
Featured researches published by T. Díaz-Santos.

Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2011

GOODS–Herschel: an infrared main sequence for star-forming galaxies

D. Elbaz; M. Dickinson; H. S. Hwang; T. Díaz-Santos; G. Magdis; B. Magnelli; D. Le Borgne; F. Galliano; M. Pannella; P. Chanial; Lee Armus; V. Charmandaris; E. Daddi; H. Aussel; P. Popesso; J. Kartaltepe; B. Altieri; I. Valtchanov; D. Coia; H. Dannerbauer; K. Dasyra; R. Leiton; Joseph M. Mazzarella; D. M. Alexander; V. Buat; D. Burgarella; Ranga-Ram Chary; R. Gilli; R. J. Ivison; S. Juneau

We present the deepest 100 to 500 μm far-infrared observations obtained with the Herschel Space Observatory as part of the GOODS-Herschel key program, and examine the infrared (IR) 3–500 μm spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies at 0 < z < 2.5, supplemented by a local reference sample from IRAS, ISO, Spitzer, and AKARI data. We determine the projected star formation densities of local galaxies from their radio and mid-IR continuum sizes. We find that the ratio of total IR luminosity to rest-frame 8 μm luminosity, IR8 (≡ L_(IR)^(tot)/L_8), follows a Gaussian distribution centered on IR8 = 4 (σ = 1.6) and defines an IR main sequence for star-forming galaxies independent of redshift and luminosity. Outliers from this main sequence produce a tail skewed toward higher values of IR8. This minority population (  3 × 10^(10) L_⊙ kpc^(-2)) and a high specific star formation rate (i.e., starbursts). The rest-frame, UV-2700 A size of these distant starbursts is typically half that of main sequence galaxies, supporting the correlation between star formation density and starburst activity that is measured for the local sample. Locally, luminous and ultraluminous IR galaxies, (U)LIRGs (L_(IR)^(tot)≥ 10^(11) L_☉), are systematically in the starburst mode, whereas most distant (U)LIRGs form stars in the “normal” main sequence mode. This confusion between two modes of star formation is the cause of the so-called “mid-IR excess” population of galaxies found at z > 1.5 by previous studies. Main sequence galaxies have strong polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission line features, a broad far-IR bump resulting from a combination of dust temperatures (T_(dust) ~ 15–50 K), and an effective T_(dust)  ~ 31 K, as derived from the peak wavelength of their infrared SED. Galaxies in the starburst regime instead exhibit weak PAH equivalent widths and a sharper far-IR bump with an effective T_(dust)~ 40 K. Finally, we present evidence that the mid-to-far IR emission of X-ray active galactic nuclei (AGN) is predominantly produced by star formation and that candidate dusty AGNs with a power-law emission in the mid-IR systematically occur in compact, dusty starbursts. After correcting for the effect of starbursts on IR8, we identify new candidates for extremely obscured AGNs.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2012

Characterizing the Cool KOIs. III. KOI-961: A Small Star with Large Proper Motion and Three Small Planets

Philip S. Muirhead; John Asher Johnson; Kevin Apps; Joshua A. Carter; Timothy D. Morton; Daniel C. Fabrycky; John Sebastian Pineda; Michael Bottom; Bárbara Rojas-Ayala; Everett Schlawin; Katherine Hamren; Kevin R. Covey; Justin R. Crepp; Keivan G. Stassun; Joshua Pepper; L. Hebb; Evan N. Kirby; Andrew W. Howard; Howard Isaacson; Geoffrey W. Marcy; David Levitan; T. Díaz-Santos; Lee Armus; James P. Lloyd

We present the characterization of the star KOI 961, an M dwarf with transit signals indicative of three short-period exoplanets, originally discovered by the Kepler Mission. We proceed by comparing KOI 961 to Barnards Star, a nearby, well-characterized mid-M dwarf. By comparing colors, optical and near-infrared spectra, we find remarkable agreement between the two, implying similar effective temperatures and metallicities. Both are metal-poor compared to the Solar neighborhood, have low projected rotational velocity, high absolute radial velocity, large proper motion and no quiescent H-alpha emission--all of which is consistent with being old M dwarfs. We combine empirical measurements of Barnards Star and expectations from evolutionary isochrones to estimate KOI 961s mass (0.13 ± 0.05 M_⊙), radius (0.17 ± 0.04 R_⊙) and luminosity (2.40 x 10^(-3.0 ± 0.3) L_⊙). We calculate KOI 961s distance (38.7 ± 6.3 pc) and space motions, which, like Barnards Star, are consistent with a high scale-height population in the Milky Way. We perform an independent multi-transit fit to the public Kepler light curve and significantly revise the transit parameters for the three planets. We calculate the false-positive probability for each planet-candidate, and find a less than 1% chance that any one of the transiting signals is due to a background or hierarchical eclipsing binary, validating the planetary nature of the transits. The best-fitting radii for all three planets are less than 1 Re_⊕, with KOI 961.03 being Mars-sized (Rp = 0.57 ± 0.18 R_⊕), and they represent some of the smallest exoplanets detected to date.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2011


