
Scientific Reports | 2015

Epigenetic regulation of the nuclear-coded GCAT and SHMT2 genes confers human age-associated mitochondrial respiration defects

Osamu Hashizume; Sakiko Ohnishi; Takayuki Mito; Akinori Shimizu; Kaori Ishikawa; Kazuto Nakada; Manabu Soda; Hiroyuki Mano; Sumie Togayachi; Hiroyuki Miyoshi; Keisuke Okita; Jun-Ichi Hayashi

Age-associated accumulation of somatic mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been proposed to be responsible for the age-associated mitochondrial respiration defects found in elderly human subjects. We carried out reprogramming of human fibroblast lines derived from elderly subjects by generating their induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), and examined another possibility, namely that these aging phenotypes are controlled not by mutations but by epigenetic regulation. Here, we show that reprogramming of elderly fibroblasts restores age-associated mitochondrial respiration defects, indicating that these aging phenotypes are reversible and are similar to differentiation phenotypes in that both are controlled by epigenetic regulation, not by mutations in either the nuclear or the mitochondrial genome. Microarray screening revealed that epigenetic downregulation of the nuclear-coded GCAT gene, which is involved in glycine production in mitochondria, is partly responsible for these aging phenotypes. Treatment of elderly fibroblasts with glycine effectively prevented the expression of these aging phenotypes.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2014

Transmitochondrial mice as models for primary prevention of diseases caused by mutation in the tRNALys gene

Akinori Shimizu; Takayuki Mito; Chisato Hayashi; Emi Ogasawara; Ryusuke Koba; Issei Negishi; Keizo Takenaga; Kazuto Nakada; Jun-Ichi Hayashi

Significance We generated transmitochondrial mito-mice-tRNALys7731 as models for precise examination of the pathogenesis and transmission profiles of mtDNA mutations in the tRNALys genes and have obtained important information regarding primary prevention of the diseases caused by the mtDNA mutations. Although nuclear transplantation from oocytes of affected mothers into enucleated oocytes of unrelated women has been suggested, the methodology carries the technical risk of inducing nuclear abnormalities and prompts ethical concerns regarding the production of three-parent babies with normal mtDNA from unrelated oocyte donors. The current study suggests that the selection of oocytes with high proportions of normal mtDNA from affected mothers can be used to avoid these issues and therefore provides insights into mitochondrial genetics and medicine. We generated transmitochondrial mice (mito-mice) that carry a mutation in the tRNALys gene encoded by mtDNA for use in studies of its pathogenesis and transmission profiles. Because patients with mitochondrial diseases frequently carry mutations in the mitochondrial tRNALys and tRNALeu(UUR) genes, we focused our efforts on identifying somatic mutations of these genes in mouse lung carcinoma P29 cells. Of the 43 clones of PCR products including the tRNALys or tRNALeu(UUR) genes in mtDNA of P29 cells, one had a potentially pathogenic mutation (G7731A) in the tRNALys gene. P29 subclones with predominant amounts of G7731A mtDNA expressed respiration defects, thus suggesting the pathogenicity of this mutation. We then transferred G7731A mtDNA into mouse ES cells and obtained F0 chimeric mice. Mating these F0 mice with C57BL/6J (B6) male mice resulted in the generation of F1 mice with G7731A mtDNA, named “mito-mice-tRNALys7731.” Maternal inheritance and random segregation of G7731A mtDNA occurred in subsequent generations. Mito-mice-tRNALys7731 with high proportions of G7731A mtDNA exclusively expressed respiration defects and disease-related phenotypes and therefore are potential models for mitochondrial diseases due to mutations in the mitochondrial tRNALys gene. Moreover, the proportion of mutated mtDNA varied markedly among the pups born to each dam, suggesting that selecting oocytes with high proportions of normal mtDNA from affected mothers with tRNALys-based mitochondrial diseases may be effective as a primary prevention for obtaining unaffected children.

