T.K. Arun Kumar
University of Minnesota
Featured researches published by T.K. Arun Kumar.
Science | 2012
Dimitrios Floudas; Manfred Binder; Robert Riley; Kerrie Barry; Robert A. Blanchette; Bernard Henrissat; Ángel T. Martínez; Robert Otillar; Joseph W. Spatafora; Jagjit S. Yadav; Andrea Aerts; Isabelle Benoit; Alex Boyd; Alexis Carlson; Alex Copeland; Pedro M. Coutinho; Ronald P. de Vries; Patricia Ferreira; Keisha Findley; Brian Foster; Jill Gaskell; Dylan Glotzer; Paweł Górecki; Joseph Heitman; Cedar Hesse; Chiaki Hori; Kiyohiko Igarashi; Joel A. Jurgens; Nathan Kallen; Phil Kersten
Dating Wood Rot Specific lineages within the basidiomycete fungi, white rot species, have evolved the ability to break up a major structural component of woody plants, lignin, relative to their non–lignin-decaying brown rot relatives. Through the deep phylogenetic sampling of fungal genomes, Floudas et al. (p. 1715; see the Perspective by Hittinger) mapped the detailed evolution of wood-degrading enzymes. A key peroxidase and other enzymes involved in lignin decay were present in the common ancestor of the Agaricomycetes. These genes then expanded through gene duplications in parallel, giving rise to white rot lineages. The enzyme family that enables fungi to digest lignin expanded around the end of the coal-forming Carboniferous period. Wood is a major pool of organic carbon that is highly resistant to decay, owing largely to the presence of lignin. The only organisms capable of substantial lignin decay are white rot fungi in the Agaricomycetes, which also contains non–lignin-degrading brown rot and ectomycorrhizal species. Comparative analyses of 31 fungal genomes (12 generated for this study) suggest that lignin-degrading peroxidases expanded in the lineage leading to the ancestor of the Agaricomycetes, which is reconstructed as a white rot species, and then contracted in parallel lineages leading to brown rot and mycorrhizal species. Molecular clock analyses suggest that the origin of lignin degradation might have coincided with the sharp decrease in the rate of organic carbon burial around the end of the Carboniferous period.
Fungal Genetics and Biology | 2012
Mahajabeen Padamsee; T.K. Arun Kumar; Robert Riley; Manfred Binder; Alex Boyd; Ana M. Calvo; Kentaro Furukawa; Cedar Hesse; Stefan Hohmann; Timothy Y. James; Kurt LaButti; Alla Lapidus; Erika Lindquist; Susan Lucas; Kari Miller; Sourabha Shantappa; Igor V. Grigoriev; David S. Hibbett; David J. McLaughlin; Joseph W. Spatafora; M. Catherine Aime
Wallemia (Wallemiales, Wallemiomycetes) is a genus of xerophilic Fungi of uncertain phylogenetic position within Basidiomycota. Most commonly found as food contaminants, species of Wallemia have also been isolated from hypersaline environments. The ability to tolerate environments with reduced water activity is rare in Basidiomycota. We sequenced the genome of W. sebi in order to understand its adaptations for surviving in osmotically challenging environments, and we performed phylogenomic and ultrastructural analyses to address its systematic placement and reproductive biology. W. sebi has a compact genome (9.8 Mb), with few repeats and the largest fraction of genes with functional domains compared with other Basidiomycota. We applied several approaches to searching for osmotic stress-related proteins. In silico analyses identified 93 putative osmotic stress proteins; homology searches showed the HOG (High Osmolarity Glycerol) pathway to be mostly conserved. Despite the seemingly reduced genome, several gene family expansions and a high number of transporters (549) were found that also provide clues to the ability of W. sebi to colonize harsh environments. Phylogenetic analyses of a 71-protein dataset support the position of Wallemia as the earliest diverging lineage of Agaricomycotina, which is confirmed by septal pore ultrastructure that shows the septal pore apparatus as a variant of the Tremella-type. Mating type gene homologs were identified although we found no evidence of meiosis during conidiogenesis, suggesting there may be aspects of the life cycle of W. sebi that remain cryptic.
Mycologia | 2012
T.K. Arun Kumar; Rosanne A. Healy; Joseph W. Spatafora; Meredith Blackwell; David J. McLaughlin
Molecular phylogenetic analyses indicate that the monophyletic classes Orbiliomycetes and Pezizomycetes are among the earliest diverging branches of Pezizomycotina, the largest subphylum of the Ascomycota. Although Orbiliomycetes is resolved as the most basal lineage in some analyses, molecular support for the node resolving the relationships between the two classes is low and topologies are unstable. We provide ultrastructural evidence to inform the placement of Orbiliomycetes by studying an Orbilia, a member of the only order (Orbiliales) of the class. The truncate ascus apex in the Orbilia is thin-walled except at the margin, and an irregular wall rupture of the apex permits ascospore discharge. Ascus, ascogenous and non-ascogenous hyphae were simple septate, with septal pores plugged by unelaborated electron-dense, non-membranous occlusions. Globose Woronin bodies were located on both sides of the septum. Nuclear division was characterized by the retention of an intact nuclear envelope, and a two-layered disk-shaped spindle pole body. The less differentiated nature of the spore discharge apparatus and septal pore organization supports an earliest diverging position of Orbiliomycetes within the subphylum, while the closed nuclear division and disk-shaped spindle pole body are interpreted as ancestral state characters for Ascomycota.
