Therese M. McBeath
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Plant and Soil | 2011
Mike J. McLaughlin; Therese M. McBeath; Ronald J. Smernik; Sam P. Stacey; Babasola Ajiboye; Chris Guppy
Many agricultural soils worldwide in their natural state are deficient in phosphorus (P), and the production of healthy agricultural crops has required the regular addition of P fertilisers. In cropping systems, P accumulates almost predominantly in inorganic forms in soil, associated with aluminium, calcium and iron. In pasture soils, P accumulates in both inorganic and organic forms, but the chemical nature of much organic P is still unresolved. The P use efficiency (PUE) of fertilisers is generally low in the year of application, but residual effectiveness is important, highlighting the importance of soil P testing prior to fertiliser use. With increasing costs of P fertiliser, various technologies have been suggested to improve PUE, but few have provided solid field evidence for efficacy. Fluid fertilisers have been demonstrated under field conditions to increase PUE on highly calcareous soils. Slow release P products have been demonstrated to improve PUE in soils where leaching is important. Modification of soil chemistry around the fertiliser granule or fluid injection point also offers promise for increasing PUE, but is less well validated. Better placement of P, even into subsoils, also offers promise to increase PUE in both cropping and pasture systems.
Crop & Pasture Science | 2014
John A. Kirkegaard; James R. Hunt; Therese M. McBeath; J. M. Lilley; Andrew D. Moore; Kirsten Verburg; Michael Robertson; Y.M. Oliver; Philip Ward; Stephen P. Milroy; Anthony Whitbread
Abstract. Improving the water-limited yield of dryland crops and farming systems has been an underpinning objective of research within the Australian grains industry since the concept was defined in the 1970s. Recent slowing in productivity growth has stimulated a search for new sources of improvement, but few previous research investments have been targeted on a national scale. In 2008, the Australian grains industry established the 5-year, AU
Crop & Pasture Science | 2013
James R. Hunt; Claire Browne; Therese M. McBeath; Kirsten Verburg; Simon Craig; Anthony Whitbread
17.6 million, Water Use Efficiency (WUE) Initiative, which challenged growers and researchers to lift WUE of grain-based production systems by 10%. Sixteen regional grower research teams distributed across southern Australia (300–700 mm annual rainfall) proposed a range of agronomic management strategies to improve water-limited productivity. A coordinating project involving a team of agronomists, plant physiologists, soil scientists and system modellers was funded to provide consistent understanding and benchmarking of water-limited yield, experimental advice and assistance, integrating system science and modelling, and to play an integration and communication role. The 16 diverse regional project activities were organised into four themes related to the type of innovation pursued (integrating break-crops, managing summer fallows, managing in-season water-use, managing variable and constraining soils), and the important interactions between these at the farm-scale were explored and emphasised. At annual meetings, the teams compared the impacts of various management strategies across different regions, and the interactions from management combinations. Simulation studies provided predictions of both a priori outcomes that were tested experimentally and extrapolation of results across sites, seasons and up to the whole-farm scale. We demonstrated experimentally that potential exists to improve water productivity at paddock scale by levels well above the 10% target by better summer weed control (37–140%), inclusion of break crops (16–83%), earlier sowing of appropriate varieties (21–33%) and matching N supply to soil type (91% on deep sands). Capturing synergies from combinations of pre- and in-crop management could increase wheat yield at farm scale by 11–47%, and significant on-farm validation and adoption of some innovations has occurred during the Initiative. An ex post economic analysis of the Initiative estimated a benefit : cost ratio of 3.7 : 1, and an internal return on investment of 18.5%. We briefly review the structure and operation of the initiative and summarise some of the key strategies that emerged to improve WUE at paddock and farm-scale.
Talanta | 2014
Sarah R. Noack; Ronald J. Smernik; Therese M. McBeath; Roger Armstrong; Mike J. McLaughlin
Abstract. The majority of rain used by winter grain crops in the Mallee region of Victoria, Australia, falls during the cooler months of the year (April–October). However, rain falling during the summer fallow period (November–March) and stored as soil moisture contributes to grain yield. Strategies to better capture and store summer fallow rain include (i) retention of crop residues on the soil surface to improve water infiltration and evaporation; and (ii) chemical or mechanical control of summer fallow weeds to reduce transpiration. Despite the widespread adoption of no-till farming systems in the region, few published studies have considered the benefits of residue management during the summer fallow relative to weed control, and none quantify the impacts or identify the mechanisms by which summer fallow weeds influence subsequent crop yield. Over 3 years (2009–11), identical experiments on adjacent sand and clay soil types at Hopetoun in the southern Mallee were conducted to quantify the effect of residue management (standing, removed, or slashed) and summer fallow weed control (± chemical control) compared with cultivation on soil water and nitrogen (N) accumulation and subsequent crop yield. The presence of residue (2.4–5.8 t/ha) had no effect on soil water accumulation and a small negative effect on grain yield on the clay soil in 2011. Controlling summer weeds (Heliotropium europaeum and volunteer crop species) increased soil water accumulation (mean 45 mm) and mineral N (mean 45 kg/ha) before sowing on both soil types in 2 years of the experiment with significant amounts of summer fallow rain (2010 and 2011). Control of summer weeds increased grain yield of canola by 0.6 t/ha in 2010 and wheat by 1.4 t/ha in 2011. Using the data from these experiments to parameterise the APSIM model, simulation of selected treatments using historical climate data (1958–2011) showed that an extra 40 mm of stored soil water resulted in an average additional 0.4 t/ha yield, most of which was achieved in dry growing seasons. An additional 40 kg/ha N increased yield only in wetter growing seasons (mean 0.4 t/ha on both soil types). The combination of extra water and N that was found experimentally to result from control of summer fallow weeds increased subsequent crop yield in all season types (mean 0.7 t/ha on sand, 0.9 t/ha on clay). The co-limitation of yield by water and N in the Mallee environment means that yield increases due to summer weed control (and thus returns on investment) are very reliable.
