Thilo Streck
University of Hohenheim
Global Change Biology | 2015
Pierre Martre; Daniel Wallach; Senthold Asseng; Frank Ewert; James W. Jones; Reimund P. Rötter; Kenneth J. Boote; Alex C. Ruane; Peter J. Thorburn; Davide Cammarano; Jerry L. Hatfield; Cynthia Rosenzweig; Pramod K. Aggarwal; Carlos Angulo; Bruno Basso; Patrick Bertuzzi; Christian Biernath; Nadine Brisson; Andrew J. Challinor; Jordi Doltra; Sebastian Gayler; Richie Goldberg; R. F. Grant; Lee Heng; Josh Hooker; Leslie A. Hunt; Joachim Ingwersen; Roberto C. Izaurralde; Kurt Christian Kersebaum; Christoph Müller
Crop models of crop growth are increasingly used to quantify the impact of global changes due to climate or crop management. Therefore, accuracy of simulation results is a major concern. Studies with ensembles of crop models can give valuable information about model accuracy and uncertainty, but such studies are difficult to organize and have only recently begun. We report on the largest ensemble study to date, of 27 wheat models tested in four contrasting locations for their accuracy in simulating multiple crop growth and yield variables. The relative error averaged over models was 24-38% for the different end-of-season variables including grain yield (GY) and grain protein concentration (GPC). There was little relation between error of a model for GY or GPC and error for in-season variables. Thus, most models did not arrive at accurate simulations of GY and GPC by accurately simulating preceding growth dynamics. Ensemble simulations, taking either the mean (e-mean) or median (e-median) of simulated values, gave better estimates than any individual model when all variables were considered. Compared to individual models, e-median ranked first in simulating measured GY and third in GPC. The error of e-mean and e-median declined with an increasing number of ensemble members, with little decrease beyond 10 models. We conclude that multimodel ensembles can be used to create new estimators with improved accuracy and consistency in simulating growth dynamics. We argue that these results are applicable to other crop species, and hypothesize that they apply more generally to ecological system models.
Environmental Earth Sciences | 2013
Peter Grathwohl; Hermann Rügner; Thomas Wöhling; Karsten Osenbrück; Marc Schwientek; Sebastian Gayler; Ute Wollschläger; Benny Selle; Marion Pause; Jens-Olaf Delfs; Matthias Grzeschik; Ulrich Weller; Martin Ivanov; Olaf A. Cirpka; Uli Maier; Volker Wulfmeyer; Thilo Streck; Sabine Attinger; Peter Dietrich; Jan H. Fleckenstein; Olaf Kolditz; Hans-Jörg Vogel
Sustainable water quality management requires a profound understanding of water fluxes (precipitation, run-off, recharge, etc.) and solute turnover such as retention, reaction, transformation, etc. at the catchment or landscape scale. The Water and Earth System Science competence cluster (WESS, aims at a holistic analysis of the water cycle coupled to reactive solute transport, including soil–plant–atmosphere and groundwater–surface water interactions. To facilitate exploring the impact of land-use and climate changes on water cycling and water quality, special emphasis is placed on feedbacks between the atmosphere, the land surface, and the subsurface. A major challenge lies in bridging the scales in monitoring and modeling of surface/subsurface versus atmospheric processes. The field work follows the approach of contrasting catchments, i.e. neighboring watersheds with different land use or similar watersheds with different climate. This paper introduces the featured catchments and explains methodologies of WESS by selected examples.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology | 1997
J. A. Fortin; Markus Flury; William A. Jury; Thilo Streck
Abstract Column flow experiments under saturated conditions were conducted to investigate the sorption behavior of simazine on a Tujunga sandy loam. The flow interruption technique was used to test whether rate-limited processes were present. The outflow results showed that the simazine sorption was not at equilibrium during the time of the experiment. This non-equilibrium was due to the sorption process, as the bromide tracer concentration did not change during flow interruption. Simazine breakthrough data could be best described by a two-stage, two-rate process, where the first rate is considerably faster than the second. The model predicts slow reaction kinetics, so that equilibrium was not reached even after 185 h of flow interruption. Outflow data of the first simazine breakthrough only could be described well with a one-stage, rate-limited sorption model; flow interruption was necessary to reveal the second sorption stage.
