
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology | 2007

Distinct roles of HDAC complexes in promoter silencing, antisense suppression and DNA damage protection

Estelle Nicolas; Takatomi Yamada; Hugh P. Cam; Peter C. FitzGerald; Ryuji Kobayashi; Shiv I. S. Grewal

Histone acetylation is important in regulating DNA accessibility. Multifunctional Sin3 proteins bind histone deacetylases (HDACs) to assemble silencing complexes that selectively target chromatin. We show that, in fission yeast, an essential HDAC, Clr6, exists in two distinct Sin3 core complexes. Complex I contains an essential Sin3 homolog, Pst1, and other factors, and predominantly targets gene promoters. Complex II contains a nonessential Sin3 homolog, Pst2, and several conserved proteins. It preferentially targets transcribed chromosomal regions and centromere cores. Defects in complex II abrogate global protective functions of chromatin, causing increased accessibility of DNA to genotoxic agents and widespread antisense transcripts that are processed by the exosome. Notably, the two Clr6 complexes differentially repress forward and reverse centromeric repeat transcripts, suggesting that these complexes regulate transcription in heterochromatin and euchromatin in similar manners, including suppression of spurious transcripts from cryptic start sites.

The EMBO Journal | 2004

Roles of histone acetylation and chromatin remodeling factor in a meiotic recombination hotspot

Takatomi Yamada; Ken-ichi Mizuno; Kouji Hirota; Ning Kon; Wayne P. Wahls; Edgar Hartsuiker; Hiromu Murofushi; Takehiko Shibata; Kunihiro Ohta

Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) and ATP‐dependent chromatin remodeling factors (ADCRs) are involved in selective gene regulation via modulation of local chromatin configuration. Activation of the recombination hotspot ade6‐M26 of Schizosaccharomyces pombe is mediated by a cAMP responsive element (CRE)‐like sequence, M26, and a heterodimeric ATF/CREB transcription factor, Atf1·Pcr1. Chromatin remodeling occurs meiotically around M26. We examined the roles of HATs and ADCRs in chromatin remodeling around M26. Histones H3 and H4 around M26 were hyperacetylated in an M26‐ and Atf1‐dependent manner early in meiosis. SpGcn5, the S. pombe homolog of Gcn5p, was required for the majority of histone H3 acetylation around M26 in vivo. Deletion of gcn5+ caused a significant delay in chromatin remodeling but only partial reduction of M26 meiotic recombination frequency. The snf22+ (a Swi2/Snf2‐ADCR homologue) deletion and snf22+gcn5+ double deletion abolished chromatin remodeling and significant reduction of meiotic recombination around M26. These results suggest that HATs and ADCRs cooperatively alter local chromatin structure, as in selective transcription activation, to activate meiotic recombination at M26 in a site‐specific manner.

Current Biology | 1999

A DNA unwinding factor involved in DNA replication in cell-free extracts of Xenopus eggs.

Koji Okuhara; Kunihiro Ohta; Hidetaka Seo; Masaki Shioda; Takatomi Yamada; Yasuhiro Tanaka; Naoshi Dohmae; Yousuke Seyama; Takehiko Shibata; Hiromu Murofushi

BACKGROUND Alteration of chromatin structure is a key step in various aspects of DNA metabolism. DNA unwinding factors such as the high mobility group (HMG) proteins are thought to play a general role in controlling chromatin structure and a specific role in controlling DNA replication. For instance, in the in vitro simian virus 40 replication system, minichromosomes containing HMG-17 replicate more efficiently than those without it, suggesting that HMG-17 enhances the rate of replication of a chromatin template by unfolding the higher-order chromatin structure. At present, however, only limited data suggest an involvement of DNA unwinding factors in DNA replication. RESULTS We purified from Xenopus eggs a novel heterodimeric factor, termed DNA unwinding factor (DUF), that consists of 87 kDa and 140 kDa polypeptides. DUF unwinds closed-circular duplex DNA in the presence of topoisomerase I, but it does not possess a DNA gyrase activity: it does not introduce negative supercoils into DNA at the expense of ATP hydrolysis. Cloning and sequencing of the cDNAs encoding the two polypeptides revealed that the 87 kDa polypeptide is homologous to a mammalian HMG protein, T160/structure-specific recognition protein. The 140 kDa polypeptide is homologous to yeast Cdc68, a protein that controls the expression of several genes during the G1 phase of the cell cycle by modulating chromatin structure. Immunodepletion of DUF from Xenopus egg extracts drastically reduced the ability of the extract to replicate exogenously added sperm chromatin or plasmid DNA. CONCLUSIONS We propose that DUF plays a role in DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts.