Mycologia | 2013
Stephen P. Bentivenga; T.K. Arun Kumar; Leticia Kumar; Robert W. Roberson; David J. McLaughlin
Comparative morphology of the fine structure of fungal hyphal tips often is phylogenetically informative. In particular, morphology of the Spitzenkörper varies among higher taxa. To date no one has thoroughly characterized the hyphal tips of members of the phylum Glomeromycota to compare them with other fungi. This is partly due to difficulty growing and manipulating living hyphae of these obligate symbionts. We observed growing germ tubes of Gigaspora gigantea, G. margarita and G. rosea with a combination of light microscopy (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). For TEM, we used both traditional chemical fixation and cryo-fixation methods. Germ tubes of all species were extremely sensitive to manipulation. Healthy germ tubes often showed rapid bidirectional cytoplasmic streaming, whereas germ tubes that had been disturbed showed reduced or no cytoplasmic movement. Actively growing germ tubes contain a cluster of 10–20 spherical bodies approximately 3–8 μm behind the apex. The bodies, which we hypothesize are lipid bodies, move rapidly in healthy germ tubes. These bodies disappear immediately after any cellular perturbation. Cells prepared with cryo-techniques had superior preservation compared to those that had been processed with traditional chemical protocols. For example, cryo-prepared samples displayed two cell-wall layers, at least three vesicle types near the tip and three distinct cytoplasmic zones were noted. We did not detect a Spitzenkörper with either LM or TEM techniques and the tip organization of Gigaspora germ tubes appeared to be similar to hyphae in zygomycetous fungi. This observation was supported by a phylogenetic analysis of microscopic characters of hyphal tips from members of five fungal phyla. Our work emphasizes the sensitive nature of cellular organization, and the need for as little manipulation as possible to observe germ tube structure accurately.
Mycologia | 2013
Rosanne A. Healy; T.K. Arun Kumar; David Hewitt; David J. McLaughlin
Neolecta represents the earliest derived extant ascomycete lineage (Taphrinomycotina) to produce ascomata. For this reason the genus has been of interest with regard to ascoma evolution in ascomycetes. However, the evidence is equivocal regarding whether the Neolecta ascoma is homologous or analogous to ascomata produced in the later derived ascomycete lineages (Pezizomycotina). We investigated phylogenetically informative septal pore ultrastructure of Neolecta vitellina to compare with Pezizomycotina. We found that crystalline bodies that block nonascogenous septal pores in Neolecta differ from Woronin bodies, a synapomorphy for the Pezizomycotina, in three ways: (i) vacuolar origin, (ii) associated material and (iii) being loosely membrane bound. We also observed a unique type of membranous material within the septal pore, as well as distant from the septal pore, that appears to be associated with the endoplasmic reticulum. The vacuolar crystals and membranous material might have a function analagous to septal pore structures (e.g. Woronin bodies, lamellate structures) in the Pezizomycotina. Morphological evidence from our study supports an independently derived septal pore-occluding structure in the Neolecta lineage.
American Journal of Botany | 2011
T.K. Arun Kumar; John A. Crow; Trevor J. Wennblom; Maritza Abril; Peter M. Letcher; Meredith Blackwell; Robert W. Roberson; David J. McLaughlin
UNLABELLED • PREMISE OF THE STUDY The Fungal Subcellular Ontology used in the Assembling the Fungal Tree of Life project is a taxon-wide ontology (controlled vocabulary for attributes) designed to clarify and integrate the broad range of subcellular characters and character states used in higher-level fungal systematics. As in the algae, cellular characters are important phylogenetic markers in kingdom Fungi. The Fungal Subcellular Ontology has been developed primarily to help researchers, especially systematists, in their search for information on subcellular characters across the Fungi, and it complements existing biological ontologies, including the Gene Ontology. • METHODS The character and character state data set used in the Assembling the Fungal Tree of Life Structural and Biochemical Database (http://aftol.umn.edu) is the source of terms for generating the ontology. After the terms were accessioned and defined, they were combined in OBO-Edit file format, and the ontology was edited using OBO-Edit, an open source Java tool supported by the Gene Ontology project. • KEY RESULTS The Fungal Subcellular Ontology covers both model and nonmodel fungi in great detail and is downloadable in OBO-Edit format at website http://aftol.umn.edu/ontology/fungal_subcellular.obo. • CONCLUSIONS The ontology provides a controlled vocabulary of fungal subcellular terms and functions as an operating framework for the Assembling the Fungal Tree of Life Structural and Biochemical Database. An ontology-based design enhances reuse of data deposited in the Structural and Biochemical Database from other independent biological and genetic databases. Data integration approaches that advance access to data from the diversity of biological databases are imperative as interdisciplinary research gains importance. In this sense, the Fungal Subcellular Ontology becomes highly relevant to mycologists as well as nonmycologists because fungi interact actively as symbionts and parasites or passively with many other life forms.
