Tadeusz Ambroży
University School of Physical Education in Krakow
Journal of combat sports and martial arts | 2012
Stanislaw Sterkowicz; Grzegorz Lech; Janusz Jaworski; Tadeusz Ambroży
Results of judo competition represent a combination of a variety of factors, connected with both natural aptitudes as current body abilities [1]. A vital (and multi-faceted) element is the ability of performing efficient movements of the body while controlling balance and ensuring quick and precise reactions to unexpected attack of the opponent. Combined with a variety of requirements, this control over movement represents the essence of a global motor coordination [2,3]. Attempts to find judo-specific coordination motor abilities (CMA) reveal that a considerable place in this structure is taken by: balance, reaction time and spatial orientation. Ability to control balance helps maintain a stable body position (static balance) or maintaining/regaining this state (dynamic balance) during or after completion of an activity. Judo is a sport that requires a high level of dynamic balance [4]. The main criteria of optimum level of the ability discussed are the elements determined by a number of factors in body build and function of the nervous system, such as precision, speed, purposefulness and resourcefulness that ensure maintaining or regaining the stability [5]. The most intensive development of balance control is observed at the age of from 7 to 12 years [6], but an improvement of 11.9% [7] is also observed in boys aged 15 to 17 years. The best age for development of balance abilities is from 9 to 14 years [8]. Abilities of spatial orientation and kina esthetic differentiation are based primarily on orientation and kinaesthetic information of the process of controlling movements, with the decisive role played by sensory functions. Furthermore, the ability of quick reaction is a property which is characterized by more complex sensory functions and complicated executive motor operations [9]. A complex reaction assumes making a choice out of a selection of several available patterns which are closely related to particular stimuli. In judo fight, these decisions are actually made throughout the fight. Reaction time is determined by speed aptitudes, which can be effectively developed in the period of human life between 11 and 15 years of age, whereas at the age of 16, a gradual regress in this ability is observed [10,11].
Journal of Human Kinetics | 2015
Grzegorz Lech; Wiesław Chwała; Tadeusz Ambroży; Stanislaw Sterkowicz
Abstract The aim of this study was to perform a comparative analysis of maximal muscle torques at individual stages of development of athletes and to determine the relationship between muscle torques, fighting methods and the level of sports performance. The activity of 25 judo contestants during judo combats and the effectiveness of actions were evaluated. Maximum muscle torques in flexors/extensors of the body trunk, shoulder, elbow, hip and knee joints were measured. The level of significance was set at p≤0.05; for multiple comparisons the Mann-Whitney U test, p≤0.016, was used. Intergroup differences in relative torques in five muscle groups studied (elbow extensors, shoulder flexors, knee flexors, knee extensors, hip flexors) were not significant. In cadets, relative maximum muscle torques in hip extensors correlated with the activity index (Spearmans r=0.756). In juniors, maximum relative torques in elbow flexors and knee flexors correlated with the activity index (r=0.73 and r=0.76, respectively). The effectiveness of actions correlated with relative maximum torque in elbow extensors (r=0.67). In seniors, the relative maximum muscle torque in shoulder flexors correlated with the activity index during the second part of the combat (r=0.821).
Journal of combat sports and martial arts | 2013
Katarzyna Sterkowicz-Przybycień; Tadeusz Ambroży
A ju-jitsu fight is characterized by a great variety of complex technical and tactical actions which can be used by both men and women in vertical and horizontal positions. Division into weight categories helps provide equal chances for the competitors, not only in terms of body weight but also their locomotor abilities, range of punches and kicks (used in the first phase of the fight), strength and leverage after catching the clothes to perform a throw (the second phase of the fight) and using immobilization, choke and joint manipulation techniques during groundwork (in the third phase of the fight). A popular tendency before tournaments is body mass reduction that affects body composition. The athletes usually aim at increasing the percentage of fat-free mass in overall body mass in order to improve relative strength when competing in a particular weight category [1]. The fight is characterized by increased activity in both attack and defence, which represent a high-intensity exercise. Duration of these intermittent efforts largely depends on the effectiveness of technical and tactical actions in individual phases of the fight. Fighting according to the regulations for sport ju-jitsu is a combination of the skills typical of karate and judo competition [2,3]. Therefore, it was adopted that special fitness tests developed for karate (SPFT) and judo (SJFT), although having its individual specificity, might be used in ju-jitsu [4]. Conception of study. It was assumed that a sport ju-jitsu fight makes similar demands on both women and men [5]. Division into weight categories in both genders provides equal chances for all the competitors. We propose a hypothesis that women differ more in body build and composition than men rather than in quality of performing specific fitness tests which contain technical skills typical of the judo fight. The aim of this study is to compare anthropometric data, body composition and sport-specific fitness of male and fe male subjects, and to establish an anthropometric profile and fitness patterns of elite ju-jitsu athletes.
