Tibor Benedek
Loyola University Chicago
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Featured researches published by Tibor Benedek.
Mycopathologia | 1960
Tibor Benedek
Very little progress had been made on the question whether organs of higher fructification occur in dermatophytes. Only two significant studies can be noted. One was the elaboration of the hypothesis byMatruchot &Dassonville that “dermatophytes” because of morphological similarities with certain fungi (Myxotrichum, Gymnoascus, Arachniotus) belong with them to the Gymnoascaceae. However, this generalization was unwarranted, since their hypothesis was based on a single strain of a dermatophyte, designated by them as “Trichophyton, sp.” without the species having been more closely determined. Moreover, they did not produce any evidence for their generalization that all dermatophytes should, or necessarily must belong to the Gymnoascaceae. Finally,Matruchot &Dassonville had never seen either pycnidia or perithecia in their cultures. To say the least, their hypothesis, whether right or wrong, must await further demonstrations that pycnidia and/or perithecia do exist in the dermatophytes. The only apparently successful attempt at solving the question of the existence of higher organs of fructification in dermatophytes has been made byNannizzi. His findings must be considered valid, unless duplications of his experiments would prove to the contrary. However, the same objection has to be made against his generalization as was raised against the generalization ofMatruchot &Dassonville. This is that ALL dermatophytes must necessarily belong to the Gymnoascaceae.Nannizzi succeeded in producing pycnidia only in the form-genusTrichophyton, in the speciesTr. mentagrophytes (Ch. Robin, 1853) andTr. equinum Matruchot. He also was successful in his endeavor in the form—genusAchorion, in the speciesAchorion gypseum Bodin. However, his attempts to produce higher organs of fructification inMicrosporon lanosum Sabouraud and inAchorion Quinckeanum Zopf failed. Versuche, betreffs des gegenwärtigen Standes der Fruchtkörperproduktion in Dermatophyten, die sich nun auf sechs Jahrzehnte erstrecken, sind kritisch beleuchtet worden. Es konnte nur ein einziger, anscheinend erfolgreicher Versuch verzeichnet werden, der vonNannizzi, 1926. Mit seiner speziellen Technik, indem er Dermatophyten auf “natürlichen Nährböden” (Federn, Leder, Knochen, Haare) züchtete, war es ihm gelungen, Pykniden in der Form-GattungTrichophyton, in den ArtenTr. mentagrophytes (Ch. Robin, 1853) undTr. equinum Matruchot hervorzurufen. In der Form-GattungAchorion sind Pykniden in der ArtAchorion gypseum Bodin produziert worden in einem Nährboden von Waldboden gemischt mit Stückchen von altem Leder. Jedoch sind seine Versuche, Pykniden inMicrosporon lanosum Sabouraud und inAchorion Quinckeanum Zopf hervorzurufen, fehlgeschlagen.
Mycopathologia Et Mycologia Applicata | 1972
Tibor Benedek
Pompholyx is one clinical form of the endoparasitic-hematogenous skin eruptions. It is characterized by sago-grain-like, deeply embedded blisters or pustules within the normal, primarily non-inflamed skin, localized to the palms, soles, fingers, toes and interdigital webs, and in the nail organ. The blisters may be located in the nail wall causing paronychia, and/or beneath the nail plate causing onychia. The discussion of the etiology and pathogenesis of the pompholyx of the nail organ is inseparable from pompholyx at other sites (e.g. palms and soles), since they are identical. Hence, the term “pompholyx” should replace such misleading terms as “infectious eczematoid dermatitis”, “id” eruption, of the hand and/or feet, “dermato- or epidermophytosis”, “dyshidrosis”, and the vernacular “athletes foot”. Even though hyphomycetes (true pathogens and common molds) of many sorts may be detected in the roof of the blisters, particularly on the feet, and scrapings of detritus from the nails, they have no role in the etiology or pathogenesis of this condition. Due to an universal infection immunity pompholyx is not infectious or transmissible. True onychomycosis is clinically and pathogenetically an entirely different condition. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the fundamental differences in etiology and pathogenesis between the two conditions.
Mycopathologia Et Mycologia Applicata | 1962
Tibor Benedek
The present study offers the picture of crystal formation in cultures of dermatophytes photographed in white light. Isometric and anisometric crystal forms are profusely depicted. ‘Pranks’ and ‘mimics’ of crystal forms are pointed out. Photomicrographic data are given. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wird das Bild der Krystallbildung in Dermatophytenkulturen in weissem Licht dargestellt. Isometrische und anisometrische Krystallformen werden reichlich illustriert. Auf ‘Streiche’ und ‘Nachahmungen’ der Krystallformen wird hingewiesen. Photomikrographische Daten sind gegeben. La présente étude offre le tableau des formations des crystaux des dermatophytes photographiées en lumière blanche. Des formes isométriques et anisométriques des crystaux ont été illustrées abondamment. Des ‘coups’ et des ‘mimiques’ des crystaux sont présentés. Les données photomicrographiques ont été élucidées.
