T. Jensen
Physics Letters B | 1982
T. P. A. Åkesson; M. Albrow; S. Almehed; Richard Batley; O. Benary; H. Bøggild; O. Botner; H. Brody; V. Burkert; A. Di Ciaccio; D. J. A. Cockerill; S. Dagan; E. Dahl-Jensen; I. Dahl-Jensen; G. Damgaard; W.M. Evans; C. Fabjan; P. Frandsen; S. Frankel; W. Frati; H. A. Gordon; A. Hallgren; K.H. Hansen; B. Heck; H.J. Hilke; J.E. Hooper; G. Jarlskog; P. W. Jeffreys; T. Jensen; G. Kesseler
We present data obtained from a 1.7 sr hadron calorimeter, triggered on transverse energy, in pp collisions at s=63 GeV at the CERN-ISR. From the change in the distribution of energy in the calorimeter, we extract the cross section for two-constituent hard scattering for pT between 6 and 14 GeV at y = 0. The decrease of this jet cross section over this pT range is consistent with exp (−bpT), with b = (1.02 ± 0.09) GeV−1. The slope and normalization of the cross section agree well with a QCD motivated Monte Carlo model. The ratio between jet and single particle cross sections [dσJET/dpT)/(dσπ0/dpT)]| y = 0 changes from about 200 at 6 GeV to about 1500 at 14 GeV.
Physics Letters B | 1982
T. P. A. Åkesson; M. Albrow; S. Almehed; Richard Batley; O. Benary; H. Bøggild; O. Botner; H. Brody; V. Burkert; A. Di Ciaccio; D. J. A. Cockerill; S. Dagan; E. Dahl-Jensen; I. Dahl-Jensen; G. Damgaard; W.M. Evans; C. Fabjan; P. Frandsen; S. Frankel; W. Frati; H. A. Gordon; A. Hallgren; K.H. Hansen; B. Heck; H.J. Hilke; J.E. Hooper; G. Jarlskog; P. W. Jeffreys; T. Jensen; G. Kesseler
Abstract The detailed shape of events triggered by a 1.7 sr hadron calorimeter is studied using charged track information in the Axial Field Spectrometer at the CERN ISR. With increasing transverse energy (ET) a large fraction of the events are seen to have a limited transverse momentum relative to the trigger direction. A comparison of the circularity of the events with a prediction of a QCD-motivated Monte Carlo model shows that at high ET the events originate predominantly from two-constituent scattering.
Physics Letters B | 1983
T. Åkesson; M. Albrow; S. Almehed; Richard Batley; O. Benary; O. Botner; H. Bøggild; H. Breuker; H. Brody; V. Burkert; R. Carosi; A. A. Carter; J. R. Carter; P. Cecil; W. Cleland; S. U. Chung; D. J. A. Cockerill; S. Dagan; E. Dahl-Jensen; I. Dahl-Jensen; P. Dam; G. Damgaard; S. Eidelman; W.M. Evans; C.W. Fabjan; P. Frandsen; S. Frankel; W. Frati; M.D. Gibson; U. Goerlach
Abstract Events with a large transverse energy in a calorimeter with full azimuthal coverage and |y|
Nuclear Physics | 1984
T. Åkesson; M. Albrow; S. Almehed; E. Anassontzis; Richard Batley; O. Benary; H. Bøggild; O. Botner; H. Breuker; H. Brody; V. Burkert; B. Callen; R. Carosi; A. A. Carter; J. R. Carter; P. Cecil; W. Cleland; D. J. A. Cockerill; S. Dagan; E. Dahl-Jensen; I. Dahl-Jensen; P. Dam; G. Damgaard; W.M. Evans; C. Fabjan; T. Ferbel; P. Frandsen; S. Frankel; W. Frati; M.D. Gibson
Using annihilation in a calorimeter as a trigger on antiprotons, we have measured the relative production cross sections of p, Λ and Ξ at y∼0 in the transverse momentum range 1 to 2 GeV/c in pp collisions at √s=63 GeV. We investigate correlations between the antibaryons and associated produced particles, and find evidence for local baryon number conservation.
Physics Letters B | 1982
T. P. A. Åkesson; J.E. Hooper; C. L. Woody; S. Almehed; A. Nilsson; E. Rosso; U. Mjörnmark; O. Botner; W. Frati; I. Dahl-Jensen; G. Damgaard; G. Jarlskog; R.H. Schindler; B.S. Nielsen; W.M. Evans; R. Batley; R. Møller; H.J. Hilke; P. Frandsen; K.H. Hansen; M. Wood; A. Hallgren; B. Lörstad; Gibson; E. Dahl-Jensen; L.H. Olsen; B. Heck; W. Molzon; D. Lissauer; N. A. McCubbin
Abstract Measurements of charged particle multiplicity distributions in the central rapidity region in p-p and p-α, and α-α collisions are reported. They are better fitted to the “wounded nucleon” than to the “gluon string” model. The average transverse momenta, for all three reactions, are identical (and almost independent of multiplicity) up to very high multiplicities.