Water Resources Research | 2014
Sebastian Gayler; Thomas Wöhling; Matthias Grzeschik; Joachim Ingwersen; Hans-Dieter Wizemann; Kirsten Warrach-Sagi; Petra Högy; Sabine Attinger; Thilo Streck; Volker Wulfmeyer
Interactions between the soil, the vegetation, and the atmospheric boundary layer require close attention when predicting water fluxes in the hydrogeosystem, agricultural systems, weather, and climate. However, land-surface schemes used in large-scale models continue to show deficiencies in consistently simulating fluxes of water and energy from the subsurface through vegetation layers to the atmosphere. In this study, the multiphysics version of the Noah land-surface model (Noah-MP) was used to identify the processes, which are most crucial for a simultaneous simulation of water and heat fluxes between land surface and the lower atmosphere. Comprehensive field data sets of latent and sensible heat fluxes, ground heat flux, soil moisture, and leaf area index from two contrasting field sites in South-West Germany are used to assess the accuracy of simulations. It is shown that an adequate representation of vegetation-related processes is the most important control for a consistent simulation of energy and water fluxes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. In particular, using a newly implemented submodule to simulate root growth dynamics has enhanced the performance of Noah-MP. We conclude that further advances in the representation of leaf area dynamics and root/soil moisture interactions are the most promising starting points for improving the simulation of feedbacks between the subsoil, land surface and atmosphere in fully coupled hydrological and atmospheric models.
Journal of Environmental Quality | 2012
Maria Anyusheva; Marc Lamers; Nguyen La; Van Vien Nguyen; Thilo Streck
During the last decades, high population growth and export-oriented economics in Vietnam have led to a tremendous intensification of rice production, which in turn has significantly increased the amount of pesticides applied in rice cropping systems. Since pesticides are toxic by design, there is a natural concern on the impact of their presence in the environment on human health and environmental quality. The present study was designed to examine the water regime and fate of pesticides (fenitrothion, dimethoate) during two consecutive rice crop seasons in combined paddy rice-fish pond farming systems in northern Vietnam. Major results revealed that 5 and 41% (dimethoate), and 1 and 17% (fenitrothion) of the applied mass of pesticides were lost from the paddy field to the adjacent fish pond during spring and summer crop seasons, respectively. The decrease of pesticide concentration in paddy surface water was very rapid with dissipation half-life values of 0.3 to 0.8 and 0.2 d for dimethoate and fenitrothion, respectively. Key factors controlling the transport of pesticides were water solubility and paddy water management parameters, such as hydraulic residence time and water holding period. Risk assessment indicates that the exposure to toxic levels of pesticides for aquaculture (, ) is significant, at least shortly after pesticide application.
Journal of Environmental Quality | 2010
Anne Wehrhan; Thilo Streck; Joost Groeneweg; Harry Vereecken; R. Kasteel
Antibiotics, such as sulfadiazine (SDZ), may enter arable soil by spreading of manure of medicated husbandry or directly by the excrement of grazing animals. Knowledge of the fate of antibiotics in soils is crucial for assessing the environmental risk of these compounds, including possible transport to ground water. Kinetic sorption of (14)C-labeled SDZ (4-amino-N-pyrimidin-2-yl-benzenesulfonamide) was investigated using the batch technique. The batch sorption-desorption experiments were conducted at various concentration levels (0.044-13 mg L(-1) initial solute concentration) and time scales (0.75-272 d). Sorption of (14)C-SDZ in the investigated silty loam was time dependent and strongly nonlinear in the solution phase concentration. The time to reach an apparent sorption equilibrium was about 20 d. However, desorption was very slow, and 41 d were insufficient to reach the desorption equilibrium. An inverse modeling technique was used to identify relevant sorption processes of (14)C-SDZ during the batch experiments. Among the investigated two- and three-domain sorption models, adsorption and desorption of (14)C-SDZ were best described with a new model defining two sorption domains and four parameters. Whereas sorption in the first sorption domain was nonlinear and instantaneous, solute uptake in the second sorption domain was rate limited following first-order kinetics. Desorption followed the same rate law until an equilibrium distribution was reached. After that, desorption was assumed to be impossible due to partly irreversible sorption. Although the proposed model needs further validation, it contributes to the discussion on complex sorption processes of organic chemicals in soils.
Nature plants | 2017
Enli Wang; Pierre Martre; Zhigan Zhao; Frank Ewert; Andrea Maiorano; Reimund P. Rötter; Bruce A. Kimball; Michael J. Ottman; Gerard W. Wall; Jeffrey W. White; Matthew P. Reynolds; Phillip D. Alderman; Pramod K. Aggarwal; Jakarat Anothai; Bruno Basso; Christian Biernath; Davide Cammarano; Andrew J. Challinor; Giacomo De Sanctis; Jordi Doltra; E. Fereres; Margarita Garcia-Vila; Sebastian Gayler; Gerrit Hoogenboom; Leslie A. Hunt; Roberto C. Izaurralde; Mohamed Jabloun; Curtis D. Jones; Kurt Christian Kersebaum; Ann-Kristin Koehler
Increasing the accuracy of crop productivity estimates is a key element in planning adaptation strategies to ensure global food security under climate change. Process-based crop models are effective means to project climate impact on crop yield, but have large uncertainty in yield simulations. Here, we show that variations in the mathematical functions currently used to simulate temperature responses of physiological processes in 29 wheat models account for >50% of uncertainty in simulated grain yields for mean growing season temperatures from 14 °C to 33 °C. We derived a set of new temperature response functions that when substituted in four wheat models reduced the error in grain yield simulations across seven global sites with different temperature regimes by 19% to 50% (42% average). We anticipate the improved temperature responses to be a key step to improve modelling of crops under rising temperature and climate change, leading to higher skill of crop yield projections.
