Ted Schaner
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Featured researches published by Ted Schaner.
Journal of Great Lakes Research | 1995
Joseph H. Elrod; Robert O’Gorman; Clifford P. Schneider; Thomas H. Eckert; Ted Schaner; James N. Bowlby; Larry P. Schleen
Attempts to maintain the native lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) population in Lake Ontario by stocking fry failed and the species was extirpated by the 1950s. Hatchery fish stocked in the 1960s did not live to maturity because of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) predation and incidental commercial harvest. Suppression of sea lampreys began with larvicide treatments of Lake Ontario tributaries in 1971 and was enhanced when the tributaries of Oneida Lake and Lake Erie were treated in the 1980s. Annual stocking of hatchery fish was resumed with the 1972 year class and peaked at about 1.8 million yearlings and 0.3 million fingerlings from the 1985–1990 year classes. Survival of stocked yearlings declined over 50% in the 1980 s and was negatively correlated with the abundance of lake trout > 550 mm long (r = −0.91, P < 0.01, n = 12). A slot length limit imposed by the State of New York for the 1988 fishing season reduced angler harvest. Angler harvest in Canadian waters was 3 times higher in eastern Lake Ontario than in western Lake Ontario. For the 1977–1984 year classes, mean annual survival rate of lake trout age 6 and older was 0.45 (range: 0.35–0.56). In U.S. waters during 1985–1992, the total number of lake trout harvested by anglers was about 2.4 times greater than that killed by sea lampreys. The number of unmarked lake trout < 250 mm long in trawl catches in 1978–1992 was not different from that expected due to loss of marks and failure to apply marks at the hatchery, and suggested that recruitment of naturally-produced fish was nil. However, many of the obstacles which may have impeded lake trout rehabilitation in Lake Ontario during the 1980s are slowly being removed, and there are signs of a general ecosystem recovery. Significant recruitment of naturally produced lake trout by the year 2000, one interim objective of the rehabilitation plan for the Lake, may be achieved.
Journal of Great Lakes Research | 2010
Ana Carolina Taraborelli; Michael G. Fox; Timothy B. Johnson; Ted Schaner
ABSTRACT We compared round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) population structure and biomass, estimated the quantity of prey consumed by round goby and assessed predation on round goby in two areas of the Bay of Quinte (upper and lower bay) that were invaded by this species two years apart. A bioenergetics approach was used to estimate round goby consumption and to illustrate the influence of changes in the round goby biomass, from May to October in both areas of the bay. Mean round goby biomass was 5 tonnes/km2 for the upper bay and 11.2 tonnes/km2 for the lower bay. Round goby populations were dominated by age-0 to age-2 individuals; older individuals were rare although they constituted a greater portion of total biomass in the earlier invaded lower bay than the upper bay. Estimated round goby consumption was 78.4 tonnes/km2 for the upper bay and 127.1 tonnes/km2 for the lower bay; dreissenids were the most important prey followed by chironomids, Zooplankton and amphipods. Diet analysis showed that round gobies were consumed by all predator species analyzed, and constituted a high percentage of stomach content biomass in yellow perch (Perca flavescens), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and northern pike (Esox lucius). Age structure differences between the upper and lower bay are consistent with those expected between expanding and stable populations.
Journal of Great Lakes Research | 1999
Robert C. Bailey; Lee Grapentine; Thomas J. Stewart; Ted Schaner; Margo E. Chase; Jeremy S. Mitchell; Robert A. Coulas
The total abundance in Lake Ontario of Dreissena polymorpha (Dreissenidae), the zebra mussel, and D. bugensis (Dreissenidae), the quagga mussel, was calculated by aggregating data from several surveys carried out in 1991 to 94. In 1993, there were between 3.0 × 10 and 8.7 × 1012 Dreissenidae mussels in Lake Ontario. A filtration model was contructed using depth-specific density estimates, a digital bathymetric map of the lake, and literature estimates of clearance rates for individual mussels. With reasonable estimates of both densities and filtration rates, the mean, area-weighted, turnover time of Lake Ontario water by dreissenid mussels was about 1 year. At the smaller spatial scale of the Bay of Quinte, the same model estimated turnover times of 0.05, 0.2, and 10 days for the lower, middle, and upper areas of the bay, respectively. Depth-specific secondary production estimates for dreissenids, combined with literature estimates of net primary production and energy transfer efficiencies, were incorporated into a food demand model that indicated about 1.25 gC/y mussel of food in Lake Ontario and a consumption efficiency of 50%. At the smaller spatial scale of the Bay of Quinte, the same model estimated one to two orders of magnitude less food per mussel and 62%, 130% and 115% consumption efficiency for the lower, middle and upper areas of the bay, respectively. Dreissenidae mussels may not have a huge impact on the Lake Ontario food web when considered at a whole-lake scale, but their potentially striking impact at the smaller spatial scale of embayments like the Bay of Quinte indicate that they may be locally important. When these effects are aggregated across several sub-systems, Dreissenidae mussels may have unpredictable, larger scale effects in the Lake Ontario ecosystem as a whole.