A. Alonso-Herrero; Cristina Ramos Almeida; R. E. Mason; Andrés Asensio Ramos; P. F. Roche; N. A. Levenson; Moshe Elitzur; C. Packham; Jose Miguel Rodriguez Espinosa; Stuart Young; T. Díaz-Santos; Ana M. Pérez-García

We used the CLUMPY torus models and a Bayesian approach to fit the infrared spectral energy distributions and ground-based high angular resolution mid-infrared spectroscopy of 13 nearby Seyfert galaxies. This allowed us to put tight constraints on torus model parameters such as the viewing angle i, the radial thickness of the torus Y, the angular size of the cloud distribution σtorus, and the average number of clouds along radial equatorial rays N 0. We found that the viewing angle i is not the only parameter controlling the classification of a galaxy into type 1 or type 2. In principle, type 2s could be viewed at any viewing angle i as long as there is one cloud along the line of sight. A more relevant quantity for clumpy media is the probability for an active galactic nucleus (AGN) photon to escape unabsorbed. In our sample, type 1s have relatively high escape probabilities, P esc ~ 12%-44%, while type 2s, as expected, tend to have very low escape probabilities. Our fits also confirmed that the tori of Seyfert galaxies are compact with torus model radii in the range 1-6 pc. The scaling of the models to the data also provided the AGN bolometric luminosities L bol(AGN), which were found to be in good agreement with estimates from the literature. When we combined our sample of Seyfert galaxies with a sample of PG quasars from the literature to span a range of L bol(AGN) ~ 1043-1047 erg s–1, we found plausible evidence of the receding torus. That is, there is a tendency for the torus geometrical covering factor to be lower (f 2 ~ 0.1-0.3) at high AGN luminosities than at low AGN luminosities (f 2 ~ 0.9-1 at ~1043-1044 erg s–1). This is because at low AGN luminosities the tori appear to have wider angular sizes (larger σtorus) and more clouds along radial equatorial rays. We cannot, however, rule out the possibility that this is due to contamination by extended dust structures not associated with the dusty torus at low AGN luminosities, since most of these in our sample are hosted in highly inclined galaxies.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2013

Explaining the [C II]157.7 μm Deficit in Luminous Infrared Galaxies : First Results from a Herschel/PACS Study of the GOALS Sample

T. Díaz-Santos; Lee Armus; V. Charmandaris; Sabrina Stierwalt; Elaine Murphy; S. Haan; H. Inami; Sangeeta Malhotra; R. Meijerink; G. J. Stacey; Andreea Oana Petric; A. S. Evans; Sylvain Veilleux; P. van der Werf; S. Lord; N. Lu; Justin Howell; P. N. Appleton; J. M. Mazzarella; Jason A. Surace; C. K. Xu; B. Schulz; D. B. Sanders; C. Bridge; Ben Hiu Pan Chan; D. T. Frayer; Kazushi Iwasawa; J. Melbourne; E. Sturm

