T. Bretz
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
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Featured researches published by T. Bretz.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2004
T. Kneiske; T. Bretz; K. Mannheim; Dieter H. Hartmann
Bearing on the model for the time-dependent metagalactic radiation field developed in the first paper of this series, we compute the gamma-ray attenuation due to pair production in photon-photon scattering. Emphasis is on the effects of varying the star formation rate and the fraction of UV radiation assumed to escape from the star forming regions, the latter being important mainly for high-redshift sources. Conversely, we investigate how the metagalactic radiation field can be measured from the gamma-ray pair creation cutoff as a function of redshift, the Fazio-Stecker relation. For three observed TeV-blazars (Mkn501, Mkn421, H1426+428) we study the effects of gamma-ray attenuation on their spectra in detail.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2009
D. Dorner; K. Nilsson; T. Bretz
Context. Using the atmosphere as a detector volume, Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) depend highly on the properties and the condition of the air mass above the telescope. On the Canary Island of La Palma, where the Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov telescope (MAGIC) is situated, the Saharan Air Layer (SAL) can cause strong atmospheric absorption affecting the data quality and resulting in a reduced gamma flux. Aims. To correlate IACT data with other measurements, e.g. long-term monitoring or Multi-Wavelength (MWL) studies, an accurate flux determination is mandatory. Therefore, a method to correct the data for the effect of the SAL is needed. Methods. Three different measurements of the atmospheric absorption are performed on La Palma. From the determined transmission, a correction factor is calculated and applied to the MAGIC data. Results. The different transmission measurements from optical and IACT data provide comparable results. MAGIC data of PG1553+113, taken during a MWL campaign in July 2006, have been analyzed using the presented method, providing a corrected flux measurement for the study of the spectral energy distribution of the source.
HIGH ENERGY GAMMA‐RAY ASTRONOMY: Proceedings of the 4th International Meeting on#N#High Energy Gamma‐Ray Astronomy | 2008
T. Bretz; D. Dorner
With the MAGIC experiment, the software development of the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction Software (MARS) has been started. In the past years, the modular concept was improved and enhanced by a full automation concept. Both together build a user‐friendly and modular framework fulfilling the requirements of future observatories like small monitoring telescopes or high‐sensitivity instruments. To better distinguish this enhanced development from the MARS version further developed as a MAGIC specialized analysis, we have given it the name MARS (Now: Modular Analysis and Reconstruction Software)—Cherenkov Observatory Edition (CheObs). We will show that the existing concept, together with the latest improvements and the automation concept, is well suited as a framework for future Cherenkov observatories.
HIGH ENERGY GAMMA-RAY ASTRONOMY: 2nd International Symposium on High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy | 2005
T. Bretz
The current generation of Imaging Air Cerenkov Telescopes takes data at a rate of up to 1 kHz requiring a maximum storage rate of 30 MB/s or 1.8 GB/h. Processing these data necessarily involves a lot of automatisation and optimisation of the software. This enforces the development of a stand‐alone standard analysis. The final goal is having highly compressed output which can be provided as the full‐physics input to a more dedicated analysis by collaborators or guest observers.
Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2003
A Moralejo; C. Baixeras; D Bastieri; W. Bednarek; C. Bigongiari; A. Biland; O. Blanch; R. K. Bock; T. Bretz; A Chilingarian; J. A. Coarasa; E. Colombo; S Commichau; J. L. Contreras; J. Cortina; A. De Angelis; R. de los Reyes; B. De Lotto; C Domingo; E. Domingo; D. Dorner; D Ferenc; E. Fernández; J. Flix; V. Fonseca; L. Font; N. Galante; M. Gaug; M. Garczarczyk; J Gebauer
The MAGIC telescope, presently at its commissioning phase, will become fully operative by the end of 2003. Placed at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (ORM) on the island of La Palma, MAGIC is the largest among new generation ground-based gamma ray telescopes, and will reach an energy threshold as low as 30 GeV. The range of the electromagnetic spectrum between 10 and 250 GeV remains to date mostly unexplored. Observations in this energy region are expected to provide key data for the understanding of a wide variety of astrophysical phenomena belonging to the so-called ``non thermal Universe, like the processes in the nuclei of active galaxies, the radiation mechanisms of pulsars and supernova remnants, and the enigmatic gamma-ray bursts. An overview of the telescope and its physics goals is presented.
