Terry P. Hughes
James Cook University
Nature | 2009
Johan Rockström; Will Steffen; Kevin J. Noone; Åsa Persson; F. Stuart Chapin; Eric F. Lambin; Timothy M. Lenton; Marten Scheffer; Carl Folke; Hans Joachim Schellnhuber; Björn Nykvist; Cynthia A. de Wit; Terry P. Hughes; Sander van der Leeuw; Henning Rodhe; Sverker Sörlin; Peter K. Snyder; Robert Costanza; Uno Svedin; Malin Falkenmark; Louise Karlberg; Robert W. Corell; Victoria J. Fabry; James E. Hansen; Brian Walker; Diana Liverman; Katherine Richardson; Paul J. Crutzen; Jonathan A. Foley
Identifying and quantifying planetary boundaries that must not be transgressed could help prevent human activities from causing unacceptable environmental change, argue Johan Rockstrom and colleagues.
Trends in Ecology and Evolution | 2010
Terry P. Hughes; Nicholas A. J. Graham; Jeremy B. C. Jackson; Peter J. Mumby; Robert S. Steneck
Phase-shifts from one persistent assemblage of species to another have become increasingly commonplace on coral reefs and in many other ecosystems due to escalating human impacts. Coral reef science, monitoring and global assessments have focused mainly on producing detailed descriptions of reef decline, and continue to pay insufficient attention to the underlying processes causing degradation. A more productive way forward is to harness new theoretical insights and empirical information on why some reefs degrade and others do not. Learning how to avoid undesirable phase-shifts, and how to reverse them when they occur, requires an urgent reform of scientific approaches, policies, governance structures and coral reef management.
Nature | 2017
Terry P. Hughes; James T. Kerry; Mariana Álvarez-Noriega; Jorge G. Álvarez-Romero; Kristen D. Anderson; Andrew Baird; Russell C. Babcock; Maria Beger; David R. Bellwood; Ray Berkelmans; Tom C. L. Bridge; Ian R. Butler; Maria Byrne; Neal E. Cantin; Steeve Comeau; Sean R. Connolly; Graeme S. Cumming; Steven J. Dalton; Guillermo Diaz-Pulido; C. Mark Eakin; Will F. Figueira; James P. Gilmour; Hugo B. Harrison; Scott F. Heron; Andrew S. Hoey; Jean Paul A. Hobbs; Mia O. Hoogenboom; Emma V. Kennedy; Chao-Yang Kuo; Janice M. Lough
During 2015–2016, record temperatures triggered a pan-tropical episode of coral bleaching, the third global-scale event since mass bleaching was first documented in the 1980s. Here we examine how and why the severity of recurrent major bleaching events has varied at multiple scales, using aerial and underwater surveys of Australian reefs combined with satellite-derived sea surface temperatures. The distinctive geographic footprints of recurrent bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef in 1998, 2002 and 2016 were determined by the spatial pattern of sea temperatures in each year. Water quality and fishing pressure had minimal effect on the unprecedented bleaching in 2016, suggesting that local protection of reefs affords little or no resistance to extreme heat. Similarly, past exposure to bleaching in 1998 and 2002 did not lessen the severity of bleaching in 2016. Consequently, immediate global action to curb future warming is essential to secure a future for coral reefs.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2010
Tony Ayling; Mike Cappo; J. Howard Choat; Richard D. Evans; Debora M. De Freitas; Michelle R. Heupel; Terry P. Hughes; Geoffrey P. Jones; Bruce D. Mapstone; Helene Marsh; Morena Mills; Fergus Molloy; C. Roland Pitcher; Robert L. Pressey; Garry R. Russ; Hugh Sweatman; Renae Tobin; David Wachenfeld; David H. Williamson
The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) provides a globally significant demonstration of the effectiveness of large-scale networks of marine reserves in contributing to integrated, adaptive management. Comprehensive review of available evidence shows major, rapid benefits of no-take areas for targeted fish and sharks, in both reef and nonreef habitats, with potential benefits for fisheries as well as biodiversity conservation. Large, mobile species like sharks benefit less than smaller, site-attached fish. Critically, reserves also appear to benefit overall ecosystem health and resilience: outbreaks of coral-eating, crown-of-thorns starfish appear less frequent on no-take reefs, which consequently have higher abundance of coral, the very foundation of reef ecosystems. Effective marine reserves require regular review of compliance: fish abundances in no-entry zones suggest that even no-take zones may be significantly depleted due to poaching. Spatial analyses comparing zoning with seabed biodiversity or dugong distributions illustrate significant benefits from application of best-practice conservation principles in data-poor situations. Increases in the marine reserve network in 2004 affected fishers, but preliminary economic analysis suggests considerable net benefits, in terms of protecting environmental and tourism values. Relative to the revenue generated by reef tourism, current expenditure on protection is minor. Recent implementation of an Outlook Report provides regular, formal review of environmental condition and management and links to policy responses, key aspects of adaptive management. Given the major threat posed by climate change, the expanded network of marine reserves provides a critical and cost-effective contribution to enhancing the resilience of the Great Barrier Reef.
Current Biology | 2006
David R. Bellwood; Terry P. Hughes; Andrew S. Hoey
The worlds coral reefs are in decline, with many exhibiting a phase shift from coral to macroalgal dominance . This change is often associated with habitat loss and overharvesting of herbivorous fishes, particularly parrotfishes and surgeonfishes . The challenge is to reverse this decline and enhance the resilience of coral-reef ecosystems . We demonstrate, by using a large-scale experimentally induced phase shift, that the rapid reversal from a macroalgal-dominated to a coral- and epilithic algal-dominated state was not a result of herbivory by parrotfishes or surgeonfishes. Surprisingly, phase-shift reversal was primarily driven by a single batfish species (Platax pinnatus), a fish previously regarded as an invertebrate feeder. The 43 herbivorous fishes in the local fauna played only a minor role, suggesting that biodiversity may not offer the protection we hoped for in complex ecosystems. Our findings highlight the dangers faced by coral reefs and other threatened complex ecosystems: Species or functional groups that prevent phase shifts may not be able to reverse phase shifts once they occur. Nevertheless, reversal is possible. The critical issue is to identify and protect those groups that underpin the resilience and regeneration of complex ecosystems.