PLOS ONE | 2013

Mitochondrial DNA Mutations in Mutator Mice Confer Respiration Defects and B-Cell Lymphoma Development

Takayuki Mito; Yoshiaki Kikkawa; Akinori Shimizu; Osamu Hashizume; Shun Katada; Hirotake Imanishi; Azusa Ota; Yukina Kato; Kazuto Nakada; Jun-Ichi Hayashi

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutator mice are proposed to express premature aging phenotypes including kyphosis and hair loss (alopecia) due to their carrying a nuclear-encoded mtDNA polymerase with a defective proofreading function, which causes accelerated accumulation of random mutations in mtDNA, resulting in expression of respiration defects. On the contrary, transmitochondrial mito-miceΔ carrying mtDNA with a large-scale deletion mutation (ΔmtDNA) also express respiration defects, but not express premature aging phenotypes. Here, we resolved this discrepancy by generating mtDNA mutator mice sharing the same C57BL/6J (B6J) nuclear background with that of mito-miceΔ. Expression patterns of premature aging phenotypes are very close, when we compared between homozygous mtDNA mutator mice carrying a B6J nuclear background and selected mito-miceΔ only carrying predominant amounts of ΔmtDNA, in their expression of significant respiration defects, kyphosis, and a short lifespan, but not the alopecia. Therefore, the apparent discrepancy in the presence and absence of premature aging phenotypes in mtDNA mutator mice and mito-miceΔ, respectively, is partly the result of differences in the nuclear background of mtDNA mutator mice and of the broad range of ΔmtDNA proportions of mito-miceΔ used in previous studies. We also provided direct evidence that mtDNA abnormalities in homozygous mtDNA mutator mice are responsible for respiration defects by demonstrating the co-transfer of mtDNA and respiration defects from mtDNA mutator mice into mtDNA-less (ρ0) mouse cells. Moreover, heterozygous mtDNA mutator mice had a normal lifespan, but frequently developed B-cell lymphoma, suggesting that the mtDNA abnormalities in heterozygous mutator mice are not sufficient to induce a short lifespan and aging phenotypes, but are able to contribute to the B-cell lymphoma development during their prolonged lifespan.

G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics | 2013

Mitochondrial DNA with a Large-Scale Deletion Causes Two Distinct Mitochondrial Disease Phenotypes in Mice

Shun Katada; Takayuki Mito; Emi Ogasawara; Jun-Ichi Hayashi; Kazuto Nakada

Studies in patients have suggested that the clinical phenotypes of some mitochondrial diseases might transit from one disease to another (e.g., Pearson syndrome [PS] to Kearns-Sayre syndrome) in single individuals carrying mitochondrial (mt) DNA with a common deletion (∆mtDNA), but there is no direct experimental evidence for this. To determine whether ∆mtDNA has the pathologic potential to induce multiple mitochondrial disease phenotypes, we used trans-mitochondrial mice with a heteroplasmic state of wild-type mtDNA and ∆mtDNA (mito-mice∆). Late-stage embryos carrying ≥50% ∆mtDNA showed abnormal hematopoiesis and iron metabolism in livers that were partly similar to PS (PS-like phenotypes), although they did not express sideroblastic anemia that is a typical symptom of PS. More than half of the neonates with PS-like phenotypes died by 1 month after birth, whereas the rest showed a decrease of ∆mtDNA load in the affected tissues, peripheral blood and liver, and they recovered from PS-like phenotypes. The proportion of ∆mtDNA in various tissues of the surviving mito-mice∆ increased with time, and Kearns-Sayre syndrome−like phenotypes were expressed when the proportion of ∆mtDNA in various tissues reached >70–80%. Our model mouse study clearly showed that a single ∆mtDNA was responsible for at least two distinct disease phenotypes at different ages and suggested that the level and dynamics of ∆mtDNA load in affected tissues would be important for the onset and transition of mitochondrial disease phenotypes in mice.