Cell | 2004

Heterochromatin Regulates Cell Type-Specific Long-Range Chromatin Interactions Essential for Directed Recombination

Songtao Jia; Takatomi Yamada; Shiv I. S. Grewal

Mating-type switching in Schizosaccharomyces pombe involves replacing genetic information at the expressed mat1 locus with sequences copied from one of two silent donor loci, mat2-P or mat3-M, located within a 20-kb heterochromatic domain. Donor selection is dictated by cell type: mat2 is the preferred donor in M cells, and mat3 is the preferred donor in P cells. Here we show that a recombination-promoting complex (RPC) containing Swi2 and Swi5 proteins exhibits cell type-specific localization pattern at the silent mating-type region and this differential localization modulates donor preference during mating-type switching. In P cells, RPC localization is restricted to a recombination enhancer located adjacent to mat3, but in M cells, RPC spreads in cis across the entire silent mating-type interval in a heterochromatin-dependent manner. Our analyses implicate heterochromatin in long-range regulatory interactions and suggest that heterochromatin imposes at the mating-type region structural organization that is important for the donor-choice mechanism.

Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2008

Molecular Characterization of the Role of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe nip1/ctp1 Gene in DNA Double-Strand Break Repair in Association with the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 Complex

Yufuko Akamatsu; Yasuto Murayama; Takatomi Yamada; Tomofumi Nakazaki; Yasuhiro Tsutsui; Kunihiro Ohta; Hiroshi Iwasaki

ABSTRACT The Schizosaccharomyces pombe nip1+/ctp1+ gene was previously identified as an slr (synthetically lethal with rad2) mutant. Epistasis analysis indicated that Nip1/Ctp1 functions in Rhp51-dependent recombinational repair, together with the Rad32 (spMre11)-Rad50-Nbs1 complex, which plays important roles in the early steps of DNA double-strand break repair. Nip1/Ctp1 was phosphorylated in asynchronous, exponentially growing cells and further phosphorylated in response to bleomycin treatment. Overproduction of Nip1/Ctp1 suppressed the DNA repair defect of an nbs1-s10 mutant, which carries a mutation in the FHA phosphopeptide-binding domain of Nbs1, but not of an nbs1 null mutant. Meiotic DNA double-strand breaks accumulated in the nip1/ctp1 mutant. The DNA repair phenotypes and epistasis relationships of nip1/ctp1 are very similar to those of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae sae2/com1 mutant, suggesting that Nip1/Ctp1 is a functional homologue of Sae2/Com1, although the sequence similarity between the proteins is limited to the C-terminal region containing the RHR motif. We found that the RxxL and CxxC motifs are conserved in Schizosaccharomyces species and in vertebrate CtIP, originally identified as a cofactor of the transcriptional corepressor CtBP. However, these two motifs are not found in other fungi, including Saccharomyces and Aspergillus species. We propose that Nip1/Ctp1 is a functional counterpart of Sae2/Com1 and CtIP.

Nucleic Acids Research | 2013

Acetylated Histone H3K9 is associated with meiotic recombination hotspots, and plays a role in recombination redundantly with other factors including the H3K4 methylase Set1 in fission yeast

Shintaro Yamada; Kunihiro Ohta; Takatomi Yamada

Histone modifications are associated with meiotic recombination hotspots, discrete sites with augmented recombination frequency. For example, trimethylation of histone H3 lysine4 (H3K4me3) marks most hotspots in budding yeast and mouse. Modified histones are known to regulate meiotic recombination partly by promoting DNA double-strand break (DSB) formation at hotspots, but the role and precise landscape of involved modifications remain unclear. Here, we studied hotspot-associated modifications in fission yeast and found general features: acetylation of H3 lysine9 (H3K9ac) is elevated, and H3K4me3 is not significantly enriched. Mutating H3K9 to non-acetylatable alanine mildly reduced levels of the DSB-inducing protein Rec12 (the fission yeast homologue of Spo11) and DSB at hotspots, indicating that H3K9ac may be involved in DSB formation by enhancing the interaction between Rec12 and hotspots. In addition, we found that the lack of the H3K4 methyltransferase Set1 generally increased Rec12 binding to chromatin but partially reduced DSB formation at some loci, suggesting that Set1 is also involved in DSB formation. These results suggest that meiotic DSB formation is redundantly regulated by multiple chromatin-related factors including H3K9ac and Set1 in fission yeast.

