Teodora Florian
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture | 2015
Ioana Grozea; Alina Gogan; Mihai Vlad; Ana Maria Virteiu; Ramona Stef; Alin Carabet; S. Damianov; Teodora Florian
The cicada considered for this study is Metcalfa pruinosa (Say), called flatid plant hopper, a species that has recently caught the attention of experts in Romania. In year 2010, it was seen for the first time in the western part of country and it was identified by some routine observations. Is considered a non-native species knowing that originated in America. Objectives focused primarily exploration the territory in the western part, in order to report the first larval colonies and secondly identification of host plants. Observations were made during three years, 2011 to 2013 and included several points located near the western border. For monitoring of the immature stages (larvae, nymphs) direct observations were made in green spaces, parks, vineyards and orchards. Having in mind that larva is the most important stage, if we refer to damage plants, all our attention was directed to this. Somewhat, the results certify the polyphagism of this species, indicating numerous species of infested plants. Among, frequently infested with larval colonies, in green spaces, were Acer negundo, Acer pseudoplatanus, Acer campestre, Acer platanoides, Tilia cordata, Catalpa bignonioides, Juglans regia, Ligustrum vulgare, Hibiscus syriacus, etc. On the other hand, in the vineyards and orchards, plants affected were Malus domestica, Persica vulgaris, Prunus persica, Prunus armeniaca, Prunus domestica and Vitis vinifera . Currently, in the western part of Romania, over 50 host plants were identified, tree species (shrubs, trees, fruit -trees), culture plants (sunflower, soybean) and a lot of herbaceous species. As regards the spread, cicada is present in 7 counties from west of country and continue to expand on the direction of north, south and east.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture | 2014
Ion Oltean; Alexandru Bexa; Teodora Florian; Mircea Varga
Pristiphora abietina Christ. is one of the most dangerous pests of coniferous forest stands, especially at those that are located outside their natural vegetation area. During four years this species was monitored in Lunca Bradului Forestry Department and it has been found that there is a trend of reduced infested areas and the degree of infestation. Infested area decreased from 2.85% (in 2010) to 0.39% (in 2013) of the total area of the Forestry Department. As a result of soil surveys it was found that larval hibernating density ranged from: 1.3 to 25.2 larvae / m² (in 2010, from 1.2 to 6.5 larvae / m² (in 2011) , between 1.1 to 2.9 larvae / m² (in 2012), and between 1.1 to 2.2 larvae / m² (2013). This trend is determined both by the action of chemical control of larvae and due to the contribution of useful entomofauna. In this infested stands, we proceeded to multiplying the ant mounds. Entomofauna of predatory Carabidae collected in Barber traps is represented by 36 species. The dominant species are: Carabus ulrichii Germar. and Harpalus distinguendus Duft.
Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca | 2012
Cristina Soporan; Ion Oltean; Teodora Florian
The aspects of external morphology in the Monarthopalpus buxi species (Rubsaamen) - (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) are important in recognizing and distinguishing this species among other pests, and then in establishing strategies for prevention and fight against this pest. With the purpose of studying morphological aspects, the biological material, that is eggs, larvae, chrysalis, adults, has been collected from the Buxus serpenvirens bushes considered for the study. The biological material has been collected on the leaves (egg, larva, adult), whilst the chrysalis from the interior of the leaf, nearby the median nervure, with the help of utensils (brushes, bolds, spatula, scalpel, scissors). The adults have been captured with the help of colored panels and a brush with 70% alcohol, on leaves, and then introduced in sterile test-tubes with 70% alcohol, and ultimately brought in the laboratory for photos. The eggs and larvae have been collected directly on leaves; three small branches have been collected from each bush and brought in the laboratory for photos within one hour. The chrysalis has been collected from the interior of the leaf; 10 leaves have been collected from each Buxus serpenvirens bush considered for the study, and dissected in the laboratory with the help of two entomological bolds, and then photographed. The photos have been made in the laboratory, at the University of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences in Cluj-Napoca, with a binocular magnifying-glass type Motic (Szm-143, Input 220-240 Vac) and a Sony (Zeiss-Carl, 7,2 Mega pixel, Full Hd-1080) camera.
Agricultura | 2012
Camelia Todoran; Teodora Florian; Cristina Moldovan; Vasile Florian
This paper deals with the influence of age and calibration study on uniformity of flowering and seed production of hybrids obtained in the main grown in Transylvania. The research was conducted in the experimental field of the Research Station during 2009-2010 Jucu and biological material studied was created at SDCA Turda, including hybrids in production and future, namely: TURDA 201, Turda 200 andT-165. The results obtained show that the uniformity of flowering and yields obtained are not influenced by age and size of seeds, plants and flowering deparece between emergence respectively productions, involved too many growth factors that evens out differences in force.
Laura Macavei; Raul Bǎețan; Ion Oltean; Teodora Florian; Mircea Varga; Elena Costi; Lara Maistrello
Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca | 2015
Crisitina Soporan; Ion Oltean; Vasile Florian; Teodora Florian
Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca | 2015
Ion Oltean; Crsitina Soporan; Teodora Florian
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture | 2014
Mircea Varga; Ion Oltean; Valentin Muntean; Teodora Florian; Marcel Mandru
Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca | 2012
Cristina Soporan; Ion Oltean; Teodora Florian
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture | 2009
Ion Oltean; Maria Fenesan; Alexandru Ioan Apahidean; Maria Apahidean; George Cuc; Ilonka Bodis; Teodora Florian