Thomas J. Stewart
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
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Featured researches published by Thomas J. Stewart.
Journal of Great Lakes Research | 1999
Robert C. Bailey; Lee Grapentine; Thomas J. Stewart; Ted Schaner; Margo E. Chase; Jeremy S. Mitchell; Robert A. Coulas
The total abundance in Lake Ontario of Dreissena polymorpha (Dreissenidae), the zebra mussel, and D. bugensis (Dreissenidae), the quagga mussel, was calculated by aggregating data from several surveys carried out in 1991 to 94. In 1993, there were between 3.0 × 10 and 8.7 × 1012 Dreissenidae mussels in Lake Ontario. A filtration model was contructed using depth-specific density estimates, a digital bathymetric map of the lake, and literature estimates of clearance rates for individual mussels. With reasonable estimates of both densities and filtration rates, the mean, area-weighted, turnover time of Lake Ontario water by dreissenid mussels was about 1 year. At the smaller spatial scale of the Bay of Quinte, the same model estimated turnover times of 0.05, 0.2, and 10 days for the lower, middle, and upper areas of the bay, respectively. Depth-specific secondary production estimates for dreissenids, combined with literature estimates of net primary production and energy transfer efficiencies, were incorporated into a food demand model that indicated about 1.25 gC/y mussel of food in Lake Ontario and a consumption efficiency of 50%. At the smaller spatial scale of the Bay of Quinte, the same model estimated one to two orders of magnitude less food per mussel and 62%, 130% and 115% consumption efficiency for the lower, middle and upper areas of the bay, respectively. Dreissenidae mussels may not have a huge impact on the Lake Ontario food web when considered at a whole-lake scale, but their potentially striking impact at the smaller spatial scale of embayments like the Bay of Quinte indicate that they may be locally important. When these effects are aggregated across several sub-systems, Dreissenidae mussels may have unpredictable, larger scale effects in the Lake Ontario ecosystem as a whole.
Journal of Great Lakes Research | 2009
Thomas J. Stewart; W. Gary Sprules; Robert O'Gorman
ABSTRACT In the 1990s, the Lake Ontario ecosystem was dramatically altered due to continued invasions of exotic species including dreissenid mussels and predatory cladocerans. We describe the diet and biomass of prey in the stomachs of adult (≥109 mm TL) and sub-adult (<109 mm TL) alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in 2004 and 2005 across seasons and depths and compare our results to data from 1972 to 1988. During 2004 and 2005, adult alewife consumed primarily zooplankton prey at bottom depth zones <70 m and primarily Mysis at bottom depth zones >70 m. Mysis dominated the diets of adult alewife in all seasons except during the summer of 2004 when zooplankton dominated. Mysis dominated the diets of sub-adult alewife during early and late spring and zooplankton dominated the diets in summer and fall. Bythotrephes and Cercopagis were observed in the diets of both sub-adult and adult alewife. Diporeia was observed only rarely in adult alewife diets. The biomass of prey in alewife stomachs varied seasonally and increased with bottom depth for adult alewife. Alewife diets in 2004–2005 differed from those in 1972 and 1988 with an increase in the prevalence of Mysis, and a decline in the prevalence of zooplankton. The biomass of prey in adult alewife stomachs declined in 2004 and 2005 compared to 1972 and 1988, at bottom depth zones <70 m but not at bottom depth zones >70 m suggesting reduced food availability closer to shore. We hypothesize that consumption levels at the shallower depth zones, as indicated by very low biomass of prey in alewife stomachs, may not be sufficient to sustain alewife growth. The increased prevalence of Mysis and common occurrence of predatory cladocerans in the diet of alewife means that alewife have shifted to a higher trophic position.