Journal of Great Lakes Research | 2010
Maureen G. Walsh; Brian F. Lantry; Brent T. Boscarino; Kelly L. Bowen; Jocelyn Gerlofsma; Ted Schaner; Richard C. Back; Jennifer Questel; A. Garry Smythe; Roberta Cap; Michael Goehle; Bryan Young; Marc A. Chalupnicki; James H. Johnson; James E. McKenna
ABSTRACT Hemimysis anomala, a Ponto-Caspian littoral mysid, is an emerging Great Lakes invader that was discovered in Lakes Michigan and Ontario in 2006. Similar to the native mysid Mysis diluviana, Hemimysis exhibits a diel vertical migration pattern but generally inhabits shallower and warmer waters than M. diluviana. Because basic information on the distribution, habitat use, and biology of Hemimysis in the Great Lakes is scarce, the potential for food web disruption by Hemimysis cannot easily be predicted. Preliminary observations indicate widespread invasion of Hemimysis in Lake Ontario. In this study, we confirm the presence of Hemimysis at sites spanning the northern and southern shores of Lake Ontario and the presence of the individuals during winter months. In one horizontal tow in November 2007, over 26,000 individuals were collected with a length range of 4.4 to 9.0 mm and an average caloric density of 611 cal/g wet weight. The most effective methods for sampling Hemimysis were horizontal tows with either a Zooplankton net in the water column or a benthic sled near the lake bottom. Although more quantitative data on the life history and distribution of this species is necessary, our preliminary observations support the prediction that the potential for Hemimysis to impact the nearshore food web in Lake Ontario appears high.
Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management | 2008
Lars G. Rudstam; Ted Schaner; Gideon Gal; Brent T. Boscarino; Robert O'Gorman; David M. Warner; Ora E. Johannsson; Kelly L. Bowen
Mysis relicta can be observed on echograms as a sound scattering layer when they migrate into the water column at night to feed on zooplankton. However, quantitative measures of mysid abundance with hydroacoustics requires knowledge of mysid target strength (TS), a method of removing fish echoes and contribution from noise, and an understanding of the effect of range on the ability of hydroacoustics to detect mysids (the detection limit). Comparisons of paired net data and acoustics data from July 7, 2005 yielded a mysid TS of −86.3 dB (9 mm animal) and a biomass TS of −58.4 dB (g dry wt)−1. With ambient noise levels (S v of −125 dB at 1 m depth) and this TS, we can detect a mysid density of 1 m−3 at 60 m depth with a signal to noise ratio of 3 dB. We present a method to remove backscattering from both noise and fish and apply this method and the new TS data to whole lake acoustic data from Lake Ontario collected in July 25–31, 2005 with a 120 kHz echosounder as part of the annual standard fish survey in that lake. Mysis abundance was strongly depth dependent, with highest densities in areas with bottom depth > 100 m, and few mysids in areas with bottom depth < 50 m. With the data stratified in five bottom depth strata (> 100 m, 100-75 m, 75–50 m, 50–30 m, < 30 m), the whole-lake average mysid density was 118 m−2 (CV 21%) and the whole-lake average mysid biomass was 0.19 g dry wt m−2 (CV 22%) in July 2005. The CVs of these densities also account for uncertainty in the TS estimates. This is comparable to whole-lake density estimates using vertical net tows in November, 2005 (93 m−2, CV 16%).
Journal of Great Lakes Research | 1995
Michaela Zint; William W. Taylor; Leon M. Carl; Carol C. Edsall; John W. Heinrich; Al Sippel; Dennis S. Lavis; Ted Schaner
Toxic substances have been suspected of being one of the causes of Great Lakes lake trout reproductive failure. Because toxic substances are present in the Great Lakes basin, managers should be aware of the role of contaminants in preventing lake trout rehabilitation. This paper summarizes studies which have sought to establish a relation between toxic substances and lake trout mortality or morbidity, and offers recommendations for future research and management. The review suggests that exposure to toxic substances has the possibility of affecting the species’ rehabilitation. A variety of toxic substances, specifically organochlorine compounds, concentrated in lake trout eggs, fry, and the environment, have affected the hatching success of lake trout in the laboratory, but the strength of the relation between toxic substances and lake trout mortality and morbidity in the field remains unclear. In order to clarify this relation, more information is needed on lake trout physiology, biochemistry, behavior, and genetics. An interdisciplinary workshop should be convened to evaluate existing evidence by epidemiological methods, to set priorities for further research, and to develop management strategies.
