Teruo Saito
University of Fukui
Nuclear Fusion | 2014
Masaki Nishiura; Shin Kubo; K. Tanaka; R. Seki; S. Ogasawara; T. Shimozuma; K. Okada; S. Kobayashi; T. Mutoh; K. Kawahata; T. Watari; Teruo Saito; Y. Tatematsu; Søren Bang Korsholm; M. Salewski
A collective Thomson scattering (CTS) diagnostic was developed and used to measure the bulk and fast ions originating from 180xa0keV neutral beams in the Large Helical Device (LHD). Electromagnetic waves from a gyrotron at 77xa0GHz with 1xa0MW power output function as both the probe and electron cyclotron heating beam. To clarify the diagnostic applicability of the gyrotron in the 77xa0GHz frequency band, we investigated the dependence of the probe and receiver beam trajectories in plasmas with high electron densities of (4–5)xa0×xa01019xa0m−3 and low electron densities of (1–2)xa0×xa01019xa0m−3. At high density, a stray radiation component was observed in the CTS spectrum whereas it was negligibly small at low density. The CTS spectrum was measured and analysed after the in situ beam alignment using a beam scan. Qualitatively, the CTS spectrogram shows consistent response to ion temperatures of 1–2xa0keV for electron densities of (1–2)xa0×xa01019xa0m−3 and electron temperatures of 2–4xa0keV. The measured CTS spectrum shows an asymmetric shape at the foot of the bulk-ion region during the injection of 180xa0keV fast ions. This shape is explained by the fast-ion distribution in the velocity space (v‖, v⊥) based on Monte Carlo simulation results. The analysis method of the CTS spectra is used to evaluate the ion temperature and fast-ion velocity distribution from the measured CTS data.
Nuclear Fusion | 2015
Y. Yamaguchi; Teruo Saito; Y. Tatematsu; Shinji Ikeuchi; V. N. Manuilov; Jun Kasa; Masaki Kotera; T. Idehara; Shin Kubo; T. Shimozuma; K. Tanaka; Masaki Nishiura
A high-power pulse gyrotron was developed to generate a probe wave for 300 GHz-band collective Thomson scattering (CTS) diagnostics in the Large Helical Device. In this frequency range, avoiding mode competition is critical to realizing high-power and stable oscillation with a narrow frequency bandwidth. A moderately over-moded cavity was investigated to ensure sufficient isolation of a desired mode from neighbouring modes, and to achieve high power output simultaneously. A cavity with the TE14,2 operation mode, a triode electron gun with an intense laminar electron beam, and an internal mode convertor were designed to construct a prototype tube. It was experimentally observed that oscillation of the TE14,2 mode was strong enough for mode competition, and provided high power with sufficient stability. The oscillation characteristics associated with the electron beam properties were compared with the numerical characteristics to find an optimum operating condition. As a result, single-mode operation with maximum output power of 246 kW was demonstrated at 294 GHz with 65 kV/14 A electron beam, yielding efficiency of ~27%. The radiation pattern was confirmed to be highly Gaussian. The duration of the 130 kW pulse, which is presently limited by the power supply, was extended up to 30 µs. The experimental results validate our design concept and indicate the potential for realizing a gyrotron with higher power and longer pulse toward practical use in 300 GHz CTS diagnostics.
