T. Hokuue
Nagoya University
Physical Review Letters | 2005
Y. Ushiroda; K. Sumisawa; M. Hazumi; K. Abe; I. Adachi; H. Aihara; Y. Asano; V. Aulchenko; T. Aushev; A. M. Bakich; A. Bay; I. Bedny; U. Bitenc; I. Bizjak; S. Blyth; A. Bondar; A. Bozek; M. Bračko; J. Brodzicka; T.E. Browder; M.-C. Chang; P. Chang; Y. Chao; A. Chen; K. F. Chen; W. T. Chen; B. G. Cheon; S.-K. Choi; Y. Choi; A. Chuvikov
We present a new measurement of CP-violation parameters in B(0)-->K(0)(S)pi(0)gamma decay based on a sample of 275 x 10(6) BB pairs collected at the Gamma(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB energy-asymmetric e(+)e(-) collider. One of the B mesons is fully reconstructed in the B(0)-->K(0)(S)pi(0)gamma decay. The flavor of the accompanying B meson is identified from its decay products. CP-violation parameters are obtained from the asymmetry in the distribution of the proper time intervals between the two B decays. We obtain SK(0)(S)(pi(0)gamma) = -0.58(+0.46)(-0.38)(stat) +/- 0.11(syst) and AK(0)(S)(pi(0)gamma) = +0.03 +/- 0.34(stat) +/- 0.11(syst), for the K(0)(S)pi(0) invariant mass covering the full range up to 1.8 GeV/c2. We also measure the CP-violation parameters for the case B(0)-->K(*0)(-->K(0)(S)pi(0))gamma and obtain S(K(*0)gamma) = -0.79(+0.63)(-0.50)(stat) +/- 0.10(syst) for A(K(*0)gamma) fixed at 0.
Physical Review Letters | 2004
Y.-J. Lee; M. Wang; K. Abe; T. Abe; H. Aihara; Y. Asano; V. Aulchenko; T. Aushev; T. Aziz; S. Bahinipati; A. M. Bakich; Y. Ban; I. Bedny; U. Bitenc; I. Bizjak; A. Bondar; A. Bozek; M. Bračko; J. Brodzicka; T. E. Browder; P. Chang; Y. Chao; B. G. Cheon; R. Chistov; S.-K. Choi; Y. Choi; A. Chuvikov; M. Danilov; M. Dash; L. Dong
We report the first observation of the charmless hyperonic B decay, B+-->LambdaLambdaK+, using a 140 fb(-1) data sample recorded at the Upsilon(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB (e+)(e-) collider. The measured branching fraction is B(B+-->LambdaLambdaK+) = (2.91(+0.90)(-0.70) +/- 0.38) x 10(-6). We also perform a search for the related decay mode B+-->LambdaLambdapi+, but do not find a significant signal. We set a 90% confidence-level upper limit of B(B+-->LambdaLambdapi+) < 2.8 x 10(-6).
Physical Review Letters | 2005
K. F. Chen; K. Abe; H. Aihara; Y. Asano; V. Aulchenko; T. Aushev; S. Bahinipati; A. M. Bakich; I. Bedny; U. Bitenc; I. Bizjak; S. Blyth; A. Bondar; A. Bozek; M. Bračko; J. Brodzicka; T. E. Browder; M.-C. Chang; P. Chang; Y. Chao; A. Chen; W. T. Chen; B. G. Cheon; R. Chistov; S.-K. Choi; Y. Choi; A. Chuvikov; J. Dalseno; M. Danilov; M. Dash
We present a measurement of the decay amplitudes and triple-product correlations in B ->phi K^* decays based on 140 fb^-1 of data recorded at the Upsilon(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB e^+ e^- storage ring. The decay amplitudes for the different phi K^* helicity states are measured from the angular distributions of final state particles in the transversity basis. The longitudinal and transverse complex amplitude moduli and angles are |A_0|^2 = 0.51 +- 0.06 +- 0.04, |A_perp|^2 = 0.24 +- 0.06 +- 0.03, arg(A_parallel) = -2.21 +- 0.22 +- 0.05 rad, and arg(A_perp) = 0.72 +- 0.21 +- 0.06 rad. The T-violating asymmetries through triple-product correlations are measured to be consistent with zero.
Physical Review Letters | 2004
K. Abe; N. Abe; T. Abe; I. Adachi; H. Aihara; K. Akai; M. Akatsu; M. Akemoto; Y. Asano; T. Aso; V. Aulchenko; T. Aushev; A. M. Bakich; Y. Ban; S. Banerjee; A. Bay; I. Bedny; I. Bizjak; A. Bondar; A. Bozek; M. Bračko; T. E. Browder; Y. Chao; K. F. Chen; B. G. Cheon; R. Chistov; S.-K. Choi; Y. Choi; A. Chuvikov; S. Cole
We report the first observation of CP violation in B0-->pi(+)pi(-) decays based on 152x10(6) gamma (4S)-->BB decays collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e(+)e(-) collider. We reconstruct a B0-->pi(+)pi(-) CP eigenstate and identify the flavor of the accompanying B meson from its decay products. From the distribution of the time intervals between the two B meson decay points, we obtain A(pipi)=+0.58+/-0.15(stat)+/-0.07(syst) and S(pipi)=-1.00+/-0.21(stat)+/-0.07(syst). We rule out the CP-conserving case, A(pipi)=S(pipi)=0, at a level of 5.2 standard deviations. We also find evidence for direct CP violation with a significance at or greater than 3.2 standard deviations for any S(pipi) value.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2002
Y. Enari; M. Akatsu; T. Hokuue; T Igaki; K. Inami; A. Ishikawa; Y Kawakami; T Matsuishi; T. Matsumoto; Y Miyabayashi; Takayoshi Ohshima; K. Senyo; A. Sugi; A. Sugiyama; S Tokuda
Abstract The Time-Of-Propagation (TOP) counter measures both the time and position information of radiated photons with high resolutions to distinguish the Cherenkov angles between different particle species. Current R&D status is reported. We also propose a further simplified version of the TOP-counter.