Archive | 2015
David J. McLaughlin; T.K. Arun Kumar; Meredith Blackwell; Peter M. Letcher; Robert W. Roberson
To clarify the past and potential roles of ultrastructural and biochemical characters in understanding fungal phylogeny and to make these data available for a wider range of fungal studies, we review the history of their study, especially since the mid-twentieth century. Recent molecular phylogenetic studies have revealed major gaps in the structural and biochemical data for Fungi as well as the incompleteness of studies within well-known taxonomic groups. We also consider the efforts to make the limited data on subcellular and biochemical characters available in the Structural and Biochemical Database. This database is a compilation of subcellular and biochemical information from the literature in a standardized format to permit precise data comparisons, identify phylogenetically informative characters, and provide character state coding and illustrations of character states; data are linked to voucher information for each taxon. The data are exportable in NEXUS format, which permits phylogenetic tree and ancestral character state reconstructions. Methods for incorporating structural and biochemical data into phylogenetic and other analyses are discussed, as is the role of the Fungal Subcellular Ontology in promoting data retrieval for use in related cellular, genetic, and ecological studies. Methods for obtaining subcellular data for Fungi are described to provide guidance for the evaluation of existing data and to assist in future data acquisition.
American Journal of Botany | 2015
David J. McLaughlin; Rosanne A. Healy; Gail Celio; Robert W. Roberson; T.K. Arun Kumar
PREMISE OF THE STUDY The earliest eukaryotes were likely flagellates with a centriole that nucleates the centrosome, the microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) for nuclear division. The MTOC in higher fungi, which lack flagella, is the spindle pole body (SPB). Can we detect stages in centrosome evolution leading to the diversity of SPB forms observed in terrestrial fungi? Zygomycetous fungi, which consist of saprobes, symbionts, and parasites of animals and plants, are critical in answering the question, but nuclear division has been studied in only two of six clades. METHODS Ultrastructure of mitosis was studied in Coemansia reversa (Kickxellomycotina) germlings using cryofixation or chemical fixation. Character evolution was assessed by parsimony analysis, using a phylogenetic tree assembled from multigene analyses. KEY RESULTS At interphase the SPB consisted of two components: a cytoplasmic, electron-dense sphere containing a cylindrical structure with microtubules oriented nearly perpendicular to the nucleus and an intranuclear component appressed to the nuclear envelope. Markhams rotation was used to reinforce the image of the cylindrical structure and determine the probable number of microtubules as nine. The SPB duplicated early in mitosis and separated on the intact nuclear envelope. Nuclear division appears to be intranuclear with spindle and kinetochore microtubules interspersed with condensed chromatin. CONCLUSIONS This is the sixth type of zygomycetous SPB, and the third type that suggests a modified centriolar component. Coemansia reversa retains SPB character states from an ancestral centriole intermediate between those of fungi with motile cells and other zygomycetous fungi and Dikarya.
IMA Fungus | 2013
T.K. Arun Kumar; Meredith Blackwell; Peter M. Letcher; Robert W. Roberson; David J. McLaughlin
The Structural and Biochemical Database (SBD), developed as part of the US NSF-funded Assembling the Fungal Tree of Life (AFTOL), is a multi-investigator project. It is a major resource to present and manage morphological and biochemical information on Fungi and serves as a phyloinformatics tool for the scientific community. It also is an important resource for teaching mycology. The database, available at http://aftol.umn.edu, includes new and previously published subcellular data on Fungi, supplemented with images and literature links. Datasets automatically combined in NEXUS format from the site permit independent and combined (with molecular data) phylogenetic analyses. Character lists, a major feature of the site, serve as primary reference documents of subcellular and biochemical characters that distinguish taxa across the major fungal lineages. The character lists illustrated with images and drawings are informative for evolutionary and developmental biologists as well as educators, students and the public. Fungal Subcellular Ontology (FSO), developed as part of this effort is a primary initiative to provide a controlled vocabulary describing subcellular structures unique to Fungi. FSO establishes a full complement of terms that provide an operating ontological framework for the database. Examples are provided for using the database for teaching.
Mycologia | 2017
David J. McLaughlin; T.K. Arun Kumar; Mahajabeen Padamsee; Merje Toome-Heller; Elizabeth M. Frieders; M. Catherine Aime
ABSTRACT Early diverging taxa of Ascomycota and Basidiomycota share similarities in subcellular characters of the spindle pole body (SPB), nuclear division, and septal pore apparatus, but our understanding of character evolution is incomplete because of the limited number of structural studies within the earliest diverging subphyla of Dikarya, Taphrinomycotina and Pucciniomycotina. Two species of Helicogloea (Atractiellomycetes) were analyzed for these characters and provide data on SPB and nuclear division for an additional class of Pucciniomycotina. A detailed analysis of septal pore apparatus for the Helicogloea species permits comparisons with those of other Pucciniomycotina and Ascomycota. The endogenous origin of hyphal branches is shown to occur in a third class of Pucciniomycotina. The full set of characters supports a close relationship between Atractiellomycetes and Pucciniomycetes.