Przegla̜d menopauzalny | 2015
Wanda Pilch; Dariusz Mucha; Tomasz Pałka; Agnieszka Ewa Suder; Anna Małgorzata Piotrowska; Anna Tyka; Łukasz Tota; Tadeusz Ambroży
Introduction For years there have been studies on what kind of physical activity is optimal for maintaining proper health condition. Besides well known and approved endurance training of moderate intensity, an importance of interval exercise where short term, sudden intensification of work is performed at low endurance load is emphasized. The aim of the work was to assess the effects of a program of physical activity applied to postmenopausal women regarding improvement of their body composition and biochemical indices of lipid and carbohydrate status. Material and methods The program of physical activity contained 12-week trainings of Nordic walking (NW) and gymnastic-dance classes (G-D). The intensity of effort during the NW training was at the level of 60% HRmax, whereas intensity of G-D exercises was selected based on a subjective assessment of effort according to the scale of American College of Sports Medicine. Results The 12-week program of physical activity resulted in statistically significant lowering of total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein (LDL) fraction levels. An increase in high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level was observed, whereas the values of triacylglycerols (TG) did not change. The average fasting blood glucose level decreased significantly. Similar changes were noted for the insulin level. The analysed body biometrical-structural indices did not change significantly. Conclusions The applied 12-week program of physical activity without changes of dietary habits contributed to an improvement in plasma lipid profile and an increased insulin sensitivity, but it did not affect significantly body composition.
BioMed Research International | 2017
Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis; Krzysztof Nowak; Jarosław Omorczyk; Tadeusz Ambroży; Przemysław Bujas; Leszek Nosiadek
Introduction and Aim Down syndrome (DS) is associated with numerous developmental abnormalities, some of which cause dysfunctions of the posture and the locomotor system. The analysis of selected features of the foot structure in boys with DS versus their peers without developmental disorders is done. Materials and Methods The podoscopic examination was performed on 30 boys with DS aged 14-15 years. A control group consisted of 30 age- and gender-matched peers without DS. Results The feet of boys with DS are flatter compared to their healthy peers. The hallux valgus angle is not the most important feature differentiating the shape of the foot in the boys with DS and their healthy peers. In terms of the V toe setting, healthy boys had poorer results. Conclusions Specialized therapeutic treatment in individuals with DS should involve exercises to increase the muscle strength around the foot joints, enhancing the stabilization in the joints and proprioception. Introducing orthotics and proper footwear is also important. It is also necessary to monitor the state of the foot in order to modify undertaken therapies.
PLOS ONE | 2016
Marek Kowalczyk; Piotr Siermontowski; Dariusz Mucha; Tadeusz Ambroży; Marcin Orłowski; Krzysztof Zinkiewicz; Waldemar Kurpiewski; Krzysztof Paśnik; Iwona Kowalczyk; Agnieszka Pedrycz
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most common cause of death worldwide. According to the theory by Vogelstein, colorectal carcinogenesis involves a series of successive changes in the normal colonic mucosa, starting with excessive proliferation and focal disorders of intestinal crypts, followed by adenoma and its subsequent malignant transformation. The first identifiable changes in CRC carcinogenesis are aberrant crypt foci (ACF). ACF are invisible during routine colonoscopy yet are well identifiable in chromoendoscopy using methylene blue or indigo carmine. High-resolution colonoscopes are used for assessment of ACF. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the usefulness of standard-resolution colonoscopy for identification of rectal ACF. The following parameters were evaluated: duration of chromoendoscopy of a given rectal segment, type of ACF, sensitivity and specificity of endoscopy combined with histopathological evaluation. The mean duration of colonoscopy and chromoendoscopy was 26.8 min. In the study population, typical ACF were found in 73 patients (p = 0.489), hyperplastic ACF in 49 (p = 0.328), and dysplastic ACF in 16 patients (p = 0.107). Mixed ACF were observed in 11 individuals (p = 0.073). The sensitivity of the method was found to be 0.96 whereas its specificity 0.99. Identification of rectal ACF using standard-resolution colonoscopy combined with rectal mucosa staining with 0.25% methylene blue is characterised by high sensitivity and specificity.
PLOS ONE | 2017
Mariusz Ozimek; Robert Rokowski; Paweł Draga; Vladimir Ljakh; Tadeusz Ambroży; Marcin Krawczyk; Tomasz Ręgwelski; Arkadiusz Stanula; Karol Görner; Adam Jurczak; Dariusz Mucha
Purpose The primary aim of this study is to determine the principal somatic and motor determinants for elite climbers. Methods Twenty climbers were examined [age: 28.5±6.1 years].The runners were divided into two groups based on their climbing level, according to the International Rock Climbing Research Association (IRCRA). Elite climbers represented a 8b-8c Rotpunkt (RP) climbing level (n = 6), and advanced climbers represented an 7c+-8a RP level (n = 14). The following measurements were assessed: height, weight, lean body mass, upper limb length, arm span, and forearm, arm, thigh and calf circumference. The BMI, Rohrer ratio, and Ape Index were also measured. The following motor tests were assessed: a specific test for finger strength, an arm strength test, and a test of muscle endurance (hanging from 2.5 and 4 cm ledges). In addition, pull ups were used to measure muscle resistance to fatigue. Results Elite climbers recorded significantly higher values for finger strength than advanced climbers (129.08 vs. 111.54 kg; t(18) = 2.35, p = 0.03) and arm endurance (33.17 vs. 25.75 pull ups; t(18) = 2.54, p = 0.02). In addition, the calf circumference was significantly lower in elite climbers than that in advanced climbers (34.75 vs. 36.93 cm; t(18) = 3.50, p = 0.003). Conclusion The results suggest that elite climbers have greater finger strength and arm endurance than advanced climbers.
