Tim Roughgarden
Stanford University
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Featured researches published by Tim Roughgarden.
Games and Economic Behavior | 2004
Tim Roughgarden; Éva Tardos
Abstract Equilibria in noncooperative games are typically inefficient, as illustrated by the Prisoners Dilemma. In this paper, we quantify this inefficiency by comparing the payoffs of equilibria to the payoffs of a “best possible” outcome. We study a nonatomic version of the congestion games defined by Rosenthal [Int. J. Game Theory 2 (1973) 65], and identify games in which equilibria are approximately optimal in the sense that no other outcome achieves a significantly larger total payoff to the players—games in which optimization by individuals approximately optimizes the social good, in spite of the lack of coordination between players. Our results extend previous work on traffic routing games.
Energy Policy | 1999
Tim Roughgarden; Stephen H. Schneider
Abstract Controversy surrounds climate change policy analyses because of uncertainties in climatic effects, impacts, mitigation costs and their distributions. Here we address uncertainties in impacts, and provide a method for quantitative estimation of the policy implications of such uncertainties. To calculate an “optimal” control rate or carbon tax a climate-economy model can be used on estimates of climate damages resulting from warming scenarios and several other key assumptions. The dynamic integrated climate-economy (DICE) model, in its original specification, suggested that an efficient policy for slowing global warming would incorporate only a relatively modest amount of abatement of greenhouse gas emissions, via the mechanism of a small (about
symposium on the theory of computing | 2010
Aaron Roth; Tim Roughgarden
5 per ton initially) carbon tax. Here, the DICE model is reformulated to reflect several alternate published estimates and opinions of the possible damages from climatic change. Our analyses show that incorporating most of these alternate damage estimates into DICE results in a significantly more aggressive optimal policy than that suggested by the original model using a single damage function. In addition, statistical distributions of these damage estimates are constructed and used in a probabilistic analysis of optimal carbon tax rates, resulting in mostly much larger (but occasionally smaller) carbon taxes than those of DICE using point values of damage estimates. In view of the large uncertainties in estimates of climate damages, a probabilistic formulation that links many of the structural and data uncertainties and thus acknowledges the wide range of “optimal” policies is essential to policy analysis, since point values or “best guesses” deny policy makers the opportunity to consider low probability, but policy-relevant, outliers. Our presentation is offered as a prototypical example of a method to represent such uncertainties explicitly in an integrated assessment.
symposium on the theory of computing | 2009
Arpita Ghosh; Tim Roughgarden; Mukund Sundararajan
We define a new interactive differentially private mechanism --- the median mechanism --- for answering arbitrary predicate queries that arrive online. Given fixed accuracy and privacy constraints, this mechanism can answer exponentially more queries than the previously best known interactive privacy mechanism (the Laplace mechanism, which independently perturbs each query result). With respect to the number of queries, our guarantee is close to the best possible, even for non-interactive privacy mechanisms. Conceptually, the median mechanism is the first privacy mechanism capable of identifying and exploiting correlations among queries in an interactive setting. We also give an efficient implementation of the median mechanism, with running time polynomial in the number of queries, the database size, and the domain size. This efficient implementation guarantees privacy for all input databases, and accurate query results for almost all input distributions. The dependence of the privacy on the number of queries in this mechanism improves over that of the best previously known efficient mechanism by a super-polynomial factor, even in the non-interactive setting.
