
Journal of Change Management | 2016

Systemic in-house consulting: an answer to building change capacities in complex organizations

Thomas Schumacher; Martin Scherzinger

ABSTRACT Challenged by the increase in parallel change projects, many organizations have created internal change consulting teams. One theoretically inspiring and practically important phenomenon that we find in our empirical context of a German multinational company is systemic in-house consulting (SIHC). This change consulting approach, which intervenes on the back of strong system-theoretical considerations, faces a paradoxical challenge: to consult on organizational change from within, without the cachet of an external expert. Using the case of an automotive supplier creating SIHC as a coping resource for multiple, heterogeneous, and parallel change processes, the article both examines and illustrates SIHC. We argue that increasing change needs have the potential to stimulate organizational change capacity and that SIHC offers one very concrete and workable expression.

Action Learning: Research and Practice | 2015

Linking action learning and inter-organisational learning: the learning journey approach

Thomas Schumacher

The article presents and illustrates the learning journey (LJ) – a new management development approach to inter-organisational learning based on observation, reflection and problem-solving. The LJ involves managers from different organisations and applies key concepts of action learning and systemic organisational development. Made up of practitioners from 6 to 8 organisations, the LJ visits each of the organisations to explore management practices, taking into account their particular organisational context and challenges. Following a sequence of (a) becoming aware of the particular organisational context, (b) learning about established management practices and (c) working on a current challenge as ‘comrades in adversity’, the article introduces and illustrates the LJ approach. The article closes with a discussion of the approachs challenges and implications for research on – and development of – inter-organisational learning processes.

Journal of Management Education | 2018

Preparing Managers for Turbulent Contexts: Teaching the Principles of Design Thinking:

Thomas Schumacher; Selina Mayer

Design thinking is a creative practice that sparks managers’ thinking and acting in response to the challenges of shifting consumer preferences, emerging new technological possibilities, and changing business models. The issues for management education, that is, preparing students for future management roles, is how one can teach design thinking to management students to prepare them for turbulent contexts. This article presents a conceptual approach with empirical illustrations for teaching the core principles of design thinking: user focus, problem framing, visualization, experimentation, and diversity. To help future managers develop a design-thinking attitude, we present a structured 1-hour approach that, first, introduces the design-thinking process (understand, observe, define point of view, ideate, prototype, and test); second, links design-thinking principles to the phases of the design-thinking process and the management of turbulences; and, third, zooms in on each of the six phases. We focus on how design-thinking principles—the common denominator of different design-thinking approaches—can foster students’ creativity and innovation as key elements of managing in turbulent times. In addition to presenting the process itself, the article contains instructions for conducting the exercise.

Archive | 2017

Strategie und Organisationsdesign in Hochschulen

Thomas Schumacher

Hochschulen als offentliche Organisationen sind mit rasant zunehmenden Anforderungen und einer steigenden Komplexitat konfrontiert. Die damit verbundenen multiplen Rationalitaten und Handlungslogiken (z. B. Wissenschaft, Okonomie, Politik), verbunden mit der speziellen Auspragung der Machtstrukturen, die in Hochschulen sehr viel fliesender und weniger hierarchisch sind als in anderen Organisationen, erschweren die Entwicklung tragfahiger Zukunftsvorstellungen innerhalb der Organisation. Mehr noch: Lehre und Forschung als die Kernprozesse einer Hochschule bedingen Autonomie (sie sind nicht von auserhalb des Seminarraums steuerbar) und lassen sich nicht von der Fuhrung uber Vorgaben anweisen. Hochschulen finden sich damit in einer Beteiligungs-Paradoxie wieder: Sie wollen gleichzeitig die autonome Selbst- wie auch die demokratische Mitbestimmung erhalten. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser herausfordernden Ausgangssituation beleuchtet dieser Beitrag die Herausforderungen an Fuhrung von Hochschulen als pluralistischen Organisationen und stellt die Implikationen fur die Strategie- und Organisationsdesignentwicklung in solchen Organisationen dar.

Archive | 2003

Identität oder strategischer Wandel? : eine systemische Perspektive auf organisationale Veränderungen

Thomas Schumacher

Archive | 2013

Professionalisierung als Passion : Aktualität und Zukunftsperspektiven der systemischen Organisationsberatung

Thomas Schumacher

Archive | 2011

Expert- versus Process Consulting : Changing Paradigms in Management Consulting in Germany

Thomas Schumacher

Archive | None

He´s been to a management development program, but he´ll will calm down soon : Management learning programs as strategic episodes 2013 2013-07-04 EGOS European Group for Organizational Studies 0 0 0 2017-07-21 2142142677 19759 10.1016/j.arthro.2012.10.012 Journal correlation of clinical and magnetic resonance imaging findings in hips of elite female ballet dancers Correlation of Clinical and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Hips of Elite Female Ballet Dancers 2013 2013-03-01 Elsevier 107905979 29 3 411 419 28 52 90 Arthroscopy 2016-06-24 2413693723 29983 Journal on care and rehabilitation in rheumatic diseases On care and rehabilitation in rheumatic diseases 1962 1962-10-01 Soc Med Tidskr 2756020248 39 311 0 0 0 Social-Medicinsk tidskrift 2016-06-24 2258705524 24999 开创 十二五 广西地税事业新局面 开创“十二五”广西地税事业新局面 2011 2011-01-01 4 48 48 0 0 0 当代广西 2016-06-24 2735831931 25306 stabile und radiogene isotope im globalen wandel der ozeane im miozan und pliozan Stabile und radiogene Isotope im globalen Wandel der Ozeane im Miozän und Pliozän 2008 2008-01-01 0 0 0 [Invited talk] In: Symposium, 09.07, Bremen . 2017-07-21 2142142693 21045 10.1177/230949901101900223 Journal review article bone defect classifications in revision total knee arthroplasty Review article:Bone defect classifications in revision total knee arthroplasty 2011 2011-08-01 SAGE PublicationsSage UK: London, England 2764762859 19 2 238 243 31 10 10 Journal of orthopaedic surgery 2016-06-24 2413693724 26667 Journal a case of deep fungal infection of maxillary sinus and ethmoidal labyrinth A case of deep fungal infection of maxillary sinus and ethmoidal labyrinth 1991 1991-01-01 Vestn Otorinolaringol 2752011876 3 81 0 0 0 Vestnik otorinolaringologii 2016-06-24 2258705529 24590 人力资源评估 该动用 关系 了 人力资源评估,该动用“关系”了 2015 2015-01-01 10 69 71 0 0 0 人力资源 2016-06-24 2735831937 23617 Patent method apparatuses and readable medium for network access and control for mobile devices Method, apparatuses and readable medium for network access and control for mobile devices 2015 2015-02-18 3 0 0 2017-07-21 2142142705 28377 ecotron eybiez 7 evolutiqn qualitative ECOTRON - 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Thomas Schumacher

Archive | 2018

Effectuation Billard: Das unternehmerische Spiel mit Ressourcen, Partnern und Unsicherheit

Martin J. Eppler; Brigitte Winkler; Oliver Haas; Heiko Roehl; Thomas Schumacher

Archive | 2017

Schlüsselprinzipien der ZOE-Redaktion

Martin J. Eppler; Heiko Roehl; Oliver Haas; Thomas Schumacher; Brigitte Winkler

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