Crop & Pasture Science | 2015
Therese M. McBeath; V. V. S. R. Gupta; Rick Llewellyn; C. W. Davoren; Anthony Whitbread
At physiological maturity, nutrients in crop residues can be released to the soil where they are incorporated into different labile and non-labile pools while the remainder is retained within the residue itself. The chemical speciation of phosphorus (P) in crop residues is an important determinant of the fate of this P. In this study, we used chemical fractionation and (31)P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, first separately and then together, to evaluate the P speciation of mature oat (Avena sativa) residue. Two water extracts (one employing shaking and the other sonication) and two acid extracts (0.2N perchloric acid and 10% trichloroacetic acid) of these residues contained similar concentrations of orthophosphate (molybdate-reactive P determined by colorimetry) as NaOH-EDTA extracts of whole plant material subsequently analysed by solution (31)P NMR spectroscopy. However, solution (31)P NMR analysis of the extracts and residues isolated during the water/acid extractions indicated that this similarity resulted from a fortuitous coincidence as the orthophosphate concentration in the water/acid extracts was increased by the hydrolysis of pyrophosphate and organic P forms while at the same time there was incomplete extraction of orthophosphate. Confirmation of this was the absence of pyrophosphate in both water and acid fractions (it was detected in the whole plant material) and the finding that speciation of organic P in the fractions differed from that in the whole plant material. Evidence for incomplete extraction of orthophosphate was the finding that most of the residual P in the crop residues following water/acid extractions was detected as orthophosphate using (31)P NMR. Two methods for isolating and quantifying phospholipid P were also tested, based on solubility in ethanol:ether and ethanol:ether:chloroform. While these methods were selective and appeared to extract only phospholipid P, they did not extract all phospholipid P, as some was detected by NMR in the crop residue after extraction. These results highlight the need for careful interpretation of results from chemical fractionation, as separation can be compromised by incomplete recovery and side reactions. This study also highlights the benefits of employing a technique that can simultaneously detect multiple P species (solution (31)P NMR) in combination with chemical fractionation.
Plant and Soil | 2015
Roger Armstrong; K. Dunsford; Mike J. McLaughlin; Therese M. McBeath; Sean Mason; Vm Dunbabin
Abstract. In low-rainfall environments, a high frequency of cereal crops has been favoured for optimising productivity and risk. However, cereals at high intensity often lead to declining water-use efficiency and increasing inputs to cope with emergent nutritional, disease and weed problems. The value of including breaks in the cropping sequence can involve a high level of uncertainty in low-rainfall areas where non-cereal crops are more risky and profitability is largely determined by the subsequent benefit to cereal productivity. In this study, we aimed to improve understanding of the magnitude and primary source of break benefits such as nutrition, water and disease management in a low-rainfall environment where a high level of within-field soil variability can also contribute to uncertainty about the value of breaks. In on-farm field experiments near Karoonda in the South Australian Mallee, breaks were grown in 2009 or 2010 on four distinct soil types across a dune–swale catena. The effect of these breaks on subsequent cereal production was measured for up to 3 years. In addition, the effect of breaks on nutrition and water available, along with disease infection in subsequent cereal crops, was explored and actual yields were compared with nitrogen and water-limited potential yields. Consistent cumulative benefits to subsequent cereal crops of at least 1 t ha–1 after 3 years accrue from breaks grown on the different soil types. The inclusion of breaks had beneficial effects on the cycling and supply of nutrients along with some short-term impacts on infection by Rhizoctonia solani AG8 in subsequent cereals, whereas there were no conclusive effects of breaks on the supply of water to subsequent crops. This study suggests that the inclusion of both legume and brassica breaks is likely to be beneficial to subsequent cereal production where nitrogen is a factor limiting productivity in low-rainfall, semi-arid environments.
Plant and Soil | 2012
Sarah R. Noack; Mike J. McLaughlin; Ronald J. Smernik; Therese M. McBeath; Roger Armstrong
AimsThis paper assessed the effect that the vertical stratification of nutrients in conservation cropping systems of Australia has on phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) fertiliser use efficiency.MethodsIntact soil cores from two long-term tillage experiments, located on a Vertosol and on a Calcarosol were used to assess if tillage system (zero tillage - ZT vs conventional tillage - CT) and soil water influence fertiliser use efficiency (using 33P and 15 N) of wheat under controlled growth conditions.ResultsAdding P increased shoot growth and P uptake on the Calcarosol, provided the surface remained moist and N was applied. The percentage of plant P derived from fertiliser (Pdff) was greater on the Calcarosol regardless of tillage practice. Pdff increased when the soil remained wet or when N was added. The percentage of N derived from fertiliser (%Ndff) was not affected by tillage practice on the Vertosol but when the soil surface was allowed to dry, it was significantly greater under ZT than CT on the Calcarosol. Adding P increased N fertiliser recovery but tillage practice had no effect.ConclusionThe effect of tillage practice on P and N fertiliser use efficiency depends on soil and topsoil water status.
Agricultural Systems | 2013
Marta Monjardino; Therese M. McBeath; Lisa E. Brennan; Rick Llewellyn
Agricultural Systems | 2015
Marta Monjardino; Therese M. McBeath; Jackie Ouzman; Rick Llewellyn; B. Jones
Plant and Soil | 2014
Victoria Fernández; Paula Guzmán; Courtney A. E. Peirce; Therese M. McBeath; M. Khayet; Mike J. McLaughlin