symposium on the theory of computing | 2003
Richard Cole; Yevgeniy Dodis; Tim Roughgarden
A mechanism for releasing information about a statistical database with sensitive data must resolve a trade-off between utility and privacy. Publishing fully accurate information maximizes utility while minimizing privacy, while publishing random noise accomplishes the opposite. Privacy can be rigorously quantified using the framework of differential privacy, which requires that a mechanisms output distribution is nearly the same whether or not a given database row is included or excluded. The goal of this paper is strong and general utility guarantees, subject to differential privacy. We pursue mechanisms that guarantee near-optimal utility to every potential user, independent of its side information (modeled as a prior distribution over query results) and preferences (modeled via a loss function). Our main result is: for each fixed count query and differential privacy level, there is a geometric mechanism M* -- a discrete variant of the simple and well-studied Laplace mechanism -- that is simultaneously expected loss-minimizing for every possible user, subject to the differential privacy constraint. This is an extremely strong utility guarantee: every potential user u, no matter what its side information and preferences, derives as much utility from M* as from interacting with a differentially private mechanism Mu that is optimally tailored to u. More precisely, for every user u there is an optimal mechanism Mu for it that factors into a user-independent part (the geometric mechanism M*) followed by user-specific post-processing that can be delegated to the user itself. The first part of our proof of this result characterizes the optimal differentially private mechanism for a fixed but arbitrary user in terms of a certain basic feasible solution to a linear program with constraints that encode differential privacy. The second part shows that all of the relevant vertices of this polytope (ranging over all possible users) are derivable from the geometric mechanism via suitable remappings of its range.
symposium on the theory of computing | 2001
Tim Roughgarden
We study the negative consequences of selfish behavior in a congested network and economic means of influencing such behavior. We consider a model of selfish routing in which the latency experienced by network traffic on an edge of the network is a function of the edge congestion, and network users are assumed to selfishly route traffic on minimum-latency paths. The quality of a routing of traffic is measured by the sum of travel times (the total latency).It is well known that the outcome of selfish routing (a Nash equilibrium) does not minimize the total latency. An ancient strategy for improving the selfish solution is the principle of marginal cost pricing, which asserts that on each edge of the network, each network user on the edge should pay a tax offsetting the congestion effects caused by its presence. By pricing network edges according to this principle, the inefficiency of selfish routing can always be eradicated.This result, while fundamental, assumes a very strong homogeneity property: all network users are assumed to trade off time and money in an identical way. The guarantee also ignores both the algorithmic aspects of edge pricing and the unfortunate possibility that an efficient routing of traffic might only be achieved with exorbitant taxes. Motivated by these shortcomings, we extend this classical work on edge pricing in several different directions and prove the following results.We prove that the edges of a single-commodity network can always be priced so that an optimal routing of traffic arises as a Nash equilibrium, even for very general heterogeneous populations of network users.When there are only finitely many different types of network users and all edge latency functions are convex, we show how to compute such edge prices efficiently.We prove that an easy-to-check mathematical condition on the population of heterogeneous network users is both necessary and sufficient for the existence of edge prices that induce an optimal routing while requiring only moderate taxes.
symposium on the theory of computing | 2003
Anupam Gupta; Amit Kumar; Tim Roughgarden
We study the problem of optimizing the performance of a system shared by selfish, noncooperative users. We consider the concrete setting of scheduling jobs on a set of shared machines with load-dependent latency functions specifying the length of time necessary to complete a job; we measure system performance by the total latency of the system. Assigning jobs according to the selfish interests of individual users (who wish to minimize only the latency that their own jobs experience) typically results in suboptimal system performance. However, in many systems of this type there is a mixture of “selfishly controlled” and “centrally controlled” jobs; as the assignment of centrally controlled jobs will influence the subsequent actions by selfish users, we aspire to contain the degradation in system performance due to selfish behavior by scheduling the centrally controlled jobs in the best possible way. We formulate this goal as an optimization problem via Stackelberg games, games in which one player acts a leader (here, the centralized authority interested in optimizing system performance) and the rest as followers (the selfish users). The problem is then to compute a strategy for the leader (a em Stackelberg strategy) that induces the followers to react in a way that (at least approximately) minimizes the total latency in the system. In this paper, we prove that it is NP-hard to compute the optimal Stackelberg strategy and present simple strategies with provable performance guarantees. More precisely, we give a simple algorithm that computes a strategy inducing a job assignment with total latency no more than a constant times that of the optimal assignment of all of the jobs; in the absence of centrally controlled jobs and a Stackelberg strategy, no result of this type is possible. We also prove stronger performance guarantees in the
Journal of Computer and System Sciences | 2006
Tim Roughgarden
We give simple and easy-to-analyze randomized approximation algorithms for several well-studied NP-hard network design problems. Our algorithms improve over the previously best known approximation ratios. Our main results are the following.We give a randomized 3.55-approximation algorithm for the connected facility location problem. The algorithm requires three lines to state, one page to analyze, and improves the best-known performance guarantee for the problem.We give a 5.55-approximation algorithm for virtual private network design. Previously, constant-factor approximation algorithms were known only for special cases of this problem.We give a simple constant-factor approximation algorithm for the single-sink buy-at-bulk network design problem. Our performance guarantee improves over what was previously known, and is an order of magnitude improvement over previous combinatorial approximation algorithms for the problem.
