
European Physical Journal A | 1983

ExperimentalJ/ψ hadronic production from 150 to 280 GeV/c

J. Badier; J. Boucrot; J. Bourotte; G. Burgun; O. Callot; Ph. Charpentier; M. Crozon; D. Decamp; P. Delpierre; B. Gandois; R. Hagelberg; M. Hansroul; Y. Karyotakis; W. Kienzle; P. Le Du; J. Lefrancois; Th. Leray; J. Maillard; A. Michelini; P. Miné; G. Rahal; O. Runolfsson; P. Siegrist; A. Tilquin; J. Timmermans; J. Valentin; S. Weisz

A detailed study ofJ/ψ hadronic production has been performed in a high statistics experiment (more than 1.5 106J/ψ observed in their dimuon decay mode). Data have been taken with incident π±,K±,p±, on hydrogen and platinum targets, at 150, 200 and 280 GeV/c. We find from the observed nuclear dependance of the cross sections, that about 18% of theJ/ψ are produced diffractively. Using known structure functions of the quarks in the nucleon and in the pion, we derive estimations for the gluon structure functions.

European Physical Journal C | 1983

Experimental Determination of the pi Meson Structure Functions by the Drell-Yan Mechanism

J. Badier; J. Bourotte; P. Miné; R. Vanderhaghen; S. Weisz; J. Boucrot; O. Callot; D. Decamp; Y. Karyotakis; J. Lefrancois; G. Burgun; P. Charpentier; B. Gandois; P. Le Du; G. Rahal; P. Siegrist; M. Crozon; P. Delpierre; Th. Leray; J. Maillard; A. Tilquin; Jérôme Valentin; R. Hagelberg; M. Hansroul; G. Matthiae; A. Michelini; O. Runolfsson; J.J.M. Timmermans

We have studied high statistics samples of dimuon events (∼35,000) produced from π± on platinum target in the mass interval 4.2≦Mμμ≦8.5 GeV at 150, 200 and 280 GeV/c. The π structure function is obtained by a fit ofd2σ/dx1dx2 to π+ and π− data. At 200 GeV, the simultaneous use of π+ and π− data allows a separate determination of the valence and sea structure functions of the π. Furthermore, the 150 and 280 GeV data allow an accurate determination of the shape of the valence structure function and give an estimate of its evolution betweenQ2=25 and 50 GeV2.

Physics Letters B | 1982

Evidence for ψψ production in π− interactions at 150 and 280 GeV/c

J. Badier; G. Burgun; O. Callot; J. Valentin; J. Bourotte; P. Charpentier; M. Crozon; G. Rahal; Th. Leray; P. Siegrist; S. Weisz; Y. Karyotakis; R. Hagelberg; A. Tilquin; P. Le Du; J. Lefrancois; M. Hansroul; O. Runolfsson; P. Miné; R. Vanderhaghen; B. Gandois; J. Boucrot; A. Michelini; P. Delpierre; D. Decamp; J. Maillard; W. Kienzle

From the analysis of multimuon events produced by π− interactions at 150 and 280 GeV/c in the NA3 spectrometer, we present evidence for the production of two J/ψ mesons in the same interaction (13 events seen, for an expected background of about 0.2 events). Some possible production mechanisms are described and an estimation of the cross section is given.

Physics Letters B | 1979

Experimental cross section for dimuon production and the Drell-Yan model

J. Badier; J. Boucrot; G. Burgun; O. Callot; Ph. Charpentier; M. Crozon; D. Decamp; P. Delpierre; B. Gandois; R. Hagelberg; M. Hansroul; W. Kienzle; P. Le Du; J. Lefrancois; Th. Leray; G. Matthiae; A. Michelini; P. Miné; O. Runolfsson; P. Siegrist; J. Timmermans; J. Valentin; R. Vanderhaghen; S. Weisz

Abstract We have measured the absolute cross section for dimuon production in hadron collisions at 200 GeV/c in the continuum region M = 4–8.5 GeV. In all the channels studied (pN, p N, π±N and π−H2) the experimental cross section is significantly larger by a factor of 2.3 ± 0.5 than expected from the Drell-Yan model. Furthermore, our proton-nucleon data allow a determination of the nucleon valence structure function which agrees with the deep inelastic lepton scattering data.

Physics Letters B | 1980

Measurement of the K−π− structure function ratio using the Drell-Yan process

J. Badier; J. Boucrot; J. Bourotte; G. Burgun; O. Callot; Ph. Charpentier; M. Crozon; D. Decamp; P. Delpierre; P. Espigat; B. Gandois; R. Hagelberg; M. Hansroul; J. Karyotakis; W. Kienzle; P. Le Du; J. Lefrancois; Th. Leray; J. Maillard; G. Matthiae; A. Michelini; P. Miné; G. Rahal; O. Runolfsson; P. Siegrist; A. Tilquin; J. Timmermans; J. Valentin; R. Vanderhagen; S. Weisz

Abstract The first measurement of the kaon to pion structure function ratio has beenperformed in a high integrated luminosity experiment studying the production of massive muon pairs. The ratio u K u π clearly deviates from 1 for values of x1 > 0.7. A theoretical model comparison is also briefly discussed.

