Tal Rabin
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Featured researches published by Tal Rabin.
theory and application of cryptographic techniques | 1999
Rosario Gennaro; Stanislaw Jarecki; Hugo Krawczyk; Tal Rabin
A Distributed Key Generation (DKG) protocol is an essential component of threshold cryptosystems required to initialize the cryptosystem securely and generate its private and public keys. In the case of discrete-log-based (dlog-based) threshold signature schemes (ElGamal and its derivatives), the DKG protocol is further used in the distributed signature generation phase to generate one-time signature randomizers (r = gk). In this paper we show that a widely used dlog-based DKG protocol suggested by Pedersen does not guarantee a uniformly random distribution of generated keys: we describe an efficient active attacker controlling a small number of parties which successfully biases the values of the generated keys away from uniform. We then present a new DKG protocol for the setting of dlog-based cryptosystems which we prove to satisfy the security requirements from DKG protocols and, in particular, it ensures a uniform distribution of the generated keys. The new protocol can be used as a secure replacement for the many applications of Pedersens protocol. Motivated by the fact that the new DKG protocol incurs additional communication cost relative to Pedersens original protocol, we investigate whether the latter can be used in specific applications which require relaxed security properties from the DKG protocol. We answer this question affirmatively by showing that Pedersens protocol suffices for the secure implementation of certain threshold cryptosystems whose security can be reduced to the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem. In particular, we show Pedersens DKG to be sufficient for the construction of a threshold Schnorr signature scheme. Finally, we observe an interesting trade-off between security (reductions), computation, and communication that arises when comparing Pedersens DKG protocol with ours.
Information & Computation | 2001
Rosario Gennaro; Stanislaw Jarecki; Hugo Krawczyk; Tal Rabin
We present threshold DSS (digital signature standard) signatures where the power to sign is shared by n players such that for a given parameter t
theory and application of cryptographic techniques | 1998
Mihir Bellare; Juan A. Garay; Tal Rabin
Many tasks in cryptography (e.g., digital signature verification) call for verification of a basic operation like modular exponentiation in some group: given (g, x, y) check that gx = y. This is typically done by re-computing gx and checking we get y. We would like to do it differently, and faster.
principles of distributed computing | 1998
Rosario Gennaro; Michael Oser Rabin; Tal Rabin
The goal of this paper is to introduce a simple verifiable secret sharing scheme, to improve the efficiency of known secure multiparty protocols and, by employing these techniques, to improve the efficiency of applications which use these protocols. First we present a very simple Verifiable Secret Sharing protocol which is based on fast cryptographic primitives and avoids altogether the need for expensive zero-knowledge proofs. This is followed by a highly simplified protocol to compute multiplications over shared secrets. This is a major component in secure multiparty computation protocols and accounts for much of the complexity of proposed solutions. Using our protocol as a plug-in unit in known protocols reduces their complexity. We show how to achieve efficient multiparty computations in the computational model, through the application of homomorphic commitments. Finally, we present fast-track multiparty computation protocols. In a model in which malicious faults are rare we show that it is possible to carry out a simpler and more efficient protocol which does not perform all the expensive checks needed to combat a malicious adversary from foiling the computation. Yet, the protocol still enables detection of faults and recovers the computation when faults occur without giving any information advantage to the adversary. This results in protocols which are much more efficient under normal operation of the system i.e. when there are no faults. As an example of the practical impact of our work we show how our techniques can be used to greatly improve the speed and the fault-tolerance of existing threshold cryptography protocols. * IBM T.J. Watscm Research Center, PO Box 704, Yorktowo Heights, New York 10598, USA Email: rosarioOwatsotl.ibnl.coln. + Harvard University sod Hebrew University. Email: [email protected] * IBM ‘f.J. Watsoo Research Center, PO Box 704, Yorktowo Heights, New York 10598, USA Email: talrOwatsoll.ibtn.corlr. Contact author Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for pelmal cr ClassroOm use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear tbii notice and the fit11 citation on the fti page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redisbibute to lists, requires prior specific permission a&or a fee. PODC 98 Fkerto Vallarta Mexico Copyright ACM 1998th89791.97%7/9816...