We present the first results of a survey of the [C II] 157.7 μm emission line in 241 luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) comprising the Great Observatories All-sky Survey (GOALS) sample, obtained with the PACS instrument on board the Herschel Space Observatory. The [C II] luminosities, L_([C II]), of the LIRGs in GOALS range from ∼ 10^7 to 2×10^9 L_⊙. We find that LIRGs show a tight correlation of [C II]/FIR with far-IR flux density ratios, with a strong negative trend spanning from ∼ 10^(−2) to 10^(−4), as the average temperature of dust increases. We find correlations between the [C II]/FIR ratio and the strength of the 9.7 μm silicate absorption feature as well as with the luminosity surface density of the mid-IR emitting region (∑_(MIR)), suggesting that warmer, more compact starbursts have substantially smaller [C II]/FIR ratios. Pure star-forming LIRGs have a mean [C II]/FIR∼ 4 × 10^(−3), while galaxies with low 6.2 μm PAH equivalent widths (EWs), indicative of the presence of active galactic nuclei (AGN), span the full range in [C II]/FIR. However, we show that even when only pure star-forming galaxies are considered, the [C II]/FIR ratio still drops by an order of magnitude, from 10^(−2) to 10^(−3), with ∑_(MIR) and ∑_(IR), implying that the [C II] 157.7 μm luminosity is not a good indicator of the star formation rate (SFR) for most LIRGs, for it does not scale linearly with the warm dust emission most likely associated to the youngest stars. Moreover, even in LIRGs in which we detect an AGN in the mid-IR, the majority (2/3) of galaxies show [C II]/FIR≥ 10^(−3) typical of high 6.2 μm PAH EW sources, suggesting that most AGNs do not contribute significantly to the far-IR emission. We provide an empirical relation between the [C II]/FIR and the specific SFR (SSFR) for star-forming LIRGs. Finally, we present predictions for the starburst size based on the observed [C II] and far-IR luminosities which should be useful for comparing with results from future surveys of high-redshift galaxies with ALMA and CCAT.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2011


Andreea Oana Petric; Lee Armus; Justin Howell; Ben Hiu Pan Chan; Joseph M. Mazzarella; A. S. Evans; Jason A. Surace; David B. Sanders; P. N. Appleton; V. Charmandaris; T. Díaz-Santos; D. T. Frayer; S. Haan; Hanae Inami; Kazushi Iwasawa; D. C. Kim; Barry F. Madore; J. Marshall; H. W. W. Spoon; Sabrina Stierwalt; E. Sturm; Tatjana Vavilkin; Sylvain Veilleux

We present a statistical analysis of 248 luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) which comprise the Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey (GOALS) observed with the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on-board Spitzer in the rest-frame wavelength range between 5 and 38 µm. The GOALS sample enables a direct measurement of the relative contributions of star-formation and active galactic nuclei (AGN) to the total infrared (IR) emission from a large, statistically complete sample of LIRGs in the local Universe.Several diagnostics effective at isolating the AGN contribution to the Mid-infrared (MIR) emission using [NeV], [OIV] and [NeII] gas emission lines, the 6.2 µm PAH equivalent width (EQW) and the shape of the MIR continuum are compared. The [NeV] line which indicates the presence of an AGN is detected in 22% of all LIRGs. The 6.2 µm PAH EQW, [NeV]/L_(IR), [NeV]/[NeII] and [OIV]/[NeII] ratios, and the ratios of 6.2 µm PAH flux to the integrated continuum flux between 5.3 and 5.8 µm suggest values of around 10% for the fractional AGN contribution to the total IR luminosity of LIRGs. The median of these estimates suggests that for local LIRGs the fractional AGN contribution to the total IR luminosity is ~12%. AGN dominated LIRGs have higher global and nuclear IR luminosities, warmer MIR colors and are interacting more than starburst (SB) dominated LIRGs. However there are no obvious linear correlations between these properties, suggesting that none of these properties alone can determine the activity and evolution of an individual LIRG. A study of the IRAC colors of LIRGs confirms that methods of finding AGN on the basis of their MIR colors are effective at choosing AGN but 50% to 40% of AGN dominated LIRGs are not selected as such with these methods.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2011


C. Ramos Almeida; N. A. Levenson; A. Alonso-Herrero; A. Asensio Ramos; J. M. Rodríguez Espinosa; A. M. Pérez García; C. Packham; R. E. Mason; J. T. Radomski; T. Díaz-Santos