BioMed Research International | 2017
Jacek Wilczyński; Agnieszka Pedrycz; Dariusz Mucha; Tadeusz Ambroży; Dawid Mucha
Background The study aims to analyze the relationship between body posture and composition, as well as postural stability in Parkinsons disease patients. Material and Methods 32 people were evaluated. The study was conducted in the Laboratory of Posturology at Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Poland). Body posture was examined using the optoelectronic body posture Formetric Diers Method III 4D. Postural stability was evaluated using the Biodex Balance System platform. Body composition was assessed with the method of bioelectrical impedance analysis using the Tanita MC 780 MA analyzer. Results 11 patients (34.37%) had hyperkyphosis, 10 (31.25%) hyperlordosis, and 3 (9.37%) hyperkyphosis-hyperlordosis posture. Scoliosis (>10°) was observed in 28 (87.5%) subjects, whereas 4 (12.5%) presented scoliotic body posture (1–9°). In the examined population, all parameters of postural stability were within normal limits. Conclusions A significant positive correlation was observed between surface rotation (°), General Stability Index (r = 0.4075, p = 0.0206), and Anteroposterior Stability Index (r = 0.3819, p = 0.0310). There was also a significant positive correlation between surface rotation (+max) (°), General Stability Index (r = 0.3526, p = 0.0206), and Anteroposterior Stability Index (r = 0.3873, p = 0.0285). Metabolic age also presented a significant positive correlation between metabolic age and General Stability Index (r = 0.4057, p = 0.0212), as well as Anteroposterior Stability Index (r = 0.3507, p = 0.0490).
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics | 2015
Jarosław Omorczyk; Leszek Nosiadek; Tadeusz Ambroży; Andrzej Nosiadek
PURPOSE The main aim of this study was to verify the usefulness of selected simple methods of recording and fast biomechanical analysis performed by judges of artistic gymnastics in assessing a gymnasts movement technique. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study participants comprised six artistic gymnastics judges, who assessed back handsprings using two methods: a real-time observation method and a frame-by-frame video analysis method. They also determined flexion angles of knee and hip joints using the computer program. RESULTS In the case of the real-time observation method, the judges gave a total of 5.8 error points with an arithmetic mean of 0.16 points for the flexion of the knee joints. In the high-speed video analysis method, the total amounted to 8.6 error points and the mean value amounted to 0.24 error points. For the excessive flexion of hip joints, the sum of the error values was 2.2 error points and the arithmetic mean was 0.06 error points during real-time observation. The sum obtained using frame-by-frame analysis method equaled 10.8 and the mean equaled 0.30 error points. CONCLUSIONS Error values obtained through the frame-by-frame video analysis of movement technique were higher than those obtained through the real-time observation method. The judges were able to indicate the number of the frame in which the maximal joint flexion occurred with good accuracy. Using the real-time observation method as well as the high-speed video analysis performed without determining the exact angle for assessing movement technique were found to be insufficient tools for improving the quality of judging.
Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism | 2017
Krzysztof Kaganek; Tadeusz Ambroży; Dariusz Mucha; Adam Jurczak; Agata Bornikowska; Andrzej Ostrowski; Renata Janiszewska; Teresa Mucha
Abstract Introduction. Physical activity is critical to effective rehabilitation in people with disabilities and, consequently, is of high importance in their lives. However, participation of the disabled in physical activity, including tourism, is a much more complex issue than in the case in able-bodied individuals. Material and methods. This paper aims to fill the gap and familiarise the reader with barriers faced by the disabled who engage in tourism. The study group consisted of randomly selected 460 participants with certificates specifying the degree of their disability. The group included 55 (12%) individuals with visual impairments, 203 (44.1%) individuals with hearing impairments, and 202 (43.9%) individuals with locomotor system disabilities. Results. The data derived from interviews made with people with physical dysfunctions, designed with a view to achieving the aims of the study, were used to develop logistic regression models. Conclusions. On average, the greatest and smallest numbers of barriers were reported by individuals with severe disabilities and those who had large families, respectively. Younger disabled people most often complained about the equipment barriers to participation in tourism. Older respondents were mostly challenged with social barriers. Of all the determinants analysed in the study, the perception of barriers to participation in tourism most often depended on the subjects’ degree of disability.