Journal of Instrumentation | 2015
Y. Yamaguchi; Jun Kasa; Teruo Saito; Y. Tatematsu; Masaki Kotera; S. Kubo; T. Shimozuma; Kenji Tanaka; M. Nishiura
A high-power pulsed gyrotron is under development for 300 GHz-band collective Thomson scattering (CTS) diagnostics in the Large Helical Device (LHD). High-density plasmas in the LHD require a probe wave with power exceeding 100 kW in the sub-terahertz region to obtain sufficient signal intensity and large scattering angles. At the same time, the frequency bandwidth should be less than several tens of megahertz to protect the CTS receiver using a notch filter against stray radiations. Moreover, duty cycles of ~ 10% are desired for the time domain analysis of the CTS spectrum. At present, a 77 GHz gyrotron for electron cyclotron heating is used as a CTS wave source in the LHD. However, the use of such a low-frequency wave suffers from refraction, cutoff and absorption at the electron cyclotron resonance layer. Additionally, the signal detection is severely affected by background noise from electron cyclotron emission. To resolve those problems, high-power gyrotrons in the 300 GHz range have been developed. In this frequency range, avoiding mode competition is critical to realizing high-power and stable oscillation. A moderately over-moded cavity was investigated to isolate a desired mode from neighbouring modes. After successful tests with a prototype tube, the practical one was constructed with a cavity for TE22,2 operation mode, a triode electron gun forming intense laminar electron beams, and an internal mode convertor. We have experimentally confirmed single mode oscillation of the TE22,2 mode at the frequency of 303.3 GHz. The spectrum peak is sufficiently narrow. The output power of 290 kW has been obtained at the moment.
Physics of Plasmas | 2016
O. Dumbrajs; Teruo Saito; Y. Tatematsu
We present results of theoretical study of influence of the electron velocity spread and the radial width on the efficiency and mode competition in a 300-GHz gyrotron operating in the TE22,2,1 mode, with which 300-kW level high power single mode oscillation has been demonstrated. Effects of a finite voltage rise time corresponding to the real power supply of this gyrotron is also considered. Simulations tracking eight competing modes show that the electron velocity spread and the finite beam width influence not only the efficiency of the gyrotron operation, but also the mode competition scenario during the startup phase. Combination of the finite rise time with the electron velocity spread or the finite beam width affects the mode competition scenario. The simulation reproduces the experimental observation of high power single mode oscillation of the TE22,2 mode.
Physics of Plasmas | 2016
O. Dumbrajs; Teruo Saito; Y. Tatematsu; Y. Yamaguchi
We present results of a theoretical study of influence of the electron velocity spread and the radial width on the efficiency and mode competition in a 300-kW, 300-GHz gyrotron operating in the TE22,2 mode. This gyrotron was developed for application to collective Thomson scattering diagnostics in the large helical device and 300-kW level high power single TE22,2 mode oscillation has been demonstrated [Yamaguchi et al., J. Instrum. 10, c10002 (2015)]. Effects of a finite voltage rise time corresponding to the real power supply of this gyrotron are also considered. Simulations tracking eight competing modes show that the electron velocity spread and the finite beam width influence not only the efficiency of the gyrotron operation but also the mode competition scenario during the startup phase. A combination of the finite rise time with the electron velocity spread or the finite beam width affects the mode competition scenario. The simulation calculation reproduces the experimental observation of high power...
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves | 2014
Y. Tatematsu; Y. Yamaguchi; T. Idehara; Tatsuru Kawase; Ryoichi Ichioka; I. Ogawa; Teruo Saito; Toshimichi Fujiwara
Plasma and Fusion Research | 2017
Teruo Saito; Y. Yamaguchi; Y. Tatematsu; Masafumi Fukunari; Takumi Hirobe; Shunsuke Tanaka; Ryuji Shinbayashi; T. Shimozuma; Shin Kubo; Kenji Tanaka; M. Nishiura
Plasma and Fusion Research | 2013
Y. Yamaguchi; Teruo Saito; Y. Tatematsu; Shinji Ikeuchi; Jun Kasa; Masaki Kotera; I. Ogawa; T. Idehara; Shin Kubo; T. Shimozuma; M. Nishiura; Kenji Tanaka
Plasma and Fusion Research | 2013
Masaki Nishiura; Shinichiro Kubo; K. Tanaka; Sakuji Kobayashi; K. Okada; Teruki Nishimura; Koji Okada; H. Kasahara; S. Ogasawara; T. Shimozuma; Takashi Mutoh; K. Kawahata; Teruo Saito; Y. Tatematsu
international conference on infrared, millimeter, and terahertz waves | 2013
Teruo Saito; Y. Yamaguchi; Shinji Ikeuchi; Jun Kasa; Y. Tatematsu; Ryosuke Ikeda; I. Ogawa; T. Idehara; Shin Kubo; T. Shimozuma; M. Nishiura; Kenji Tanaka