
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation | 2015

Force-controlled biting alters postural control in bipedal and unipedal stance.

S. Ringhof; T. Stein; Wolfgang Potthast; Hans J. Schindler; D. Hellmann

Human posture is characterised by inherent body sway which forces the sensory and motor systems to counter the destabilising oscillations. Although the potential of biting to increase postural stability has recently been reported, the mechanisms by which the craniomandibular system (CMS) and the motor systems for human postural control are functionally coupled are not yet fully understood. The purpose of our study was, therefore, to investigate the effect of submaximum biting on postural stability and on the kinematics of the trunk and head. Twelve healthy young adults performed force-controlled biting (FB) and non-biting (NB) during bipedal narrow stance and single-leg stance. Postural stability was quantified on the basis of centre of pressure (COP) displacements, detected by use of a force platform. Trunk and head kinematics were investigated by biomechanical motion analysis, and bite forces were measured using a hydrostatic system. The results revealed that FB significantly improved postural control in terms of reduced COP displacements, providing additional evidence for the functional coupling of the CMS and human posture. Our study also showed, for the first time, that reductions in the sway of the COP were accompanied by reduced trunk and head oscillations, which might be attributable to enhanced trunk stiffness during FB. This physiological response to isometric activation of the masticatory muscles raises questions about the potential of oral motor activity as a strategy to reduce the risk of falls among the elderly or among patients with compromised postural control.

Journal of Neuroscience Methods | 2013

The BioMotionBot: a robotic device for applications in human motor learning and rehabilitation.

V. Bartenbach; C. Sander; M. Pöschl; K. Wilging; Thomas Nelius; F. Doll; W. Burger; Christian Stockinger; Anne Focke; T. Stein

Robotic manipulanda are an established tool for the investigation of human motor control and learning. Potentially, robotic manipulanda could also be valuable in the investigation of skill learning in more natural movement tasks. Most current designs have been developed for studying dynamic learning and rehabilitation and are restricted to 2D space. However, natural upper limb movements take place in 3D space, sometimes with high underlying forces. In this paper, we introduce a robotic device, the BioMotionBot, that can be used in established applications of dynamic learning and rehabilitation but also enables the investigation of skill learning in more natural 3D movement tasks with large dynamic perturbations. The design of the BioMotionBot is based on a mechanism with hybrid serial and parallel kinematics. We first describe the BioMotionBots mechanical design, the electronic components, the software structure and the control system. To investigate the performance of the BioMotionBot, its stiffness, endpoint mass, endpoint viscosity, haptic resolution, force depth and impedance ratio are evaluated. Additionally, we develop a detailed multi-body simulation model to validate aspects of the structure and behavior of the BioMotionBot. Finally, we present experimental data from a dynamic learning task in 2D and test a 3D scenario with virtual walls. Our results demonstrate that the BioMotionBot can be used for research in human motor learning and rehabilitation and also has potential for the investigation of skill learning in more natural 3D movement tasks.

Human Movement Science | 2015

The effect of force-controlled biting on human posture control.

D. Hellmann; T. Stein; Wolfgang Potthast; Peter Rammelsberg; Hans J. Schindler; S. Ringhof

Several studies have confirmed the neuromuscular effects of jaw motor activity on the postural stability of humans, but the mechanisms of functional coupling of the craniomandibular system (CMS) with human posture are not yet fully understood. The purpose of our study was, therefore, to investigate whether submaximum biting affects the kinematics of the ankle, knee, and hip joints and the electromyographic (EMG) activity of the leg muscles during bipedal narrow stance and single-leg stance. Twelve healthy young subjects performed force-controlled biting (FB) and non-biting (NB) during bipedal narrow stance and single-leg stance. To investigate the effects of FB on the angles of the hip, knee, and ankle joints, a 3D motion-capture system (Vicon MX) was used. EMG activity was recorded to enable analysis of the coefficient of variation of the muscle co-contraction ratios (CVR) of six pairs of postural muscles. Between FB and NB, no significant differences were found for the mean values of the angles of the ankle, knee, and hip joints, but the standard deviations were significantly reduced during FB. The values of the ranges of motion and the mean angular velocities for the three joints studied revealed significant reduction during FB also. CVR was also significantly reduced during FB for five of the six muscle pairs studied. Although submaximum biting does not change the basic strategy of posture control, it affects neuromuscular co-contraction patterns, resulting in increased kinematic precision.

