T. J. Millar
Queen's University Belfast
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Featured researches published by T. J. Millar.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2007
D. McElroy; Catherine Walsh; A. J. Markwick; Martin A. Cordiner; K. W. Smith; T. J. Millar
We present the fifth release of the UMIST Database for Astrochemistry (UDfA). The new reaction network contains 6173 gas-phase reactions, involving 467 species, 47 of which are new to this release. We have updated rate coefficients across all reaction types. We have included 1171 new anion reactions and updated and reviewed all photorates. In addition to the usual reaction network, we also now include, for download, state-specific deuterated rate coefficients, deuterium exchange reactions and a list of surface binding energies for many neutral species. Where possible, we have referenced the original source of all new and existing data. We have tested the main reaction network using a dark cloud model and a carbon-rich circumstellar envelope model. We present and briefly discuss the results of these models.
The Astrophysical Journal | 1989
T. J. Millar; A. Bennett; Eric Herbst
The time-dependent gas-phase chemistry of deuterium fractionation in dense interstellar clouds ranging in temperature between 10 and 70 K was investigated using a pseudo-time-dependent model similar to that of Brown and Rice (1986). The present approach, however, considers much more complex species, uses more deuterium fractionation reactions, and includes the use of new branching ratios for dissociative recombinations reactions. Results indicate that, in cold clouds, the major and most global source of deuterium fractionation is H2D(+) and ions derived from it, such as DCO(+) and H2DO(+). In warmer clouds, reactions of CH2D(+), C2HD(+), and associated species lead to significant fractionation even at 70 K, which is the assumed Orion temperature. The deuterium abundance ratios calculated at 10 K are consistent with those observed in TMC-1 for most species. However, a comparison between theory and observatiom for Orion, indicates that, for species in the ambient molecular cloud, the early-time results obtained with the old dissociative recombination branching ratios are superior if a temperature of 70 K is utilized. 60 refs.
The Astrophysical Journal | 1992
S. B. Charnley; A. G. G. M. Tielens; T. J. Millar
The gas phase chemistry of warm molecular material around protostars that is seeded with evaporating grain mantles have been modeled. It is shown that the release of simple molecules into the gas drives ion-molecule and neutral chemistries which can account for many of the complex O-bearing and N-bearing molecules observed in hot cores. Initial grain mantle components and secondary product molecules are identified, and the observational consequences are discussed
The Astrophysical Journal | 2003
Helen Roberts; Eric Herbst; T. J. Millar
In this Letter, we present the first results from updated models of interstellar deuterium chemistry that now include all possible deuterated isotopomers of H. We find that in regions of high density and heavy depletion, such as prestellar cores, the inclusion of HD and D enhances the fractionation of ionic and neutral species significantly. Our models are the first to predict the very high atomic D/H ratios (?0.3) necessary for grain-surface chemistry models to reproduce the high formaldehyde and methanol fractionation seen in star-forming regions.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2010
Catherine Walsh; T. J. Millar; Hideko Nomura
We have developed a high-resolution combined physical and chemical model of a protoplanetary disk surrounding a typical T Tauri star. Our aims were to use our model to calculate the chemical structure of disks on small scales (submilliarcsecond in the inner disk for objects at the distance of Taurus, ~140 pc) to investigate the various chemical processes thought to be important in disks and to determine potential molecular tracers of each process. Our gas-phase network was extracted from the UMIST Database for Astrochemistry to which we added gas-grain interactions including freezeout and thermal and non-thermal desorption (cosmic-ray-induced desorption, photodesorption, and X-ray desorption), and a grain-surface network. We find that cosmic-ray-induced desorption has the least effect on our disk chemical structure while photodesorption has a significant effect, enhancing the abundances of most gas-phase molecules throughout the disk and affecting the abundances and distribution of HCN, CN, and CS, in particular. In the outer disk, we also see enhancements in the abundances of H2O and CO2. X-ray desorption is a potentially powerful mechanism in disks, acting to homogenize the fractional abundances of gas-phase species across the depth and increasing the column densities of most molecules, although there remain significant uncertainties in the rates adopted for this process. The addition of grain-surface chemistry enhances the fractional abundances of several small complex organic molecules including CH3OH, HCOOCH3, and CH3OCH3 to potentially observable values (i.e., a fractional abundance of 10–11).
