T. Şeşen
Ondokuz Mayıs University
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Featured researches published by T. Şeşen.
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery | 2003
Mehmet Koyuncu; T. Şeşen; Hüseyin Akan; Ahmet A. Ismailoglu; Y. Tanyeri; Atilla Tekat; R. Ünal; Lutfi Incesu
OBJECTIVE: The role of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of parotid tumors was investigated. METHODS: Forty patients with the clinical suspicion of a parotid mass underwent both CT and MRI of the parotid region. Two radiologists independently assessed the CT and MRI results with respect to tumor localization, tumor margin characteristics, and infiltration of surrounding tissue. Histopathologic specimens were obtained in all cases and correlated with the radiologic findings. RESULTS: The sensitivity and specificity of CT and MRI were nearly the same for tumor location, tumor margin, and tumor infiltration. CONCLUSION: The 2 imaging techniques provided the same information with respect to the presurgical planning and contribute to the diagnosis and therapy planning of parotid tumors. (Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2003;129:726-32.)
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine | 1998
Mehmet Koyuncu; Atilla Tekat; T. Şeşen; Y. Tanyeri; R. Ünal; A.R. Elhami
§/ A review of 349 patients with cholesteatoma operated between 1980 and 1995 was done. Of 349 patients, 272 cases had documented follow-up for 1 year or longer and were included in the study which consists of the incidence of residual and recurrent cholesteatoma. The most appropriate surgical technique was performed for each individual case. The surgical techniques were placed in two groups. Open cavity technique: 120 radical mastoidectomy, 26 modified radical mastoidectomy; closed technique: 113 intact canal wall tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy, 13 planned two stage procedure. Recurrence rates were 7.5% with open technique and 11.1% with closed technique. Residive rates were 9.6% with open technique and 5.5% with closed technique. Total failure rate was 17% with open technique and 16.6% with closed technique. The mean follow-up period was 30 months. In our series, there was no significant difference in the incidence and total failure rate of recurrent and residual cholesteatoma between open cavity and closed cavity techniques (p> 0.05). Cerrahi Teknikler ve Sonuclarimiz 1980-1995 yillari arasinda kolesteatoma tanisiyla opere edilen 349 hasta incelendi. 349 hastadan 272si bir yildan fazla takip edilmisti. Bu hastalar calismaya alinarak rezidiv ve rekurrens yonunden degerlendirildi. Her hasta icin en uygun cerrahi yontem secildi. Cerrahi teknikler iki gruba ayrildi. Acik teknik: 120 radikal mastoidektomi, 20 modifiye radikal mastoidektomi; kapali teknik, 113 in takt kanal wall timpanoplasti ve mastoidektomi, 13 iki asamali timpanoplasti idi. Rekurrens oranlan acik teknik icin %7.5 ve kapali teknik icin % 11.1 olarak bulundu. Rezidiv oranlari acik teknik icin %9.6 ve kapali teknik icin %5.5 bulundu. Toplam basarisizlik orani acik teknik icin %17, kapali teknik icin %16.6 bulundu. Ortalama takip suresi 30 ay idi. Bu seride iki grup arasinda rekurrens ve rezidiv yonunden anlamli fark bulunamamistir.
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine | 1998
Mehmet Koyuncu; Atilla Tekat; T. Şeşen; Y. Tanyeri; R. Ünal; M. Şimşek
A patient with a giant polypoid tumor of the esophagus, measuring 22 cm in length is described in this report. The patient presented with cough attacks and respiratory distress. Diagnostic and therapeutic intervention required aggressive airway management, radiographic and endoscopic evaluation, and definitive surgical treatment. Benign esophageal tumors are rarely seen and originate from the upper third of esophagus, frequently close to the cricopharyngeus muscle. They may attain giant proportions. A variety of clinical presentations are described, the most serious being asphyxia secondary to laryngeal obstruction. We observed a giant esophageal tumor which was interpreted as angiofibromyolipoma that caused laryngeal obstruction. We present the clinical picture and histopathological findings of the tumor.