Proceedings of The 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2015) | 2016
F. Temme; Maximilian Noethe; Roland Walter; Jens Buss; Katharina Morik; Christian Bockermann; Aylin Wilbert; D. Dorner; Matteo Balbo; K. Mannheim; K. Meier; A. Paravac; D. Neise; Sebastian Müller; A. Overkemping; P. Vogler; J. Thaele; W. Lustermann; Matthias Bergmann; G. Hughes; A. Neronov; W. Rhode; Jan Freiwald; F. Pauss; Kai Brügge; S. Toscano; D. Hildebrand; Christina Hempfling; T. Bretz; A. Biland
The First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope (FACT) is an Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope located on the Canary Island of La Palma. It is the first of its kind which uses Geiger-mode Avalanche Photo Diodes (G-APDs) as photosensors to detect the Cherenkov radiation emitted from secondary particles in a high-energy gamma-ray air shower. A new analysis chain has been developed using modern data mining methods and unfolding techniques to obtain the energy spectrum of an observed source. This analysis chain has been applied to data of the Crab Nebula, the so called standard candle in Cherenkov astronomy. Here, the individual steps are described and results of this application are reported providing the energy spectrum and light curve.
Proceedings of The 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2015) | 2016
Kai Brügge; M. L. Ahnen; Matteo Balbo; Matthias Bergmann; Jens Buss; A. Biland; Christian Bockermann; T. Bretz; D. Dorner; Jan Freiwald; S. Einecke; S. Toscano; J. Thaele; F. Temme; Christina Hempfling; D. Hildebrand; G. Hughes; W. Lustermann; K. Mannheim; K. Meier; Katharina Morik; D. Neise; Sebastian Müller; A. Neronov; Maximilian Noethe; A. Overkemping; A. Paravac; F. Pauss; Roland Walter; Aylin Wilbert
K. A. Brügge b∗, M. L. Ahnena, M. Balboc, M. Bergmannd , A. Bilanda, C. Bockermanne, T. Bretza, J. Bussb, D. Dornerd , S. Eineckeb, J. Freiwaldb, C. Hempflingd , D. Hildebranda, G. Hughesa, W. Lustermanna, K. Mannheimd , K. Meierd , K. Morike, S. Müllera, D. Neisea, A. Neronovc, M. Nötheb, A.-K. Overkempingb, A. Paravacd , F. Paussa, W. Rhodeb, F. Temmeb, J. Thaeleb, S. Toscanoc, P. Voglera, R. Walterc, and A. Wilbertd Email: [email protected]
Proceedings of The 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2015) | 2016
A. Biland; M. L. Ahnen; Matteo Balbo; Matthias Bergmann; T. Bretz; Kai Brügge; Jens Buss; D. Dorner; S. Einecke; Jan Freiwald; Christina Hempfling; D. Hildebrand; G. Hughes; W. Lustermann; K. Mannheim; K. Meier; Sebastian Müller; D. Neise; A. Neronov; Maximilian Noethe; A. Overkemping; A. Paravac; F. Pauss; W. Rhode; F. Temme; J. Thaele; S. Toscano; P. Vogler; Roland Walter; Aylin Wilbert
A. Biland∗a, M. L. Ahnena, M. Balbob, M. Bergmannc, T. Bretza,1, K. A. Brugged , J. Bussd , D. Dornerc, S. Einecked , J. Freiwaldd , C. Hempflingc, D. Hildebranda, G. Hughesa, W. Lustermanna, K. Mannheimc, K. Meierc, S. Mullera, D. Neisea, A. Neronovb, M. Nothed , A.-K. Overkempingd , A. Paravacc, F. Paussa, W. Rhoded , F. Temmed , J. Thaeled , S. Toscanob, P. Voglera, R. Walterb, and A. Wilbertc aETH Zurich, Institute for Particle Physics Otto-Stern-Weg 5, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland bUniversity of Geneva, ISDC Data Center for Astrophysics Chemin d’Ecogia 16, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland cUniversitat Wurzburg, Institute for Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics Emil-Fischer-Str. 31, 97074 Wurzburg, Germany dTU Dortmund, Experimental Physics 5 Otto-Hahn-Str. 4, 44221 Dortmund, Germany 1also at RWTH Aachen E-mail: [email protected]