Frontiers in Psychology | 2015

The effect of oral motor activity on the athletic performance of professional golfers

S. Ringhof; D. Hellmann; Florian Meier; Eike Etz; Hans J. Schindler; T. Stein

Human motor control is based on complex sensorimotor processes. Recent research has shown that neuromuscular activity of the craniomandibular system (CMS) might affect human motor control. In particular, improvements in postural stability and muscle strength have been observed as a result of voluntary jaw clenching. Potential benefits of jaw aligning appliances on muscle strength and golf performance have also been described. These reports are highly contradictory, however, and the oral motor task performed is often unclear. The purpose of our study was, therefore, to investigate the effect of submaximum biting on golf performance via shot precision and shot length over three different distances. Participants were 14 male professional golfers – seven with sleep bruxism and seven without – randomly performing golf shots over 60m, 160m, or driving distance while either biting on an oral splint or biting on their teeth; habitual jaw position served as the control condition. Statistical analysis revealed that oral motor activity did not systematically affect golf performance in respect of shot precision or shot length for 60m, 160 m, or driving distance. These findings were reinforced by impact variables such as club head speed and ball speed, which were also not indicative of significant effects. The results thus showed that the strength improvements and stabilizing effects described previously are, apparently, not transferable to such coordination-demanding sports as golf. This could be due to the divergent motor demands associated with postural control and muscle strength on the one hand and the complex coordination of a golf swing on the other. Interestingly, subjects without sleep bruxism performed significantly better at the short distance (60 m) than those with bruxism. Because of the multifactorial etiology of parafunctional CMS activity, conclusions about the need for dental treatment to improve sports performance are, however, completely unwarranted.

Human Movement Science | 2018

Biomechanical assessment of dynamic balance: Specificity of different balance tests

S. Ringhof; T. Stein

Dynamic balance is vitally important for most sports and activities of daily living, so the assessment of dynamic stability has become an important issue. In consequence, a large number of balance tests have been developed. However, it is not yet known whether these tests (i) measure the same construct and (ii) can differentiate between athletes with different balance expertise. We therefore studied three common dynamic balance tests: one-leg jump landings, Posturomed perturbations and simulated forward falls. Participants were 24 healthy young females in regular training in either gymnastics (n = 12) or swimming (n = 12). In each of the tests, the participants were instructed to recover balance as quickly as possible. Dynamic stability was computed by time to stabilization and margin of stability, deduced from force plates and motion capture respectively. Pearsons correlations between the dynamic balance tests found no significant associations between the respective dynamic stability measures. Furthermore, independent t-tests indicated that only jump landings could properly distinguish between both groups of athletes. In essence, the different dynamic balance tests applied did not measure the same construct but rather task-specific skills, each of which depends on multifactorial internal and external constraints. Our study therefore contradicts the traditional view of considering balance as a general ability, and reinforces that dynamic balance measures are not interchangeable. This highlights the importance of selecting appropriate balance tests.

KI'10 Proceedings of the 33rd annual German conference on Advances in artificial intelligence | 2010

Towards semantic segmentation of human motion sequences

Dirk Gehrig; T. Stein; Andreas Fischer; Hermann Schwameder; Tanja Schultz

In robotics research is an increasing need for knowledge about human motions. However humans tend to perceive motion in terms of discrete motion primitives. Most systems use data-driven motion segmentation to retrieve motion primitives. Besides that the actual intention and context of the motion is not taken into account. In our work we propose a procedure for segmenting motions according to their functional goals, which allows a structuring and modeling of functional motion primitives. The manual procedure is the first step towards an automatic functional motion representation. This procedure is useful for applications such as imitation learning and human motion recognition. We applied the proposed procedure on several motion sequences and built a motion recognition system based on manually segmented motion capture data. We got a motion primitive error rate of 0.9% for the marker-based recognition. Consequently the proposed procedure yields motion primitives that are suitable for human motion recognition.

Frontiers in Psychology | 2016

Effect of Jaw Clenching on Balance Recovery: Dynamic Stability and Lower Extremity Joint Kinematics after Forward Loss of Balance.

S. Ringhof; T. Stein; D. Hellmann; Hans J. Schindler; Wolfgang Potthast

Postural control is crucial for most tasks of daily living, delineating postural orientation and balance, with its main goal of fall prevention. Nevertheless, falls are common events, and have been associated with deficits in muscle strength and dynamic postural stability. Recent studies reported on improvements in rate of force development and static postural control evoked by jaw clenching activities, potentially induced by facilitation of human motor system excitability. However, there are no studies describing the effects on dynamic stability. The present study, therefore, aimed to investigate the effects of submaximum jaw clenching on recovery behavior from forward loss of balance. Participants were 12 healthy young adults, who were instructed to recover balance from a simulated forward fall by taking a single step while either biting at a submaximum force or keeping the mandible at rest. Bite forces were measured by means of hydrostatic splints, whereas a 3D motion capture system was used to analyze spatiotemporal parameters and joint angles, respectively. Additionally, dynamic stability was quantified by the extrapolated CoM concept, designed to determine postural stability in dynamic situations. Paired t-tests revealed that submaximum biting did not significantly influence recovery behavior with respect to any variable under investigation. Therefore, reductions in postural sway evoked by submaximum biting are obviously not transferable to balance recovery as it was assessed in the present study. It is suggested that these contradictions are the result of different motor demands associated with the abovementioned tasks. Furthermore, floor effects and the sample size might be discussed as potential reasons for the absence of significances. Notwithstanding this, the present study also revealed that bite forces under both conditions significantly increased from subjects’ release to touchdown of the recovery limb. Clenching the jaw, hence, seems to be part of a common physiological repertoire used to improve motor performance.

