
Physics Reports | 2016

The Kuramoto model in complex networks

Francisco A. Rodrigues; Thomas K. D. M. Peron; Peng Ji; J. Kurths

Synchronization of an ensemble of oscillators is an emergent phenomenon present in several complex systems, ranging from social and physical to biological and technological systems. The most successful approach to describe how coherent behavior emerges in these complex systems is given by the paradigmatic Kuramoto model. This model has been traditionally studied in complete graphs. However, besides being intrinsically dynamical, complex systems present very heterogeneous structure, which can be represented as complex networks. This report is dedicated to review main contributions in the field of synchronization in networks of Kuramoto oscillators. In particular, we provide an overview of the impact of network patterns on the local and global dynamics of coupled phase oscillators. We cover many relevant topics, which encompass a description of the most used analytical approaches and the analysis of several numerical results. Furthermore, we discuss recent developments on variations of the Kuramoto model in networks, including the presence of noise and inertia. The rich potential for applications is discussed for special fields in engineering, neuroscience, physics and Earth science. Finally, we conclude by discussing problems that remain open after the last decade of intensive research on the Kuramoto model and point out some promising directions for future research.

Physical Review Letters | 2013

Cluster explosive synchronization in complex networks.

Peng Ji; Thomas K. D. M. Peron; Peter J. Menck; Francisco A. Rodrigues; Jürgen Kurths

The emergence of explosive synchronization has been reported as an abrupt transition in complex networks of first-order Kuramoto oscillators. In this Letter we demonstrate that the nodes in a second-order Kuramoto model perform a cascade of transitions toward a synchronous macroscopic state, which is a novel phenomenon that we call cluster explosive synchronization. We provide a rigorous analytical treatment using a mean-field analysis in uncorrelated networks. Our findings are in good agreement with numerical simulations and fundamentally deepen the understanding of microscopic mechanisms toward synchronization.

Physical Review E | 2015

Thermodynamic characterization of networks using graph polynomials.

Cheng Ye; Cesar H. Comin; Thomas K. D. M. Peron; Filipi Nascimento Silva; Francisco A. Rodrigues; Luciano da Fontoura Costa; Andrea Torsello; Edwin R. Hancock

In this paper, we present a method for characterizing the evolution of time-varying complex networks by adopting a thermodynamic representation of network structure computed from a polynomial (or algebraic) characterization of graph structure. Commencing from a representation of graph structure based on a characteristic polynomial computed from the normalized Laplacian matrix, we show how the polynomial is linked to the Boltzmann partition function of a network. This allows us to compute a number of thermodynamic quantities for the network, including the average energy and entropy. Assuming that the system does not change volume, we can also compute the temperature, defined as the rate of change of entropy with energy. All three thermodynamic variables can be approximated using low-order Taylor series that can be computed using the traces of powers of the Laplacian matrix, avoiding explicit computation of the normalized Laplacian spectrum. These polynomial approximations allow a smoothed representation of the evolution of networks to be constructed in the thermodynamic space spanned by entropy, energy, and temperature. We show how these thermodynamic variables can be computed in terms of simple network characteristics, e.g., the total number of nodes and node degree statistics for nodes connected by edges. We apply the resulting thermodynamic characterization to real-world time-varying networks representing complex systems in the financial and biological domains. The study demonstrates that the method provides an efficient tool for detecting abrupt changes and characterizing different stages in network evolution.

Physical Review E | 2015

Universality in the spectral and eigenfunction properties of random networks

J. A. Mendez-Bermudez; A. Alcazar-Lopez; A. J. Martinez-Mendoza; Francisco A. Rodrigues; Thomas K. D. M. Peron

By the use of extensive numerical simulations, we show that the nearest-neighbor energy-level spacing distribution P(s) and the entropic eigenfunction localization length of the adjacency matrices of Erdős-Rényi (ER) fully random networks are universal for fixed average degree ξ≡αN (α and N being the average network connectivity and the network size, respectively). We also demonstrate that the Brody distribution characterizes well P(s) in the transition from α=0, when the vertices in the network are isolated, to α=1, when the network is fully connected. Moreover, we explore the validity of our findings when relaxing the randomness of our network model and show that, in contrast to standard ER networks, ER networks with diagonal disorder also show universality. Finally, we also discuss the spectral and eigenfunction properties of small-world networks.

Scientific Reports | 2015

Low-dimensional behavior of Kuramoto model with inertia in complex networks

Peng Ji; Thomas K. D. M. Peron; Francisco A. Rodrigues; J. Kurths

Low-dimensional behavior of large systems of globally coupled oscillators has been intensively investigated since the introduction of the Ott-Antonsen ansatz. In this report, we generalize the Ott-Antonsen ansatz to second-order Kuramoto models in complex networks. With an additional inertia term, we find a low-dimensional behavior similar to the first-order Kuramoto model, derive a self-consistent equation and seek the time-dependent derivation of the order parameter. Numerical simulations are also conducted to verify our analytical results.

Physical Review E | 2015

Collective dynamics in two populations of noisy oscillators with asymmetric interactions.