Physical Review Letters | 2005
K. Abe; I. Adachi; H. Aihara; M. Akatsu; D. Anipko; Y. Asano; T. Aushev; T. Aziz; S. Bahinipati; A. M. Bakich; S. Banerjee; I. Bedny; U. Bitenc; I. Bizjak; S. Blyth; A. Bondar; A. Bozek; M. Bračko; J. Brodzicka; P. Chang; Y. Chao; A. Chen; K. F. Chen; W. T. Chen; B. G. Cheon; R. Chistov; S.-K. Choi; Y. Choi; A. Chuvikov; J. Dalseno
We report on the first observation of D{sub 1}{sup 0}(2420){yields}D{sup 0}{pi}{sup -}{pi}{sup +} and D{sub 1}{sup +}(2420){yields}D{sup +}{pi}{sup -}{pi}{sup +} decays (where the contribution from the dominant known D{sub 1}{yields}D*{pi} decay mode is excluded) in the B{sup -}{yields}D{sub 1}{sup 0}{pi}{sup -} and B{sup 0}{yields}D{sub 1}{sup +}{pi}{sup -} decays, respectively. The observation is based on 15.2x10{sup 7} BB events collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB collider. We also set 90% confidence level upper limits for the branching fractions of the four following decays: B{sup -}{yields}D{sub 1}{sup 0}{pi}{sup -}, D{sub 1}{sup 0}{yields}D*{sup 0}{pi}{sup -}{pi}{sup +}, B{sup 0}{yields}D{sub 1}{sup +}{pi}{sup -}, D{sub 1}{sup +}{yields}D{sup *+}{pi}{sup -}{pi}{sup +}, B{sup -}{yields}D{sub 2}*{sup 0}(2460){pi}{sup -}, D{sub 2}*{sup 0}{yields}D*{sup 0}{pi}{sup -}{pi}{sup +}, B{sup 0}{yields}D{sub 2}*{sup +}(2460){pi}{sup -}, D{sub 2}*{sup +}{yields}D{sup *+}{pi}{sup -}{pi}{sup +}.We report on the first observation of
Physical Review D | 2003
K. Abe; N. Abe; T. Abe; I. Adachi; H. Aihara; K. Akai; M. Akatsu; M. Akemoto; Y. Asano; T. Aushev; A. M. Bakich; Y. Ban; E. Banas; A. Bay; I. Bedny; P. K. Behera; I. Bizjak; A. Bondar; A. Bozek; M. Bračko; J. Brodzicka; T. E. Browder; B. C.K. Casey; P. Chang; K. F. Chen; B. G. Cheon; R. Chistov; S.-K. Choi; Y. Choi; Y. K. Choi
D_1\to D\pi^+\pi^-
Physical Review Letters | 2005
I. Bizjak; K. Abe; H. Aihara; Y. Asano; S. Bahinipati; A. M. Bakich; Y. Ban; E. Barberio; M. Barbero; A. Bay; U. Bitenc; S. Blyth; A. Bondar; A. Bozek; M. Bračko; J. Brodzicka; T. E. Browder; Y. Chao; A. Chen; W.T. Chen; B. G. Cheon; R. Chistov; S.-K. Choi; Y. Choi; Y. K. Choi; A. Chuvikov; S. Cole; J. Dalseno; M. Danilov; M. Dash
decays (where the contribution from the dominant known
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2001
M. Hirose; M. Akatsu; Y. Enari; K. Fujimoto; T. Fujita; Y. Higashino; T. Hokuue; Y. Hotta; K. Inami; A. Ishikawa; S. Matsui; T. Matsumoto; K. Misono; Takayoshi Ohshima; A. Sugi; A. Sugiyama; A. Suzuki; S. Suzuki; Makoto Tomoto
D_1 \to D^* \pi
Physics Letters B | 2005
C. C. Kuo; K. Abe; I. Adachi; H. Aihara; Y. Asano; V. Aulchenko; T. Aushev; S. Bahinipati; A. M. Bakich; A. Bay; I. Bedny; U. Bitenc; I. Bizjak; S. Blyth; A. Bondar; A. Bozek; M. Bračko; M.-C. Chang; P. Chang; A. Chen; W. T. Chen; B. G. Cheon; R. Chistov; Y. Choi; A. Chuvikov; S. Cole; J. Dalseno; M. Danilov; M. Dash; A. Drutskoy
decay mode is excluded) in the