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2004
Helen Roberts; Eric Herbst; T. J. Millar
We present new models of interstellar deuterium chemistry that include more multiply deuterated species than previously considered. We first describe the updates that have been made, and compare the results given by two different underlying networks at the low temperatures and high densities characteristic of prestellar cores. We then use the models to explain recent observations of CO depletion and D 2 CO/H 2 CO ratios in prestellar cores. We find limited agreement between our models and observations for constant density scenarios, but for two of these cores we demonstrate reasonable agreement when we take the density structure of the core into account.
The Astrophysical Journal | 1991
T. J. Millar; Eric Herbst; S. B. Charnley
Following a suggestion of Blake et al. (1987), an attempt was made to account for the unusually large abundances of selected oxygen-containing organic molecules in the so-called compact ridge source directed toward Orion KL by a gas-phase chemical model in which large amounts of water are injected into the source from the IRc2 outflow. Although quantitative model results show that the calculated abundances of methanol, methyl formate, and dimethyl ether can be enhanced relative to their values in the absence of water injection, the enhancements fall far short of explaining the very large observed abundances of these species. Models in which methanol is injected rather than water are more successful, although the source of the methanol is unclear. 39 refs.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2007
Hideko Nomura; Yuri Aikawa; Masahiro Tsujimoto; Yoshitsugu Nakagawa; T. J. Millar
Detailed models for the density and temperature profiles of gas and dust in protoplanetary disks are constructed by taking into account X-ray and UV irradiation from a central T Tauri star, as well as dust size growth and settling toward the disk midplane. The spatial and size distributions of dust grains are numerically computed by solving the coagulation equation for settling dust particles, with the result that the mass and total surface area of dust grains per unit volume of the gas in the disks are very small, except at the midplane. The H2 level populations and line emission are calculatedusingthederivedphysicalstructureofthedisks.X-rayirradiationisthedominantheatingsource ofthegas in the inner disk and in the surface layer, while the UV heating dominates otherwise. If the central star has strong X-ray and weak UV radiation, the H2 level populations are controlled by X-ray pumping, and the X-rayYinduced transition lines could be observable. If the UVirradiation is strong, the level populations are controlled by thermal collisions or UVpumping,depending onthe dustproperties. Asthedustparticlesevolveinthe disks,the gastemperatureatthe disk surface drops because the grain photoelectric heating becomes less efficient. This makes the level populations change fromLTEtonon-LTEdistributions,whichresultsinchangestothelineratios.Our resultssuggest thatdustevolutionin protoplanetary disks could be observable through the H2 line ratios. The emission lines are strong from disks irradiated by strong UV and X-rays and possessing small dust grains; such disks will be good targets in which to observe H2 emission. Subject headingg line: formation — molecular processes — planetary systems: protoplanetary disks — radiative transfer
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2004
Hideko Nomura; T. J. Millar
We have made self-consistent models of the density and temperature profiles of the gas and dust surrounding embedded luminous objects using a detailed radiative transfer model together with observations of the spectral energy distribution of hot molecular cores. Using these profiles we have investigated the hot core chemistry which results when grain mantles are evaporated, taking into account the different binding energies of the mantle molecules, as well a model in which we assume that all molecules are embedded in water ice and have a common binding energy. We find that most of the resulting column densities are consistent with those observed toward the hot core G34.3+0.15 at a time around 10 4 years after central luminous star formation. We have also investigated the dependence of the chemical structure on the density profile which suggests an observational possibility of constraining density profiles from determination of the source sizes of line emission from desorbed molecules.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2002
A. J. Markwick; M. Ilgner; T. J. Millar; Th. Henning
The distributions of molecules in the inner regions of a protostellar disk are presented. These were calculated using an uncoupled chemical/dynamical model, with a numerical integration of the vertical disk struc- ture. A comparison between models with and without the eects of X-ray ionisation is made, and molecules are identied which are good tracers of the ionisation level in this part of the disk, notably CN and C2H. In the re- gion considered in this paper (r 10 AU), the chemistry is dominated by the thermal desorption of species from grains. This shows that a critically important detail in this region of the disk, as far as molecular distributions are concerned, is the temperature prole. We nd that not all of the gaseous material is frozen onto grain surfaces at 10 AU, and we identify species, including some organic molecules, which should exist in observable quantities in the inner regions of protostellar disks.