Bernard Sonnenschein; Thomas K. D. M. Peron; Francisco A. Rodrigues; J. Kurths; Lutz Schimansky-Geier

We study two intertwined globally coupled networks of noisy Kuramoto phase oscillators that have the same natural frequency but differ in their perception of the mean field and their contribution to it. Such a give-and-take mechanism is given by asymmetric in- and out-coupling strengths which can be both positive and negative. We uncover in this minimal network of networks intriguing patterns of discordance, where the ensemble splits into two clusters separated by a constant phase lag. If it differs from π, then traveling wave solutions emerge. We observe a second route to traveling waves via traditional one-cluster states. Bistability is found between the various collective states. Analytical results and bifurcation diagrams are derived with a reduced system.

Physical Review E | 2014

Analysis of cluster explosive synchronization in complex networks.

Peng Ji; Thomas K. D. M. Peron; Francisco A. Rodrigues; Jueurgen Kurths

Correlations between intrinsic dynamics and local topology have become a new trend in the study of synchronization in complex networks. In this paper, we investigate the influence of topology on the dynamics of networks made up of second-order Kuramoto oscillators. In particular, based on mean-field calculations, we provide a detailed investigation of cluster explosive synchronization (CES) [Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 218701 (2013)] in scale-free networks as a function of several topological properties. Moreover, we investigate the robustness of discontinuous transitions by including an additional quenched disorder, and we show that the phase coherence decreases with increasing strength of the quenched disorder. These results complement the previous findings regarding CES and also fundamentally deepen the understanding of the interplay between topology and dynamics under the constraint of correlating natural frequencies and local structure.

Information Sciences | 2016

Concentric network symmetry

Filipi Nascimento Silva; Cesar H. Comin; Thomas K. D. M. Peron; Francisco A. Rodrigues; Cheng Ye; Richard C. Wilson; Edwin R. Hancock; Luciano da Fontoura Costa

We developed a new node-center symmetry measurement for complex networks.The symmetry values were compared among six network models as well as four real-world networks.By using principal component analysis we obtained distinctive signatures of symmetry for each considered network. Quantification of symmetries in complex networks is typically done globally in terms of automorphisms. Extending previous methods to locally assess the symmetry of nodes is not straightforward. Here we present a new framework to quantify the symmetries around nodes, which we call connectivity patterns. We develop two topological transformations that allow a concise characterization of the different types of symmetry appearing on networks and apply these concepts to six network models, namely the Erd?s-Renyi, Barabasi-Albert, random geometric graph, Waxman, Voronoi and rewired Voronoi. Real-world networks, namely the scientific areas of Wikipedia, the world-wide airport network and the street networks of Oldenburg and San Joaquin, are also analyzed in terms of the proposed symmetry measurements. Several interesting results emerge from this analysis, including the high symmetry exhibited by the Erd?s-Renyi model. Additionally, we found that the proposed measurements present low correlation with other traditional metrics, such as node degree and betweenness centrality. Principal component analysis is used to combine all the results, revealing that the concepts presented here have substantial potential to also characterize networks at a global scale. We also provide a real-world application to the financial market network.

European Physical Journal B | 2014

Cooperative behavior between oscillatory and excitable units: the peculiar role of positive coupling-frequency correlations

Bernard Sonnenschein; Thomas K. D. M. Peron; Francisco A. Rodrigues; J. Kurths; Lutz Schimansky-Geier

We study the collective dynamics of noise-driven excitable elements, so-called active rotators. Crucially here, the natural frequencies and the individual coupling strengths are drawn from some joint probability distribution. Combining a mean-field treatment with a Gaussian approximation allows us to find examples where the infinite-dimensional system is reduced to a few ordinary differential equations. Our focus lies in the cooperative behavior in a population consisting of two parts, where one is composed of excitable elements, while the other one contains only self-oscillatory units. Surprisingly, excitable behavior in the whole system sets in only if the excitable elements have a smaller coupling strength than the self-oscillating units. In this way positive local correlations between natural frequencies and couplings shape the global behavior of mixed populations of excitable and oscillatory elements.

EPL | 2018

Spectra of random networks in the weak clustering regime

Thomas K. D. M. Peron; Peng Ji; Jürgen Kurths; Francisco A. Rodrigues

The asymptotic behaviour of dynamical processes in networks can be expressed as a function of spectral properties of the Adjacency and Laplacian matrices. Although many theoretical results are known for the spectra of traditional configuration models, networks generated through these models fail to describe many topological features of real-world networks, in particular non-null values for the clustering coefficient. Here we study the effects of cycles or order three (triangles) in network spectra. By using recent advances in random matrix theory, we determine the spectrum distribution of the network Adjacency matrix as a function of the average number of triangles attached to each node for networks without modular structure and degree-degree correlations. Furthermore we show that cycles of order three have a weak influence on the Laplacian eigenvalues, fact that explains the recent controversy on the dynamics of clustered networks. Our findings can shed light in the study of how particular kinds of subgraphs influence network dynamics.The asymptotic behavior of dynamical processes in networks can be expressed as a function of spectral properties of the corresponding adjacency and Laplacian matrices. Although many theoretical results are known for the spectra of traditional configuration models, networks generated through these models fail to describe many topological features of real-world networks, in particular non-null values of the clustering coefficient. Here we study effects of cycles of order three (triangles) in network spectra. By using recent advances in random matrix theory, we determine the spectral distribution of the network adjacency matrix as a function of the average number of triangles attached to each node for networks without modular structure and degree-degree correlations. Implications to network dynamics are discussed. Our findings can shed light in the study of how particular kinds of subgraphs influence network dynamics.

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