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine | 1995
A.H. Sağlam; Atilla Tekat; E. Güney; T. Şeşen; Y. Tanyeri; R. Ünal
THE EFFECTS OF ACETYL SALICYLIC ACID ON THE FLAP NUTRITION The influence of acetyl salisylic acid on the nutrition of flap was investigated in the 50 rats which divided in two groups. We planned the flap dimension 1x4 cm. in first group and 2x7 cm. in second group. We gave acetyl salicylic acid 10 mg. per oral to the rats. We elevated the flaps on the rats and than sutured the original place immediately. Post operatif 7. day; we noted the necrotic area on the flaps and medium length of flap and the re¬sults compared with the literature. Calismamizdaki iki gruba ayrilan toplam 50 ratda asetil salisilik asitin flep beslenmesi uzerine etkileri arastirilmistir. 1. gruptaki ratlarda flep boyutlari 1x4 cm. 2. gruptaki ratlarda ise 2x7 cm. olarak planlandi. Butun radarda flep kaldirildiktan hemen sonra orijinal yatagina 4/0 ipek kullanilarak ve 0.5 cm. aralikli konulan suturlerle yeniden yerlestiril¬mistir. Deney grubu radara operasyon oncesinde asetil salisilik asid 30 mg/kg olarak uy¬gulandi. Postoperatif 7. gunde fleplerdeki nekroz alanlari ve ortalama uzunluk degerleri kaydedilerek sonuclar istatistiksel olarak karsilastinlmistir.
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine | 1992
T. Üstün; T. Şeşen; Y. Tanyeri; R. Ünal
MICROBIOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN MAXILLARY SINUS MUCOSAL CYSTS. ✓ There exist general infectious symptoms of maxillary sinus mucosal cysts besides their local symptoms. In 20 maxillary mucosal cyst cases, bacterologic analysis were performed in cyst flu¬ids and compared with the culture results obtained from the sinuses. While 60% cases of sinus cultures found to be positive, positive ucultures found in 30% of the cyst fluids were assessed to be significant contrary to the literature. Maksiller sinus mukozal kistlerinin lokal belirtileri yaninda genel enfeksiyoz belirtileri de bu¬lunmaktadir. 20 maksiller mukozal kist ve vakasinda kist sivisinda mikrobiyolojik arastirma yapilmis ve sinusten alinan kultur sonuclariyla karsilastirilmistir. Sinusten alinan kulturlerde % 60 vakada ureme gozlenirken % 30 vakanin kist sivisinda gozlenen ureme literaturden farklilik gostermesi yonunden anlamlidir.
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine | 1992
T. Şeşen; E. Güney; Y. Tanyeri; R. Ünal; B. Kandemir; T. Üstün
A case of inverted papilloma of unusual location ✓ Inverted papilloma is known as a neoplastic growth of the sinonasal epithelium through the underlying stroma. It has a special importance of higher recurrence rate and malignant transformation. A case of inverted papilloma of unusual oral cavity location, treated in the otolaryngology department of Ondokuz Mayis University Medical Faculty, was discussed by the review of the literature. Invert papillom sinonazal epitelin altindaki stroma icerisine buyumesi ile karakterize neoplastik bir olusum olarak bilinir. Yuksek rekurrens orani ve malignite ile iliskisi yonunden onem tasimaktadir. Klinigimizde takip edilen atipik lokalizasyon gosteren bir invert papillom vakasi literatur gozden gecirilerek tartisilmistir
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine | 1988
R. Ünal; E. Güney; Y. Tanyeri; T. Şeşen; A.H. Sağlam
Summary Intracranial complications of otitis media Intracranial complacations are freguently seen in patients with chronic otitis media.We found 77 % of the intracranial complication to be caused by cholesteatoma. Epidural absceses,meningitis and brain absceses were the most common complications in our patients.Our mortality rate was 10,4 % in 48 patients with intracranial complications Ozet Otojen intracranial komplikasyonlar siklikla kronik otitis mediali hastalarda bulunmustur.Kolesteatoma en cok saptanan patoloji olarak gorulmustur.En cok buldugumuz intracraniyel komplikasyonlar;epidural abse, menenjit ve beyin abseleri olarak saptanmistir. 48 hastalik serimizde intracraniyel komplikasyonlardan olum %10,4 olarak gerceklesmistir.
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine | 2008
T. Şeşen; Sinan Atmaca; R. Ünal; Mehmet Koyuncu; Atilla Tekat; Hızır Kiliçarslan; Emre Erkilet
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine | 1997
Mehmet Koyuncu; T. Şeşen; Y. Tanyeri; R. Ünal; Atilla Tekat; M. Çelebi; Lutfi Incesu
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine | 2013
Sinan Atmaca; Hatice Durak; T. Şeşen; Sancar Bariş