Physics Letters B | 1985

ψψ production and limits on beauty meson production from 400 GeV/c protons

J. Badier; J. Bourotte; P. Miné; R. Vanderhaghen; S. Weisz; J. Boucrot; O. Callot; D. Decamp; Y. Karyotakis; J. Lefrancois; G. Burgun; P. Charpentier; B. Gandois; P. Le Du; G. Rahal; P. Siegrist; M. Crozon; P. Delpierre; Th. Leray; A. Tilquin; R. Hagelberg; M. Hansroul; A. Michelini; O. Runolfsson

Abstract From a study of multimuon events obtained in a high luminosity proton-platinum experiment at 400 GeV/ c , we find 5 ± 4 ψψ events, which correspond to a production cross section σ ( ψψ = 27 ± 10 pb. The observed production is compared to the ψψ events previously found in the same apparatus from incoming π − ; a comparison with QCD predictions is performed, giving a good agreement with expectations from gluon-gluon fusion. Finally, using like-sign dimuon, trimuon and quadrimuon events, we give model-dependent upper limits on beauty meson production: 2 nb/nucleon for central models, 20 nb/nucleon for diffractive production.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods | 1980

A large acceptance spectrometer to study high-mass muon pairs

J. Badier; J. Boucrot; G. Burgun; R. Busnello; O. Callot; Ph. Charpentier; M. Crozon; D. Decamp; Ph. Delcros; P. Delpierre; A Diop; Ravindra Kumar Dube; B. Gandois; R. Hagelberg; M. Hansroul; R. Hammarström; W. Kienzle; A. Lafontaine; P. Le Du; J. Lefrancois; Th. Leray; R. Lorenzi; Y. Malbequi; G. Matthiae; A. Michelini; P. Miné; H. Nguyen Ngoc; S. Palanque; O. Runolfsson; P. Siegrist

Abstract This paper gives the outlines of the NA3 large acceptance magnetic spectrometer equipped with multiwire proportional chambers running at the CERN-SPS in an extensive study of the production of high mass muon pairs by hadronic beams. A special feature of this experiment is the powerful and efficient trigger and data acquisition system which allows operation of the spectrometer with intense beams, yielding at the same time low trigger rate and high proportion of good events. Some aspects of the off-line analysis program are also described.

Physics Letters B | 1979

First evidence for upsilon production by pions

J. Badier; J. Boucrot; G. Burgun; O. Callot; Ph. Charpentier; M. Crozon; D. Decamp; P. Delpierre; A Diop; Ravindra Kumar Dube; B. Gandois; R. Hagelberg; M. Hansroul; W. Kienzle; A. Lafontaine; P. Le Du; J. Lefrancois; Th. Leray; G. Matthiae; A. Michelini; P. Miné; H. Nguyen Ngoc; O. Runolfsson; P. Siegrist; J. Timmermans; J. Valentin; R. Vanderhaghen; S. Weisz

Abstract We have measured the production of massive muon pairs in hadronic collisions at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). A clear signal of production of the ϒ resonance by π + of 200 GeV/ c and π − of 200 and 280 GeV/ c on a platinum target is observed.

Nuclear Physics | 1965

Étude de la diffusion π-noyau entre 500 et 1300 MeV

M. Crozon; Ph. Chavanon; A. Courau; Th. Leray; J.L. Narjoux; J. Tocqueville

Abstract We have measured the total elastic (σ e1 ) and inelastic (σ a ) cross sections for reactions of π-mesons with Be, C and Al nuclei at various energies around 1 GeV. The counter experiment, made with the help of Saclays proton synchrotron, was a “poor” and “rich” geometry one. The extrapolation to zero angle of the attenuation of the beam measurements at different θ angles was made with the use of the optical model. We assume that the shapes of the nuclei are those determined by electron scattering experiments, and that the inelastic products have an approximately constant distribution. From this use of the optical model one can get not only σ a and σ e1 , but also a value of the mean forward scattering amplitude f(0) of the π-nucleon system for linked nucleons. This value has to be compared to the mean π-free nucleon amplitude at the same energy of the pion, in order to check the usual approximations used in the optical model. The order of magnitude of the two amplitudes is the same and, in particular, the real parts are not significantly different, as could be deduced from other experiments. To get a fair agreement between the imaginary parts, one has to take account of the Fermi momenta of nucleons and of second order corrections using correlation functions of nucleons inside nuclei.

European Physical Journal C | 1981

Angular distributions in the dimuon hadronic production at 150 GeV/c

J. Badier; J. Boucrot; J. Bourotte; G. Burgun; O. Callot; Ph. Charpentier; M. Crozon; D. Decamp; P. Delpierre; P. Espigat; B. Gandois; R. Hagelberg; M. Hansroul; Y. Karyotakis; W. Kienzle; P. Le Du; J. Lefrancois; Th. Leray; J. Maillard; A. Michelini; P. Miné; G. Rahal; O. Runolfsson; P. Siegrist; A. Tilquin; J. Valentin; R. Vanderhaghen; S. Weisz

From π- interactions at 150 GeV/c on a heavy target, we present the final analysis of the dimuon decay angular distribution in the mass interval 4.5–8.5 GeV/c2. Results are presented and discussed in various reference frames and are also given in terms of the density matrix elements. Finally the possible contribution of higher-twist effects at largex1 is discussed; we find that our data are not compatible with higher twist contributions as proposed by the Berger and Brodsky Model.

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