T. Kishimoto
Osaka University
Nuclear Physics | 2005
E (' ), E , E Collaborations; H. Tamura; S. Ajimura; H. Akikawa; David E. Alburger; K. Aoki; A. Banu; R. E. Chrien; G.B. Franklin; J. Franz; Y. Fujii; Y. Fukao; T. Fukuda; O. Hashimoto; T. Hayakawa; E. Hiyama; H. Hotchi; K. Imai; W. Imoto; Y. Kakiguchi; M. Kameoka; T. Kishimoto; A. Krutenkova; T. Maruta; A. Matsumura; M. May; S. Minami; Y. Miura; K. Miwa; T. Miyoshi
Abstract The present status of hypernuclear γ -ray spectroscopy with Hyperball is summarized. We observed two γ transitions of 16 Λ O( 1 − → 1 − , 0 − ) and obtained the strength of the ΛN tensor force. In 10 B( K − , π − γ ) data, we did not observe the spin-flip M1 transition of 10 Λ B( 2 − → 1 − ), but γ rays from hyperfragments such as 7 Λ Li( 7 / 2 + → 5 / 2 + ) and 9 Λ Be( 3 / 2 + → 1 / 2 + ) were observed. In 11 B( π + , K + γ ) data, we observed six γ transitions of 11 Λ B. We also attempted an inclusive γ -ray measurement with a stopped K − beam.
Nuclear Physics | 1996
H. Ejiri; K. Fushimi; K. Hayashi; R. Hazama; T. Kishimoto; N. Kudomi; K. Kume; K. Nagata; H. Ohsumi; K. Okada; T. Shima; J. Tanaka
Abstract Exclusive measurements of neutrino-less double beta decays (0νββ) of 100Mo were made by means of ELEGANT V. Most stringent lower limits on the half-lives for the ground-state transition were obtained for the 0νββ processes as T 1 2 0ν (m ν ) > 5.2 × 10 22 y , T 1 2 0ν (λ) > 3.9 × 10 22 y and T 1 2 0ν (η) > 5.1 × 10 22 y , for the mass term 〈mν〉, for the right-handed current terms of 〈λ〉 and 〈η〉, respectively, and as T 1 2 0νB > 5.4 × 10 21 y for the process (0νββB) followed by a Majoron (B). These limits lead to the upper limits of 〈mν〉
Physics Letters B | 1989
H. Ejiri; T. Kishimoto; H. Noumi
Abstract λ hypernuclear states with spin polarization are shown to be populated through nucleon and γ decays of compound λ hypernuclei produced by resonant ( π + , K + x n y p γ ) reactions. The low-lying Λ-hypernuclear states have the λ hyperon in the lowest 1 s 1 2 orbit. The intrinsic spin of Λ ( s λ ) is also shown to be well-polarized. These spin-oriented hypernuclear states useful for spectroscopic studies of hypernuclei such as electromagnetic moments and weak decays.
Physics Letters B | 1989
T. Kishimoto; H. Ejiri; H. Bandō
Abstract It is shown that the (K − , π − ) reaction in the GeV / c momentum region is able to yield large spin polarizations. Cross sections and polarizations are evaluated for a typical example of 12 C(K − , π − ) Λ 12 C at p K =1.1and1.5GeV/c, where the polarizations of the elementary process are maximally positive, respectively. In addition to the ( π + ,K + ) reaction, the (K − , π − ) reaction in the GeV/ c region can be used as another powerful means to produce polarized Λ-hypernuclei, when higher intensity K − beams become available.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2001
Eunjoo Choi; Masataka Komori; K. Takahisa; N. Kudomi; K. Kume; K. Hayashi; S. Yoshida; H. Ohsumi; H. Ejiri; T. Kishimoto; K. Matsuoka; S. Tasaka
Abstract The radon emanation rates for materials were measured by using the electrostatic precipitation method as a radon monitor. It was found that a low level of radon was emanated from several material components in ELEGANT V. The radon monitor has been developed for the highly sensitive measurements of low-level radon concentration. The system was shown to have a sensitivity to radon concentrations as low as 1.6 mBq / m 3 for one day measurement. The system was also used as the radon concentration monitor for the gas inside the airtight box of the ELEGANT V at Oto Cosmo Observatory.