Environmental Pollution | 2014
M.A. Bannwarth; W. Sangchan; C. Hugenschmidt; Marc Lamers; Joachim Ingwersen; Alan D. Ziegler; Thilo Streck
The application of agrochemicals in Southeast Asia is increasing in rate, variety and toxicity with alarming speed. Understanding the behavior of these different contaminants within the environment require comprehensive monitoring programs as well as accurate simulations with hydrological models. We used the SWAT hydrological model to simulate the fate of three different pesticides, one of each usage type (herbicide, fungicide and insecticide) in a mountainous catchment in Northern Thailand. Three key parameters were identified: the sorption coefficient, the decay coefficient and the coefficient controlling pesticide percolation. We yielded satisfactory results simulating pesticide load dynamics during the calibration period (NSE: 0.92-0.67); the results during the validation period were also acceptable (NSE: 0.61-0.28). The results of this study are an important step in understanding the modeling behavior of these pesticides in SWAT and will help to identify thresholds of worst-case scenarios in order to assess the risk for the environment.
Journal of Environmental Quality | 2012
Andreas Duffner; Joachim Ingwersen; Cindy Hugenschmidt; Thilo Streck
This study was performed to identify the transport pathways of pesticides from a sloped litchi ( Sonn.) orchard to a nearby stream based on a three-component hydrograph separation (baseflow, interflow, surface runoff). Dissolved silica and electrical conductivity were chosen as representative tracers. During the study period (30 d), 0.4 and 0.01% of the applied mass of atrazine and chlorpyrifos, respectively, were detected in the stream after 151 mm of rainfall. Baseflow (80-96%) was the dominant hydrological flow component, followed by interflow (3-18%) and surface runoff (1-7%). Despite its small contribution to total discharge, surface runoff was the dominant atrazine transport pathway during the first days after application because pesticide concentrations in the surface runoff flow component declined quickly within several days. Preferential transport with interflow became the dominant pathway of atrazine. Because chlorpyrifos was detected in the stream water only twice, it was not included in the hydrograph separation. A feature of the surface runoff pathway was the coincidence of pesticide and discharge peaks. In contrast, peak concentrations of pesticides transported by interflow occurred during the hydrograph recession phases. Stormflow generation and pesticide transport depended on antecedent rainfall. The combination of high-resolution pesticide concentration measurements with a three-component hydrograph separation has been shown to be a suitable method to identify pesticide transport pathways under tropical conditions.
Science of The Total Environment | 2016
Andreas Schaeffer; Wulf Amelung; Henner Hollert; Matthias Kaestner; Ellen Kandeler; Jens Kruse; Anja Miltner; Richard Ottermanns; Holger Pagel; Stephan Peth; Christian Poll; Gerhard Rambold; Michael Schloter; Stefanie Schulz; Thilo Streck; Martina Roß-Nickoll
Soils are faced with man-made chemical stress factors, such as the input of organic or metal-containing pesticides, in combination with non-chemical stressors like soil compaction and natural disturbance like drought. Although multiple stress factors are typically co-occurring in soil ecosystems, research in soil sciences on this aspect is limited and focuses mostly on single structural or functional endpoints. A mechanistic understanding of the reaction of soils to multiple stressors is currently lacking. Based on a review of resilience theory, we introduce a new concept for research on the ability of polluted soil (xenobiotics or other chemical pollutants as one stressor) to resist further natural or anthropogenic stress and to retain its functions and structure. There is strong indication that pollution as a primary stressor will change the system reaction of soil, i.e., its resilience, stability and resistance. It can be expected that pollution affects the physiological adaption of organisms and the functional redundancy of the soil to further stress. We hypothesize that the recovery of organisms and chemical-physical properties after impact of a follow-up stressor is faster in polluted soil than in non-polluted soil, i.e., polluted soil has a higher dynamical stability (dynamical stability=1/recovery time), whereas resilience of the contaminated soil is lower compared to that of not or less contaminated soil. Thus, a polluted soil might be more prone to change into another system regime after occurrence of further stress. We highlight this issue by compiling the literature exemplarily for the effects of Cu contamination and compaction on soil functions and structure. We propose to intensify research on effects of combined stresses involving a multidisciplinary team of experts and provide suggestions for corresponding experiments. Our concept offers thus a framework for system level analysis of soils paving the way to enhance ecological theory.