Science | 1980
Terry P. Hughes; Jeremy B. C. Jackson
Population dynamics of corals and other colonial animals are complicated by their modular construction and growth. Partial colony mortality, colony fission, and colony fusion distort any simple relationship between size and age among reef corals.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2010
Stefan Gelcich; Terry P. Hughes; Per Olsson; Carl Folke; Omar Defeo; Miriam Fernández; Simon Foale; Lance Gunderson; Carlos Rodríguez-Sickert; Marten Scheffer; Robert S. Steneck; Juan Carlos Castilla
Marine ecosystems are in decline. New transformational changes in governance are urgently required to cope with overfishing, pollution, global changes, and other drivers of degradation. Here we explore social, political, and ecological aspects of a transformation in governance of Chiles coastal marine resources, from 1980 to today. Critical elements in the initial preparatory phase of the transformation were (i) recognition of the depletion of resource stocks, (ii) scientific knowledge on the ecology and resilience of targeted species and their role in ecosystem dynamics, and (iii) demonstration-scale experimental trials, building on smaller-scale scientific experiments, which identified new management pathways. The trials improved cooperation among scientists and fishers, integrating knowledge and establishing trust. Political turbulence and resource stock collapse provided a window of opportunity that triggered the transformation, supported by new enabling legislation. Essential elements to navigate this transformation were the ability to network knowledge from the local level to influence the decision-making processes at the national level, and a preexisting social network of fishers that provided political leverage through a national confederation of artisanal fishing collectives. The resultant governance scheme includes a revolutionary national system of marine tenure that allocates user rights and responsibilities to fisher collectives. Although fine tuning is necessary to build resilience of this new regime, this transformation has improved the sustainability of the interconnected social–ecological system. Our analysis of how this transformation unfolded provides insights into how the Chilean system could be further developed and identifies generalized pathways for improved governance of marine resources around the world.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2008
Per Olsson; Carl Folke; Terry P. Hughes
We analyze the strategies and actions that enable transitions toward ecosystem-based management using the recent governance changes of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park as a case study. The interplay among individual actors, organizations, and institutions at multiple levels is central in such transitions. A flexible organization, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, was crucial in initiating the transition to ecosystem-based management. This agency was also instrumental in the subsequent transformation of the governance regime and provided leadership throughout the process. Strategies involved internal reorganization and management innovation, leading to an ability to coordinate the scientific community, to increase public awareness of environmental issues and problems, to involve a broader set of stakeholders, and to maneuver the political system for support at critical times. The transformation process was induced by increased pressure on the Great Barrier Reef (from terrestrial runoff, overharvesting, and global warming) that triggered a new sense of urgency to address these challenges. The focus of governance shifted from protection of selected individual reefs to stewardship of the larger-scale seascape. The study emphasizes the significance of stewardship that can change patterns of interactions among key actors and allow for new forms of management and governance to emerge in response to environmental change. This example illustrates that enabling legislations or other social bounds are essential, but not sufficient for shifting governance toward adaptive comanagement of complex marine ecosystems.
Science | 2009
Brian Walker; Scott Barrett; Stephen Polasky; Victor Galaz; Cari Folke; Gustav Engström; Frank Ackerman; Kenneth J. Arrow; Stephen R. Carpenter; Kanchan Chopra; Gretchen C. Daily; Paul R. Ehrlich; Terry P. Hughes; Nils Kautsky; Simon A. Levin; Karl Göran Mäler; Jason F. Shogren; Jeffrey R. Vincent; Tasos Xepapadeas; Aart de Zeeuw
Navigating global changes requires a coevolving set of collaborative, global institutions. Energy, food, and water crises; climate disruption; declining fisheries; increasing ocean acidification; emerging diseases; and increasing antibiotic resistance are examples of serious, intertwined global-scale challenges spawned by the accelerating scale of human activity. They are outpacing the development of institutions to deal with them and their many interactive effects. The core of the problem is inducing cooperation in situations where individuals and nations will collectively gain if all cooperate, but each faces the temptation to take a free ride on the cooperation of others. The nation-state achieves cooperation by the exercise of sovereign power within its boundaries. The difficulty to date is that transnational institutions provide, at best, only partial solutions, and implementation of even these solutions can be undermined by internation competition and recalcitrance.
Environment and Development Economics | 2013
Simon A. Levin; Tasos Xepapadeas; Anne-Sophie Crépin; Jon Norberg; Aart de Zeeuw; Carl Folke; Terry P. Hughes; Kenneth J. Arrow; Scott Barrett; Gretchen C. Daily; Paul R. Ehrlich; Nils Kautsky; Karl Göran Mäler; Steve Polasky; Max Troell; Jeffrey R. Vincent; Brian Walker
Systems linking people and nature, known as social-ecological systems, are increasingly understood as complex adaptive systems. Essential features of these complex adaptive systems – such as nonlinear feedbacks, strategic interactions, individual and spatial heterogeneity, and varying time scales – pose substantial challenges for modeling. However, ignoring these characteristics can distort our picture of how these systems work, causing policies to be less effective or even counterproductive. In this paper we present recent developments in modeling social-ecological systems, illustrate some of these challenges with examples related to coral reefs and grasslands, and identify the implications for economic and policy analysis.