FEBS Letters | 2000

p97 ATPase, an ATPase involved in membrane fusion, interacts with DNA unwinding factor (DUF) that functions in DNA replication

Takatomi Yamada; Koji Okuhara; Akihiro Iwamatsu; Hidetaka Seo; Kunihiro Ohta; Takehiko Shibata; Hiromu Murofushi

DNA unwinding factor (DUF) unwinds duplex DNA and is supposed to function in DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts. Here we report the isolation and analysis of a DUF‐interacting factor. By immunoprecipitation, we found that p97 ATPase (p97) interacts with DUF in Xenopus egg extracts. This interaction was confirmed by the in vitro binding of purified p97 with DUF. When sperm chromatin was added to Xenopus egg extracts to construct nuclei active in DNA replication, p97 was incorporated into the nuclei. These data suggest that the complex of DUF and p97 may function in DNA replication.

Journal of Biochemistry | 2013

Initiation of meiotic recombination in chromatin structure.

Takatomi Yamada; Kunihiro Ohta

Meiotic homologous recombination is markedly activated during meiotic prophase to play central roles in faithful chromosome segregation and conferring genetic diversity to gametes. It is initiated by programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by the conserved protein Spo11, and preferentially occurs at discrete sites called hotspots. Since the functions of Spo11 are influenced by both of local chromatin at hotspots and higher-order chromosome structures, formation of meiotic DSBs is under regulation of chromatin structure. Therefore, investigating features and roles of meiotic chromatin is crucial to elucidate the in vivo mechanism of meiotic recombination initiation. Recent progress in genome-wide chromatin analyses tremendously improved our understanding on this point, but many critical questions are left unaddressed. In this review, we summarize current knowledge in the field, and also discuss the future problems that must be solved to understand the role of chromatin structure in meiotic recombination.

Genes to Cells | 2011

Fission yeast ATF/CREB family protein Atf21 plays important roles in production of normal spores

Tomohiko Morita; Takatomi Yamada; Shintaro Yamada; Kouji Matsumoto; Kunihiro Ohta

Activating transcription factor/cAMP response element binding protein (ATF/CREB) family transcription factors play central roles in maintaining cellular homeostasis. They are activated in response to environmental stimuli, bind to CRE sequences in the promoters of stress‐response genes and regulate transcription. Although ATF/CREB proteins are widely conserved among most eukaryotes, their characteristics are highly diverse. Here, we investigated the functions of a fission yeast ATF/CREB protein Atf21 to find out its unique properties. We show that Atf21 is dispensable for the adaptive response to several stresses such as nitrogen starvation and for meiotic events including nuclear divisions. However, spores derived from atf21Δ mutants are not as mature as wild‐type ones and are unable to form colonies under nutrition‐rich conditions. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the Atf21 protein, which is scarce in early meiosis, gradually accumulates as meiosis proceeds; it reaches maximum levels approximately 8 h after nitrogen starvation and is present during germination. These results suggest that Atf21 is expressed and functions long after nitrogen starvation. Given that other well‐characterized fission yeast ATF/CREB proteins Atf1 and Pcr1 accumulate and function promptly upon exposure to environmental stresses, we propose that Atf21 is a distinct member of the ATF/CREB family in fission yeast.

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 2003

Incorporation of DUF/FACT into chromatin enhances the accessibility of nucleosomal DNA.

Hidetaka Seo; Koji Okuhara; Hitoshi Kurumizaka; Takatomi Yamada; Takehiko Shibata; Kunihiro Ohta; Tetsu Akiyama; Hiromu Murofushi

DNA unwinding factor (DUF) was discovered as an essential DNA replication factor in Xenopus egg extracts. DUF consists of an HMG protein and a homolog of Cdc68p/Spt16p, and has the capability of unwinding dsDNA. Here we have examined the interaction of DUF with chromatin. DUF was incorporated into chromatin assembled from sperm heads and from plasmid DNA in egg extracts. It was revealed that the chromatin assembled in egg extracts immunodepleted of DUF is less sensitive to micrococcal nuclease (NNase) digestion than that assembled in control extracts, indicating that chromatin containing DUF has more decompact structure than that without DUF. Also we found that DUF has a high affinity for core histones in vitro. We suggest that the function of DUF may be to make the chromatin structure accessible to replication factors.

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