Physics Letters B | 1985
T. Åkesson; M. Albrow; S. Almehed; E. Anassontzis; Richard Batley; O. Benary; H. Bøggild; O. Botner; H. Breuker; H. Brody; V. Burkert; B. Callen; R. Carosi; A. A. Carter; J. R. Carter; P.C. Cecil; V. Chernyatin; Y. Choi; W. Cleland; S. Dagan; E. Dahl-Jensen; I. Dahl-Jensen; P. Dam; G. Damgaard; B. Dolgoshein; S. Eidelman; M.W. Evans; C. Fabjan; P. Frandsen; S. Frankel
Abstract We have measured the production of direct photons, π 0 s, and ηs in p p and pp collisions at √ s =53 GeV in the range 2≈ p T ≈6 GeV/ c for the central rapidity region | y | 0.4. No statistically significant difference between pp and pp interactions is observed.
Physics Letters B | 1983
T. P. A. Åkesson; J.E. Hooper; C. L. Woody; S. Almehed; K. Kulka; E. Rosso; U. Mjörnmark; O. Botner; W. Frati; P. Cecil; G. Damgaard; G. Jarlskog; R.H. Schindler; B.S. Nielsen; M. L. Sullivan; W.M. Evans; I. Dahl-Jensen; Rasmus Moller; H.J. Hilke; P. Frandsen; Richard Batley; K.H. Hansen; B. Lörstad; W.E. Cleland; E. Dahl-Jensen; E. Vella; L.H. Olsen; W. Molzon; U. Goerlach; W.J. Willis
Abstract The differential cross section for production of jets in pp interactions at y = 0 and p T from 6–12 GeV/ c has been measured at √ s = 45 GeV at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings and compared with a previous measurement at √ s = 63 GeV. The data were obtained using a 2.1 sr hadron calorimeter which was triggered on transverse energy. The energy dependence of the jet cross section is well described by (1− x T ) m p T − n , with m = 10.6±1.0 and n = 5.3±0.2. The results are in good agreement with predictions obtained from a QCD-motivated model.
Physics Letters B | 1985
T. Åkesson; M. Albrow; S. Almehed; E. Anassontzis; Richard Batley; O. Benary; H. Bøggild; O. Botner; H. Breuker; H. Brody; V. Burkert; B. Callen; R. Carosi; A. A. Carter; J. R. Carter; P. Cecil; V. Chernyatin; Y. Choi; W. Cleland; S. Dagan; E. Dahl-Jensen; I. Dahl-Jensen; P. Dam; G. Damgaard; B. Dolgoshein; S. Eidelman; W.M. Evans; C. Fabjan; P. Frandsen; S. Frankel
Abstract The production of inclusive prompt positrons in pp collisions at √ s = 63 GeV and θ cm = 90° has been measured over the p T interval 0.08 T GeV c . The e / π ratio rises from ∼ 2 × 10 −4 at p T = 0.9 GeV c to ∼ 1 × 10 −3 at p T = 0.1 GeV c . This is a factor of 6 higher than would be expected from the sum of hadronic bremsstrahlung and the semileptonic decay of charm.
Physics Letters B | 1982
T. P. A. Åkesson; M. Albrow; S. Almehed; E. Anassontzis; Richard Batley; O. Benary; H. Bøggild; O. Botner; H. Brody; V. Burkert; A. Di Ciaccio; D. J. A. Cockerill; S. Dagan; E. Dahl-Jensen; I. Dahl-Jensen; G. Damgaard; W.M. Evans; C. Fabjan; T. Ferbel; P. Frandsen; S. Frankel; W. Frati; H. A. Gordon; A. Hallgren; K.H. Hansen; B. Heck; H.J. Hilke; J.E. Hooper; G. Jarlskog; P. W. Jeffreys
We report on the distributions of charged particles produced in association with high p/sub T/ prompt photons and neutral pions in pp collisions at ..sqrt.. s = 63 GeV and theta = 90/sup 0/ in the centre of mass. We find photons to be relatively unaccompained by other particles at small angles with respect to the photon, and thereby extract a measurement of the fraction of prompt photons due to bremsstrahlung production. The relative density of positive to negative particles in the system recoiling from the photon has been measured and compared with QCD motivated calculations.
Nuclear Physics | 1984
T. Åkesson; M. Albrow; S. Almehed; O. Benary; H. Bøggild; O. Botner; H. Brody; V. Burkert; D. J. A. Cockerill; S. Dagan; E. Dahl-Jensen; I. Dahl-Jensen; P. Dam; G. Damgaard; G. Von Dardel; W.M. Evans; C. Fabjan; P. Frandsen; S. Frankel; W. Frati; M.D. Gibson; H. A. Gordon; A. Hallgren; K.H. Hansen; B. Heck; S. Henning; J.W. Hiddleston; H.J. Hilke; J.E. Hooper; G. Jarlskog
Abstract We study the production of identified charged particles in pp collisions at a c.m. energy of 63 GeV in events with an identified high-pT trigger particle. The measurements were performed at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings using the Axial Field Spectrometer. Production ratios are presented as a function of pT in the range 2.5 to 8 GeV/c.