T. Csengeri
Max Planck Society
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Featured researches published by T. Csengeri.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2012
N. Schneider; T. Csengeri; M. Hennemann; F. Motte; P. Didelon; Christoph Federrath; Sylvain Bontemps; J. Di Francesco; D. Arzoumanian; V. Minier; P. André; T. Hill; A. Zavagno; Q. Nguyen-Luong; M. Attard; J.-Ph. Bernard; D. Elia; C. Fallscheer; Matthew Joseph Griffin; Jason M. Kirk; Ralf S. Klessen; V. Könyves; P. G. Martin; A. Men'shchikov; P. Palmeirim; Nicolas Peretto; M. Pestalozzi; D. Russeil; S. Sadavoy; T. Sousbie
For many years feedback processes generated by OB-stars in molecular clouds, including expanding ionization fronts, stellar winds, or UV-radiation, have been proposed to trigger subsequent star formation. However, hydrodynamic models including radiation and gravity show that UV-illumination has little or no impact on the global dynamical evolution of the cloud. The Rosette molecular cloud, irradiated by the NGC2244 cluster, is a template region for triggered star-formation, and we investigated its spatial and density structure by applying a curvelet analysis, a filament-tracing algorithm (DisPerSE), and probability density functions (PDFs) on Herschel column density maps, obtained within the HOBYS key program. The analysis reveals not only the filamentary structure of the cloud but also that all known infrared clusters except one lie at junctions of filaments, as predicted by turbulence simulations. The PDFs of sub-regions in the cloud show systematic differences. The two UV-exposed regions have a double-peaked PDF we interprete as caused by shock compression. The deviations of the PDF from the log-normal shape typically associated with low- and high-mass star-forming regions at Av~3-4m and 8-10m, respectively, are found here within the very same cloud. This shows that there is no fundamental difference in the density structure of low- and high-mass star-forming regions. We conclude that star-formation in Rosette - and probably in high-mass star-forming clouds in general - is not globally triggered by the impact of UV-radiation. Moreover, star formation takes place in filaments that arose from the primordial turbulent structure built up during the formation of the cloud. Clusters form at filament mergers, but star formation can be locally induced in the direct interaction zone between an expanding HII--region and the molecular cloud.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2010
Sylvain Bontemps; F. Motte; T. Csengeri; N. Schneider
Massive dense cores (MDCs) are the high-mass equivalent of the so-called dense cores in nearby star-forming regions. With typical sizes of 0.1 pc, they could form either a few high-mass stars, or a cluster of low-mass stars. We present high-angular resolution continuum observations obtained with the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer at 1.3 and 3.5 mm towards the six most massive and youngest (IR-quiet) dense cores in the Cygnus X complex. Located at only 1.7 kpc, the Cygnus X region offers the opportunity of reaching small enough scales (of the order of 1700 AU at 1.3 mm) to separate individual collapsing objects, and thus to observe and constrain the result of the fragmentation process. The cores are sub-fragmented with a total of 23 fragments inside 5 cores. Only the most compact MDC, CygX-N63, may host a single proto-stellar object with an envelope as massive as ˜60 M_ȯ. The fragments in the other cores have sizes and separations similar to low-mass pre-stellar condensations and Class 0 young stellar objects in nearby protoclusters, and are most probably self-gravitating objects (M > Mvir). In addition to CygX-N63, a total of 8 objects are found to be probable precursors of OB stars with their envelope masses ranging from 8.4 to 30 M_ȯ inside a FWHM of 4000 AU. The level of fragmentation is globally higher than in the turbulence regulated, monolithic collapse scenario, but it is also not as high as expected in a pure gravo-turbulent scenario where the distribution of mass is dominated by low-mass protostars/stars. Here, the fractions of the total MDC masses in the high-mass proto-stellar fragments are found to be as high as 37, 58, and 100% in CygX-N12, CygX-N53, and CygX-N63, respectively. These high fractions of mass in the proto-stellar fragments are also indicative of a high efficiency of core formation in the MDCs. The increase in the core formation efficiency as a function of average density in the MDCs is proposed to be caused by the increasing importance of self-gravity leading to gravitational collapse on the scale of the MDCs. At the same time, the observed MDCs tend to fragment into a few proto-stellar objects within their central regions. We are therefore probably witnessing the primordial mass segregation of clusters. The physical origin of the fragmentation into a few high-mass objects is not yet clear, and will be investigated in the future by studying the kinematics of the MDCs.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2012
M. Hennemann; F. Motte; N. Schneider; P. Didelon; T. Hill; D. Arzoumanian; Sylvain Bontemps; T. Csengeri; P. André; V. Könyves; F. Louvet; A. Marston; A. Men’shchikov; V. Minier; Q. Nguyen Luong; P. Palmeirim; Nicolas Peretto; Marc Sauvage; A. Zavagno; L. D. Anderson; J.-Ph. Bernard; J. Di Francesco; D. Elia; J. Z. Li; P. G. Martin; S. Molinari; S. Pezzuto; D. Russeil; K. L. J. Rygl; E. Schisano