We present new mid-infrared (MIR) imaging data for three Type-1 Seyfert galaxies obtained with T-ReCS on the Gemini-South Telescope at subarcsecond resolution. Our aim is to enlarge the sample studied in a previous work to compare the properties of Type-1 and Type-2 Seyfert tori using clumpy torus models and a Bayesian approach to fit the infrared nuclear spectral energy distributions (SEDs). Thus, the sample considered here comprises 7 Type-1, 11 Type-2, and 3 intermediate-type Seyferts. The unresolved IR emission of the Seyfert 1 galaxies can be reproduced by a combination of dust heated by the central engine and direct AGN emission, while for the Seyfert 2 nuclei only dust emission is considered. These dusty tori have physical sizes smaller than 6 pc radius, as derived from our fits. Unification schemes of AGN account for a variety of observational differences in terms of viewing geometry. However, we find evidence that strong unification may not hold, and that the immediate dusty surroundings of Type-1 and Type-2 Seyfert nuclei are intrinsically different. The Type-2 tori studied here are broader, have more clumps, and these clumps have lower optical depths than those of Type-1 tori. The larger the covering factor of the torus, the smaller the probability of having direct view of the AGN, and vice-versa. In our sample, Seyfert 2 tori have larger covering factors (CT=0.95� 0.02) and smaller escape probabilities (Pesc=0.05� 0.08 0.03 %) than those of Seyfert 1 (CT=0.5� 0.1; Pesc=18� 3 %). All the previous differences are significant according to the KullbackLeibler divergence. Thus, on the basis of the results presented here, the classification of a Seyfert galaxy as a Type-1 or Type-2 depends more on the intrinsic properties of the torus rather than on its mere inclination towards us, in contradiction with the simplest unification model. Subject headings: galaxies: active – galaxies: nuclei – galaxies: Seyfert – infrared: galaxies

The Astrophysical Journal | 2013

Evidence for CO Shock Excitation in NGC 6240 from Herschel SPIRE Spectroscopy

R. Meijerink; L. E. Kristensen; A. Weiß; P. van der Werf; F. Walter; M. Spaans; A. F. Loenen; J. Fischer; F. P. Israel; Kate Gudrun Isaak; Padelis P. Papadopoulos; Susanne Aalto; Lee Armus; V. Charmandaris; K. M. Dasyra; T. Díaz-Santos; A. S. Evans; Yu Gao; E. González-Alfonso; R. Güsten; C. Henkel; C. Kramer; S. Lord; J. Martin-Pintado; David A. Naylor; D. B. Sanders; H. A. Smith; L. Spinoglio; G. J. Stacey; Sylvain Veilleux

We present Herschel SPIRE FTS spectroscopy of the nearby luminous infrared galaxy NGC 6240. In total 20 lines are detected, including CO J = 4-3 through J = 13-12, 6 H2O rotational lines, and [C I] and [N II] fine-structure lines. The CO to continuum luminosity ratio is 10 times higher in NGC 6240 than Mrk 231. Although the CO ladders of NGC 6240 and Mrk 231 are very similar, UV and/or X-ray irradiation are unlikely to be responsible for the excitation of the gas in NGC 6240. We applied both C and J shock models to the H-2 v = 1-0 S(1) and v = 2-1 S(1) lines and the CO rotational ladder. The CO ladder is best reproduced by a model with shock velocity v(s) = 10 km s(-1) and a pre-shock density n(H) = 5 x 10(4) cm(-3). We find that the solution best fitting the H-2 lines is degenerate. The shock velocities and number densities range between v(s) = 17-47 km s(-1) and n(H) = 10(7)-5x10(4) cm(-3), respectively. The H-2 lines thus need a much more powerful shock than the CO lines. We deduce that most of the gas is currently moderately stirred up by slow (10 km s(-1)) shocks while only a small fraction (less than or similar to 1%) of the interstellar medium is exposed to the high-velocity shocks. This implies that the gas is rapidly losing its highly turbulent motions. We argue that a high CO line-to-continuum ratio is a key diagnostic for the presence of shocks.

The Astronomical Journal | 2011


S. Haan; Jason A. Surace; Lee Armus; A. S. Evans; Justin Howell; Joseph M. Mazzarella; D. C. Kim; Tatjana Vavilkin; Hanae Inami; D. B. Sanders; Andreea Oana Petric; C. Bridge; J. Melbourne; V. Charmandaris; T. Díaz-Santos; E. J. Murphy; Sabrina Stierwalt; J. Marshall

