal of Soil Biology | 1998
Lionel Ranjard; Franck Poly; Jerome Combrisson; Agnès Richaume; Sylvie Nazaret
Abstract A single DNA procedure to recover bacterial DNA from various soil microenvironments which differ in their physical, chemical and structural properties was developed. These microenvironments, obtained by a combination of soil washes and physical fractionation, were the outer part or macroporosity (outside and surface of aggregates), the inner part or microporosity (inside of aggregates) and various size and stability classes of soil aggregates and particles. The DNA extraction method involved sample homogenization and cell disruption by grinding in liquid nitrogen, followed by enzymatic lysis with lysozyme and proteinase K. High yields of high molecular weight DNA (≥ 23 kb) were obtained for all microenvironments. Crude DNA yields for the various soil microenvironments were between 0.7 and 51.4 μg DNA·g−1 soil sample and were positively correlated with bacterial cell abundance (r = 0.91). Further purification steps allowed to recover at least 60 % of the DNA extracted from the various microenvironments. The suitability of the extracted DNA to undergo enzymatic amplification reactions and the effectiveness of the extraction procedure in recovering DNA from various native bacterial groups was tested using primers for archaebacterial 16S rDNAs, universal and group-specific eubacterial 16S rDNAs primers (β- and γ-proteobacteria, High G+C Gram-positive bacteria, and Bacillus species and relatives). Successful amplification of less ubiquitous genes was also obtained with primers targeting nitrogen fixation (nifH) and mercury resistance (merRTΔP) genes.