Journal of Great Lakes Research | 2009
Ana Carolina Taraborelli; Michael G. Fox; Ted Schaner; Timothy B. Johnson
ABSTRACT We assessed round goby (Apollonia melanostoma) density and size structure in two sections of the Bay of Quinte (Lake Ontario) that had been invaded by this species two years apart. Round goby density was assessed with 50 m linear transects, recorded with an underwater video recording apparatus developed for this study that included a depth sounder for maintaining a fixed distance above the substrate. The highest mean round goby densities were observed in the shallowest depth zone (1.5–3 m) at both sites, but there were differences between the sites in the habitat types where the highest densities occurred and there were no significant density differences among habitat types at either site (rock with sparse vegetation, mud with sparse vegetation, sand/mud with moderate vegetation cover). In the upper bay, mean body length of round gobies declined with depth, whereas in the lower bay, mean round goby length was greatest in the deepest zone. Mean body length of round gobies did not differ significantly by habitat type in either section of the bay.
Journal of Great Lakes Research | 2009
Ted Schaner; Michael G. Fox; Ana Carolina Taraborelli
ABSTRACT A system for visual surveys of bottom fishes, assembled from readily available components, is described. A camera and a depth sounder transducer are mounted on a towed body. The camera captures the images, and the depth sounder measures the distance between the camera and the bottom. A video recorder is used to record the data—the video channel for the image, and the audio channel for distance information, which is dictated from the depth sounder display into a microphone. A relationship between distance and magnification is used to estimate the width of the survey path and the size of surveyed objects. A comparison of round goby (Apollonia melanostoma) density estimated by repeated seining and use of the underwater visual apparatus showed that the smallest individuals are underrepresented by the visual assessment, but the visual method detects about 85% of the 50 mm TL or larger gobies.
Journal of Great Lakes Research | 1996
Joseph H. Elrod; Robert O’Gorman; Clifford P. Schneider; Ted Schaner
Geographical distributions of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) stocked at seven locations in U.S. waters and at four locations in Canadian waters of Lake Ontario were determined from fish caught with gill nets in September in 17 areas of U.S. waters and at 10 fixed locations in Canadian waters in 1986–95. For fish of a given strain stocked at a given location, geographical distributions were not different for immature males and immature females or for mature males and mature females. The proportion of total catch at the three locations nearest the stocking location was higher for mature fish than for immature fish in all 24 available comparisons (sexes combined) and was greater for fish stocked as yearlings than for those stocked as fingerlings in all eight comparisons. Mature fish were relatively widely dispersed from stocking locations indicating that their tendency to return to stocking locations for spawning was weak, and there was no appreciable difference in this tendency among strains. Mature lake trout were uniformly distributed among sampling locations, and the strain composition at stocking locations generally reflected the stocking history 5 to 6 years earlier. Few lake trout moved across Lake Ontario between the north and south shores or between the eastern outlet basin and the main lake basin. Limited dispersal from stocking sites supports the concept of stocking different genetic strains in various parts of the lake with the attributes of each strain selected to match environmental conditions in the portion of the lake where it is stocked.
Journal of Great Lakes Research | 2007
Ted Schaner; William P. Patterson; Brian F. Lantry; Robert O'Gorman
ABSTRACT We investigated the potential for using carbon and oxygen isotope values of otolith carbonate as a method to distinguish naturally produced (wild) lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) from hatchery-reared lake trout in Lake Ontario. We determined δ 13C(CaCO3) and δ 18O(CaCO3) values of otoliths from juvenile fish taken from two hatcheries, and of otoliths from wild yearlings. Clear differences in isotope values were observed between the three groups. Subsequently we examined otoliths from large marked and unmarked fish captured in the lake, determining isotope values for regions of the otolith corresponding to the first year of life. Marked (i.e., stocked) fish showed isotope ratios similar to one of the hatchery groups, whereas unmarked fish, (wild fish or stocked fish that lost the mark) showed isotope ratios similar either to one of the hatchery groups or to the wild group. We interpret these data to suggest that carbon and oxygen isotope values can be used to determine the origin of lake trout in Lake Ontario, if a catalogue of characteristic isotope values from all candidate years and hatcheries is compiled.