Journal of Great Lakes Research | 1995
Mary K. Burnham-Curtis; Charles C. Krueger; Donald R. Schreiner; James E. Johnson; Thomas J. Stewart; Ross M. Horrall; Wayne R. MacCallum; Roger Kenyon; Robert E. Lange
The goal of lake trout rehabilitation efforts in the Great Lakes has been to reestablish inshore lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) populations to self-sustaining levels. A combination of sea lamprey control, stocking of hatchery-reared lake trout, and catch restrictions were used to enhance remnant lake trout stocks in Lake Superior and reestablish lake trout in Lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. Genetic diversity is important for the evolution and maintenance of successful adaptive strategies critical to population restoration. The loss of genetic diversity among wild lake trout stocks in the Great Lakes imposes a severe constraint on lake trout rehabilitation. The objective of this synthesis is to address whether the particular strain used for stocking combined with the choice of stocking location affects the success or failure of lake trout rehabilitation. Poor survival, low juvenile recruitment, and inefficient habitat use are three biological impediments to lake trout rehabilitation that can be influenced by genetic traits. Evidence supports the hypothesis that the choices of appropriate lake trout strain and stocking locations enhance the survival of lake trout stocked into the Great Lakes. Genetic strategies proposed for lake trout rehabilitation include conservation of genetic diversity in remnant stocks, matching of strains with target environments, stocking a greater variety of lake trout phenotypes, and rehabilitation of diversity at all trophic levels.
Journal of Great Lakes Research | 2010
Thomas J. Stewart; Ora E. Johannsson; Kristen T. Holeck; W. Gary Sprules; Robert O'Gorman
ABSTRACT We assessed changes in Lake Ontario Zooplankton biomass, production, and community composition before (1987–1991) and after (2001–2005) invasion-induced ecosystem changes. The ecosystem changes were associated with establishment of invasive dreissenid mussels and invasive predatory cladocerans (Bythotrephes and Cercopagis). Whole-lake total epilimnetic plus metalimnetic Zooplankton production declined by approximately half from 42.45 (g dry wt·m-2·year-1) during 1987–1991 to 21.91 (g dry wt·m-2·year-1) in 2003 and averaged 21.01 (g dry wt·m-2·year-1) during 2001–2005. Analysis of two independent data sets indicates that the mean biomass and biomass proportion of cyclopoid copepods declined while the same measures increased for the invasive predatory cladocerans. Changes in means and proportions of all other Zooplankton groups were not consistent between the data sets. Cyclopoid copepod biomass and production declined by factors ranging from 3.6 to 5.7. Invasive predatory cladoceran biomass averaged from 5.0% to 8.0% of the total Zooplankton biomass. The Zooplankton community was otherwise resilient to the invasion-induced disruption as Zooplankton species richness and diversity were unaffected. Zooplankton production was likely reduced by declines in primary productivity but may have declined further due to increased predation by alewives and invasive predatory cladocerans. Shifts in Zooplankton community structure were consistent with increased predation pressure on cyclopoid copepods by alewives and invasive predatory cladocerans. Predicted declines in the proportion of small cladocerans were not evident. This study represents the first direct comparison of changes in Lake Ontario Zooplankton production before and after the invasion-induced disruption and will be important to food web-scale investigations of invasion effects.
Journal of Great Lakes Research | 2003
Thomas J. Stewart; James R. Bence; Roger A. Bergstedt; Mark P. Ebener; Frank Lupi; Michael A. Rutter
Abstract The Great Lakes sea lamprey ( Petromyzon marinus ) control program currently allocates stream treatments to optimize the number of juvenile sea lampreys killed for a given level of control. Although the economic benefits derived from control appear to outweigh the dollars spent on control efforts, optimizing the number of sea lampreys killed will not necessarily optimize the economic benefits provided by the fish communities. These benefits include both non-consumptive and fishery values. We emphasize that the biological damages caused by each juvenile sea lamprey will vary, as will the economic value associated with each host that is killed. We consider issues related to assessing damages due to sea lampreys, taking into account effects on the fish community and fisheries, so as to improve the sea lamprey control program. We recommend a consolidation of information regarding the valuation of benefits, better understanding of variation in host-parasite interactions among the Great Lakes, and integration of the control program with other fisheries management objectives and activities. Adoption of these recommendations should promote lake trout rehabilitation in the Great Lakes, healthy fish communities and prudent use of limited fishery management resources.