In order to characterise the cloud structures responsible for the formation of high-mass stars, we present Herschel observations of the DR21 environment. Maps of the column density and dust temperature unveil the structure of the DR21 ridge and several connected filaments. The ridge has column densities larger than 1e23/cm^2 over a region of 2.3 pc^2. It shows substructured column density profiles and branching into two major filaments in the north. The masses in the studied filaments range between 130 and 1400 Msun whereas the mass in the ridge is 15000 Msun. The accretion of these filaments onto the DR21 ridge, suggested by a previous molecular line study, could provide a continuous mass inflow to the ridge. In contrast to the striations seen in e.g., the Taurus region, these filaments are gravitationally unstable and form cores and protostars. These cores formed in the filaments potentially fall into the ridge. Both inflow and collisions of cores could be important to drive the observed high-mass star formation. The evolutionary gradient of star formation running from DR21 in the south to the northern branching is traced by decreasing dust temperature. This evolution and the ridge structure can be explained by two main filamentary components of the ridge that merged first in the south.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2014
T. Csengeri; J. S. Urquhart; F. Schuller; F. Motte; Sylvain Bontemps; F. Wyrowski; K. M. Menten; L. Bronfman; H. Beuther; Th. Henning; L. Testi; A. Zavagno; M. Walmsley
The formation processes and the evolutionary stages of high-mass stars are poorly understood compared to low-mass stars. Large-scale surveys are needed to provide an unbiased census of high column density sites which can potentially host precursors to high-mass stars. Here we use the ATLASGAL survey covering 420 sq. degree of the Galactic plane at 870 micron; and use the MRE-GLC method to identify the population of embedded sources throughout the inner Galaxy. We identify in total 10952 compact sub-millimeter sources with fluxes above 5 sigma. Completeness tests show that our catalogue is 97% complete above 5 sigma and >99% complete above 7 sigma. We correlate this sample with mid-infrared point source catalogues (MSX at 21.3 micron and WISE at 22 micron) and determine a lower limit of ~33% that are associated with embedded protostellar objects. We note that the proportion of clumps associated with mid-infrared sources increases with increasing flux density, achieving a rather constant fraction of ~75% of all clumps with fluxes over 5 Jy/beam being associated with star-formation. Examining the source counts as a function of Galactic longitude we are able to identify the most prominent star forming regions in the Galaxy. From the fraction of the likely massive quiescent clumps (~25%) we estimate a formation time-scale of ~7.25+/-2.50 x 10^4~yr for the deeply embedded phase before the emergence of luminous YSOs. Such a short duration for the formation of high-mass stars in massive clumps clearly proves that the earliest phases have to be dynamic with supersonic motions.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2013
J. S. Urquhart; T. J. T. Moore; F. Schuller; F. Wyrowski; K. M. Menten; M. A. Thompson; T. Csengeri; C. M. Walmsley; L. Bronfman; C. König
Using the 870 μm APEX Telescope large area survey of the Galaxy, we have identified 577 submillimetre continuum sources with masers from the methanol multibeam survey in the region 280° 20 M. Furthermore, almost all clumps satisfy the empirical mass-size criterion for massive star formation. Bolometric luminosities taken from the literature for ∼100 clumps range between ∼100 and 10 L. This confirms the link between methanol masers and massive young stars for 90 per cent of our sample. The Galactic distribution of sources suggests that the star formation efficiency is significantly reduced in the Galactic Centre region, compared to the rest of the survey area, where it is broadly constant, and shows a significant drop in the massive star formation rate density in the outer Galaxy. We find no enhancement in source counts towards the southern Scutum-Centaurus arm tangent at l ∼ 315°, which suggests that this arm is not actively forming stars.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2014
J. S. Urquhart; T. J. T. Moore; T. Csengeri; F. Wyrowski; F. Schuller; M. G. Hoare; S. L. Lumsden; J. C. Mottram; M. A. Thompson; K. M. Menten; C. M. Walmsley; L. Bronfman; Susanne Pfalzner; C. König; M. Wienen
By matching infrared-selected, massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) and compact HII regions in the RMS survey to massive clumps found in the submillimetre ATLASGAL survey, we have identified ∼1000 embedded young massive stars between 280 ◦ <l< 350 ◦ and 10 ◦ <l< 60 ◦ with| b|< 1.5 ◦ . Combined with an existing sample of radio-selected methanol masers and compact HII regions, the result is a catalogue of∼1700 massive stars embedded within∼1300 clumps located across the inner Galaxy, containing three observationally distinct subsamples, methanol-maser, MYSO and HII-region associations, covering the most important tracers of massive star formation, thought to represent key stages of evolution. We find that massive star formation is strongly correlated with the regions of highest column