international cryptology conference | 1998
Tal Rabin
international cryptology conference | 2003
Ran Canetti; Tal Rabin
We present a solution to both the robust threshold RSA and proactive RSA problems. Our solutions are conceptually simple, and allow for an easy design of the system. The signing key, in our solution, is shared at all times in additive form, which allows for simple signing and for a particularly efficient and straightforward refreshing process for proactivization. The key size is (up to a very small constant) the size of the RSA modulus, and the protocol runs in constant time, even when faults occur, unlike previous protocols where either the size of the key has a linear blow-up (at best) in the number of players or the run time of the protocol is linear in the number of faults. The protocol is optimal in its resilience as it can tolerate a minority of faulty players. Furthermore, unlike previous solutions, the existence and availability of the key throughout the lifetime of the system, is guaranteed without probability of error.
theory and application of cryptographic techniques | 1999
Ronald Cramer; Ivan Damgård; Stefan Dziembowski; Martin Hirt; Tal Rabin
Cryptographic systems often involve running multiple concurrent instances of some protocol, where the instances have some amount of joint state and randomness. (Examples include systems where multiple protocol instances use the same public-key infrastructure, or the same common reference string.) Rather than attempting to analyze the entire system as a single unit, we would like to be able to analyze each such protocol instance as stand-alone, and then use a general composition theorem to deduce the security of the entire system. However, no known composition theorem applies in this setting, since they all assume that the composed protocol instances have disjoint internal states, and that the internal random choices in the various executions are independent. We propose a new composition operation that can handle the case where different components have some amount of joint state and randomness, and demonstrate sufficient conditions for when the new operation preserves security. The new operation, which is called universal composition with joint state (and is based on the recently proposed universal composition operation), turns out to be very useful in a number of quite different scenarios such as those mentioned above.
symposium on the theory of computing | 1993
Ran Canetti; Tal Rabin
We consider verifiable secret sharing (VSS) and multiparty computation (MPC) in the secure-channels model, where a broadcast channel is given and a non-zero error probability is allowed. In this model Rabin and Ben-Or proposed VSS and MPC protocols secure against an adversary that can corrupt any minority of the players. In this paper, we first observe that a subprotocol of theirs, known as weak secret sharing (WSS), is not secure against an adaptive adversary, contrary to what was believed earlier. We then propose new and adaptively secure protocols for WSS, VSS and MPC that are substantially more efficient than the original ones. Our protocols generalize easily to provide security against general Q2-adversaries.
Journal of Cryptology | 2007
Rosario Gennaro; Tal Rabin; Hugo Krawczyk
Fast Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement with Optimal Resilience
theory of cryptography conference | 2004
Rosario Gennaro; Anna Lysyanskaya; Tal Malkin; Silvio Micali; Tal Rabin
We present the first undeniable signatures scheme based on RSA. Since their introduction in 1989 a significant amount of work has been devoted to the investigation of undeniable signatures. So far, this work has been based on discrete log systems. In contrast, our scheme uses regular RSA signatures to generate undeniable signatures. In this new setting, both the signature and verification exponents of RSA are kept secret by the signer, while the public key consists of a composite modulus and a sample RSA signature on a single public message. Our scheme possesses several attractive properties. First, provable security, as forging the undeniable signatures is as hard as forging regular RSA signatures. Second, both the confirmation and denial protocols are zero-knowledge. In addition, these protocols are efficient (particularly, the confirmation protocol involves only two rounds of communication and a small number of exponentiations). Furthermore, the RSA-based structure of our scheme provides with simple and elegant solutions to add several of the more advanced properties of undeniable signatures found in the literature, including convertibility of the undeniable signatures (into publicly verifiable ones), the possibility to delegate the ability to confirm and deny signatures to a third party without giving up the power to sign, and the existence of distributed (threshold) versions of the signing and confirmation operations. Due to the above properties and the fact that our undeniable nsignatures are identical in form to standard RSA signatures, the scheme we present becomes a very attractive candidate for practical implementations.