Nuclear Physics | 2003
I. Ogawa; R. Hazama; S. Ajimura; K. Matsuoka; N. Kudomi; K. Kume; H. Ohsumi; K. Fushimi; N. Suzuki; T. Nitta; H. Miyawaki; S. Shiomi; Yoshio Tanaka; Y. Ishikawa; M. Itamura; K. Kishimoto; Atsunari Katsuki; H. Sakai; D. Yokoyama; S. Umehara; S. Tomii; K. Mukaida; S. Yoshida; H. Ejiri; T. Kishimoto
Abstract A CaF 2 scintillation detector system (ELEGANT VI) is developed to search for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νDBD) of 48 Ca. No events were observed around the Q -value energy region after the analysis of 4.23 kg yr data. To derive the lower limit for the half-life, the expected number of background events was estimated by a Monte Carlo simulation using the measured activities of 214 Bi and 220 Rn inside CaF 2 crystals. A new lower limit is obtained to be 1.8 × 10 22 yr at the 90% C.L.
Physics Letters B | 2002
K. Fushimi; N. Kudomi; S. Yoshida; H. Ejiri; K. Hayashi; T. Kishimoto; K. Kume; H. Kuramoto; K. Matsuoka; H. Ohsumi; K. Takahisa
Abstract The single Majoron emitting neutrinoless double beta decay (0 νββB ) of 100 Mo was studied by means of ELEGANTxa0V. Axa0stringent lower limit on the half life was obtained as T 1/2 0 νββB >5.8(11)×10 21 xa0yr at 90% (68%)xa0C.L. The limit on the coupling constant |〈 g B 〉| was discussed in terms of the several nuclear models. The limit lies between 6.3×10 −5 and 3.6×10 −3 .
Nuclear Physics | 1998
N. Kudomi; H. Ejiri; K. Fushimi; K. Hayashi; R. Hazama; T. Kishimoto; Masataka Komori; K. Kume; G. Kunitomi; T. Matsuoka; H. Miyawaki; K. Nagata; H. Ohsumi; K. Okada; T. Shima; S. Shiomi; K. Takahisa; J. Tanaka; K. Tasaka; T. Watanabe
Abstract Exclusive measurements of neutrino-less double beta decays(0νββ) of 100 Mo were made by means of ELEGANT V at Kamioka Underground Laboratory. Oto Cosmo Observatory has been constructed for underground laboratory for ELEGANT V and VI for the study of 0νββ of 100 Mo and 48 Ca, search for dark matters and so on.
Nuclear Physics | 2003
A. Sakaguchi; S. Ajimura; H. Hayakawa; T. Kishimoto; H. Kohri; K. Matsuoka; S. Minami; Y.S. Miyake; K. Morikubo; E. Saji; Y. Shimizu; M. Sumihama; R. E. Chrien; M. May; P. Pile; A. Rusek; R. Sutter; P. Eugenio; G.B. Franklin; P. Khaustov; K. Paschke; B. Quinn; R. A. Schumacher; J. Franz; T. Fukuda; L. Gan; Liguang Tang; L. Yuan; J. Nakano; H. Noumi
Abstract The BNL-AGS/E929 experiment was carried out to study energy levels of the Λ 13 C hypernucleus by a gamma-ray spectroscopy. Energy splitting of the spin-orbit doublets, 1 2 − and 3 2 − states, was estimated precisely. The excitation energy of the 1st 3 2 + state was also measured. We discuss the symmetric and the anti-symmetric spin-orbit interactions between a Λ particle and a nucleon from the measurement.
International Journal of Modern Physics E-nuclear Physics | 2009
A. Sakaguchi; S. Ajimura; H.C. Bhang; L. Busso; M. Endo; D. Faso; T. Fukuda; T. Kishimoto; K. Matsuda; K. Matsuoka; Y. Mizoi; O. Morra; H. Noumi; P. K. Saha; C. Samanta; Y. Shimizu; T. Takahashi; T. N. Takahashi; K. Yoshida
We discuss the usefulness of the double charge-exchange reactions (DCX) for the production of the neutron-rich Λ-hypernuclei. We believe the (π-, K+) reaction is one of the most promising DCX reactions, and propose to produce the neutron-rich Λ-hypernuclei, and , at the J-PARC 50 GeV PS by the reaction (J-PARC E10 experiment). The design of the experiment is presented.