density in spherical, centrally condensed clumps. We find no sig nificant di fferences between the three samples in clump structure or the relative location of the embedded stars, which suggests that the structure of a clump is set before the onset of s tar formation, and changes little as the embedded object evolves towards the main sequence. There is a strong linear correlation between clump mass and bolometric luminosity, with the most massive stars forming in the most massive clumps. We find that the MYSO and HII-regio n subsamples are likely to cover a similar range of evolutionary stages and that the majority are near the end of their main accretion phase. We find few infrared-bright MYSOs asso ciated with the most massive clumps, probably due to very short pre-main sequence lifetimes in the most luminous sources.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2013
J. S. Urquhart; M. A. Thompson; T. J. T. Moore; C. R. Purcell; M. G. Hoare; F. Schuller; F. Wyrowski; T. Csengeri; K. M. Menten; S. L. Lumsden; S. Kurtz; C. M. Walmsley; L. Bronfman; L. K. Morgan; D. J. Eden; D. Russeil
We present a complete sample of molecular clumps containing compact and ultracompact (UC) Hii regions betweenl = 10 ◦ and 60 ◦ and|b|< 1 ◦ , identified by combining the the ATLASGAL sub-mm and CORNISH radio continuum surveys wit h visual examination of archival infrared data. Our sample is complete to optically thin, compact and UC Hii regions driven by a zero age main sequence star of spectral type B0 or earlier embedded within a 1,000 M⊙ clump. In total we identify 213 compact and UC Hii regions, associated with 170 clumps. Unambiguous kinematic distances are derived for these clumps and used to estimate their masses and physical sizes, as well as the Lyman continuum fluxes and sizes of their embedded Hii regions. We find a clear lower envelope for the surface densit y of molecular clumps hosting massive star formation of 0.05 g cm −2 , which is consistent with a similar sample of clumps associated with 6.7 GHz masers. The mass of the most massive embedded stars is closely correlated with the mass of their natal clump. Young B stars appear to be significantly more luminous in the ultraviolet than predicted by current stellar atmosphere models. The properties of clumps associated with compact and UC Hii regions are very similar to those associated with 6.7 GHz methanol masers and we speculate that there is little evolution in the structure of the molecular clumps between these two phases. Finally, we identify a significant peak in the surface density of compact and UC Hii regions associated with the W49A star-forming complex, noting that this complex is truly one of the most massive and intense regions of star formation in the Galaxy.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2015
N. Schneider; V. Ossenkopf; T. Csengeri; Ralf S. Klessen; Christoph Federrath; Pascal Tremblin; Philipp Girichidis; Sylvain Bontemps; P. André
Column-density maps of molecular clouds are one of the most important observables in the context of molecular cloud- and star-formation (SF) studies. With the Herschel satellite it is now possible to precisely determine the column density from dust emission, which is the best tracer of the bulk of material in molecular clouds. However, line-of-sight (LOS) contamination from fore- or background clouds can lead to overestimating the dust emission of molecular clouds, in particular for distant clouds. This implies values that are too high for column density and mass, which can potentially lead to an incorrect physical interpretation of the column density probability distribution function (PDF). In this paper, we use observations and simulations to demonstrate how LOS contamination affects the PDF. We apply a first-order approximation (removing a constant level) to the molecular clouds of Auriga and Maddalena (low-mass star-forming), and Carina and NGC 3603 (both high-mass SF regions). In perfect agreement with the simulations, we find that the PDFs become broader, the peak shifts to lower column densities, and the power-law tail of the PDF for higher column densities flattens after correction. All corrected PDFs have a lognormal part for low column densities with a peak at Av ~ 2 mag, a deviation point (DP) from the lognormal at Av(DP) ~ 4-5 mag, and a power-law tail for higher column densities. Assuming an equivalent spherical density distribution ρ ∝ r- α, the slopes of the power-law tails correspond to αPDF = 1.8, 1.75, and 2.5 for Auriga, Carina, and NGC 3603. These numbers agree within the uncertainties with the values of α ≈ 1.5,1.8, and 2.5 determined from the slope γ (with α = 1-γ) obtained from the radial column density profiles (N ∝ rγ). While α ~ 1.5-2 is consistent with a structure dominated by collapse (local free-fall collapse of individual cores and clumps and global collapse), the higher value of α > 2 for NGC 3603 requires a physical process that leads to additional compression (e.g., expanding ionization fronts). From the small sample of our study, we find that clouds forming only low-mass stars and those also forming high-mass stars have slightly different values for their average column density (1.8 × 1021 cm-2 vs. 3.0 × 1021 cm-2), and they display differences in the overall column density structure. Massive clouds assemble more gas in smaller cloud volumes than low-mass SF ones. However, for both cloud types, the transition of the PDF from lognormal shape into power-law tail is found at the same column density (at Av ~ 4-5 mag). Low-mass and high-mass SF clouds then have the same low column density distribution, most likely dominated by supersonic turbulence. At higher column densities, collapse and external pressure can form the power-law tail. The relative importance of the twoprocesses can vary between clouds and thus lead to the observed differences in PDF and column density structure. Appendices are available in electronic form at http://www.aanda.orgHerschel maps as FITS files are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/575/A79