international conference on cluster computing | 2001
Tim Roughgarden
We consider a directed network in which every edge possesses a latency function that specifies the time needed to traverse the edge given its congestion. Selfish, noncooperative agents constitute the network traffic and wish to travel from a source vertex s to a destination t as quickly as possible. Since the route chosen by one network user affects the congestion experienced by others, we model the problem as a noncooperative game. Assuming that each agent controls only a negligible portion of the overall traffic, Nash equilibria in this noncooperative game correspond to s-t flows in which all flow paths have equal latency.A natural measure for the performance of a network used by selfish agents is the common latency experienced by users in a Nash equilibrium. Braesss Paradox is the counterintuitive but well-known fact that removing edges from a network can improve its performance. Braesss Paradox motivates the following network design problem: given a network, which edges should be removed to obtain the best flow at Nash equilibrium? Equivalently, given a network of edges that can be built, which subnetwork will exhibit the best performance when used selfishly?We give optimal inapproximability results and approximation algorithms for this network design problem. For example, we prove that there is no approximation algorithm for this problem with approximation ratio less than n/2, where n is the number of network vertices, unless P = NP. We further show that this hardness result is the best possible, by exhibiting an (n/2)-approximation algorithm. We also prove tight inapproximability results when additional structure, such as linearity, is imposed on the network latency functions.Moreover, we prove that an optimal approximation algorithm for these problems is the trivial algorithm: given a network of candidate edges, build the entire network. As a consequence, we show that Braesss Paradox--even in its worst-possible manifestations--is impossible to detect efficiently.En route to these results, we give a fundamental generalization of Braesss Paradox: the improvement in performance that can be effected by removing edges can be arbitrarily large in large networks. Even though Braesss Paradox has enjoyed 35 years as a textbook example, our result is the first to extend its severity beyond that in Braesss original four-node network.
Journal of the ACM | 2007
Anupam Gupta; Amit Kumar; Martin P´al; Tim Roughgarden
We consider a directed network in which every edge possesses a latency function specifying the time needed to traverse the edge given its congestion. Selfish, noncooperative agents constitute the network traffic and wish to travel from a source s to a sink t as quickly as possible. Since the route chosen by one network user affects the congestion (and hence the latency) experienced by others, we model the problem as a noncooperative game. Assuming each agent controls only a negligible portion of the overall traffic, Nash equilibria in this noncooperative game correspond to s-t flows in which all flow paths have equal latency. We give optimal inapproximability results and approximation algorithms for several network design problems of this type. For example, we prove that for networks with n nodes and continuous, nondecreasing latency functions, there is no approximation algorithm for this problem with approximation ratio less than n/2 (unless P = NP). We also prove this hardness result to be best possible by exhibiting an n/2-approximation algorithm. For networks in which the latency of each edge is a linear function of the congestion, we prove that there is no (4/3 - /spl epsi/)-approximation algorithm for the problem (for any /spl epsi/ > 0, unless P = NP); the existence of a 4/3-approximation algorithm follows easily from existing work, proving this hardness result sharp.