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 2015

Transmitochondrial mito-miceΔ and mtDNA mutator mice, but not aged mice, share the same spectrum of musculoskeletal disorders

Takayuki Mito; Hikari Ishizaki; Michiko Suzuki; Hitomi Morishima; Azusa Ota; Kaori Ishikawa; Kazuto Nakada; Akiteru Maeno; Toshihiko Shiroishi; Jun-Ichi Hayashi

The spectra of phenotypes associated with aging and mitochondrial diseases sometimes appear to overlap with each other. We used aged mice and a mouse model of mitochondrial diseases (transmitochondrial mito-miceΔ with deleted mtDNA) to study whether premature aging phenotypes observed in mtDNA mutator mice are associated with aging or mitochondrial diseases. Here, we provide convincing evidence that all the mice examined had musculoskeletal disorders of osteoporosis and muscle atrophy, which correspond to phenotypes prevalently observed in the elderly. However, precise investigation of musculoskeletal disorders revealed that the spectra of osteoporosis and muscle atrophy phenotypes in mtDNA mutator mice were very close to those in mito-miceΔ, but different from those of aged mice. Therefore, mtDNA mutator mice and mito-miceΔ, but not aged mice, share the spectra of musculoskeletal disorders.

Scientific Reports | 2018

Mice deficient in the Shmt2 gene have mitochondrial respiration defects and are embryonic lethal

Haruna Tani; Sakiko Ohnishi; Hiroshi Shitara; Takayuki Mito; Midori Yamaguchi; Hiromichi Yonekawa; Osamu Hashizume; Kaori Ishikawa; Kazuto Nakada; Jun-Ichi Hayashi

Accumulation of somatic mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been proposed to be responsible for human aging and age-associated mitochondrial respiration defects. However, our previous findings suggested an alternative hypothesis of human aging—that epigenetic changes but not mutations regulate age-associated mitochondrial respiration defects, and that epigenetic downregulation of nuclear-coded genes responsible for mitochondrial translation [e.g., glycine C-acetyltransferase (GCAT), serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2 (SHMT2)] is related to age-associated respiration defects. To examine our hypothesis, here we generated mice deficient in Gcat or Shmt2 and investigated whether they have respiration defects and premature aging phenotypes. Gcat-deficient mice showed no macroscopic abnormalities including premature aging phenotypes for up to 9 months after birth. In contrast, Shmt2-deficient mice showed embryonic lethality after 13.5 days post coitum (dpc), and fibroblasts obtained from 12.5-dpc Shmt2-deficient embryos had respiration defects and retardation of cell growth. Because Shmt2 substantially controls production of N-formylmethionine-tRNA (fMet-tRNA) in mitochondria, its suppression would reduce mitochondrial translation, resulting in expression of the respiration defects in fibroblasts from Shmt2-deficient embryos. These findings support our hypothesis that age-associated respiration defects in fibroblasts of elderly humans are caused not by mtDNA mutations but by epigenetic regulation of nuclear genes including SHMT2.

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 2015

Mouse somatic mutation orthologous to MELAS A3302G mutation in the mitochondrial tRNA(Leu(UUR)) gene confers respiration defects.

Akinori Shimizu; Shunkei Enoki; Kaori Ishikawa; Takayuki Mito; Kanae Obata; Ruriko Nagashima; Hiromichi Yonekawa; Kazuto Nakada; Jun-Ichi Hayashi

We searched for mtDNA harboring somatic mutations in mouse B82 cells, and found an A2748G mutation orthologous to the A3302G mutation in tRNA(Leu(UUR)) gene reported in a patient with MELAS, the most prevalent mitochondrial disease. We isolated subclones of B82 cells until we obtained one subclone harboring >95% A2748G mtDNA. Cytoplasmic transfer of A2748G mtDNA resulted in cotransfer of A2748G mtDNA and respiration defects into mouse ES cells. Thus, A2748G mtDNA is responsible for respiration defects, and the ES cells harboring A2748G mtDNA may be useful for generation of transmitochondrial mice harboring A2748G mtDNA as potential disease models of MELAS.