The Astrophysical Journal | 2013
Agnes Kospal; A. Moór; A. Juhász; P. Ábrahám; Daniel Apai; T. Csengeri; C. A. Grady; Th. Henning; A. M. Hughes; Cs. Kiss; Ilaria Pascucci; M. Schmalzl
The 30?Myr old A3-type star HD?21997 is one of the two known debris dust disks having a measurable amount of cold molecular gas. With the goal of understanding the physical state, origin, and evolution of the gas in young debris disks, we obtained CO line observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). Here, we report on the detection of 12CO and 13CO in the J = 2-1 and J = 3-2 transitions and C18O in the J = 2-1 line. The gas exhibits a Keplerian velocity curve, one of the few direct measurements of Keplerian rotation in young debris disks. The measured CO brightness distribution could be reproduced by a simple star+disk system, whose parameters are r in < 26?AU, r out = 138 ? 20?AU, ?M ?, and i = 32.?6 ? 3.?1. The total CO mass, as calculated from the optically thin C18O line, is about (4-8) ? 10?2?M ?, while the CO line ratios suggest a radiation temperature on the order of 6-9?K. Comparing our results with those obtained for the dust component of the HD?21997 disk from ALMA continuum observations by Mo?r et?al., we conclude that comparable amounts of CO gas and dust are present in the disk. Interestingly, the gas and dust in the HD?21997 system are not colocated, indicating a dust-free inner gas disk within 55?AU of the star. We explore two possible scenarios for the origin of the gas. A secondary origin, which involves gas production from colliding or active planetesimals, would require unreasonably high gas production rates and would not explain why the gas and dust are not colocated. We propose that HD?21997 is a hybrid system where secondary debris dust and primordial gas coexist. HD?21997, whose age exceeds both the model predictions for disk clearing and the ages of the oldest T?Tauri-like or transitional gas disks in the literature, may be a key object linking the primordial and the debris phases of disk evolution.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2015
M. Wienen; F. Wyrowski; K. M. Menten; J. S. Urquhart; T. Csengeri; C. M. Walmsley; Sylvain Bontemps; D. Russeil; L. Bronfman; B. S. Koribalski; F. Schuller
The formation of high mass stars and clusters occurs in giant molecular clouds. Objects in evolved stages of massive star formation such as protostars, hot molecular cores, and ultracompact HII regions have been studied in more detail than earlier, colder objects. Further progress thus requires the analysis of the time before massive protostellar objects can be probed by their infrared emission. With this in mind, the APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the whole inner Galactic plane at 870 ?m (ATLASGAL) has been carried out to provide a global view of cold dust and star formation at submillimetre wavelengths. Aims. We derive kinematic distances to a large sample of massive cold dust clumps from their measured line velocities. We estimate masses and sizes of ATLASGAL sources, for which the kinematic distance ambiguity is resolved. Methods. The ATLASGAL sample is divided into groups of sources, which are located close together, mostly within a radius of 2 pc, and have velocities in a similar range with a median velocity dispersion of ~1 km s-1. We use NH3, N2H+, and CS velocities to calculate near and far kinematic distances to those groups. Results. We obtain 296 groups of ATLASGAL sources in the first quadrant and 393 groups in the fourth quadrant, which are coherent in space and velocity. We analyse HI self-absorption and HI absorption to resolve the kinematic distance ambiguity to 689 complexes of submm clumps. They are associated with 12CO emission probing large-scale structure and 13CO (1–0) line as well as the 870 ?m dust continuum on a smaller scale. We obtain a scale height of ~28 ± 2 pc and displacement below the Galactic midplane of ~?7 ± 1 pc. Within distances from 2 to 18 kpc ATLASGAL clumps have a broad range of gas masses with a median of 1050 M? as well as a wide distribution of radii with a median of 0.4 pc. Their distribution in galactocentric radii is correlated with spiral arms. Conclusions. Using a statistically significant ATLASGAL sample we derive a power-law exponent of ?2.2 ± 0.1 of the clump mass function. This is consistent with the slope derived for clusters and with that of the stellar initial mass function. Examining the power-law index for different galactocentric distances and various source samples shows that it is independent of environment and evolutionary phase. Fitting the mass-size relationship by a power law gives a slope of 1.76 ± 0.01 for cold sources such as IRDCs and warm clumps associated with HII regions.