Astroparticle Physics | 2013
T. Bretz; Mathieu Ribordy
This paper discusses the construction of high-performance ground-based gamma-ray Cherenkov telescopes with a Davies-Cotton reflector. For the design of such telescopes, usually physics constrains the field-of-view, while the photo-sensor size is defined by limited options. Including the effect of light-concentrators, it is demonstrated that these constraints are enough to mutually constrain all other design parameters. The dependability of the various design parameters naturally arises once a relationship between the value of the point-spread functions at the edge of the field-of-view and the pixel field-of-view is introduced. To be able to include this constraint into a system of equations, an analytical description for the point-spread function of a tessellated Davies-Cotton reflector is derived from Taylor developments and ray-tracing simulations. Including higher order terms renders the result precise on the percent level. Design curves are provided within the typical phase space of Cherenkov telescopes. The impact of all design parameters on the overall design is discussed. Allowing an immediate comparison of several options with identical physics performance allows the determination of the most cost efficient solution. Emphasis is given on the possible application of solid light concentrators with their typically about two times better concentration compared with hollow cones which allows the use of small photo sensors such as Geiger-mode avalanche photo diodes. This is discussed in more details in the context of possible design options for the Cherenkov Telescope Array. In particular, a solution for a 60 mm(2) photo sensor with hollow cone is compared to a 36 mm(2) with solid cone
Proceedings of The 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2015) | 2016
D. Dorner; M. L. Ahnen; Matteo Balbo; Matthias Bergmann; A. Biland; T. Bretz; Kai Brügge; Jens Buss; S. Einecke; Jan Freiwald; Christina Hempfling; D. Hildebrand; G. Hughes; W. Lustermann; K. Mannheim; K. Meier; Sebastian Müller; D. Neise; A. Neronov; Maximilian Noethe; A. Overkemping; A. Paravac; F. Pauss; W. Rhode; F. Temme; J. Thaele; S. Toscano; P. Vogler; Roland Walter; Aylin Wilbert
D. Dorner∗a, M. L. Ahnenb, M. Balbod , M. Bergmanna, A. Bilandb, T. Bretzb1, K. A. Bruggec, J. Bussc, S. Eineckec, J. Freiwaldc, C. Hempflinga, D. Hildebrandb, G. Hughesb, W. Lustermannb, K. Mannheima, K. Meiera, S. Mullerb, D. Neiseb, A. Neronovd , M. Nothec, A.-K. Overkempingc, A. Paravaca, F. Paussb, W. Rhodec, F. Temmec, J. Thaelec, S. Toscanod , P. Voglerb, R. Walterd , and A. Wilberta aUniversitat Wurzburg, Institute for Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics Emil-Fischer-Str. 31, 97074 Wurzburg, Germany bETH Zurich, Institute for Particle Physics Otto-Stern-Weg 5, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland cTU Dortmund, Experimental Physics 5 Otto-Hahn-Str. 4, 44221 Dortmund, Germany dUniversity of Geneva, ISDC Data Center for Astrophysics Chemin d’Ecogia 16, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland 1also at RWTH Aachen E-mail: [email protected]