Tadahiko Kimura
Chiba University
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Theory | 1999
Tadahiko Kimura; Ichiro Oda
We examine duality transformations of supersymmetric and
Nuclear Physics | 1999
Tadahiko Kimura; Ichiro Oda
Progress of Theoretical Physics | 1994
Tadahiko Kimura
-symmetric Dp-brane actions in a general type II supergravity background where in particular the dilaton and the axion are supposed to not be zero or a constant but a general superfield. Due to non-constant dilaton and axion, we can explicitly show that the dilaton and the axion as well as the two 2-form gauge potentials transform as doublets under the
Modern Physics Letters A | 1999
Tadahiko Kimura
International Journal of Modern Physics A | 2001
Tadahiko Kimura; Ichiro Oda
transformation from the point of view of the world-volume field theory.
International Journal of Modern Physics | 1999
Tadahiko Kimura; Ichiro Oda
Abstract We show that supersymmetric and κ-symmetric D p -brane actions in type II supergravity background have the same duality transformation properties as those in a flat Minkowskian background. Specially, it is shown that the super D-string transforms in a covariant way while the super D3-brane is self-dual under the SL (2, Z ) duality. Also, the D2-brane and the D4-brane transform in ways expected from the relation between type IIA superstring theory and M-theory. In this present study we confine ourselves to a restricted curved background geometry where the dilation and the axion are set to be zero or constant.
Progress of Theoretical Physics | 1986
Ryuichi Najima; Akira Hiroki; Shoichiro Kawasaki; Tadahiko Kimura
We regularize the 3-D quantum electrodynamics by a parity invariant Pauli-Villars regularization method. We find that in the perturbation theory the Chern-Simons term is not induced in the massless fermion case and induced in the massive fermion case.
Progress of Theoretical Physics | 1983
Shoichiro Kawasaki; Tadahiko Kimura
We show that the super D3-brane action on AdS5×S5 background recently constructed by Metsaev and Tseytlin is exactly invariant under the combination of the electric–magnetic duality transformation of the world-volume gauge field and the SO(2) rotation of N=2 spinor coordinates. The action is shown to satisfy the Gaillard–Zumino duality condition, which is a necessary and sufficient condition for an action to be self-dual. Our proof needs no gauge fixing for the κ-symmetry.
Nuclear Physics | 1993
Kenji Ikegami; Tadahiko Kimura; Riuji Mochizuki
We examine duality transformations of supersymmetric and
Progress of Theoretical Physics | 1988
Ichiro Oda; Tadahiko Kimura; Atsushi Nakamura