Teduh Dirgahayu
Islamic University of Indonesia
international conference on data and software engineering | 2016
Novi Setiani; Teduh Dirgahayu
Flexibility of CMS for managing contents is one of the main reason why CMSs are widely used by content publishers. The challenge behind the flexibility of CMS is how to create a CMS specific to a particular business domain. The usual CMS facilitate users for managing the content without the guidance about organization of information that will be published. However, the information itself usually specific for a particular business domain. So, there is an opportunity to develop specific CMS that already contains the organization of information required by readers in specific business domain. Information requirements organization define the presentation order of information by considering their level of importance. In this paper, we present an approach to information requirement prioritization for specific CMS development using clustering technique. We experiment this approach in a case study of an airport CMS using k-means clustering technique. We use four clusters represents the level of information importance: very important, important, less important and not necessary. The clustering result is interpreted to get the prioritization order of the information items by using the average value.
Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2014
Mardityo Tulus Titanto; Teduh Dirgahayu
Web 2.0 technologies have offered interactive map services on the Internet. Google Maps is a map service that makes available its API (application programming interface) for developing Web-based geospatial applications. In such applications, layers are used to organise spatial data. Using layers, users can abstract from data that are irrelevant to their interest. However, Google Maps API has no direct support to the development of custom layers management. Developers have to design and implement such support in every application they develop. It makes the development processes less efficient and error prone. This paper proposes a software framework to facilitate the development of geospatial applications with custom layers based on Google Maps. Using this framework, developers can produce higher quality applications in shorter time.
ieee conference on open systems | 2014
Teduh Dirgahayu; Novi Setiani; Zainudin Zukhri
ieee conference on open systems | 2015
Teduh Dirgahayu; Novi Setiani; Feri Wijayanto
2015 International Conference on Technology, Informatics, Management, Engineering & Environment (TIME-E) | 2015
Teduh Dirgahayu; Feri Wijayanto
international conference on science in information technology | 2015
Dwiyono Ariyadi; Teduh Dirgahayu
international conference on computer science and information technology | 2018
Teduh Dirgahayu; Syarif Hidayat
Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI) | 2018
Fauzan Awanda Alviansyah; Husein Arif Budiman; Muhammad Zaki Al Ghifari; Aldhiyatika Amwin; Yudhistira Adinugraha Hutabarat; Novi Setiani; Zainudin Zukhri; Teduh Dirgahayu
Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI) | 2018
Muhammad Habib Izdhihar; Safira Yuniar Putri Buana; Muhammad Sulthon Alif; Muhammad Abyanda Tamaza; Dhomas Hatta Fudholi; Teduh Dirgahayu
MATEC Web of Conferences | 2018
Teduh Dirgahayu