Gait & Posture | 2015

Postural stability and the influence of concurrent muscle activation--Beneficial effects of jaw and fist clenching.

S. Ringhof; Timo Leibold; D. Hellmann; T. Stein

Recent studies reported on the potential benefits of submaximum clenching of the jaw on human postural control in upright unperturbed stance. However, it remained unclear whether these effects might also be observed among active controls. The purpose of the present study, therefore, was to comparatively examine the influence of concurrent muscle activation in terms of submaximum clenching of the jaw and submaximum clenching of the fists on postural stability. Posturographic analyses were conducted with 17 healthy young adults on firm and foam surfaces while either clenching the jaw (JAW) or clenching the fists (FIST), whereas habitual standing served as the control condition (CON). Both submaximum tasks were performed at 25% maximum voluntary contraction, assessed, and visualized in real time by means of electromyography. Statistical analyses revealed that center of pressure (COP) displacements were significantly reduced during JAW and FIST, but with no differences between both concurrent clenching activities. Further, a significant increase in COP displacements was observed for the foam as compared to the firm condition. The results showed that concurrent muscle activation significantly improved postural stability compared with habitual standing, and thus emphasize the beneficial effects of jaw and fist clenching for static postural control. It is suggested that concurrent activities contribute to the facilitation of human motor excitability, finally increasing the neural drive to the distal muscles. Future studies should evaluate whether elderly or patients with compromised postural control might benefit from these physiological responses, e.g., in the form of a reduced risk of falling.

KI'10 Proceedings of the 33rd annual German conference on Advances in artificial intelligence | 2010

A computational model of human movement coordination

T. Stein; Christian Simonidis; Wolfgang Seemann; Hermann Schwameder

Due to the numerous degrees of freedom in the human motor system, there exists an infinite number of possible movements for any given task. Unfortunately, it is currently unknown how the human central nervous system (CNS) chooses one movement out of the plethora of possible movements to solve the task at hand. The purpose of this study is the construction of a computational model of human movement coordination to unravel the principles the CNS might use to select one movement from plethora of possible movements in a given situation. Thereby, different optimization criteria were examined. The comparison of predicted and measured movement patterns exhibited that a minimum jerk strategy on joint level yielded the closest fit to the human data.

PLOS ONE | 2017

Consecutive learning of opposing unimanual motor tasks using the right arm followed by the left arm causes intermanual interference

Christian Stockinger; Benjamin Thürer; T. Stein

Intermanual transfer (motor memory generalization across arms) and motor memory interference (impairment of retest performance in consecutive motor learning) are well-investigated motor learning phenomena. However, the interplay of these phenomena remains elusive, i.e., whether intermanual interference occurs when two unimanual tasks are consecutively learned using different arms. Here, we examine intermanual interference when subjects consecutively adapt their right and left arm movements to novel dynamics. We considered two force field tasks A and B which were of the same structure but mirrored orientation (B = -A). The first test group (ABA-group) consecutively learned task A using their right arm and task B using their left arm before being retested for task A with their right arm. Another test group (AAA-group) learned only task A in the same right-left-right arm schedule. Control subjects learned task A using their right arm without intermediate left arm learning. All groups were able to adapt their right arm movements to force field A and both test groups showed significant intermanual transfer of this initial learning to the contralateral left arm of 21.9% (ABA-group) and 27.6% (AAA-group). Consecutively, both test groups adapted their left arm movements to force field B (ABA-group) or force field A (AAA-group). For the ABA-group, left arm learning caused significant intermanual interference of the initially learned right arm task (68.3% performance decrease). The performance decrease of the AAA-group (10.2%) did not differ from controls (15.5%). These findings suggest that motor control and learning of right and left arm movements involve partly similar neural networks or underlie a vital interhemispheric connectivity. Moreover, our results suggest a preferred internal task representation in extrinsic Cartesian-based coordinates rather than in intrinsic joint-based coordinates because interference was absent when learning was performed in extrinsically equivalent fashion (AAA-group) but interference occurred when learning was performed in intrinsically equivalent fashion (ABA-group).

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