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 2015

G7731A mutation in mouse mitochondrial tRNALys regulates late-onset disorders in transmitochondrial mice

Akinori Shimizu; Takayuki Mito; Osamu Hashizume; Hiromichi Yonekawa; Kaori Ishikawa; Kazuto Nakada; Jun-Ichi Hayashi

We previously generated mito-mice-tRNA(Lys7731) as a model for primary prevention of mitochondrial diseases. These mice harbour a G7731A mtDNA mutation in the tRNA(Lys) gene, but express only muscle weakness and short body length by four months. Here, we examined the effects of their aging on metabolic and histologic features. Unlike young mito-mice-tRNA(Lys7731), aged mito-mice-tRNA(Lys7731) developed muscle atrophy, renal failures, and various metabolic abnormalities, such as lactic acidosis and anemia, characteristic of patients with mitochondrial diseases. These observations provide convincing evidence that the respiration defects induced by high G7731A mtDNA levels cause these late-onset disorders that are relevant to mitochondrial diseases.

Experimental Animals | 2018

Mito-mice∆ and mitochondrial DNA mutator mice as models of human osteoporosis caused not by aging but by hyperparathyroidism

Takayuki Mito; Haruna Tani; Michiko Suzuki; Kaori Ishikawa; Kazuto Nakada; Jun-Ichi Hayashi

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutator mice showing accelerated accumulation of mtDNA with somatic mutations are potentially useful models of human aging, whereas mito-miceΔ showing accelerated accumulation of mtDNA with a deletion mutation (ΔmtDNA) are potentially useful models of mitochondrial diseases but not human aging, even though both models express an age-associated decrease in mitochondrial respiration. Because osteoporosis is the only premature aging phenotype observed in mtDNA mutator mice with the C57BL/6J nuclear genetic background, our previous study precisely examined its expression spectra and reported that both mtDNA mutator mice and mito-miceΔ, but not aged mice, developed decreased cortical bone thickness. Moreover, decreased cortical bone thickness is usually not seen in aged humans but is commonly seen in the patients with hyperparathyroidism caused by oversecretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH). In the present study, we showed higher concentrations of blood PTH in mtDNA mutator mice and mito-miceΔ than in aged mice. We also found that both models developed decreased mitochondrial respiration in the duodenum or renal tubules, which would lead to hypocalcemia, oversecretion of PTH, and ultimately osteoporosis. Thus, mtDNA mutator mice and mito-miceΔ may be useful models of human osteoporosis caused not by aging but by hyperparathyroidism.

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 2015

A somatic T15091C mutation in the Cytb gene of mouse mitochondrial DNA dominantly induces respiration defects

Chisato Hayashi; Gaku Takibuchi; Akinori Shimizu; Takayuki Mito; Kaori Ishikawa; Kazuto Nakada; Jun-Ichi Hayashi

Our previous studies provided evidence that mammalian mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations that cause mitochondrial respiration defects behave in a recessive manner, because the induction of respiration defects could be prevented with the help of a small proportion (10%-20%) of mtDNA without the mutations. However, subsequent studies found the induction of respiration defects by the accelerated accumulation of a small proportion of mtDNA with various somatic mutations, indicating the presence of mtDNA mutations that behave in a dominant manner. Here, to provide the evidence for the presence of dominant mutations in mtDNA, we used mouse lung carcinoma P29 cells and examined whether some mtDNA molecules possess somatic mutations that dominantly induce respiration defects. Cloning and sequence analysis of 40-48 mtDNA molecules from P29 cells was carried out to screen for somatic mutations in protein-coding genes, because mutations in these genes could dominantly regulate respiration defects by formation of abnormal polypeptides. We found 108 missense mutations existing in one or more of 40-48 mtDNA molecules. Of these missense mutations, a T15091C mutation in the Cytb gene was expected to be pathogenic due to the presence of its orthologous mutation in mtDNA from a patient with cardiomyopathy. After isolation of many subclones from parental P29 cells, we obtained subclones with various proportions of T15091C mtDNA, and showed that the respiration defects were induced in a subclone with only 49% T15091C mtDNA. Because the induction of respiration defects could not be prevented with the help of the remaining 51% mtDNA without the T15091C mutation, the results indicate that the T15091C mutation in mtDNA dominantly induced the respiration defects.

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