Mycopathologia Et Mycologia Applicata | 1958
Tibor Benedek
After almost a decade of practical experience with the selective, chemical epilation as a most advanced method in the treatment of tinea capitis, a progress report is presented. The authors additional material covered 153 more cases of tinea microsporina, while DoctorGimbys material encompassed 849 cases during an epidemic of tinea microsporina at Sault St. Marie, Ontario, Canada. The formula of the Compound for selective, chemical epilation is given in the body of the paper. Despite the fact that the in vitro tests with its single ingredients (Copper sulfate, Chloral hydrate) revealed some fungistatic properties, the practical, clinical application of this preparation has nothing to do with its possible antifungal effect. The efficiency of the Compound is based solely upon its selective, chemical, epilatory power on fungus infected hairs only. The Compound completely penetrates the hair follicle in its whole depth and saturates the aerial and root portions of the hair from within. The infected hairs — and only the infected ones — are separated from the papila pili so that they can be simply brushed out from the scalp. The fungi are not killed by this method, because they cannot be killed in human tissues by any method. The Compound is neither an irritant, nor a sensitizer; it has no systemic effect. The total duration of the treatment with the Compound, if correctly and conscientiously carried out, is from two to four weeks. Simple instructions for the guardians are presented for the purpose to properly carry out the home-treatment. Nach der praktischen Erfahrung von beinahe einem Jahrzehnt mit der selektiven, chemischen Epilation, als die meist entwickelte Methode in der Behandlung der mykotischen Infektion der behaarten Kopfhaut, wird dieser Fortschrittsbericht erstattet. Des Autors Krankengut umfasste 153 zusätzliche Fälle von Tinea microsporina, während auf 849 Fälle sich DoktorGimbys Krankengut während einer Epidemie dieser Krankheit in Sault St. Marie, Ontario, Canada erstreckte. Die Formel des Mittels für die selektive, chemische Epilation ist in der Arbeit gegeben. Wie wohl die in vitro Tests mit den einzelnen Bestandteilen des Mittels (Kupfersulfat, Chloralhydrat) etwas fungistatische Wirkung gezeigt hatten, hat die praktische, klinische Anwendung dieses Mittels mit der möglichen, antifungalen Wirkung nichts zu tun. Die Wirksamkeit des Mittels beruht allein auf seiner selektiven, chemischen Eingenschaft, lediglich die Pilz-infizierten Haare von der Kopfhaut zu entfernen. Das selektive Mittel dringt in den Haarfollikelapparat in seine ganze Tiefe ein und durchtränkt den Haarschaft und die Haarwurzel in ihrer ganzen Dicke. Die infizierten Haare, — und nur die infizierten, — werden von der Papilla pili getrennt, so dass sie von der Kopfhaut einfach herausgebürstet werden können. Die Pilze werden dabei nicht getötet, weil man sie mit keiner Methode in dem menschlichen Gewebe töten kann. Weder reizt das selektive Mittel das Gewebe, noch macht es empfindlich. Es hat keine Systemwirkung. Die Dauer der Behandlung mit dem selektiven Mittel, wenn es genau und gewissenhaft angewendet wird, ist zwei bis vier Wochen. Eine einfache Anweisung für die Eltern für die genaue Ausführung der Behandlung ist gegeben.
Mycopathologia Et Mycologia Applicata | 1956
Tibor Benedek
Mycelial forms in the parasitic life cycle ofC. immitis have been reported several times. These observations are confirmed by the findings of the author. Mycelia and coremium formation of the mycelia (this latter never reported before) of C. immitis were found in the pus of a huge abscess in a patient suffering for many years from coccidioidal granuloma of the lungs. Mycelia were also present in the serum of a cantharides blister, a proof of their presence in the circulation. The development of mycelial forms in the animal tissue must be, thus, considered as an established fact. Budding in the life cycle ofC. immitis in vivo and in vitro have also been reported before. The author, from his own observation, can confirm the correctness of this finding beyond doubt. Thus, budding of the organism in the animal tissue cannot any longer be considered as a cardinal difference between B, dermatitidis and C, immitis.
Mycopathologia Et Mycologia Applicata | 1963
Tibor Benedek
Mycopathologia | 1961
Tibor Benedek
Mycopathologia Et Mycologia Applicata | 1967
Tibor Benedek
Mycopathologia Et Mycologia Applicata | 1964
Tibor Benedek
Mycopathologia | 1961
Tibor Benedek