Tatiana Begotti
University of Turin
Journal of Prevention & Intervention in The Community | 2012
Antonella Roggero; Tatiana Begotti; Gabriella Borca; Silvia Ciairano
This longitudinal study aimed to investigate the contributions of family functioning (in terms of support and control) to the development of civic engagement in term of personal values (i.e., values related to health, school, religion, and disapproval of deviance) as well as participation in groups that pursue cultural, religious-volunteer, and sport goals. The study controlled for sociodemographic factors, such as parental level of education and integrity of the family. Two waves of data were collected among 175 Italian late adolescents at a one-year interval. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that the average level of parental support positively related to both health value and religion value; increased parental control positively related to health value and disapproval of deviance; and average levels of both parental support and control positively related to religious-volunteer group. However, increased parental support negatively related to participation in a cultural group. The discussion focused on the important role of the family in current Italian society for youth socialization in regard to civic engagement.
Research Papers in Education | 2017
Tatiana Begotti; Maurizio Tirassa; Daniela Acquadro Maran
Abstract We compared the respective attitudes of pre-service teachers (PST) and in-service teachers (IST) towards bullying. A questionnaire survey was administered to 110 PST and 128 IST. Self-efficacy beliefs, external locus of causality and empathy for the victims were higher in IST than PST. Perceived seriousness of bullying and likelihood of intervention were higher in IST, but only in the case of overt bullying. In both PST and IST the perceived seriousness of the episode, whether overt or covert, was associated with greater empathy for the victim and greater propensity to intervene. In IST, only in the case of covert bullying, the perceived seriousness of the episode, empathy with the victims, and likelihood of intervention were negatively related to the recommendation of maladaptive strategies. These results, and their consequences on teachers’ training programmes and school preventive intervention, are discussed.
Frontiers in Education | 2017
Daniela Acquadro Maran; Maurizio Tirassa; Tatiana Begotti
The chances that a teacher will intervene in a case of bullying appear to be associated to several variables which may be resumed as the confidence that he has in his capability to deal with problems at school. In accordance with Social Cognitive Theory and Attribution Theory, the three factor model of self-confidence was used to investigate the differences between pre-service (PST) and in service teachers (IST). A qualitative approach was used to examine the strategies of intervention suggested against bullying at school by teachers. Results showed that there are different profiles to PSTs and ISTs. In both groups, participants with low outcome expectations revealed a propension to intervention in the classroom, while those characterized by high external locus of control tend to intervene only upon the victims and the bullies. ISTs with high outcome expectations are the group most likely to intervene directly, because they are self-confident in their abilities to put an end to the problem. Overall, the data show that professional experience is important for the interpretation of the phenomenon and remedies suggested. This does not mean that interventions suggested by IST are necessarily effective, but that they tend to have a stronger sense of self-efficacy.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2018
Tatiana Begotti; Maurizio Tirassa; Daniela Acquadro Maran
Background: The aim of the study was to compare the level of self-confidence in dealing with problems at school, the attitude towards bullying situations and the recommended strategies to cope with bullying in two samples of pre-service teachers (PSTs). The PSTs were in training to become teachers with special education needs students (SEN) and came from two different countries (Italy and Greece). Methods: A questionnaire survey was made involving 110 Italian and 84 Greek PSTs. Results: The results about self-confidence showed that Greek PSTs had lower outcome expectations and a higher external locus of causality than Italian PSTs. Teachers’ training programs and school preventive intervention were also discussed. Conclusions: Because the participants in this investigation will be teachers in the near future, they require specific training on bullying in general and in students with SEN in particular.