North American Journal of Fisheries Management | 2010
Thomas J. Stewart; Robert O'Gorman; W. Gary Sprules; Brian F. Lantry
Abstract Alewives Alosa pseudoharengus are the dominant prey fish in Lake Ontario, and their response to ecological change can alter the structure and function of the Lake Ontario food web. Using stochastic population-based bioenergetic models of Lake Ontario alewives for 1987–1991 and 2001–2005, we evaluated changes to alewife production, consumption, and associated bioenergetic ratios after invasive-induced food web disruption. After the disruption, mean biomass of alewives declined from 28.0 to 14.6 g/m2, production declined from 40.8 to 13.6 g·m−2·year−1, and consumption declined from 342.1 to 137.2 g·m−2·year−1, but bootstrapping of error sources suggested that the changes were not statistically significant. Population-based bioenergetic ratios of production to biomass (P/B ratio), total consumption to biomass (Q/B ratio), and production efficiency did not change. Pathways of energy flow measured as prey-group-specific Q/B ratios changed significantly between the two time periods for invasive predato...
Journal of Fish Biology | 2017
G. D. Raby; Timothy B. Johnson; S. T. Kessel; Thomas J. Stewart; Aaron T. Fisk
In the present study, pop-off data storage tags (pDST) without any transmitting capabilities were attached to 118 adult salmonids in a 19 000 km2 freshwater system (Lake Ontario). The 9·3 cm long cylindrical tags were externally attached to fishes using a backpack-style harness, set to record pressure (dBar ≈ depth in m) and temperature every 70 s (and at some key times, every 5 s) and programmed to release from the harness and float to the surface after c. 1 year. Recapture of the bright-orange tags for data retrieval relied on members of the public finding tags on shore, or on anglers capturing fishes with tags attached and using the contact information displayed on each tag to mail tags to the research team in exchange for a monetary reward. Thirty-seven tags were found and returned from the 118 released (31%), while 26 of the 118 tags (22%) remained scheduled to pop-off in summer 2017. Of the 37 tags returned, 23 were from wild-caught fishes (out of 88 wild-caught and tagged fishes; 26%) and yielded useful data whereas 14 were from hatchery-reared fishes that were opportunistically tagged and appear to have been unable to acclimate to life in the wild and died days to weeks after release. The field study described here thus demonstrated that pDSTs can be a viable option for collecting large amounts of high-resolution depth and temperature data for salmonids in freshwater systems. Technical challenges, limitations and unknowns related to the use of pDSTs with freshwater fishes are discussed. In addition, pDSTs are compared with alternate electronic tagging technologies and assessed for their potential as a more widespread tool in research on freshwater fishes.
Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management | 2017
Monir Hossain; Thomas J. Stewart; George B. Arhonditsis; Dick van Oevelen; Charles K. Minns; Marten A. Koops
Ecopath with Ecosim has been extensively used to examine ecosystem attributes and the effects of management actions. One of the main limitations in using Ecopath to credibly guide management decisions lies in the quality and quantity of the data used. Linear Inverse Modelling treats the problem of ecosystem characterization in a rigorous mathematical way in which the foodweb is described as a (linear) function of the flows and model parameters are (inversely) derived from observed data. In this study, our thesis is that Linear Inverse Modelling can be used as a complement to Ecopath applications to evaluate our confidence in typically reported ecosystem characterizations. Based on a simplified version of a previously published foodweb topology (Hossain et al., 2012), we demonstrate that there is considerable uncertainty associated with the predicted energy flows within the ecosystem of Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario, Canada. Uncertainty related to external flows (e.g. respiratory and detrital flows) appears to be much higher than for internal flows associated with predator-prey relationships. Our Linear Inverse Modelling analysis reinforces earlier findings that most of the trophic flows are concentrated within the first two trophic levels, while mass fluxes at the higher trophic levels are significantly lower. The intermediate ecotrophic efficiency for zooplankton suggests that planktivorous fishes do not fully capitalize upon the available food in the system. Our model estimates that a substantial amount of the detrital material is being recycled by the microbial community within the system. Taken together with the significant detrital pool directly supporting zooplankton and oligochaetes/chironomids, this prediction is consistent with recent empirical evidence that particulate organic matter from various allochthonous or autochthonous origins constitute important components of the energy transferred to higher trophic levels. Overall, our Linear Inverse Modelling analysis offers meaningful insights that should contribute towards the development of a reliable ecosystem model for Hamilton Harbour.
Archive | 1999
Robert O'Gorman; Thomas J. Stewart
Archive | 1999
Thomas J. Stewart; Robert E. Lange; Sandra D. Orsatti; Clifford P. Schneider