We present results of Hubble Space Telescope NICMOS H-band imaging of 73 of most luminous (i.e., log[L_IR/L_0]>11.4) Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs) in the Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey (GOALS). This dataset combines multi-wavelength imaging and spectroscopic data from space (Spitzer, HST, GALEX, and Chandra) and ground-based telescopes. In this paper we use the high-resolution near-infrared data to recover nuclear structure that is obscured by dust at optical wavelengths and measure the evolution in this structure along the merger sequence. A large fraction of all galaxies in our sample possess double nuclei (~63%) or show evidence for triple nuclei (~6%). Half of these double nuclei are not visible in the HST B-band images due to dust obscuration. The majority of interacting LIRGs have remaining merger timescales of 0.3 to 1.3 Gyrs, based on the projected nuclear separations and the mass ratio of nuclei. We find that the bulge luminosity surface density increases significantly along the merger sequence (primarily due to a decrease of the bulge radius), while the bulge luminosity shows a small increase towards late merger stages. No significant increase of the bulge Sersic index is found. LIRGs that show no interaction features have on average a significantly larger bulge luminosity, suggesting that non merging LIRGs have larger bulge masses than merging LIRGs. This may be related to the flux limited nature of the sample and the fact that mergers can significantly boost the IR luminosity of otherwise low luminosity galaxies. We find that the projected nuclear separation is significantly smaller for ULIRGs (median value of 1.2 kpc) than for LIRGs (mean value of 6.7 kpc), suggesting that the LIRG phase appears earlier in mergers than the ULIRG phase.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2014

A Two-parameter Model for the Infrared/Submillimeter/Radio Spectral Energy Distributions of Galaxies and Active Galactic Nuclei

Daniel A. Dale; George Helou; G. Magdis; Lee Armus; T. Díaz-Santos; Yong Shi

A two-parameter semi-empirical model is presented for the spectral energy distributions of galaxies with contributions to their infrared-submillimeter-radio emission from both star formation and accretion disk-powered activity. This model builds upon a previous one-parameter family of models for star-forming galaxies, and includes an update to the mid-infrared emission using an average template obtained from Spitzer Space Telescope observations of normal galaxies. Star-forming/active galactic nucleus (AGN) diagnostics based on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon equivalent widths and broadband infrared colors are presented, and example mid-infrared AGN fractional contributions are estimated from model fits to the Great Observatories All-Sky LIRG Survey sample of nearby U/LIRGS and the Five mJy Unbiased Spitzer Extragalactic Survey sample of 24 μm selected sources at redshifts 0 ≾ z ≾ 4.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2010

The Spatial Extent of (U)LIRGs in the Mid-infrared. I. The Continuum Emission

T. Díaz-Santos; V. Charmandaris; Lee Armus; Andreea Oana Petric; Justin Howell; E. J. Murphy; Joseph M. Mazzarella; S. Veilleux; Gregory David Bothun; Hanae Inami; P. N. Appleton; A. S. Evans; S. Haan; J. Marshall; D. B. Sanders; Sabrina Stierwalt; Jason A. Surace

We present an analysis of the extended mid-infrared (MIR) emission of the Great Observatories All-Sky LIRG Survey sample based on 5–15μm low-resolution spectra obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph on Spitzer. We calculate the fraction of extended emission (FEE) as a function of wavelength for the galaxies in the sample, FEE_λ, defined as the fraction of the emission which originates outside of the unresolved component of a source at a given distance. We find that the FEE_λ varies from one galaxy to another, but we can identify three general types of FEE_λ: one where FEE_λ is constant, one where features due to emission lines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons appear more extended than the continuum, and a third which is characteristic of sources with deep silicate absorption at 9.7 μm. More than 30% of the galaxies have a median FEE_λ larger than 0.5, implying that at least half of their MIR emission is extended. Luminous Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs) display a wide range of FEE in their warm dust continuum (0 ≲ FEE_(13.2μm) ≲ 0.85). The large values of FEE_(13.2μm) that we find in many LIRGs suggest that the extended component of their MIR continuum emission originates in scales up to 10 kpc and may contribute as much as the nuclear region to their total MIR luminosity. The mean size of the LIRG cores at 13.2 μm is 2.6 kpc. However, once the IR luminosity of the systems reaches the threshold of L_(IR) ~ 10^(11.8) L_⊙, slightly below the regime of Ultra-luminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs), all sources become clearly more compact, with FEE_(13.2μm) ≲ 0.2, and their cores are unresolved. Our estimated upper limit for the core size of ULIRGs is less than 1.5 kpc. Furthermore, our analysis indicates that the compactness of systems with L_(IR) ≳ 10^(11.25) L_⊙ strongly increases in those classified as mergers in their final stage of interaction. The FEE_(13.2μm) is also related to the contribution of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) to the MIR emission. Galaxies which are more AGN dominated are less extended, independently of their L_(IR). We finally find that the extent of the MIR continuum emission is correlated with the far-IR IRAS log(f_(60μm)/f_(100μm)) color. This enables us to place a lower limit to the area in a galaxy from where the cold dust emission may originate, a prediction which can be tested soon with the Herschel Space Telescope.

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