Substance Use & Misuse | 2017
Gabriella Borca; Antonella Roggero; Peggy S. Keller; Eric A. Haak; Tatiana Begotti
ABSTRACT Background: Tobacco and marijuana smoking are very popular in adolescence and there is a high rate of comorbidity between them, even in young adulthood. Parental support and control may hinder involvement in the use of these substances by promoting conventional values among adolescents. Objectives: The present study investigates the relations between family functioning (parental support and control) and psychoactive substance use (tobacco and marijuana smoking) and determines whether these relationships are mediated by personal values (in terms of disapproval of deviance and beliefs about the importance of school, health and religion). Methods: 175 Italian late adolescents (17 to 20 years old) participated in this two-wave longitudinal study. Data were collected at school through an anonymous questionnaire. Results: Greater parental control and support were directly associated with lower adolescent tobacco and marijuana use; adolescent acceptance of conventional values mediated the association between parenting and adolescent marijuana use. Conclusion: Findings emphasize the influence of family relationships throughout adolescence. The transmission of conventional values to adolescents may be a critical mechanism through which parenting protects adolescents from substance use, especially marijuana use.
Emanuela Calandri; Tatiana Begotti; Manuela Bina; Elena Cattelino
Il consumo di alcolici comporta nella prima adolescenza molteplici rischi per la salute anche in caso di assunzione moderata e occasionale e rischi ancora maggiori nel caso di assunzione eccessiva in un’unica occasione (binge drinking). I fattori che favoriscono o contrastano il bere in adolescenza sono molteplici, strettamente legati alle problematiche di sviluppo adolescenziali e di natura individuale e sociale. Il presente studio analizza il consumo di alcol (stimato in base al consumo di birra, bevanda alcolica piu diffusa nella popolazione giovanile dalla quale e stato estratto il campione studiato) nella prima adolescenza in rapporto a un complesso sistema di variabili, personali e sociali, al fine di individuare i principali correlati del consumo di birra e del binge drinking. Uno specifico questionario self-report e stato compilato anonimamente da 506 14-15enni di ambo i generi, residenti in Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta, da cui sono stati selezionati per lo studio 328 adolescenti (maschi 46%) consumatori di alcolici. Piu del 90% di questi ultimi ha bevuto birra negli ultimi due mesi, in misura maggiore maschi e quindicenni, mentre il 31% e incorso in almeno un episodio di binge drinking nello stesso periodo, senza differenze statisticamente significative legate al genere o all’eta. Il coinvolgimento in entrambi i comportamenti e principalmente legato a fattori sociali, quali il bere nei contesti amicali e il bere in presenza dei genitori. Fra i fattori personali, l’autoefficacia regolatoria e significativamente legata a un minore coinvolgimento. A fini di prevenzione, i risultati evidenziano l’importanza di agire in questa specifica fascia d’eta non solo a livello individuale e del gruppo dei pari, ma anche a livello familiare.
Tatiana Begotti; Gabriella Borca; Emanula Calandri; Silvia Bonino
Il presente articolo riguarda un’indagine conoscitiva sull’autoefficacia del medico nel ruolo di formatore. Il gruppo esaminato e costituito da 96 medici che hanno partecipato ad un corso di formazione che li preparava a diventare essi stessi formatori dei medici di famiglia, con l’obiettivo generale di promuovere la salute e prevenire le malattie oncologiche e cardiovascolari degli assistiti. Per la raccolta dei dati e stato utilizzato un questionario anonimo, volto ad indagare il livello di autoefficacia dei medici prima dell’avvio del corso di formazione. I risultati mostrano un livello di autoefficacia mediamente basso. Non si registrano differenze significative in base al genere dei soggetti esaminati, mentre si riscontrano alcune differenze legate all’eta: i medici piu anziani (46-60 anni) riferiscono, in generale, un livello maggiore di autoefficacia rispetto ai piu giovani (30-45 anni). Questo e vero, in particolare, per aspetti quali promuovere e motivare l’apprendimento dei medici a cui rivolgeranno il corso. D’altra parte, emerge come i medici piu giovani si sentano maggiormente in grado di coinvolgere le istituzioni nell’organizzazione del corso che andranno a svolgere.
Computers in Human Behavior | 2015
Gabriella Borca; Manuela Bina; Peggy S. Keller; Lauren R. Gilbert; Tatiana Begotti
Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo | 2011
Tatiana Begotti; Gabriella Borca; Silvia Ciairano
Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo | 2004
Emanuela Calandri; Gabriella Borca; Tatiana Begotti; Elena Cattelino